
PAGE THREE New Harlem Hospital for Negroes Planned Open the Way to FREEDOM The Prosperity Tailor Institution to Be Run by Negros for Benefit of Race Nearing Com plection Dr. Vincent the Moving Spirit CLEANER DYER Telephone 695 DYEING, GLEANING PRESSING hOF THE HIGHEST ORDER Open a savings account today and you will take your first step toward independence. No man is really free unless he is in a position to act unhampered by financial needs. savings account cuts the ropes that bind a man and permits him to walk freely and act freely when his opportunity arrives. Open your way to independence, to freedom, to happiness. start an account today with us at per annum. REID Proprietor The National City Bank of New York Panama Colón West Indian News Our Savings Department is open for deposits Tuesday ovonings from to o clook and from to o clock.
vue Hospital, where he served at p. on Wednesday night last After riding on Bus The Gleaner of the Zoth ulte, states NEURALGINA Should be in every office to immediately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work, NEURALGINA Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children.
NEURALGINA Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, hospital, to be run by Negros for the benefit of their race, the No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue realization of a Negrosurgeon dream, is nearing complection in PANAMA CITY Harlem on Seventh avenue, between 187th and 138th street.
Te Hospital is unique of its kind in this city, if not in the entire country. The announcement that it will be formally opened some time after the first of the year comes on the heels of the disclosure that Harlem Negroes have formed a committee to investigate charges of discrimination Work Done While You Wait recently brought against the offic.
ials of Presbyterian Hospital.
The building itself is complete. The date of the opening depends on the TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED success of a campaign for 15, 000, the amount necessary for equipment.
Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices This drive was begun last week by Chase Mellon, prominent lawyer, forLadies Garments carefully handled mer counsel for the City Club and an admirer ang old friend of the founder of the hospital, Dr. Conrad Vincent. It is a personal appeal to those interested in Negro welfare.
The Founder Vision The story of the institution begins with Dr. Vincent desire to PANAMA WESLBY BXECU.
provide a medical centre for the TIVE COMMITTEE ARRANGE care of the sick of his race and a SYLLABUS training ground for those of his people who want to enter his profession.
JAMAICA. Green Island To Have Dr. Vincent is a graduate of the very interesting meeting of Medical School of the University of the Executive Committee of the Beacons and Lights Pennsylvania. He is the only Negro Christian Endeavor Society was Demand For Fare ever interne in Belle in that Green Island Harbour hae as resident physician. In 1920 he de. when an unusually educational sylbeen recently improved by the ereccided to start out on his own. To labus was arranged for the quarter ANSWERED BY REVOLVERS tion of two new beacons and four day, at thirty five, he is on the staff January to March.
SHOT FROM PASSENGER leading lights.
of Harlem Hospital as consulting Many popular poets and musicians addition to The pillars for the erection of the surgeon, and has built up a larger will be dealt with in lights are being constructed by the private practice than any other No many other educationists. Matters of In a recent issue of the Jamiaca Public Works Department of Kingvital importance in relation to the Gleaner there appears the following ston and will be dismantled and gro physician in New York.
It was during his interneship that present day will also be discussed.
The use of revolvers is becoming sent to Green Island where the ereche saw the need for a proper place The Rev and Mrs Wade, daily occurence in the Corporate tion will be supervised by Mr. train Negro doctors and nurses Claude Guy, Grant, Mrs Messrs Harris, Dotton, area.
Harding who is at present in Port end to care for Negro sick. But he Yesterday morning around Chandler and Miss Me Millan Antonio making a survey and takdidn broadcast what was forming o clock there was quite a little scene ing soundings of the harbour there in his mind.
comprised the committee.
out at the three mile district along for the purpose of the new Chart. don believe in eriticism, he the Spanish Town Road, when a The erection of the lights for the says. It gets us nowhere. believeNEW ROTARY CLUB TO FUNC young man, without, it is said, the Kingston harbour will be under simply in working to provide those TION IN VERAGUAS slightest provocation whatever drew teken some time this year when new things experience has taught us we revolver from unedr his coat and soundings of the Channel will be need as a race.
The city of Santiago the capital fired at Abijah McFarlane, the bultnken, and a survey made for the Get Advice and Aid.
let hitting him on his left leg.
of Veraguas is making an effort to purpose of making a new chart.
This was Dr. Vincent idea when, establish its own Rotary Club, and it.
The unfortunate man assailant two years ago, he seraped together suecessful, it will be the third of its and a comrade, after the shooting COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION TO his savings, sold some property he kind on this Isthmus.
ran away through the Hunt Bay BE FORMED FOR EX SERVICE owned and bought the land and build Francisco Medina, one of the bushes, and up to yesterday after MEN ings at the entrance of the old king prominent citizens of Veraguas vis. noon had not been rounded up by Model House development on Se sited this city a few days ago for the police who are making vigiIn connection with the abovenamventh avenue. Modestly, he revealed the purpose of arranging matters lant search in the neighbourhood.
only a few of his plans. Among those with Chief Juan Guizado, Gov.
