
PAGE SEVEN NOTICE We beg to advise that our LUCKY STRIKE PREMIUM DEPARTMENT will be discontinued effective December 31, 1928 We thank our customers for their co operation in having made this Department such a success.
Famous University New Air Giant in England At Cairo, Egyt The Isthmus Hardware GERMAN BAZAAR Happy and Prosperous New Year to all.
a whole Host.
Roland Hayes Installation Ceremony Charms Audience At Excelsior Lodge Service to New York With Mail and TO BE MODERNIZED 100 Passengers Aim of 100 Kolpeke Neurann WITH UNDIMINISHED representative gathering comBranch ARTISTRY New York Press despatch states prising of members and visiting One development in British avin AVR5th St THE ANCHOR North Ave. 26 Phone 204 brethren of the kindred Lodges of that El Azhar, the thousand year tion has peculiar interest for the NEW YORK. Roland Hayes sang the Loyal Oruer of Ancient Shepold University of Cairo, once the United States. It is the construction ind of To Tintolastron Bars to the largest concert audience Car hirds assembled at Excelsior Lodge fount of Islamic learning and in lat of the giant dirigible 100, near of all sizes Galv. Shruta for Pools articles for Boats.
negie Hall has held this season at NO 2444, to witness the installater days the hotbed of political in ing completion at Howdes in York.
the Negro tenor recital last night, tion ceremony which was ably pertrigue against the British authorit shire.
Teasonable Prices Good Service opening a fifth American tour that formed by Brother Jolly ties in Egypt, is to be modernized. Although a private enterprise, it will range from Canada to Florida of the Order on Friday night This, according to the Egyptian has government support and spon VISIT TO OUR STORES WILL CONVINGE YOU ond California. He returned from fur December 21 1923. The following press, was decided upon October 26 surship. The 100 will be a liner of ther European debuts in Holland, are the Officers installed for the enat a great meeting convened by the the air with cabins for 100 passeng Italy and Russia. world wide acGrand Sheik of the University, crs, lounges, recreation and smoking claim long since had left untouched sung term.
Mustapah El Maraghi, at which he rooms and all the other comforts of the slight, urbane figure, the defer.
Brother Bobington Simon Worthy submitted proposals of reform, regulations travel by sea.
éntial dignity, the absorption and Master, Bruice Sonhouse Deputy which were unanimously accepted. It has been sponsored by Comcoep spirituality of an art of song Miaster, Rowe, Gen. Secretary, The project, which is both general mander Burney, who had a disthat now again, as so often before, Sister Clarke Treasurer, Pinand specific, aims in the first place tinguished career as naval inventor No. 11 sth Street clutched at the throats of enthralled der Min. Secretary, Mason to transform the institution from a during and before the World War.
hearers and drew their tears. Davis Chaplin, Forde medieval Islamic religious school in. He has in process of organization PANAMA CITY PHONE In the poetic perfection of Milton K. Kinch Foster to a modern university, after Eur what will be called the Anglo AmerErglish, he sang among his early Clarke Strickland G, opeans models. In Lord Cromer day ican Atlantic Airship Company Italian airs and encores one of Han Craig C. William Sheikh Mohammed Abdu proposed which will seek a contract to carry del from Allegro, unfamiliar Phillips and Bouchier the same thing, but was talked out mails between England and the to many. There followed or it by the Ulemas. Second, the uni United States.
