
MO DHE WORSUADA EN FARMER COLUMN Distrust and Jealousy Still Prevail Among the Nations HAVE LEARNED NOTHING FORM EXPERIENGES OF TEN YEARS AGO Says British Field Marshal Speaking at Peace Conference at League of Nations It simple enough don.
ACTOGEN PANDEY Yor better tabing OCTOCEN more NESTLE were were Poultry and Canaries ete.
Lice are often troublesome and these vermins prevents the birds from thriving, canaries suffer miserable at times, with them. Houses to understand that if you are, frequently, very much infested Canne nurse your baby you and must be desinfected with some should give him a food resem.
antiparasital agent, one of the most bling our own milk as closely effected mark to the safety for the possible.
home is Goliah Dusting at nights or decoction. of tobacco leaves ribs or Distrust and jealousy still pre either to the League of Nations or LACTOGEN contains the natural stave acre seeds. For it is nits or vail, and the nations seem to have to the Kellogk Pact, or she would constituents of mother mille in the right eggs that are so hard to destroy.
learned little or nothing from their net be so anxious about her navy.
proportions, and braides, there is nothing Cage birds should be allowed to experiences of ten years ago, said (Cheers. foreign to mother mille in it. To all prace bathe in an infusion of bitter vegetField Marshal Sir William Robertson Real progress in the limitation lical purposes it is the same and is an able bark of quassin made adding sneaking at the Peace Conference in of armaments. he said, will never.
excellent safe food for your baby a few grs of quinine suphate in a connection with the League of Na. suggest, be materially assisted by pint of water for a few hours.
tions Union, which opened in Lon mathematical calculations regarding The eage perehes, ete should not the different classes of armaments be neglected either for scrubbing It was not possible, he said, to cal or by the counting of heads, ships, with boiling water part of Parraculate the cost the world had to pay and earoplanes. Such comparisons fin oil blended with eight of milk for the last war.
DAME NATURES DOUBLE are of little practical value and lend with the yoke of egg for the lice We shall never know presicely themselves to innumerable misunon delicate surface on the bird.
how much it cost, he said. In diderstandings and subterfuge. Only rect outlay the figure is probably by the infusion of a more generous Chicken Cholera.
140, 000, 000, 000; in indirect cost, such rank and trustful spirit into the This is a remarkable fatal disease, as shipping, agriculture, industrial and one that soon elears a poultry conduct of international affairs will losses, decrease in the birth rate and the world be saved from drifting yard of its inhabitants.
deterioration of race, it may be esIt is a specifie or germ disease, into another war.
timated at 30, 000, 000, 000, a total denoted by watery excessive evacuaof 70, 000, 000, 000. Given unfaltering faith on the tions from the bowels, and a great part of men of good will, he added. The loss of life was 10, 000, 000 we are surely justified in believing degree of thirst owing to the enormNOTE men and boys largely boys. That that eventually it will be proved posous amount of fluid ejected from the bowels. It requires the careful atas a complete loss, is than sible to devise some more sensible Une NESTLE Mill Feed for the woning time double the cost of all the wars for tention of the care taker for it is way of composing international difthe preceding 120 years. More than Cerences than the futile and disasexceedingly infectious so that it is that, over 20, 000, 000 men expedient to take drastie measures trous policy employed in the past.
wounded, many maimed for life; to curtail its spread, Remove all 8, 000, 000 deaths caused KELLOGG PACT by healthy birds as is foretold in this wounds, but in earlier wars the far Sir Herbert Samuel said that the treatise in this subject and keep greater number of deaths was caus signing of the Kellogg Pact would away from this spot of ground for ed by disease. These facts show the have been impossible in an earlier Street where destroying effects of modern arma age. It has been possible, he said, held. When he arrived there, about titled oppression and said the been the topic of comment in the a meeting was being, Negro. He also recited a poem en that the salaries of the Judges have a long time if ever to be used again.
