
The Ideal Pharmacy lend of such great sons and English Gramaphones, etc.
on Happy and Prosperous McCLYMONT RA we WILS 30 years ence.
Contra Crespo The Liberator of philantropist the humble duty of layOpen Talk ing a wreath on his monument at Negro Slaves. Hull, in token not only of what we SAMSON feel, and do now express, but more To Our Friends Co workers HONDURAS TRIBUTE TO so of that deeper gratitude which General Repairer of No. 29 Street East, Calidonia WILLIAM WILBERFORCE. we feel but are not able to express. Household Utensils By NEGRO SUBJECT OF We felicitate England, the Mother GREAT BRITAIN)
HULL CEREMONY Always on hand a fine selection of men who can boast of a truly great Paliatives to the attacks and DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES (From Yorkshire Post)
compatriot, and we trust that ever Also Aluminum Work and attempt to oust the Panama Cana!
An interesting ceremony took in your fair land may be found those Enamelling Neafly Done Colored West Indians employees, an And TOILET ARTICLES piace at Hull recently, when a whose hearts. like Wilberforce s, unholy and unwholesome undertaking wreath was placed by the Anti Sla burn with the true love of God to TERMS MODERATE which has covered a matter of years, very and Aborigines Protection So make brothers and sisters of the 21st St. Ave. have been attempted both by the atciety on the statue of Willi Wil whole human race.
tackers as well by certain self imherforce, which stands in the garden For and on behaif of the Group, posed dupes agents or representaNew Year to all our Patrns of Wilberforce House. Alen, Chairman; Staine, tives.
Alderman Crook, chairman of the Secretary.
The onslaught at the same time Corporation Museums Committee pre SLAVERY TO DAY sided and Mr Thos. Sheppard, Se Miss. Mae Panton is both too prolonged and deepseated, planned and proclaimed to THE IDEAL PHARMACY Alderman Crook said that when he Wm. de Sousa, Prop.
Director o Hall Museum read the DRESSMAKER AND MILLENER make believe that the side of the following address from Belize, Bri cume to Hull about 60 years ago one tish Honduras, Central America:of the things that most impressed offensive has proclaimed a status of truce. Any that might be deceived Fellow Citizens of the Empire him was the monument erected by 23rd Street Guachapali thereby are treading on deceptive Greetings We, a group of sons and the citizens to the memory of Wil.
House No. grounds, until to be unaware of daughters of Africa in the Colony of liam Wilberforce. While slavery had stronger forces of attack at a more British Honduras, do give thanks to been abolished in all the countries convenient season. Vz: it can be purAlmighty God for raising up such under the Briish flag, he regretted Happy Xmas Greetings posely purported to throw the unmen as Granviile Sharp, Thomas that it still existed in some of its to all my vily and only too easily fooled off Modern Tailor and Outfitter Fowel Buxtan, Thomas Clarkson, worst conditions in other countries.
and William Wilberforce to chamMr. Ferens, High Steward of Patrons and Friends their guard.
pion the cause of a down trodden Hull, said he was pleased, to be asA Wretched Poliey: No. 16 CALEDONIA Rotten Ex people, thereby bringing about the sociated in any way with a moveample.
abolition of the African Slave Trade ment to keep alive the memory of the in British Waters in 1807, and the creat man whose statue was before slavery was abolished years ago.
The policy is a wretched one. The Christmas is here, once more dear friends Mr. James Downs, ex President of example rotten.
Emancipation Acts of 1834 and 1838. them. Hull would ever honour his Hull Chamber Commerce and Let all unite in joyful strain On the anniversary of the birth name, and as long as history lasted In the first place, plan William Wilberforce Shipping paid his tribute to William showing this week, no one seriously of William Wilberforce we deem it the name of Tis just a year since last we saw fitting and proper to show, if even would be remembered in connection Wilberforce. The abolition of negro considering the question of ousting in a small way, how sensible we are with the imperishable work the li. slavery he said was his life work up West Indian employees from their This grand old Tide we love to greet he of the beneficient influence that the beration of negro slaves to which on which he embarked before jobs with the Panama Canal govof age. To the work of the great Emancipator has he devoted his life. Hull was special ernment, can fail to realize the was wrought on the Negro race. Isolated ly honoured by having his birthplace end of his life Wilberforce enormity of the economie value of a disappointed man, though we may be from the trend within the bounds of the city.
for although the said employees to the local the slaves Mr. Dent Priestman was invitowned of world affairs and social progress, by British activities in this country both from 999999999 we are nevertheless deeply interest ed as an esteemed citizen connected men and women were emancipated a commercial or financial viewpoint few the conditions approaching the worst as well as that of the industrial unWILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR ed in the great cause of uplift of with welfare work to saya backward and down trodden peoples, vords. He said he gladly responded. form of slavery were still in exist dertakings of the undertakings: and surely in this connection there want to tell you, he said, that if the Panama Canal and Panama Rail Alderman Crook was thanked for Road activities.
is no name more highly to be rever William Wilberforce were with you od than that of William Wilberforce. to day he would say: Ladies and presiding, and at the close of the The White Workers ete. No hot irons or special combs required Today, as we turn our thought rentlemen, finish the work began. ceremony those present made a tour to him and his life work, we recall with all respect, he continued to of the Wilberforce Museum under Of course they claim or might try the bitter struggle and unwearying hose who raised the monument to the guidance of Mr. Sheppard.
