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SPORTS PASTIMES NEURALGINA Should be in every office to immediately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work, NEURALGINA Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children.
NEURALGINA Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, The subjoined articles culled from the current issue of The Occult Digest should make interesting reading:OPPORTUNITY.
OPPORTUNITY is not the chances we have offered to us. It is rather those chances we are able to take advantage of. Each thing in day travel that give us self expre sion is a golden opportunity and a stepping stone of achievement. The and little things that we pass by, unheeding their glints of wisdom, are the things that make up our Year of Life.
Each year finds lamenting these wasted moments and making resolutions intended to guard against making similar blunders in the New Year.
Opportunity is not ushered in with the New Year or evicted with the passing of the Old Year. Opportunity is offered every waking moment of our lives. We must be at attention at its appreach. It does not lie in wait for us.
Bemoaning our losses unfits us for action. Our losses mount higher Pnd higher as we mourn for past mistakes. Condemn not, and especial ly condenm not ourselves for things done by the Hand that neither heart nor brain can control. Time wasted in moaning and condemnation is time stolen from the Epoch of Life.
The passing moment is freighted with the fruits of our best labor.
Observe it and realize that the theft of time is what makes us poor in mind, poor in opportunity, and poor in friends and purse. Today is the JACOVACCI OUT GENERAL he might have had his man down, Francis, Famous seed time and harvest. TODAY is LED IN LONG RANGE FIGHT if not out.
the master of time and the slave of It was significant that in the eight Barbados Bowler To humanity, if it is so willed by us.
round Johnson was the (From Sporting Life. aggressor.
HC seemed completely to have taken Play In Jamaica Len Johnson, the coloured Man the measure of his formidable opTHE HANDWRITING ON chester middle weight, completely ponent, and by sound, safe boxing THE WALL The Gleaner of the 28th ulto.
confounded the prophets in the night with the left, supported by an occa saya:of Nov. 20th by out pointing Leone sional burst of right hand hitting, AGAIN the hand writes on the wall! Jacovacci, another Yesterday a communication was man In the Bible is recorded the prophe and holder of the chamof colour, continued to add to his lead. received from Francis, the well ey of the fate of King Belshazzarpionship, before Jacovacci however, was always known Barbados cricketer that he through the handwrlting on the wall. the King Hall, Belle Vue, Man whenever there was a rally at close vitation of the Jamaica Crieket a huge crowd at ready to mix matters, and did well would be pleased to accept the in At the time William McKinley chester was nominee for President, his elec Jacovacci was an easy winner when of these, and by the end of ten, take part in the last match against quarters. But there were not many Board of Control to come here and tion was predicted by a psychie who they met in Italy; in saw it written on the wall by, to her, most won by a knockout, as he had point victory.
fact, he al rounds, Johnson seemed set for a Mr. Julian Cahn team next year.
a visible hand. Continuing her pro Johnson on the floor several times The Jamaica Cricket Board of Con phecy, she proclaimed his election and in dire distress.
Jacovacei tired in the concluding trol extended its invitation to Conto a second term and his assassinarounds and Johnson, then well instantine and Small of Trinidad and But last night Jacovacci big front on points frustrated all his to Griffith and Francis of Barbados tion exactly as it occured. This message was given in a public Spiritual. punches were of no avail. Johnson, rivel efforts to land telling The two former replied on Saturday ist meeting boxing with great eleverness, made punch.
last that they would be willing to Today, the hand is writing on the long range fight of it, and his In the last round both fought accept the invitation. Griffith wrote deadly accurate hitting with a strongly, but Johnson finished a pop stating that he regretted that be wall. The fate of Belshazzer is again straight left brought him home a ular winner on points.
prophesied and those who read the would not be able to come to Jachar points winner.
handwriting on the wall know that Never, perhaps, has such wide. misica and yesterday Small accepted, unless a radical change in the policy Jacovacci made the pace a cracker spread interest been taken in con and so in the final match these three of the old parties is made, the fate from the first. He was fiercely ag test as the vast sporting public of players who were members of the of King Belshazzar will again begressive, and his hurricane hitting Lancashire and the North of Eng. West Indian team in England, will tad Johnson boxing very carefully land.
be able to play and with the Jamaica on the defensive.
