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Jottings Cricket Season Starts Tomorrow FROM HERE AND THPRF According to an announcement nude during the course of the week by the Secretary of the Cricket Council, the 1929 cricket season will commence tomorrow between Kent and Sussex at Gatun, and Wanderers and Pickwick at Mount Hope Oval.
The Atlantie side lawns are in splendid shape and it is expected that some interesting matches will be played between the different clubs all of which are said to be in food trim Important Notice THE WORKMAN PRINTERY West Indian Colonies block PREPARING FOR INTERCOLONIAL CRICKET CONTEST Port of Spain, December 12. practice match for the Inter Colonial tournament played at Queens Park Oval on Saturday and Sunday, between the North and South resulted in a win for the North. One innings only was played. Socres were: North 133, South 73, For the North St. Hill scored 31, Fra ser 38, Betancourt 28. For the South Constantine made 22, Rogers 27, Small Bowling for North Yeates took wickets for 21 runa. St. Hill for 31. Fraser for For the South Small took o for 80, Constantine for 49.
St. HM for 21.
Is Now Located in more an IN BRITISH GUIANA Georgetwon, December 12. The third trial match preparing for the Inter Colonial Cricket Tournament in Trinidad, begun at Bourdia on Saturday. Possibles led by Phillips fell for 45 in the first in nings. Hunte took wickets for 14. The Probables with Green as Captain amassed 60 runs for wickets at the drawing of stumps; Jones 28, Shankland took four wickets for 16.
spacious quarters at No. 72 Carlos Mendoza Street GARVEY DAY AT DIVISION 17 o)
Garvey Day will be observed tomorrow at the above named Chapter beginning at 30 when in addition to other special items, some of the leading artists of this city will eontributed to the programme.
JOSIAH SIMMONS DISCHARGED FROM SANTO TOMAS HOSPITAL There is not any one vice indicent to the mind of man against which the world has raised such a loud and universal outery as against ingratitude.
Any man can learn to do anything that any other man has done if he will apply himself to the doing of it.
Make your chart before you start.
know what you re after before you start out for it.
The trouble with the fellow who demands a tooth for tooth is that he wants yours to have gold in it.
Those of us who do not live on Easy Street reside only one away on Easy Payment Street.
SOME people suffer FROM eye strain caused BY looking down on PEOPLE above them.
Literature is the diet of the comnon mind, but genius feeds on the unwritten things You may travel a good ways on whisky, and travel fast while you are gonig, but you can get back when you want to.
When you have learned to listen you have already acquired the rudiments of a good education.
Faith won enable a man to lift a ton all at once, but it will, ten pounds at a time.
Genius invents, talent applies. never have seen an idea too big for a sentence, but have read thousands of sentences too big for idea.
Vanity and jealousy are the two weakest passions in the human heart but they are the most common.
We find to plenty of people who don average well; they wnok too much for one man, and not quite enough for two.
Every player in the game of life holds a winning hand at some stage.
Success consists not so much in sitting up at night, as in being awake during the day time.
It is indeed a desirable thing to be well descended, but the glory belongs to our ancestors. Plutarch.
Enthusiasm is to a man what pow.
der is to a bullet.
Activities Of Miss. CADOGAN THE PANAMA CANAL WEST INDIAN EMPLOYEES Modern Dressmaker West Indians ASSOCIATION Conference 22nd Street. House No. 68 The officers desire to call the at.
Chorrillo tention of the silver employees conContinued from page cerned to the fact that everyone Gleaner, the leading West Indian should step up and do his duty to happy and prosperous peper, who is chairman of the Conthe cause and to himself, without anference, and the Hon. Wint, other month delay; that they need Xmas to all my Patrons Editor of the Jamaica Critic. The MEN, MINDS, and MONEY right delegates leave Jamaica on the 7th now, that in addition to the payment January, travelling on the same boat of the annual due, or application fee with the delegates to the Conof 00, there are now ference.
DEATHS for which the 25 Death The programme will include the Levy is to be collected.
following (1) Government Taxation (Leopold Allen, No. 1178, of Gatun of Newspapers. 2) Union Laws and Skinner. No. 1146, of La Boca Miss. Mae Panton Governing publication of newspapers Panama. 3) Bulk postage rates. 4) ExtenLa Boca Panama District will hold DRESSMAKER AND MILLINER sion of Domestie Rates on single regular monthly meeting in the Guanewspapers to all the West Indies; chapali Baptist School room, this (5)The recruiting and apprenticeship city, on Friday night, 11th instant. 23rd Street Guachapali of newspapers staffs. 6) The quesCristobal Colon District will hold House No.
tion of Inter Colonial and English meeting in the Silver City Lodge Press Telegraphic news and (7) The Hall on Monday night, 7th instant.
place of the next Convention.
Happy Xmas Greetings PROMINENT STENOto all my GRAPHER SECURES Patrons and Friends CHRISTMAS NEW POSITION BIRTH DAY We have learnt that Mr. T.
Williams one of our expert steneAND grapher has secured. more lucrative position with the firm of Payne Wedding Cards and Wardlaw Company offices located at the Port Captain buildings Belle Belbon Canal Zone.
AT THE He last worked with the Engineers TAILOR WORKMAN PRINTERY at Albook field development scheme 19 Street and Ave.
but found it necessary to make a No. 72 change: we wish him every success. Happy XMAS AAGE POULSEN ATTEMPTED Carlos Mendoza Street SUICIDE THEN SUDDENLY and a prosperous CHANGED HIS MIND NEW YEAR CORNER JAVILLO GARVEY DAY TO BE OBSERV.
ED TOMORROW AT CHAPTER To All My Patrons (0. 11 LA Dr. FredSterling BOY SCOUTS ACTIVITIES THE NEW YORK DENTST If you have a Prescription to be If you have a Prescription to be 182, BOLIVAR STREET made up take it to the National made up take it to the National COLON, Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get courteous and obligins Box 171, Cristobal, you will get courteous and obliging Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where servi service.
TELEPHONE247. COLON MAKE UHS JEWELED CHRISTMAS The many friends of Josiah Simmons. an employee of the Electric Tramway Co. of this city) will be glad to learn that he has been discharged from that institution and is now at home recuperating. He is better known as (Vannie) old time motorman and expects to be back on his job in a few days time, No shop in all the town can match the attraction of the Jewelry Store and at this sparkling season these treasure houses take on an added interest a captivating charm that reflects the Spirit of Christmas.
Here are gifts of breath taking beauty just the thing for each member of the family and for those question marked names on your shopping list; and how pleasant it is to reflect that each of these jeweled treasures is a present with a future destined to become increasingly beloved with each passing year. visit to our Jewelry Store is a pleasure and an inspiration.
FULLER AN 122 Central venue TWO It rumour is correct, there have been statements overheard that the Panamanian Government is about to undertake to build houses somewhere about the city, and same will be rented at reasonable rates and probably be sold on terms to any who may care to buy.
This statement is not authentie, but, the mere utterance of it makes the ears tingle with joy.
Book Binding! splendid opportunity awaits many of the unemployed of this city who might have been wishing for something to turn up by way of em.
ployment so as to relieve the economic situation which is rather des pressing in certain quarters.
Work has been started at the Miraflores locks during this week, and it is understood that the amount of 500. 000 have been appropriated by the Panama Canal for the purpose.
Opportunities come to those who walt, and this is really good news.
Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting books, when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN Nó, 71 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL ADVERTISE Dr. JOHN THOMPSON Mochano. Therapis No. 36. ANCON AVE, UPSTAIRS Panama Olty in the WORKMAN IT PAYS


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