Sehubert group, sung as the com Brother Fletcher, Hughes versity will be placed under the conThe proposed schedule is to make user countrymen have heard their and Leslie Sealey assisted the Introl of the Ministry of Education, the journey from Southampton to Te Best Place To Buy Your Jieder rarely from their own artists, stalling Master throughout the cerelike other Government schools. New York in less than forty eight in limpid tone and crystal diction, by mony. Many good wishes were exHenceforth the Minister of Educa hours. If this can be achieved, a re FURNITURE a descendant of Afro American pressed by the members and visiting tion will co operate with the Ulevolution will be wrought in both mail slaves. The rare Nebensonnen had brethren for a peaceful term and mas in drawing up the curriculum and passenger carriage. Commander the note of wonder, Die Post the abundant success throughout the for the advanced courses and will Burney told me that he expects to breathless speed, Wohin the tran Year 1929 after which the members also direct all the examinations. The make his first trip not later than parency of its own brook. and friends repaired to the Banquet more specific changes may be sum the end of November. Isaac Mar It was, however, in the Dream hall and enjoyed the toothsome luxmarized as follows: cosson in the Saturday. Evening from Massenet French Manon, as uries prepared by Sister Forde Future students (the primary and Post.
encore to the German group, that Roand her assistants. Many brilliant secondary courses beginning in Octoland Hayes gave his most remark toasts were rendered by Brothers. ber, 1929, and the advanced courses able interpretation, the tone drawn Fletcher, Bridgeman, Williams, Rouse in 1930 shall receive a thorough DRESSMAKER and MILLINER to a whisper, the words to a caress. and many other visisting Brethren, grounding in modern science, as well Dr. JOHN THOMPSON of such stuff are dreams, indeed, and while Brothers Simon and Senas in religion, with a view of their Mechano. Therapist not operatie shoutings made. Brief house (Worthy and Deputy) respondbeng appointed lecturers in Islamic No. 38. ANCON AVE.
151 Central Ave.
English bits followed by Rachmani Jed and urged the undivided support institutions on the Koramis law, and noff, Story Smith, Avery Robinson of the members.
UPSTAIRS judges and preachers in Egypt asd Shadow, after Heine, and Gerald Panama City The Worthy Master begs to exother Islamic countries. Also they Tyler Ships That Pass, from atend a cordial invitation to the pubshall supply Professors of Arabic in lyric of Paul Laurence Dunbar.
lie to attend the Annual Watchthe Egyptian schools, who have hithA short program kept the house night Ceremony to take place on erto been recruited from the DareluRent Receipt Books in Spanish and stage crowded for the final ne Monday night 24th of December.
lum, or Teachers Training College and English for sale at the Workgro spirituals, in which Percival Entrants will be obliged to pass an man Printery.
Parham as accompanist, shared reexamination when between 12 and 15 calls. The songs chosen were those years of age, show proficiency in ele beginning You Better Mind, Eze BERNARD ANDERSON mentary subjects and know half the idea originated with King Fuad, and kiel Saw de Wheel, In a dat Mornse, it is concluded, on the initiative Koran by heart.
ing, and My God Is So high. It Gramaphone Repairer There will be a primary course of of the British Government. The gawas late before the singer. who addMODERN TAILOR. No. 93 Calidonia HOUSE 980 LA BOCA, four years, a secondary of five, and thering numbered 180, inėluding ali ed Bye and Bye and The CruciCANAL ZONE a higher of four with specialization the high Ulemas, the present Grand fixion, could refuse the demand for for two years in certain subjects, in Mufti, two former Muftis, a former more such eloquent and solemn voicEfficient Workmanship Guaranteed cluding the Arabic language and is vice president of El Azhar anda ing of the devotional aspirations of number of Government officials.
lamic religion.
hamble folk, while an applauding cos If you have a Prescription to In commenting upon the affair the Although the meeting at which the mopolitan throng of every complex be made up take it to the reforms were decided upon was cal native press calls it a most unusual ion and degree of connoiseurship National Pharmacy, Santa Ana of led by El Maraghi, who also propos proceeding, savoring too much slowly left the hall. New York Plaza, where you will get cour ed them, it is understood that the the reviving influence of Turkey.
teous and obliging service.
Mrs. Veney Robinson Happy New Year to ail Samuel Aird a Happy and Prosperous New Year To my Customers and Friends

    EnglandItalyWorld War

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