Canker of Throat.
mente. because of the advent of democ. eighty persons were on the spot, and Negro was opressed; they were Legislative Council recently. Yes (Diphtheria) Pigeons are frequentSir William said that in the next rney, because the world is governed Sylvestre Patrick was standing on a members of an oppresed race Braith There seems to be some objectionly with this disease than other birds war loss of life and waste of wealth in the main by public opinion, and table in the Square addressing the waite followed Byam. He said that to the no word Exile being used denoted by the accumulated cheesy would be exceeded many times, and relations between peoples are crowd. His hearers were all around he endorsed all that Byam had said The Inspector was careful to see material about the beak, inside the the horrors which might be suffered longer dependent on personal char. him and some of them were standing and then went on to refer to the that noted. Do you know the first mouth and throat. It appears to be by the civil population through air acteristics, strengths and weaknesses the footway in the Square. Constabulary which he said would person who referred to foreigners in communicable from one bird to the attacks and new chemical substances Monarchs and Ministers of State, His Worship: Wore any in the do them nothing as long as they did that strain was an Attorney General other. Therefore watch your stock.
would seem almost to be without li but by the trend of opinion throughStreet. not preach sedition out the nations. It is always in the or anything of the Island. No reply.
Witness: No.
interests of the people to support Do you know the first man who against the Government. Brathwaite Continuing sergt Major Sylvestre afterwards proceeded to say POSITION IN EUROPE Remove mucks by scraping and any movement for peace.
that referred to such persons as European touch with tineture of steel separate Nations still fail to see that war said that Patrick was telling the Negro girls had to work after leav exiles was Mr. Nathan an Attorney your stock.
can never be the means of bringing He suggested the time had come crowd to join the Workingmen Asing the Convent; they had to make General? He was the very first man Pheasant Disease.
lasting peace. Ever since 1918 the when the name of the War Office sociation and they would derive the shirts at Syran store for living to give birth to the term in Council next war has constantly been talked should be changed to Army Depart. benefit of an insurance for workers at a penny and a half each, because commented Mr. Van Buren.
Game rearers are often bothered ment.
about as though it must necessarily Patrick proceeded to speak of the Nuns at the Convent would do no.
Without being sacrilegious do you with this malady of disease and come and nothing can prevent it. Professor Gilbert Murray asked good the insurance would be to them. thing to help them afterwards. He object to the defendant saying that there can be no doubt of being a addressed the France and Italy, he said, still whether it could be said that the William Byam next also said that the Trinidad Govern the Bible is a camouflage? Do you spreading germ, owing to its comconsider the maintenance of large signing of the Kellogg Pact had been gathering and by that time the municable aspects. The lungs and ment was oppressing Negroes and object to him giving his opinion of armies to be a national necessity; beneficial. Since the signing of the crowd had increased to about 150 that the Governor salary was 77. the Bible. bowels are the chief seat of the Russia continues to keep up power fact, he asked, are relations be persons and extended towards losions both of these organs being 00 per day more than that of the Witness gave no reply.
ful military forces; Germany is fret tween Germany and France better? pavement. No one could have gone Secretary of States while that of the Counsel: Well, in Hyde Park you as a rule very much inflamed ting at what she considers to be No. Or between France and Italy? from the street and got through the Chief Justice was 60. 00 per day. will hear the opinions of some on it Phnenonmo enterritis, separation of her defenceless position, and other No; worse, Or between ourselves crowd.
Brathwaite went on to compare sal and the things that many would say stock. These repetitions of treatment Central European nations are strong and America. It has not done the THE SUBJECTS DISCUSSED aries and then referred to the ArchDo you know as a fact that sev should by this well committed to ly armed and are at daggers drawn. sort of thing we hoped it would. America, influenced by imperial We must not live in a state of Inspector Power: Will you give us bishop whom he said had shares in eral historians have contended that the memory of the reader by now.
istic tendencies, apparantly means. illusion, he added. Sloth, a lack some of the subjects Byam was ad Gonzales property at Marine Square clergymen had gone about with Bi End on this synopsis.
and in Dearle furniture business at bles in one hand the sword in the whatever happens, to go on increase of immigration, and a lack of vig dressing the gathering on?
Mr. Van Buren objected. He said Queen Street. Inspector Costello also other, and even the rumshop at their ing her navy, and her official utter orous thinking will make us fall back backs?
anees on the question of armaments on the old roads which led to 1914, it was a case of obstruct on and he came in for a share of criticism, said Witness remained White Millionaire not infrequently bear a close resem and they still wreck our hopes of did not see how mention of the to witness, Byam stated that Inspector pies would assist.
Costello called him and told him a If Captain Cipriani states that he Makes Rich Bequest blance to the claims made by Ger peace.
