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Young American Negro MISCHIEVOUS PRANKS WEST INDIAN IS FIRST Jamaica Delegates To OF YOUTHS VICTIM Lawyer Denied Admission West Indian Conference Put Parents Out Of Pocket in Overhauling Of Pacitic Locks At Miratiores keturned to the States After Ten Days Couple Hundred Dollars Arriveſ at Colon Wednesday and Detention at Immigration Station Sail on Thursday che WARS time movements.
were Pranks peculiar to youths at such The overhauling of Pacife times as Christmas and New Year Locks, which began on the 2nd inWith high hopes of taking up re DOES NOT FAVOR COLONIAL gut five American boys in jail for slant, claimed its first victim in the The SIXAOLA of the United Locks and more around the city on silence and pursuing his dignified SOCIETIES.
Cristobal at Thursday; and they have expressed about six hours during the recent death of GEORGE DAVIS, black Fruit Co. docked at about 5:30 rofession in a country whose inter.
holidays and promise to cost their Jamaican, in Gorgas Hospitai on the the 9th instant, themselves as highly pleased with national relationship with his has Davis landing the following gentlemen, what they have seen. They believe Mr. Joseph said he did not look parents a sum of money in the viei Jaternoon of the 10th.
apparently afforded him such facili with much favor on the division of nity of two hundred dollars. The working at Miraflores Locks. It was Jamaica delegates to the West In some marvellous change must have t, the young American Negro law West Indians here into insular boys, it is alleged, buoyed up with lunch and he took shelter aan Conference and the West Income over the Isthmus since the boyer, Adolph Joseph, was denied adgroups termed colonial societies, the New Year Eve spirit, entered from the burning sun under a sheet dan Press Conference to be held inginning of the Canal construction Barbados during this month: mission into the Republic of Pan and indicated that if he were allow the Cristobal High School building, or steel that was resting on props by the Americana. Their regret at tona and had to return to the United ea to remain he would probably olieved several text books of some about three feet high, and proceeded West Indian Conference their short stay has been made keenStates after being detained for tenke an effort to discourage such their pages, and, among other to eat his lunch. switch engine iion. Barton, Collector or by what they have seen.
days by Panama Canal immigration things, disconnected the clapper of came by with a flat car loaded with General.
As usual on the alert the officers officinle.
the school bell and deposited it into bulkheads. Some of these were over.
PRAISES ASSOCIATION the nearby waters of the mighty hanging the car, and in that way Nash, for the Panama Canal West Indian Employees Association Manchester made ar Mr. Joseph, his wife Geneva and have read with much interest non Egbert, arrived on the Isthmus about the Panama Canal West In while committing these acts, but one preps. As a result the props toppled Atlantic. They undiscovered struck the piece of steel on the Sangster. for rangements for the holding of a pubfrom New York on December 28, ondan lie meeting in La Boca on the night Employees St. Elisabeth Association, the steamship Mongolia. To their the young lawyer said, and would accidentally dropped his commissary and the valve weighing 23, 500 Wint, for of the 10th, pending the arrival of St. Ann.
the delegates to invite them; and surprise, instead of landing unmo huve liked to get an opportunity to book in the premises and this little peunds fell across the unfortunate West Indian Press Conference the gentlemen assured that they lested after submitting first class congratulate the leaders of the move clue helped in rounding up the quin mun body, pinning it and crushing credentials, they were detained by ment. am thoroughly acquainted. They were released from jail on it considerably. The valve was how Mr. G, Delisser, Edi would all have been glad to be there, the Canal immigration authorities with the history and geography of promise of their parents to pay for crane and Davis rushed to the hosever immediately removed if time would permit. The possibiliby tor of The Gleaner and referred to the Panamanian Sec. Panama and the Panama Canal, of Mr Parker, Editor of Theties of the Conference to West Inyetary of Foreign Affairs who in course, and therefore not in any way the damages which were estimated pital; but he died within two hours Jamaica Mail.
dians here are so interesting, that a crowded house was of the and accident.
sure to have turn refused them admission into ignorant of the man part played at two hundred dollars.
