
For the New Year AT THE 20 LA MASCOTA fine selection of Black Blue Serges, Black Cheviots Vicunas, and Cream Flannels. Also the very latest designs JOB. PRINTING The Open Forum THE WORKMAN To the Editor the Workman:Dear sir: The Present state of affairs Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 among our West Indian community CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, as reviewed is somewhat commend Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon able, taking into consideration the RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION many obstacles with which many are ONE YEAR 40 Cy.
daily confronted.
SIX MONTHS Yet, a better state of affairs can THREE. 60 exist. This change rests upon the ONE MONTH. 50 shoulders of the younger generaRates for Advertisement on application, correspondence on all mattion; they can do much to keep the ters of public interest invited.
standard flying; they can devote All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, much of their time in character and must be accompanied by the name of the writer, not necessarily for building in preparing themselves for publication but as a mark of good faith.
higher Education. Present day conditions may satisfy the thoughtless We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
and those devoid of ambition, but it we were to keep in check the various The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS improvements of the age, the higher flights of science medicine, arts, THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 12 1929.
the expansion of commerce, and its intercolonial competitiveness, would IT IS COOD TO HAVE PRIDE give impetus to many in preparing themselves for the opening which may be offered to capable appliTo remark that someone is proud is generally carts.
enough to put him at a disadvantage with the public To be mere sports and dancers, for the temptation is to regard him as thinking too ENGLISH TWEEDS hewers of wood and drawers of much of himself and thinking too little of others. But water ought never to be the aim of is that really pride? We don think so, we think that ary. Every man and woman should is stupidity, or some kind of loss of mental balance.
aim to be great aim high many Some people call it snobbinshness. At any rate, if it is are handicapped by economical dispride, it is the spurious and conterfeit brand; for realadvantages, but there are a great ly there are two kinds of this commodity, as with other majority whose energies if well dicommodities, the genuine and the fake. Just like it is rected, and whose time devoted to with money, for instance. The fake or counterfeit is the higher things of life might be the dangerous kind. We know how even the mere posLA MASCOTA able to do better service in the comsession of it sometimes brings one into trouble. At times munity.
an imitation is so good that even experts in assaying MULLER, Prop.
Never are some of the old folks are puzzled to determine, but eventually there is sure to be discovery. In much the same way does false pride whose ideas are chronic and antiwork. That must evidently be the kind contemplated in quated in them we do not expect 37 Central Avenue.
the scriptures that is said to go before destruction.
a change with the modern developments, neither do we expect their Weil, we will never boost any fake thing whatsoever, so when we speak of pride we mean real, genuine, children to be young but those who have outlived our great Granfathers, pride, like good money, the kind that is useful and not likely to do anything but good. Pride is essential to idiosyncracies and are more advancprogress, and to the maintenance of all high standards.
ed, from them much is expected. Let us determined to combine all our Bo there is pride in speech, dress, behaviour; in the acquisition of knowledge, in the performance of engageforces for betterment, not selfishly, ments, in achievements, in race, country, community, but as a people.
friends, relatives, self, and so forth. It has become leThe pain of one is the pain of all.
gendary and traditional that the Engishman word is The failure of one reflects upon the his bond, and we have the phrase giving an EnglishOf every description race, and the success of one should man word. While no one will be so silly as to believe be the Glory of all. Jealousies and that every Englishman keeps his word always, it reDONE WITH NEATNESS AND envies should be buried, if one rise quires no stretch of the imagination to see that there by mere effort of self sacrifice we is much usefulness in this feeling of pride in their DESPATCH should try to emulate that one, and honesty. Many must be the weak ones strenghtened by at the same time give him or her ev.
ery support, so should the successful Then he prides and glories in his achievements, AT THE also devote his or her energies to his contributions to the arts and sciencies through the the rise and progress of his or her centuries, his naval prowess, and even the grandeur of race. Let us then resolve the New his language. So he sings, Britannia rules the waves. Year to be a more united people for while his Cowper exclaims that it is praise and boast the common good of all.
enough even to a private man to know that the lanJ. SMITH guage of Chatham and Wolfe was his mother tongue.