The Inspector remarked that he lot of rubbish but he did not want had held meetings at the same place many before the tragedy of 1914, During the discussion Admiral America may be fully To Negro Institution was showing that reasonable use to leave his people and would only would you deny him. No, will entitled to Taylor spoke of Britain right to was not being made of the Square do so when he died. The meeting ter. net.
take her own course without care or the freedom of the seas. The auDo you remember the occasion on LOUISVILLE, Ky Judge Matthought for the interest and opin dience became impatient and called and had that been so, he would never minated at 15 lasting an hour have complained.
and twenty minutes. The crowd, which Mr. Roberts was in the ions of other States, but it is nev Time! Admiral Taylor, however, thew Doerty, who died here last Mr. Van Buren requested that his which he said had come to about au lony. Yes.
ertheless disquieting to reflect that did not resume his seat till he had otjection be noted.
150 persons remained on the spot Counsel remarked that a meeting week, left to the Little Sisters of she cannot attach much importance completed his arguments.
Witness proceeded to say that for an hour or thereabouts. At the was held there by Capt Cipriani on the Poor, a colored Catholic institution, 800. 000 and a like sum to the Byam told the gathering that he end of this meeting, Byam asked his that occasion.
was accused of preaching race hatr friends to give him a few coppers to Mr. Van Buren proceeded to ad Good Shepherds, where white and ed but that was not so. Race hatred, buy some wine and milk as be was dress the Court and referred to the colored are cared for. The following Ordinance which he said created a very interesting clause was found in he said, was more in the white man getting old and week. hat because from the white man birth passed round and he got a few cents, technical offence. He said that from his will: THE RIGHT OF FREE SPEEGH All of the rest of the said residue he was instructed to hate the Negro.
the Ordinance even if a meeting was THINGS COMPLAINED OF Race hatred, Byam asserted, was apin the Queens Park Savannah, there of my estate, real and personal, Mr. Van Buren: don know if would be an obstruction somehow. will and devise in equal parts to the members of you have ever been to Hyde Park If he understood correctly the Ins Little Sisters of the Poor, Tenth and Have you?
was a question to be discussed of pector intimated that his reason for Magazine streets (or Home for the Witness: Not yet.
raising the Negro salary to 45 bringing about the prosecution was Aged and Poor, as it is called) and Mr. Van Buren hope you will get not due so much to the gathering in to the Sisters of Good Shepherd. Port of Spain Gazette Dec 12)
cents more per day all the white there some day and see the gather the Square, as to the spirit of the with request which know they will men would say no But when it It was emphatically made known norant and gullible readily accept. was e question of adding 200 more ings and hear all the wonderful meeting. He had listened to what comply with, and know they will by the acting Asst City Magistrate The information was preferred by to the salaries of the Judges or vot things that are said there.
was said as some of the things stat. remember me in their prayers. reMr. Perez, yesterday that the Detective Sergt Major Sylvestre who ing towards the salary of a Staff There are a number of things ed at the meeting by the defendants, gard the two institutions named in public squares are not to be used for alleged that the men caused an ob Orficer who was an exile, merely to complained of and one of them seems and he might say that he knew of this clause as the very truest and the purpose of gathering e crowd to struction by encouraging a crowd to train 150 men to shoot down Negroes to be that it was said that the Gov. no Ordinance that could prevent noblest of charitable institutions.
hear speeches, when Sylvestre Pat assemble by delivering addresses. all the white men would say ernor salary is 77. 00 per day more anyone from discussng any topical They make no distinction of race, rick, William Byam and Julien Inspector Power prosecuted and Yes. Reference was also made to than that of the Secretary of question whatever.
creed, or color. appreciate this, and Brathwait, were charged with caus Mr. Van Buren appeared on the ble by Byam who called it a States. Yes Bis Worship interposed to say that especially appreciate the fact that ing an obstruction in Marine Square behalf of the defendants.
book of camouflage. As regards Do you know that that is a fact? what was said by the men did not poor colored people for whom have where, it was disclosed, these men THE EVIDENCE Priests and Ministers they he said, Do you object to that being said?
affect him in any way. What he had had a sincere regard, receive the did so chiefly through irresponsible Complainant said at 55 on usually held the Bible in one hand Winess did not reply.
in mind was the question of obstruc same consideration from these good utterances, gesticulations, and other Wednesday Dec. 5th he went to the and in the other they would hold They also spoke of the Judge tion.
sisters which they extend to the well known methods which the is cerner of Marino Square and Dumean their cheques meanwhile feeling the salamies. Are you aware of the fact (Continued on Page 7) white race.
the Mob Orators in Trinidad WAS Public Spuares Not To Be Used For beintative Council, because it there Gathering a Crowd


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