to excuse themselves that they do not SOLD IN DRUG STORES endeavours of Wilberforce to bring Wilberforce they made a great misrefer to the common laborer when to the knowledge of official England take in the wording of the inscripthey speak of ousting West Indian the grim truth of Slavery. We re tion. At the foot of the monument CHRISTMAS employees to make place for their call how callous and indifferent were it was stated that legal slavery offspring. This wever is simply a BIRTH DAY both the Upper and Lower Houses was abolished in 1834.
camouflage. whose meaning of an of Parliament toward the cause, and Things The Workman Would like to see It was this inscription which led AND onslaught on West Indians is too how, at times, it seemed that he was multitudes to believe that slavery Wedding Cards well interpreted by natives who have for ever to be baffled in his attempts did not exist today. That was an erput their direct construction on the The spirit of practical UN ACQUIRE USEFUL TRADES.
Yet the resolute determination of the ror, and it was high time that the FINE SELECTION said abuses which are mainly res ITY amongst West Indians. SCHOOL for HIGHER man conquered in the end, and we Press and the orporation rectified it.
AT THE ponsible for many of the abuses The West Indian worker and TECHNICAL EDUCATION the DOCTRINE for West Indian CHILDREN by known as history knows, what were only recently, at a public meeting WORKMAN PRINTERY heaped on the West Indian subjects converted to the happiest moments in the life of in the City Hall, quite near the monof King George of England by OF UNIONISM and COLLEC WEST INDIAN EFFORT.
William Wilberforce.
ument, speakers, including Lady Si No. 72 both Panamanian and Americans. TIVE BARGAINING CORPORATION to take So today we honour his memory mon, were proclaiming against the Carlos Mendoza Streeted and the example rotten.
Hence say that the policy is wretch Wages in the CANAL care of West Indian FINANby entrusting to kind friends and horrors of slavery yet there ZONE and PANAMA paid the CIAL INTERESTS.
worthy successors of the departed the inscription telling the world that CORNER JAVILLO Viewing The Services Of The Com worker without regard to his The Workman OWNED mon Laborer.
race, color, or citizenship a job by a company of WEST INLet us take the question of the for a man and not a man for a DIANS.
services of the common West Indian job. Every West Indian drinklaborer; say the dock laborer; leave West Indian PARENTS ing BALBOA and SILVER out the so called straw boss boast helping their CHILDREN to SPRAY.
who is really the boss who gets ON THE ISTHMUS things done together with the Negro checkers. let us put on the white sons to do the checking and straw bossing; let it be tried for a month say, before you do the ousting stunt, and try it with as good grace as it is suppossed whites At Prices to Suit You took to doing the colored man job during those famous Negro Percolator Coffee Sets. 50 45. 00 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS strike days of 1920.
AND Waffle Irons Sets.
13. 50 27. 50 Table Stoves.
We come now to the question of 50 14. 50 Three Pieces Waffle Set. 27. 50 the actual labor performed by West Refrigerators, Servel 70. 00 100, 00 Frigadaire.
Floor Lamps.
Indian Negroes for Uncle Sam in the 15. 75 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages. 30. 00 125. 00 Canal Lone and about certain porGas Stoves.
Bridge Lamps.
12. 95 tions of the Republic of Panama Table Lamps, Bridge Lamps. 98 15. 75.
where for reasons will not try to Summary of Contents: Bed Lamps, Floor Lamps Egg Boilers. 50 answer, no doubt Uncle Sam would History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Radio Sets Accessories 12. 50 Piece Set.
11. 50 willingly let natives do the latter if Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Violet Ray Outfits. 75 11. 50 Percolators Sets Pieces.
no more, but why dont they? Why 17. 00 45. 00 Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, does he. mean Uncle) why does Sewing Machine Motors.
22. 50 Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, Vacuum Cleaners. 20. 00 40. 00 he not let the natives do it and sunVibrator Massage out Fits. 15. 00 Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua ary work here about? One of PanaElectric Irons. 75 80 With Floor Polisher. 70. 00 ma legislators only a couple of Players Egg Boilers. 50 11. 50 Cake Mixers 22. 00 25. 00 days ago gave us the idea why it is Váluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and not done.
Curling Irons Wavers Combs. 255. 75 Hotpoint Automatic Toaster.
Interesting. 11. 50 So, lest Ye forget, if the Panama Ca nal and the Panama Railroad which Price 50cts.
LOTS is ever so much the former senior have justified their existence, if the Secure yours now there will be a great rush has lived throughout seven SEE OUR STOCK FIRST decades, more or less, and its finfor them, anciers have received satisfying reCopies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN turns for their original investments Panama (there being those among West Indian Nefroes who are not so darn daft or illiterate not to be able to work it out that such gains have PANAMA primarily and continuously been COLON achieved because it were West InAT YOUR SERVICE dian Negroes who kept the wheels of said undertakings agoing.
IT PAYS (Continued)
GREATEST GIFT DISPLAY XMAS PRESENT STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Toaster.


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