
PAGE POUR THE WORRWAN SATURDAY JANUARY 1918 La Boca Notes THE WORKMAN for the New Year MRS WALLER PAYS VISIT AT THE Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION ONE YEAR 40 Cy.
SIX MONTHS. 20 THREE 60 ONE MONTH. 50 Rates for Advertisement on application, correspondence on all matters of publie interest invited.
All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and must be accompanied by the name of the writer, not necessarily for publication but as a mark of good faith.
We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
LA MASCOTA Mrs. Helen Waller, wife of Secretary Waller of the Cristobal Silver Clubhouse, was Pacific sid vasitor for the past week end, calling here to extend to her numerous friends the compliments and good wishes of the Season. Mrs. Waller, who was a resident here when her husband was Secretary of the La Boca Clubhouse, was extremely popular with all members of the comwunity. It is understood that she is enjoying similar pleasant social in tercourse with the people on the Atlantic end. fine selection of The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS Black Blue Serges, Black Cheviots Vicunas, and Cream Flannels THE NEELYS ENTERTAIN. Also ENGLISH TWEEDS the very latest designs De Souza ana LA MASCOTA MULLER, Prop.
37 Central Avenue.
On Friday night last the popular and genial Neely, Secretary THE SPIRIT OF EVERY DAY of the La Boca Clubhouse, and Mrs Neely, were host and hostess at their residence to a few of their We have now returned to our daily rounds at the bemany friends who partook of a tooth ginning of another year. There is an evident lull and some meņu, interspersed by beautihush in the hum and bustle of the Christmas New fal strains of music from a Vitrola.
Year season. Everything is practically normal again, Amon those present include were and there is not to be heard now any expression of the Mr. Mrs William Jump, Mr. Mrs season greetings, except in stray cases of persons who King, Mrs Iola Edwards, Mrs had not had the opportunity of meeting during the Cumberland, and Messrs William season. Wth this outward change in the state of things De Souza and Sewell.
there is also going on a change of feeling, a drifting from the spirit of good will that had been taken on by NEW YEAR CELEBRATED most of us.
It would be excellent if this change in spirit did not take place. After all, insincere as most of it might The ushering in of the new year be, human society would be far better off if it lasted was fittingly celebrated here, the all the year round. But when we settle down to the principal formality being the usual business of life, facing its perplexities and stern realiWatch Night services at the difties, we become forgetful of the great and universal ferent religious centres, each of brotherhood; we jostle for advantages, cheat, malign, which was crowded to capacity. Beoppress, and do all the countless meannesses throughing in close proximity to the out the year, at which we would shiver even in thought whistles of the Panama Canal meat Christmas New Year time.
chanical shops, as well as those little reminder of this kind should not be confrom crafts at the water front, many sidered out of place. It might serve to keep some reof the young male inhabitants were minded that if their wish of Happy New Year is to inspired in their annual escapades, be realized, it will only be by each one living in the at certain points of which some of spirit in which the wish was made. If it was not a mere them were disposed to carry on outformality to utter the wish, then there should be some side of decent and respectable honest effort to help towards its realization. THE bounds.
WORKMAN would also wish prosperous New Year to all; and hopes that the spirit of the season will conTHE ATHENAEUM tinue to be the spirit of every day that with these blending the year will truly be a happy one.
After a reess during the Christmas and New Year holidays, the La Boca Some More Dead Stock Athenaeum will hold its first session AT THE for this year on Tuesday evening next the 8th inst. when it is believOn New Year Day there was a tom tom band made ed that, among other things, arrangements will be made for installaup of about six black men that paraded some parts of tion of officers for the present term this city and the little town of La Boca. This band and distribution of prizes to winners gave the usual kind of music produced by all primitive of the recent junior elocution conpeoples. It had a fife, two drmus, and two triangles. In test held at addition to this primitive music, there was also a prithe Clubhouse under the auspices of that society.
mitive actor. It was a person dressed like a woman, Was Not Born (we assume it was a man) standing inside a form shapI AM ON THE GARMENT LINE OF BUSINESS, ed like a horse (with ears and a tail) and covered with PLEASANT VISITORS COLLECT YOUR WORK To Die the same kind of material that was being worn by this AND RETURN IT SPEEDILY TO YOUR TIME actor, and dancing and capering to the music. It is OUR QUALIFICATION AND WORKMANSHIP Mrs. Lola Edwards, wife of Doehardly necessary to say that they collected a great ARE GUARANTEED TRY US By Dr. ADAMS tor Edwards, prominent phyfollowing in children that were not yet able to disI know some day my eyes shall close, sician of Colon, and her son Paul, criminate about music and dramatics.
