
The Ideal Pharmacy McCLYMONT Contra Crespo PAON SA THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 1989, INTERESTINC JOTTINGS Installation of Offi Scouts. Grand Marshall and others, all of whom performed their part cers at Excelsior with unusual familiarity thereby leaving nothing to be desired; and so By ELIJAH HUNTER and frequents visits, their words of Lodge by harmonious cooperation of all, No. 20 Street East, Calidonia cheer, their gifts of such things as Gorgas Hospital, Dec. 28 1928.
they are permitted to give, their the ceremony was completed and so Dear Friends: boquettes of sweet smelling roses(Contributed) announced, when the brethren reThis week finds me still at the they have given to me out of all Quite a unique and interesting paired to the banqueting hall to Always on hand a fine selection of slovo address. So far as am able proportion to my actual necessities, function took place on the 29th ul partake of the delicacies provided in DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES to tell, am on the road to recovery. On Christmas Day, my visitors and timo at the above named Lodge Han honor of the occasion. Oh boy you And TOILET ARTICLES have been creatly relieved of phy presents were so numerous and plen it was installing into ofice those call dem eats by fancy name, sical pain. The last time spoke to ful that was quite able to exem officers on whom the lodge conferred but en assure you that they were you told you that the physicianplify the Christmas Spirit to other honour. What made the installation some eats; the boys of the lodge said unto Elijah, Lay down and sick persons who were less fortunate of officers unique? The fact that seemed to say what you loose in the Happy and Prosperous take thy rest. Well, did, and now than The only thing of which it was at La Boca Canal Zone, where bargaining you gain in the shuffling.
realize how necessary was that rest. was short was the pleasure of look the Volstead Act is enforced. The Personally the writer feels sorry that New Year to all our Patrns But after few days the physcian ng into the faces of the members of meeting began a little late, owing he resides so far from the hall or spoke unto me saying, Elijah, there my family.
perhaps to the fact that the boys he been there next morning bright to a science called Radio therapy. a For all these things desire to bore in mind the aet mentioned and early for the ratoons. The banTHE IDEAL PHARMACY Wm. de Sousa, Prop.
department of which exists in this my Thanks to all friends from above. With Taitt, retiring quet or rather the eating having institution. advise, decree and en Panama to Colon. These great things Noble Grand presiding, who opened been completed the next in order was 0000000000000 son Join you to visit that place and il re as greatly appreciated by me, the meeting, and conducted the busi the toast list. Bell the newly possible be cured of thine affliction. and it is my fervent desire that nes of the evening to the point on installed Noble Grand acted as toast And said yea. And was takene blessed with the opportunity in the agenda marked Installation of master; Greaves was deputed to this place; but the scientist de the days to come to do unto my fel Officers, where he requested of te toast. The King, this was a splenelared that my condition did not ows as they have done unto me. Forgarty Provincial Deputy did exhibition of loyalty brought out show necessity for this treatment. So Lastly, even in a hospital ward Grand Master Central America Diss the remarks made by the speaker he said, depart ye and present thy une finds some humour. Yesterday, triet to act and particularly at this time when welf to the Hydro Therapy section. patient was querried by one of the as Master of ceremonies. To this the King is sick; so tense was the Modern Tailor and Outfitter And approached thither the attendants as to why he must always gentleman it must have been a plea thought he heard a sobbing which moment that at one time he writer scientist looked upon me and said, be told to get into bed to allow his sure to render, such service judging seemed to be No. 16 CALEDONIA Elijah, come hither and sit you temperature to be taken like all from the ardour, solemnity and im speaker timely action in closing his stiffled by the down upon this chair, and after others. The patient does not manage pressiveness wich he displayed in de toast by asking his audience to rise swering all manner of questions the English very well, so he replied, livering the charges to the various and drink not as is customary to the Christmas is here, once more dear friends toe took me into another room and want to get way from dat temp. officers as were presented to him. health of the King, but in a special Taid me upon a bed; then he applied tation; ebery minute temptation, He was not singular in the qualities Let all unite in joyful strain Mis treatment saying, thus shall temptation one of dis day swallow already mentioned for his assistants manner to his speedy recovery. Next Tis just a year since last we saw thou be treated three times in every cat temptation, den you ask me why who were Holder came the toast to the great and weck until shall otherwise decree. don stay in bed; dat time ded Acting Deputy. Reid school Powerful Republic of the North, the This grand old Tide we love to greet And in the meantime my physician already don speak. Of course, teacher of high repute at La Boca Reid who paid a glowing tribute which was assigned to spoke unto me saying, Elijah find what our friend refers to as temp as Sec Bolt of Boy to the for the remarkable that your tonsils should be removed, tation is really the thermometer.
and so advise. And said unto My wish to all is for a properous Doris Reece and Mr Davis also progress they have made in all phases him, rive me pray thee, some time and happy 1929, and invite all silmade two very appropriate vocal con of human activity; he specially trito think. Then wrote to my wife ver employees of the Canal to join tributions, the latter singing Light buted their system of education and acquainting her of the things that the Silver Employees Association of the world to the tune of Largo gave almos a lecture on their hisWILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR are to be, and she wrote back say. which was founded and has been by Handel and was accompanied by Itory, next came the order by Cole, of the Loyal St.
ing Darling, let the tonsils be taken functioning effectively in their inter. the organist of the church Mr DotCharles Colon visitor, who out, or you have had your last kiss. est.