From what can be gathered, Me ed Association which is to be formhe asked for advice were Dr. Walter ernor of the 6th Rotary District, Farlane, who is a native of Moned in the Island of Jamaica for the Gray Crump of Broad Street Hospit and also securing the latter sup eague in the parish of St. Ann is a purpose of relieving the economie al and Dr George Hanlon, for many port for the establishing of said sideman on a passenger motor bus situation, the Secretary asks that years superintendent of Bellevue.
which plies for hire between ing eil who are interested in the seheme club, These men and others who knew which is to take over lands in Dr. Vincent ability and initiative, siastic reception from the Governor, inden with pasengers left Claremonted on a co operative basis, will hold The idea met with such an enthuston and the Garden Parish.
On Thursday night the vehicle, the Rio Grande Valley to be cultivatwere quick to come to his assistance that he promised to go to Santiago They helped him in designing the for the installation of the New Club. for Kingston. On reaching Linstead themselves in readiness to attend building and planning for equipment. The first step toward this effort two men called to the driver to stop the meeting to be held when the Now they praise him highly. has been made a few weeks ago at and he did so. The strangers stated date has been arranged.
Then, with his own money, Dr Vin that town when Senor Medina was that they were going to Kingston The movement at present seems to cent began to materialize his dream. appointed to take up the matter with anu would like to know what would be making greatheadway, as applicaFor more than a year the building the Governor, the former being one be the fee for each, and were told tions are being received in large proceeded slowly and Dr. Vincent, of the Chief supporters of this move truck and on reaching the four mileine and St. Mary.
27. They agreed and went on the numbers from Kingston, St. Catherbroke and discouraged sought the nucnt which will mean so much to district they asked the driver to stop help of Chase Mellen.
It is also requested that all exthe material and intellectual develop Through Mr. Mellen, officials of as they had reached their destina soldiers who have received applicament of Veraguas.
the Title Guarantee and Trust Comtion. The chauffeur immediately tion forms for membership and have pany were interested in the project.
brought the bus to a standstill and not returned them, to do sort the And, after a thorough investigation beds are needed to care for the aver the couple alighted. Not seeing them earliest possible opportunity, so that satisfied them as to the doctor age number of sick among Harlem make any stir with regard to pay matters can be fully dealt with and ability to organize and operate the 250, 000 people.
ment, McFarlane came off the vehi that it may be also known to what hospital, they made a building loan The building has five stories and cle and requested them to pay the extent the scheme is receiving supof 65, 000, on a first mortage. Mr. is fireproof, with light and air from fees. Both individuals became irate Mellen also was able to arrange windows on three sides. It is of dif and stated that they had no cash and with the contractors, builders and ty four bed capacity and, besides further that they were not inclinet The wounded man was hurried off architects to pay for their services wards and operating rooms, will to pay any fare.
to the hospital by Acting Corporal partly in cash and partly in notes. have doctor offices and a dental SHOT FOLLOWS THREAT.
Hutchinson, of the Smith Village The drive for funds is expected to suite. According to present plans McFarlane started to speak to Station, and the bullet was extracted bring in the total amount necessary the hospital staff of nurses and in them of their unbecoming conduct, by Dr. Baxter. at present.
ternes will be Negro, with a con and one of the strangers it is alleged Shortly after the occurrene Act200 More Beds Needed sulting staff of white doctors, told him to move off, or he woulding Corporal Lewis, of the Half way For the rest the hospital is ex among them Drs Crump and Han get it. McFarlane, however, did not Tree Police Station, and other conpected to take care of itself. Ion.
take the rogues seriously. While he stables proceeded to the scene but on Beekman, hospital consultant, who is Dr. Vincent, the son of a professor was conversing with them both men scouring the bushes the men were Assistant in the matter of equipment of Shaw University, was born in drew revolvers. One of the men then not seen.
has estimated the expenditures, at Raleight, He married the daugh moved a few yards and said shoot (Continued on page 5)
100 per cent, capacity, to amount to ter of Tulane of Montgomery, him to shoot him to Me 6, 500 a month, while the income, at Ala; one of the trustees of Takegee. Farlane started to move towards the Rent Receipt Books in Spanish 80 per cent, capacity, will reach Dr. and Mrs. Vincent have one ehila man, the weapon was discharged the 18, 786 month.
Ubert Conrad Vincent, Jr. They live the bullet striking him on the left and English for sale at the Workman Printery, Dr. Orump says at least 200 more at No. 281 West 188 street. log For salo both Wholesale and Rotall AT THE AMERICAN PHARMACY JVIER MORAN, Proprietor Panama.
FRANK WILLIAMS BUILDER DESIGNER 22 Street, Guaohapall, Houso No. 18 Furniture of Varied Quality and Up to date Designs PRICES DEFY COMPETITION port.


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