
IN THE REPUBLIC Always fresh Quality Unsurpassable Open Talk On doing the World a Good Turn To our Friends co workers The British Pharmacy COLON IS NOW LOCATED AT most important expression of this spirit must always be that we do with our might the job which lies to our hand in our own business.
The spirit of service, as we understand it, does not call upon us to undertake scattered ventures which may prove quixotic or futile. It calls upon us to give good value in every transaction of the thousands we do in an hour. It calls upon us to see that the quality of every article is high and honest, and that the prices are as low as energy, foresight, effort, and good will can make them. It calls upon us to give that courtesy which makes shopping pleasure for every customer.
It calls upon us equally to make this business prosper. bad business does the world no good. strong and prosperous business is a continual benefit to the community.
We believe that this House is taking the best way to do the world a good turn by giving Good Value and by building up one of the strongest Stores in the world.
a 11. 1154 11th STREET Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK Where our customers will receive the usual courtesies LOOK FOR THE SIGN BRITISH PHARMACY For air Service BETWEEN LONDON AND SOUTH AFRICA By CALLISTHENES By NEGRO SUBJECT OF Only very inexperienced people GREAT BRITAIN think it easy to do the world a good turn. It seems simple to those who never look below the surface of an (Continued From Last Issue)
action, who never follow it to its As for the Latter the operation consequences but not to those who of the Panama Canal, the loading know how intricate life is.
and unloading of the Panama Canal It was a Bishop who said, No shipping, the transiting of the Ca people do so much harm as those nai ships, the handling of Rail road who go about doing good. And Bageand Canal stock etc. and ask you hot, who was as little inclined to in all loving kindness white brother, levity or eynicism as Bishop CreighWhat then?
ton, said: The most melancholy of And need we go to the mechanical human reflections, perhaps, is that, work shops, the civil engineering de on the whole, it is a question whepartments, the Sanitary and health, ther the benevolence of mankind the agricultural and farming ge does most good or harm.
nerally friends? And have not Although we do not accept this touched the actual marine depart. somewhat devastating notion of ment of the Panama Canal and good intention, we like to use it to others.
reinforce our belief that the best Suppose were to ask you about way to do the world a service is to the gigantic road and dam scheme do our own job well.
Uncle has under way? mean the We have sometimes spoken about Alhajuela dam and cross the country the spirit of service which is a cenhigh way; Do you intend to do these tral principle with us in this House.
without the help of the so called We believe that this spirit, is an eschumbo laborer and clerical helper? seatial part of success and happiness Are you going to drive some of us in a great Store.
to agigtate in real earnest in favor But, as we see it, the first and of a wholesale and determined repatriation from the Isthmus? Re Commisaries, who do you find member the old saying that if you there as the most numerous buyers, always mash the worm one day he spending mostly their all here and might turn when you least expect the balance going in the following him to. Our local ones may or might directions back into Uncle Sam cofThe Commercial Value of the Wters while the undersirable alien is Negro Employees To The Country. rerpetuating his servitude thereby It would be very short sighted to namely: as tenants, the largest numspeak of the industrial value of the bers paying sick (relief. or hospitW. Employees of the or Cajal bills, burial ground charges, heavy nal Zone government to the said court penalties and too heavy in com government without discussing a bit parison to the wages paid. Then we the fact that we are not altogether might cross the boundary and follow oblivious to our potentialities as the activities of British West Infinancial consideration or commercialdians not only domiciled in or on Reentity as well.
publican territory but those coming Commercial Patronage etc.
in from the zone all the tithe keeping every phase of commercial and We think we can say it without even gambling activities alive becontradiction that British West Indirns, the most poorly paid of the cause we are in the country and so forth etcetera.
Canal Zone government employees are the biggest contributors to the Uncle Sam gives nothing for noCanal Zone commercial or industrial, thing to his Negro employees and as undertakings in the country, oue of our colonial slangs say, very Suppose we take the patronage little for a half bit and as our West of the Panama rail road train any Indian brethren have yet to be drivday will do, Who are known to been to that necessity where we will the largest passenger patronizers? have to have a tryout at observing do not need to answer this question lessons in thrift, the sooner the betno more than the others Visit the ter. To be continued.
Mrs. Veney Robinson DRESSMAKER and MILLINER 151 Central Ave.
Happy New Vear to all Direct West India cable de BERNARD ANDERSON spatch from London, dated Dec. 13 states that questioned in the House Gramaphone Repairer of Commons regarding the establishHOUSE 980 LA BOCA, ment of an air service between LonCANAL ZONE don and South Africa, Sir Philip Sassoon, the Under Secretary for Air Efficient Workmanship Cuaranteed said a number of flights had taken place between London and South Africa and intermediate points. Valuable information had been obtained Small as the result, but actual details of the route selected would depend on DENTIST whether land planes or sea planes MASONIC TEMPLE were used on certain parts of the Office Hours: 8, am to 12 journey. That could only be deter. 30 to 30 pm) mined when concrete proofs wede Sundays, by Special Appointment formulated.
Masonic Temple ilth St, The Air Ministry expected such Box 787. CRISTOBAL proposals to be made in the near PHONE: OFFICE 1664 future, and if these were considered practicable, immediate steps would RASITENGE 588 be taken in co operation with the Government of South Africa, who were aware of our intention, ard desire to develop air communication If you have a Presoription to of that nature.
be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plam, wbere you will get cour Advertise in the Workman.
teous and obliging service. it will bring good results.
Samuel Aird MODERN TAILOR. No. 93 Calidonia a Happy and Prosperous New Year To my Customers and Friends


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