p. 1


nterviewed By Represent. Delegates From Jamaica Aage Poulsen, native of Denative of CW. Subjects to be Discussed mark, 37 years old, was at Docks Associatiou and Tat La Boca yesterday morning, The first West Indian Conference How The Sixteen Victims Met Their Doom seeking work. After he had been La Boca, opens at Barbados on the 23rd of. nied employment by the masters January 3, 1929. January, next. The delegates form Full details of the Trinidad were most wanted. When at last after that explosion the ten of end of Dock The dock watchmen, of two ships, he walked down to the Mr. Editor: Jamaica are Hons. Barton, oil disaster are given in the it was seen that the storage and them were lost to view.
Arising out of a state. Sangster, Nash, Data Guardian. The report is as settling tasks were full and there. There over a stretch of scarce grand plunge for the water, and drop one George Couse, saw him make a ment that appeared in one Wint. The delegates leave Jamaica follows of the local dailies about a on the 7th January travelling by Just about 30 o clock on means available to keep the oil calcined remains of their bodies exme up from his first dive he grab vas no chance with the human ly fifty feet of roadway the near a fender with a chain. As he week ago relative to an in way of Cristobal, etc.
terview had at the Hotel The following subjects have been came in on the Dome Fields in Production Superintendent was happened to the fitter Brown no it, until he was rescued by Couse and Saturday afternoon Well No. vrithin the limits of the field the were seen next morning. What bed hold of the chain and held fast to Tivoli with the Hon. Ed placed on the Agenda for the con strong beads, the roar of which sent off to Apex to get through one can tell. He was last seen Zone Policeman Geo. Mullins. Poulward Denison of the ference:could be heard some consider a telephone call to Leaseholds alive in the fire zone and no sen said he could not swim and could Congress on he 28th ulti(1. Foreign and Internatione able distance away. Control de asking that the oil be taken off trace Migration.
mo by a committe consisthim has been discover ing of the writer and vices were put on and shortly through their lines. Production ed. Whilst these eleven were be not clearly account for his succeeding (2. United trade representation afterwards the driller left for Superintendent Barton was senting consumed by the flames to set the chain when he came up, Harris from the Panama in Great Britain and Cana Port of Spain with no intention on this errand by Mr. Sammy there were others making their chain appeared to him the largest but he said that at the moment the Canal West Indian Employ da.
of returning that evening. He and on the way down he passed way out some unhurt and others ees Association, there has (3. West Indian Currency.
does not seem to have been the drillers with all the visitors fatally or seriously burnt.
thing he had ever seen.
been considerable specula(4. Customs uniformity Union away very long before the con in the vicinity by the well. The This man is a resident of this city, Barton the Production Super tion among the general and free trade.
Prol appliances gave way under driller and he exchanged hopes intendent was twenty rods was lodging at No. 14 St. pen.
body of silver alien employ(5. Cable and News Services ees about the matter. It is (6. Influence and control of Cihurried call was the face of the gas pressure. that everything would be all his way to send the telephone sion house. and used to be employsent through right and Barton went on to message when he heard a loud ed as bookkeeper of Maduro and not the policy of the mannematograph and compulso to the driller.
send his telephone message.
agement of the Association ry quota British films.
In the meantime Mr. Ralph detonation and suddenly saw all Fidanque. He said he was desirous to rush to the press for pub (7. Civil Aviation in West InOn this the driller despatched around him illumined brilliantly of getting out of the country. EviSammy came back from San licity in matters of this dies.
a rigman named Francis to fetch He ran on due south west to dently when he found he could not kind, but in order to effecP ernando with his family and the foreman of the Field, Wal safety then turned making a deset out by ship, he decided he would tively satisfy the question(8. Co operation between West friends bringing some torchester Stewart, who was working tour around the field. Some dis. Cet out anyhow; and this led to his Indian Agricultural Depart and tools for the emergency in the south western ings it has been decided to workmen. The driller corner. tance on he came up with a man suddenly changing his mind. He is release for publication our being held by the police at Balboa. Establishment Colonial Agri them there and the assistant Barton and Francis escaped des and the singed remains of a joined through being so sent out both with nothing on but his boots brief handed in to the Hon. cultural Service. copy of driller with his friend Laing turn truction.