Nr Sangster was accompanied by Panama. The young lawyer declared in the building of this the most im his wife. Mr. Wint. Editor of greeted the delegates. It has been learned that the Association has that neither the Canal Zone nor the portant outpost of the United States The Jamaica Critie, will also at forwarded a letter to the Conference Panamanian officials informed him of America by the Negroes of thu SPARKLETS tend the Press Conference.
dealing with the first item on the specifically of any reason why he West Indies. However, he concluded The party were received by a com agenda Immigration, and has far was denied entry into the Republic. shall write back to some people (By mittee and conducted to the Gran nished each delegate with a copy.
Mr. Joseph was born in the island here after returning to New York Recently, gentle reader, we have, anananians to the fact that oft Hotel Imperial, where they registerThere was a medley of discussions of Antigua, British West Indies, and and if there is anything possible been inclined to be an ultra flippant. springs of West Indians born in the ed The reception party consisted with the delegates, touching condiis a naturalized American. His wife that can do to help this or any Grinding out an occasional apologet Republic of Panama (Canal Zone is of Messrs. Cambridge, Hectortions in Jamaick in commerce, oduand son are native Americans. He other Negro movement with such ically serious column over a period cluded, of course) are real, genuine, Connor, Lawson, Mollison Si cation, politics, the possiblilites al had intended to set up practice in splendid sims shall be too glad to years during rest periods is not honest to goodness Panamanians, and meon, Scott and Dr. Rowe. the Jamaica Producers Association, Panama do so.
kid nor tyro job; hence, you may that their boys of today who will be They were joined at the hotel by of The Jamaica Mail, and subjects The young lawyer is a graduate of THOUSANDS OF LAWYERS IN confidently expect, during the cur men of tomorrow will be eligible to Messrs Whyte and Young to be dealt with at the Conference.
the University of Chicago, Illinois, NEW YORK rent calendar year, to be served at run for the position of chief execu from the Pacific side, and several Everyone was pleasant and ready to and of the University of Applied Mr. Joseph said that there are irregular intervals with stuff re tive of the Republic of Panama. In others from Colon.
give his views. It was delightful to Science, also of that place. He car thousands of law graduates in New hashed, some unusually flippant and this case it is also well to state that When the party found on arrival have listened to Mr. Nash on The ries diplomas from both universities York States alone, with hundreds others which were lifted bodily and it is also pertinent to call to the that their stay would be cut short West Indian University. for inand other splendid papers of his more graduating each year. reproduced. We are conscious of the atttention of all concerned that aby two days, that their ship would stance. It was agreed that the great.
qualifications. The family were giv. He believes that there is a great fact that Brother Frank Reed of La belle of Trinidad, Barbados or Jamai be seiling on the afternoon of the est good to come out of the Conferen passage back to New York on future for Panama and that the Ne Boca, young and highfaluting mem can parentage as an example, born in 10th instead of the 12th, they were en ce is federation of the West Inthe luxurious Panama Pacific liner gro should not fail to start in right ber of the local pedagogy, who. Panare, and for that a native born considerably disappointed. Included dies, and when someone asked wbere Virginia which smiled from Bal now to swim with the tide so as to cuses me of plagarism in connec. West Indian girl of recognized good in their hurried entertaining was they would make the capital, Mr.
bon and transited the Canal on get in on the ground floor. tien with this column, will be inter liveage and sustained excellent besight seeing around the city and to Wint said, Grenada, for that Tuesday morning last. When heard Believing that there some ested to know that we have persisted haviour may start right now to as Coco Solo that night, and to Gatun would put end to all jealousy.
from Inst before they left, Mr Jo misunderstanding somewhere that to lean on the Pathfinder for help pire to the exclusive position of suph had not been enjoying the best caused him to be disallowed entry to fill the column. He may even be first lady of Panama. This is reof health, so much so that he feared he intends to take up the matter on editor for continually palming off furnish good material for that verthat his condition would not allow arrival in New York after which it on him second hand stuff. But he bose scribbler, friend Pilgrim Wild RED TANK him to make the return journey for! is not unlikely that he will again will be more intersted after reading kings of Colon. We are only mildly some time, return to the Republic of Panama.
the following from Gimericks and concerned about the reminder; what INVITED TO DISTRICT MEETING OF Wisecracks of the very same really strikes us about the thing is CANAL GOVERNOR RE DECEMBER LIQUOR Washington weekly classie. It will the decided deep constructive thinkTURNS.