CLEAN Press My hands across by breast repose, were among the many visitors from This is not the first time that such a band has been My weary heart shall cease to beat the Atlantic end during the ChristDARN seen in this community. They have been seen on other Palsied and cold my hands, and feet, mas holidays.
festive occasions, as the Panama Carnival. It has been THE STAR PRESSER DYERS But shall live! ll tell you why: They were house guests of Seobserved that the actors impersonate such things as 101 ANCON AVE PANAMA Because was not born to die! cretary Neely and Mrs Neely.
a horse, bull, dragon, an ass, monkey for the most part things that are either stupid, funny, or dangerous; Some day, Friends standing round and it has been wondered at why they have never attempted the beautiful, such as an angel, for instance. my bed, Jamaica Society To Shall sadly whisper, He is dead. This custom is not strange to the West Indies. It is supElect Officers posed to have been brought to the islands from Africa.
But only shall my BODY be But with the advance of civilization it has been conSilent and cold; but, as for ME, sidered revolting to public decency, and has been put The powers of death shall defy, Next Tuesday night the members HAVE YOUR SUITS Because was not born to die! of the Jamaica Provident and Benevdown in perhaps all of them. For certain it is known clent Society will elect officers for that in Jamaica it was disallowed by law, as long as about 20 years ago.
Cleaned and Dyedi ll lay me down to sleep, some day, the ensuing term. Fairplay, writSomeone might say that these people are poor, and that Paying the debt all mortals pay, ing in a local daily paper on the they can not afford to indulge in any form of enjoyment Then friends, perhaps, for me shall forthcoming election, says the soThe perhaps for that is more expensive. That is as far as charitableness. weep, ciety affairs are greatly in need Cleaner is concerned. But there are not many people in this When shall lay me down to of scrupulously honest, straightcommunity who take part in it, and it is objectionable 15 Street, Panama sleep. forward and intelligent officers.
to the great majority. It is not doing our group any But vain will be their tears, for This is due, apparently, to the fact good: it is rather making us unhappy. It will be reShall live! was not born to die! that the society represents the membered that on several occasions complaint has strongest colonial aggregation, and Colon 250 been made in the native press that the culture of their In hearts and lives leave behind there must necessarily be need for honest and efficient officers to country is being lowered by West Indian Negroes, who In Sacrifice for human kind, handle the volume of business and introduce and practice some uncivilized customs. This In service to my fellowmen, complaint is unfair, in that it is made to cover all of large finance.
In all of these ll live again, our people, whereas it is only applicable to a few as Yes, shall live! ll tell you why: these on last New Year Day; but it is nevertheless true. sons to give it up at once? This is another class of Who loves, and serves, can never METROPOLITAN LITERARY Although this proportion of representation is almost dead stock that we will have to throw away as loss. die! CLUB TO HOLD INSTALLATION.
negigible, prejudiced minds will always make much It is hoped that this article will reach the persons acFrom the STAR OF ZION COSTAR out of it. In some quarters it may even be used as a tively concerned, and that they will show some ordinAll members of the above named gauge of the standard of our mentality and the value ary ability to think by agreeing with this very reasonVAL Club are hereby reminded of the of our services. It is alsó harmful to our children, many able protest. It is all humbug to allow the interests of installation which is to take place of whom are not favored with residence in anything tens of thousands of people to be so seriously hurt by at the Elks Hall 25th Street, above the slum and hovel class.
an indiscretion on the part of just a handful of their BOWEN Calidonia on Wednesday 9th instant.
Taking into consideration the change in the West number. The custom has nothing to commend; it is TAILOR The Club has made rapid improveIndies about this custom, the injury it inflicting on distinetly uncivilized, and should be stopped at once; and our group here, and the fact that there are very few and may this last New Year Day display be the last No. M Street San Miguel members are needed. Pay us a visit taking part in it, is it too much to ask these few per to be seen of it in these parts.
Panama City and be convinced.
WE REPAIR MAKE Your Sultoote By TROIT Phones: Panama 453 Balboa 8029


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