Mr. Denison. Will you there a circular from the Secreted into the field whilst on the shirt. That man was Thomas a MOVE TO PROTECT fore have the kindness to ary of State on the subject way to pay an evening call on MIDNIGHT.
pumpman who was clearing the WORKERS publish the following: is enclosed.
acquaintances in the district. By this time it was midnight Suction for the Apex Company Yours truly. 10. Improvement housing and Partap Bunsee also arrived on Mr. Sammy with the drill when a sheet of flame smote If no private concern is willing to WHYTE living conditions.
the scene. The driler drove his ers and the others of their party him. He was not dead and is now President, undertake the building of suitable in hospital (11. West Indian University. car up to within a few feet of stood as near to the well as they houses to be rented to poor Panaman (12. Constitution MARVELLOUS ESCAPE of Conference the flowing well apparently to dared go with the suffocating workers at convenient rates, the THE PANAMA CANAL including name and Secre get the aid of the headlights on gases around them. They were Meanwhile Francis the rigman government is willing to spend 200.
December 28 1828.
tary the well mouth, Around this then a joyously expectant. who had gone to fetch Stew. 000. 00 to carry out this work. bil Brief for the Hon. Edward Deni. The Secretary of State has vehicle most of the visitors as anxious group of spectators. Sud art had heard the explosion and to the effect has been introduced and son, by Committee from the also been asked to add the following sembled little thinking that they denly there was a terrific ex. he too ran away in a southerly pussed its first reading in the NRPanama Canal West Indian Em subjects to the Agenda. had gathered there to die.
plosion, the well belched forth direction where he came up with tional Assembly, and it is reported ployees Association. Representation in Cuba of FLOWING OIL a tower of flame and the party a flying figure that like himself that the President of the Republic OLD AGE AND OTHER DISABILI. the West Indian Emigrants With the return of the driller of ten who had just gazed on it was seeking refuge from the is in thorough accord with its proTY PROTECTION FOR SILVER by the Secreary of Immigra and Mr. Sammy and party the in glad hope turned in panic waves of fire behind. The two visions.
EMPLOYEES fields became a scene of animastricken flight.
iled side by side neither daring The Panama Canal and the (2. Inter Colonial Penny Post tion, men hurrying to all parts They were in a death trap even so much as to look to see REOPENING OF Panama Railroad Company divide in the darkness making stout ef from which there was no pos who the other was. Some disPRIVATE SCHOOL their employees into two groups un. Inter Colonial Migration, un forts to dam the flowing oil besible means of escape. Stifling tance on they parted one outder the terms, Gold and Silver. The less that is meant to be in fore it got to the river just be gases and a rapidly forming ring stripping the other and when After a short Christmas holiday, gold group are mainly white Ameri cluded in the first item yond the Dome boundary and of fire stood between them and next morning survivors were recans, and the silver are mainly color above.
the driller and Mr. Sammy go their chances of life. The drill counting their experiences Fran the private sehools of this city will ed people from the West Indies. The The first West Indian Press Con ing from place to place urging ers jumped into the car with cis and Stewart were surprised be re opened next week when the latter number about 9, 000 of the vention will also be held in Barbados them to do their best. Mrs. Sam Miss Sammy behind in a forlorn to find that they two were the children are expected to turn out in Canal and Railroad force of about in January next. The representatives my by the well mouth also hope of driving out. Claude Soo ones who had fled side by side large numbers to begin the year 13, 000 from Jamaica are De Lisser pleaded with those workmen who deen ran past the car stumbled to safety during the night. Stew werk.
Having had a short rest, they will The gold employees have Re Esq. Editor of the Daily passed her there to put forward over a pipe line and died where art escape was marvellous. At (Continued on page Continued on Page 8) their best endeavours. It was he fell. Mrs. Assee with a hand the time of the explosion he was undoubtedly enter into their studies then well past 11 o clock. At kerchief to her nose to avoid crossing from No. Well to No. with nenewed enthusiasm.