Mr, Jack Smith, famous in his day payers the team will be practically The people are not asleep, as some politicians are as wrestler in the Lancashire style a strong inclined to think.
JOHNSON COLLNESS the West Indian team Still water runs deep and many a Johnson was very cool, however, in later years as boxing promoter which played in England last sun.
safe landing becomes slippery and parried soundly until near the end referee has set boxing on it mer.
doek. The veiled prophet is rampant. end of the first round. Jacovacci feet again in Manchester througli Nations are rocked out of their pop then rushed him to the ropes, and his regular seasonable tournaments py stupor to a realization that the with a rain of blows to the body at the Free Trade Hall.
bon constrictor is stalking the camp. seored with telling effect.
Citizens of a greater civilization EVER.
Again, in the second round John are awakening to the dangers on ev son had to beat a hurried retreat He has put on many important ery hand throttling business.
What we want to do he cried is The round the ring, but this time his matches there, but in going out for toilers, the bone and sinew of every clever defence prevented Jacovacei last night match he realised that to set rid of socialism, radicalism, nation, are becoming aroused from doing any damage.
he was to handle the biggest eventurarehism, bolshivism, communism their stupor; they are tired of the of his career as a promoter. ard sovietism.
It was the same in the next round, fooball game, tired of playing hideThe Free Trade Hall was not big and seek, tired of the lullaby song except that Johnson brought his left, neought for it; hence the shift to My stand is to clear off the entire bunch.
of prosperity, tired of inaction, tired into play and took the points. But in Bolle Vue. very tired of being the children the fourth, Jacovaeci, with a swingJacovacci was born in England ing right, cut his opponent eye.
of the shoemaker.
Things looked ominous for John and when he began boxing in London Too many bruises on the he took the name of Jack Walker. BOWEN spot produce a malignant cancer. son, but the wound was not very leave The people have been bruised to troublesome, and gaining confidence Ambition prompted him to TAILOR the cancer stage. What we want is he boxed in great style in the fifth England for the Continent some seless talk and more action. We want round, supporting some brilliant lett ven years ago, and during his ab. No. M Street San Miguel sence, he became middle weight Panama City attention. We want less usury (hand work with smashing rights to the body.
champion of Europe; made lots of malignant form of thievery by high officials) and more protection of He had Jacovacei quite bemused in money; and also acquired a workour citizens rights. We have had the sixth; so much so that the Italing knowledge of four or five lanforeign rule long enough. The painn left himself wide open to a right sunges.
On the Continent he beat all the BERNARD ANDEF SON tlence of the long suffering citizenry and had Johnson been quick enough best, including such iron men as Ted is about exhausted.
Moore and George West, and such Gramaphone Repairer Arize, citizens! Demand reprea skilled exponent as Johnson. HOUSE 980 LA BOCA, sentative government of these Un ton, a Lincoln, a Roosevelt, who will GALAL ZOTE ited States, enforced by those who free our Ship of State its barnacles Rent Receipt Boolen Spaniel are elected to the high office of and restore the government to the and Hnglish for sale at the Work Efficient Workmanship Guaranteed state. Let u have another Washing people.
ad MA Patery.
hos Seat Enn flash a For salo both Wholesale and Rotall AT THE AMERICAN PHARMACY JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Panama.
a FRANK WILLIAMS BUILDER DESIGNER 22 Stroot, Guaohapall, House No. 18 Furniture of Varied Quality and Up to date Designs PRICES DEFY COMPETITION same WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR Contra Crespo No hot irons or special combs required darbat SOLD IN DRUG STORES


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