The Scotsman prides in the thought that he is the YOUNG HARRY WILLS LEAVES most thorough and perfect of men. He is wise to the TRIAL BY BATTLE COLOMBIA TODAY. AM ON THE GARMENT LINE OF BUSINESS, extent that he asserts that wherever there is a good thing, he is sure to be standing beside it. Walter Scott COLLECT YOUR WORK and Bobby Burns can well be remembered for their AND RETURN IT SPEEDILY TO YOUR TIME The good Knight laid his lance in We have been informed that pride in their country and people. So we hear Burns in OUR QUALIFICATION AND WORKMANSHIP (rest young Harry Wills Panama light The Cotter Saturday Night say, From scenes like ARE GUARANTEED TRY US In days of long ago; weight and welter weight champion these old Scotia grandeur springs, That makes her And, under faith, he did his best is booked to leave Colombia for Panloved at home, revered abroad. And as late as today To raise the wretched and oppressed ama today.
we have Harry Lauder, Knight of the Stage, priding And lay the tyrant low.
Rumour says that he has retainhimself in their intense religiousness. Here is a late ed his championship, having knocked statement of his: Like most Scotsmen, imbibed reTHE STAR PRESSER DYERS Ho lords and ladies fair! ride out Pato Sota, the champion of that ligion as a child, and although Scotsmen like lesser 101 ANCON AVE PANAMA Full armed through town men may occasionally be carried away from grace. country side, they are deeply religious at heart: it is bread in their Where every may be wrong complete report of his voyage bones. rightete. will be given in our next issue.
Whether it is pride in being a Roman citizen (civis As fits my oath of christened Romanus sum. of Watch on the Rhine, or the Sweet RYCE (knight. That done, he saw a champion ride land of Liberty. it is the same grand feeling of high WORRELL Whose armour well was known.
appreciation, to aim at being among the best, and if RENOVATOR And each man in this world of ours fierce man; strong in his own THE TAILOR possible to be the very best. That where one gets inDYE NG PRESSING Is but the knight afresh. pride, spiration for service. Persons are generally prepared to Corner 16th. Street For still he goes by fields and towers and asking help of none beside: West fight in defense of whatever they are proud of; and if LADIES SKIRTS To face the World and all its powers, The face it was his own!
they have nothing to be proud of, or they have some Panama, SPECIALLY ATTENDED TO The Devil and the Flesh.
thing worthy but haven o pride, they will not be con 0000000000000000000 HOUSE 19 21st STREET Ha sir! know thee, what thou cerned about its defense. It is the source of the desire GUACHAPALI PANAMA CITY Now here am I, great lordlings to do worthwhile things, if not even to become great. three; And be it remembered that all this is not buffoonery, made up take it to the National If you have a Prescription to be Bring out your evil knights to me, stubborn will, a bitter heart; or uppishness, or hanghtiness.
And will slay them, one by one Yet will conquer in the end, There are some very simple things which we color Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where Rent Receipt Books in Spanish Says each man ere the set of sun. o ancient enemy and friend!
ed people might well take some pride and help to ad you will get courteous and obliging and English for sale at the vance ourselves. What about pride in speech, for inservies Workman Printery.
The first that met him in the field Then last, a youth most debonair stance? It is undeniable that those who are without it Was one he hated well.
In splendid armour dressed, are legion. Oh for the foul mouthed! These are the worst Then joyfuly his arm he steeled With laughing eyes and golden hair; of all, who take pleasure in using coarse, vile, and filthy speech is very important, inasmuch as most of the bu And smote him in the midmost shield. But brimly looked be on him there, words. e meet them almost everywhere. Can they siness of most of us is conducted by the voice. It is one And hurled him from the sell.
loved the best be induced in some way to take just a little pride in of the hall marks of culture, and often it makes a themselves as persons? For if they begin with them mighty difference in the treatment one receives. We Now my just vengeance shalt thou Advance thy lance! What must be, selves, they surely will improve their speech. Then there think pride in speech should be continually stressed in (see (must, are those whose only offense is that they do not pay school, and it should be pointed out to the pupils that who stood against High Heaven and one of us shall bite the dust: enough attention to the rules governing their language. they should not imitate others who may be illiterate. If (and me: But whether be slain or slay We have in mind persons who are able to read and we adopt this pride in speech, we shall at the same time Thou shalt thy inmost sin confess Full half my life is lost today.
write well, and yet make no attempt to speak well. Good be furthering pride of race. It is good to have pride. To this my spear of righteousness. In WORKMAN PRINTERY WE CLEAN Press REPAIR DARN MAKE Your Suite oto and country to (art; oney Balance atat ihon


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