one corner of the field a pump asphyxiation ran out with Diaz Well. The fire spread along SPARKLETS BOY SCOUTS was set going to throw back the and Mrs Sammy following the gas laden area from No. flowing liquid into the catch They got past the vehicle on the to No. Well and stood like a ACTIVITIES (By ment areas. Men were busy ply other side of the road to Sood wall on one side of him. Another Recent information from the boys If you had time between drinks mood to apprecinte smoth readinging their shovels setting up een and shared a similar fate wall of flame began rising along carthen barriers to the streams Mr Ralph Sammy with Messrs. the canals of flaming oil on the scruts Headquarters has or merry moments to have read the but was forced to stumble over this of oil. Others with electric torch Runsee and Harry Stewart on other side of him and running ceived to the effect that plans are Workman of the 29th of last month, column, last Saturday, don blame it you have gained a fai knowledge of all on the Yule tide week aberrationses were picking their way along either side were blasted by the through the only clear gap away being formulated for extensive scout the manner in which the mechanical of a columnist Llewelyn Dottin the river banks to discover flame just where they stood at to the southi he made good his work during the coming dry season the a (Continued on page 5) vix, holding of cub and scout test, staff celebrated the recent holidays. of a columnist Lewing Dotton athleties and series of international Unable to maintain our equilibrium, After having been royally entercamps.
we entrusted our copy for this clasie tained on Christmas Day by Martin SYMPHONY CONCERT GARVEY DAY AT NEW ICE CREAM FACThis is with the idea of combieg column into the hands of the saintly Rodney, his lovely sister, Doris, his ON JAN. 20TH CHAPTER 14 TORY NEARLY COMthe various troops for the purpose of Lewing Dotton, high powered adorable mother and hospitable faPLETEED getting the best equipped scouts for musical member of the staff. After ther, Brother Frank Reed and exthe coming jamboree.
The Panama Symphony Orchestra Tomorrow being Garvey Day, In accordance with an emerging from our nocturnal caccoon tended our dining table chat to the Concert on the morning of the 30th, in fair drawing room Party will hold their there will be special observance of ment made sometime ago in one of ZONE TO BE PRESENT ED IN CARNIVAL ly normal spirits, and started to as augmented by several eminent first quarterly concert on Sunday this at 30 in the Hall at Gua the dailies of this Republic in conat the Excelsior chapali when prominent speakers nection with the new ice cream fao.
scan the week issue of the paper lodies and gentlemen including Bro January 20th wa discovered that Lewing had ap ther Whyte of the clerisy, his Theatre when an extraordinary good and others will make many contributory to be established here, news Acting Governor Schley of tions to the Programme.
has been received recently that the the Panama Canal, as also Genr.
parently fell foul of the high spirit daughter Hazel, who now and then programme will be presented.
of the season; or, otherwise, had ex sings a few dulcet notes in mozzo Among the artistes listed are The publie is cordially invited. work of the installation of the ma. Malin Graig, Commandant of the perienced some little difficulty in soprano, and Clifford Sewell a dis Madam Olga King, Misses Alma The executive department has chinery (which has been received a Penama Canal Department, have few weeks ago) is nearing comple transmitted official replies to Pejakeeping intact an unruly force to be tinet specimen of the modern Jehu. Buchanan, and Lena Moulton, supported by Mr. Davis Tenor who made new resolutions nue 1929 Carnival Committee, indiable to produce the week issue. The party drifted into discussions of will offer vocal contributions, and in year. Many plans have been formed Señor Rodolfo Estripenut is resenting their decision to participata The column showed marks of abnor high order; some of transcendental addition elaborate orchestral for the carrying out of the work; Iponsible for this scheme which will in the coming Carnival. In addition mal handling our initials appeared inportance. We even touched upon items, there will be instrumental also a general extension of activities be a great improvement on the old to such cooperation, the acting Gåv.
bottom side up and the first para the King English, the recent solos, trios ete, by such prominent of the Chapter.
graph signs of disagreement between Presidental election, journalists and soloist as Misses Doris Rodney and one. The location of the plant is at ernor informed the Committee that, No. 29 Street.
in accordance with the practice of the proof reader marks and the journalism. Brother Reed went as Daisy Whyte, Messrs Virgilio Car and xylophone solos by Mr.
More will be said in relation to previous years, the Panama Canal linotype operator touch. Therefore, for as to declare that the writer of vajal, Martin Rodney, Benjamin Murray. There will also be a recita this matter as soon as further de will be represented by a float in the gentle reader, if you had been in (Continued from page 5)
Jayes David Clarke, Stanley Harper tion by Miss May Malcolm.
velopments are made.
age; and, been rebeing car announcewhere our number for the new tion.


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