
West Indian Methodist Singer Forces Way To Fame The. Isthmus Hardware to GERMAN BAZAAR Happy and Prosperous Spirituals, longer, and can get my permit ex was now able to help my people tended if can show that have ensubstantially, and to bring my two gagements beyond that date. You sisters and my brother to New York see, when settled in the US Kohpeke Neumann But all the time was prospering found it necessary to take out my Chat With Miss Alice Fraser, Goloratura Main Store and busy, the memory of the old papers as an American citizen; so Branch Ave. B15th St. Bast THE ANCHOR North Ave. 26 heme in British Guiana was tugging j1 require a permit to remain in this Soprano, of British Guiana Phone. 378 Phone. 204 at my heartstrings, and yearned to country, though continue to think All kind of Tools, Paints, Oils, Plumbing. Glass, Iron Bary ree my mother. At last, in 1926, the myself a West Indian, and like best (By ARTHUR PAGE in the Methodist Recorder, London)
opportunity came of making mu to be known as the West Indian soof all sizes. Galv. Sheets for Roofs Articles for Boats sical tour in the West Indies; and prano.
after twelve years separtion had Since Miss Fraser has been in YEAR or two ago read a bril. to judge for myself; and Mr. Sowton Reasonable Prices. Good Servico Lant novel by that witty French was certainly guilty of no exaggera the joy of being clasped to my mo England she has sung at concerts in ther bosom.
connection with seberal Wesleyan author, Clement Vautel, written with tion. Miss Alyce Fraser speaks perA VISIT TO OUR STORES WILL CONVINCE YOU Churches and has had a contract the design of showing up the devas feet English and her voice and manMISS FRASER tating inroads made on artistic Paner are full of that elusive quality return her with Messrs. Lyons to sing at the ria by the manis for negro art and we call charm. It was a really derative town was in the nature of a Maison Lyons in Oxford Street. But, of course, in a big city like musie. That is one side of the medal. lightful hak hour spent in her triumphai procession. British Guiana some time for a a proud of its splendid daughter London, it takes There is, of course, an obverse side. company, asking questions and lisWhilst we may deplore the influ tening to her story. could well unho in the face of terrible odds had stranger to become known, she said once of jazz, of savage Africanderstand the frame of mind of the won through to a great reputation rether plaintively.
dances, and of crude negro efforts critic who wrote in a West Indian in the United States. And Trinity hastened to assure her that it No. 11 8th Street in the pictorial art, none of us who paper after listening to her: She Wesleyan Church was proudest of she became known, there would be has heard Paul Robeson, in person has the voice of a thrush in the PANAMA CITY PHONE 234 »ll. The Church was not only crowd. so many requests for her services or through the medium of the gra hedgegerow on a May morning.
ed when Miss Fraser gave a recital that she would not be able to book mophone, sing such melodies as there, but the surrounding streets her return passage for many a long Steal away to Jesus or m goin OH, yes. am a Wesleyan Methowere packed with people unable to day.
to tell God all mah troubles, but dist, Miss Fraser told me. was get naer the doors.
must be deeply grateful to the Afri born at Georgetown, British Guiana New Year to all. might have been a princess WE went on to talk of the developcan race for these wonderful haunt where my father was a devoted local from the reception they gave me, ment of the self consciousness of ing songs of exile we call Negro preacher and Sunday School superMiss Fraser said, with almost a the African race in America and the Tre Best Place To Buy Yaur Spiritual.
intendent at Trinity Wesleyan break in her voice. They simply West Indies. Miss Fraser is intensely So when my friend, Mr. Stanley Church. As a girl was associated FURNITURE showered gifts on me. was pre proud of her race and a firm believSowton, told me of the presence in with the Church and School, and afsented with beautifully boundler in its future.
London of a charming West Indian ter my father death joined the 650. Bible and Hymn book and with a In all my work am actuated by Methodist who has specialised in the Church choir. At this time studied medallion with the arms of British a desire to show what the African rendering of Negro Spirituals, took the pianoforte and showed some bad, she replied, quoting the fam rason or other this work fell off, Guiana in diamonds. Next year race is capable of, she told me, and the first opportunity of making the musical talent.
iliar negro song. Only one thing and went back to housework.
returned, and this time had an ex to encourage the people of my colour nuaintance of Miss Alyce Fraser; What started you on your career saved me and kept me afloat. That But there is a strain of ambition tended tour in the West Indies. It to lift themselves out of the ruts, on Monday had the pleasure of as a singer? asked.
was the grace of God. can never in me, and in course of time got was a repetition of my experience In British Guiana, for instance, there nag her at the Mission House My father death left the family be thankful enough to Him for a on my feet again, and formed a new in British Guiana. There were crowd. is a great quantity of real talent ly. hearing something of her in very straintened circumstances: good Christian home and the train class. Meanwhile became aware ofed audiences everywhere and en ing latent for lack of oportunity. Eg life story. Mr. Sowton had and as was the eldest, felt ing received there. The young don the gift that God had entrusted to thusiastic receptions. was over dream of the time when my people told me that he had heard Miss Fra must do something to keep the home aways appreciate it at the time. But me in my voice, and as soon as my whelmed with kindness and hospitali shall have equal opportunities with ter sing, twice, and that on each oe together. had ambitions, but felt when we ve been through the mill circumstances would allow, began y, and the Governor of the Leeward the white people to develop the gifts cenion she had won all hearts by her that there was practically no outlet of life, then we begin to understand to study singing under Mr. Caska Islands entertained me at Govern which God has bestowed on them.
lovely voice and her personal charm. for my energies in British Guiana. its value. Well, was determined to Bonds, of New York, who trained me ment House and put his car at my The we spoke of Negro Spirit Unhappily have not had an oppor. So made up my mind to seek my make good for my people sake, but and brought me out. In my turn disposal. gave concerts in all the uals, and asked Miss Fraser if she tunity as yet of hearing this negro fortunes in New York, and at the it was uphill work. took on any job secured pupils for singing and be West Indian islands, ending up in knew Paul Robeson. She said she vocalist sing. though am prepared age of eighteen found myself in that offered. Why, tell you ve came the solo singer at St. Jame Jamaica this summer. From there knew him well, and that he is as to credict the statement of our min. the great city with just five dollars cleaned windows, done all kinds of Presbyterian Church, New York. My sailed to England, and have been surmised a man of high character ister at Bridgetown, Barbados, the in my pocket.
housework and been a nursemaid, class increased to fifty pupils, and here since last August.
and spiritual sincerity.
Rev. Stanley Watson, that Miss You must have had a terrible and m not ashamed of it. After a established my reputation in the asked Miss Fraser how long she You have to live the life to inPraser is one of the foremost ne struggle! observed.
time saved a little money and be United States as a singer. studied intends to stay here.
terpret these Negro Sipirtuals gro singers in America, and perhaps Miss, Fraser smiled in a wistful gan to take pupils for the piano languages so as to be able to sing am permitted by the Home oraright, she added. Unless the singin the world.
forte. got a class together and did in German, French, Italian and fiee to remain till March, she re er has the conviction and the life But of her personality was able Nobody knows what trouble vel pretty well for a time. Then for some Spanish, but specialised in Negro plied. But should like to stay (Continued on page 5)
Special New Year Offer REBUILT GAS STOVES As good as New and At the Lowest Prices in gope Fully Guaranteed the History of the Company Come in and buy one today. They will be all sold before Monday Time PAYMENTS of Course THE GAS ELECTRIC SHOWROOMS (FUERZA LUZ)


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