TAXES SHOW BIG tease up his mathematical wits and ing the Panamans are doing!
no doubt cause him to utter in cordial invitation is hereby ex peld Allen and Skinner. This is INCREASE monotones, What in the heck is Governor Harry Burgess of the WORLD GREATEST FIGHT tended to West Indian residents of an important matter and every conthis, anyhow. Panama Canal returned from PROMOTER SUCCUMBS TO AP. Red Tank and Paraiso to attend the sideration should be shown.
Well over thirty one thousand dol man having 50 in a bank Washington via New Orleans on SaThe District is formulating plans PENDICITIS meeting regular monthly business for its rapid development and every turday last. It was the Governor lars in liquor taxes were collected withdraws it as follows: of the Red Tank District of The member is requested to help in the 20 leaving 30 annual visit to appear before the by the Panama Liquor Revenue Bu15 leaving George Rickard, better known Panama Canal West Indian Employ work of increasing its numerical Appropriations Committee for the reau for the month of December leaving 1928 in excess of that collected for as Tex Rickard, world greatest ees Association on Monday night strength to an appreciable standard.
purpose of presenting the leaving ara richest fight promoter, died in the 14th instant.
estimates for the Panama Canal. Ac November of the same year DecemThe Asociation is still working a New York Hospital on Sunday eording to figures received here ber collections yielded 170, 625. 00, Meeting will be held in the Red with strong determination on behalf from Washington, the Canal appro of this amount, brewry taxes inPanmorning last, following complications Tank Clubhouse and is scheduled to or West Indian workers, and once Now where does the extra dollar which resulted from an operation we are strongly organized, it priations for the coming fiscal year, ama amounted to 14. 735. 00 and in begin at 7:30 o clock sharp.
enme from for appendicitis. Rickard made the beginning July 1st amounted to about Colon 5, 855. 00.
Every member should try and much easier for the Associstion to We devoted five valuable minutes fight business one of the biggest make it possible to attend, as the function with greater contidener.
a million dollars more than that for to this mental exercise but unable nancial sport concerns in the world, District will hold nomination and the current year. The Alhajuela Dam This is the beginning of a New at present under construction for MADAM ALYCE FRASER to account for the surplus If you taking in over one million dollars election of officers for the ensuing Year, so let every West Indian workare able to figure it out straightgate receipts on several occasions.
the purpose of storing additional er make a solemn resolution to ruy.
Frank, or you, gentle reader, pass It is said that he was worth several term.
waters for the Canal is responsible port the Association, for it is nly Besides election of officers, there gratitude to help such an segar zefor the biggest single amount in the Music lovers will be interested to along the result and help mankind to millions of dollars, leaving over one million in cash in the banks. is considerable other business of increase.
learn that Madame Alyce Fraser, be more intelligent.
tion because it is doing everything noted West Indian vocalist, has for tremendous importance to the welto help our people provide a future Judge Before being sentenced, the past two months been singing During the course of the week an Fisk never knew such a fellow fare of West Indians on the Isttmus for ourselves.
have you anything to say? under contract at the Lyon Oxford intelligent Panamanian friend in as Peasley. He is always looking to be considered.
Barber Yes, your honor. d like Corner House, London, England one formed us that an article appeared for trouble.
Members are reminded to contri.
to shave the prosecuting attorney of the leading theatrical halls in recently in a local Spanish paper Risk Then why doesn he getbute to the Death Levy for the de Alt rongis lead. France just once.
the Old Country calling the attention of native born married.
pendents of our late Brothers Leo race track tomorrow WAS into Panama, Mr. Joseph said that emboldened by this to protest to the er lightenment, of course and should WEST INDIANS AT PARAISO AND 16 Annual 50 51


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