Then my little Albert desired me to short but interesting reThe Choir of the Church under gave a tell him if there was no difference the direction of Mr. Harris ac view of Odd fellowship from 1810 No hot irons or special corħbs required between a man and a boy.
Large Audience Át. quitted itself in a very creditables the present time. The remainder Bo friends, there you are. am up of the programme was distributed in tends Concert manner maintaining its reputation.
the following manner. The District The Anthem Come all ye faithful SOLD IN DRUG STORES apainat it. am either to lose the tonsils or the kiss, and you know with treble obligato and ideal com Officers by Bolt, response very well that prefer to let the AT PANAMA WESLEYAN position was well interpreted. Fogarty, Guests Holder tonsils to, and secure my kiss. am CHURCH Messrs Harris and Davis and Mes response Mr. Gragwell. Sister Lodg.
used to them by this time. have dames King and Reece made a very ex and visiting brethren Taitt.
been getting them long, and to be de The Panama Wesleyan Church ac good impression in the Quartette The Home Whyte, Last Ad Things The Workman Would like to see ministration Butcher. Present prived of them now will work a tre commodated an unusually large au How blest are they.
mendous hardship on me; therefore dience on Sunday last when a galaxy The Panama Symphony Orchestra Administration Williams, all of The spirit of practical UN ACQUIRE USEFUL TRADES my mind is made up and have so of artists, both from the Canal Zone made several Classical contributions whom lived up to their reputation and ITY amongst West Indians. SCHOOL for HIGHER with the singing God save the King stated. On Monday morning Decem and Panama rendered as fine a pro which were well received.
which was rendered in the scope and The West Indian worker and TECHNICAL EDUCATION ter 81, the tonsils were taken out. gram as was ever given by any local The program was brought to a the Star converted to spirit of prayer, and the DOCTRINE for West Indian CHILDREN by Before go Avail myself of the party.
close with an anthem by the choir.
opportunity to thank my friends and Mesdames Williams and French The Rev. Wade Pastor of Spangled Banner brought a most en JOF UNIONISM and COLLECWEST INDIAN EFFORT.
acquaintances from Colon to La Bo soloists of St. Luke Cathedral con the Church presided as Chairman for joyable evening to a close. CORPORATION to take ca for all the kindness extended both tributed to the program and was the evening and carried through in Those installed are: Wages in the CANAL care of West Indian FINAN to myself and my family since my very ably accompanied by Mr Barker his usual style. The Rev. Cou ADMINISTRATION ZONE and PANAMA paid the CIAL INTERESTS forced residence in this Hospital. (organist of the Union Church Bal sins of Colon was also present to en Bro. Taitt. worker without regard to his The Workman OWNED have been informed of the kind en bon Canal Zone. Mrs Olga King who joy this fine musical evening which bro. Bel. race, color, or citizenship a job by a company of WEST INquiries being made daily by my sang in her usual manner was accom will long be remembered by all who Bro. Denniston. for a man and not a man for a DIANS.
friends on the Altantic side, and of panied by Miss Doris Rodney who attended.
Bro. Whyte, Per Seety job, Every West Indian drinkthe expressions of my wish for a also recited The Three Kings, an An exhibition of a banquet of roses Bro. Holder, Treas. West Indian PARENTS ing. BALBOA and SILVER speedy recovery. Here in the hospital exceedingly appropriate recitation to from Mrs Wade added to Bro. Buteher. helping their CHILDREN to SPRAY.
my friends of La Boca and Panama the tableau designed by the Rev. the enjoyment of the evening which Bro. Wesley. Warden have surprised me by their many kind Wade for the occasion, Mrs was musically spent.
Bro. Parchment.
Bro. Evans.
Bro. De Portage.
Bro. Murray.
Bro. Dalby.
Pro. Greaves.
Trustees: Bro. Fogarty, Bro. Wesley, Bro. Greaves, AND Auditors: Bro. Reed, The Season is now on, so get your Bro. Wesley, Ero. Carter. Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Sick Visitors: Bro. Bell, bro, Dalby, Bro. Whyte, Summary of Contents: COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years The Elective Oficers and Bros.
Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Taitt, MeLaine, PoInteresting Report of the 1906 Tour, party, Williams and BurMagnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua If you have a Prescription to Players (M. CARDOZE Jr. be made up take it to the Valuable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and CATHEDRAL PLAZA National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Interesting Plaza, where you will get courTA teous and obliging service.
Price 50cts. FULL ASSORTMENT OF Secure yours now there will be a great rush Bats, Balls, Wickets, Gloves Leg Guards SAMSON for them, Etc. Etc. Etc.
Copies may be bad from the office of the WORKMAN General Repairer of Panama ALL BEING OFFERED AT SACRIFICE PRICES. Household Utensils Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere Gramaphones, etc.
Also Aluminum Work and BRANCH STORE DVERTISE Enamelling Neafly Don 125 Central Avenue TERMS MODERATE 21st St. Ave.
IT PAYS CRICKETERSI STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 CRICKET GOODS At the PANAMA HARDWARE va rows.
In the Workman


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