
Mis. GERTRUDE FORDE RICHARDS and Handsome Gorgas Hospital January 11, 1929 Friends Countrymen: On Tuesday evening lasta bright meeting of the committee apHere am again this time in and spirited meeting marked the pointed by the President of the Isthand wrad and my new name is twenty first session of the La Boca Athe mian Literary and Musical League seven, It is a case of perpetual naeum for the present year. Amongst the League meeting held here other matters transacted were final in December last, to arrange a probaptism in this Institution as one goes from stage to stage, so is your arangements for the installation of gram at which installation of the name and number changed. Anyone the new officers on Tuesday night officers elect for this year will be next, and the appointment of a com carried out, was held at the resiwishing to see me now must go to mittee to secure appropriate books dence of the League Assistant Sec.
ward and ask for twenty seven.
The tonsils, as reported last time to be given as prizes to the winners retary, Mrs Florence Smith, on Monwere taken out on December 31st, of the recent junior elocution con day night last. It is understood that teet. lively program the last day of the year 1928. To of instru the committee decided to recommend mental and elocutionary items is be mock trial in which representatell the truth, a thought came into ing arranged for the night of the tives of the League from both ends iny mind on the evening of the day before that it was not at all imposinstallation when it is expected that of the Isthmus will take part. It is the usual large attendance of mem the wish here that effective arrangesible that the 31st might be the last bers as well as visitors will be pre ments will be made for the successfor me as it was for the tonsils. sent. The following are the officers ful prosecution of the League work had heard that in few cases, the elect: Cyrus, President; Geo. which seems to have the approval of tonsils refused to go alone and carand Westerman, Vice President; Lorenzo the intelligent and well meaning peo ried their owners with them; but refused to be dictated to by tonsils Johnson, Secretary: Victor Smith, ple.
or anything like them, so sent Asst. Secretary: Geo. Richards, Chaplain; Sewell, Critic. Moore and Waller, them on their way, and here still Secretaries of the Gatun and Crisr main.
were visitors here last week end. tobal Silver Clubhouses, respectively And speaking about the tonsils remember to have read a story about them by Albert Edward Bell some time ago. In describing the proceGRAND VIOLIN KECITAL dure, he used a devilishly long word which was never able to pronounce AT CRISTOBAL SILVER CLUBHOUSE saying the victim had to use that word in order to let the tonsils face the knife, or some such story as Next Thursday night, the 17th inst The Programme follows.
Mr. Hector Connor, the popular Opening that. Well, don know what to say Address. Mr llector President of the Progressive Negro. the youngsters generally tell their Connor strys backwards and if it has not Improvement Association of Colonia) Maritana.(William Wal.
been so in this case, they have now will have the privilege to in lace)
troduce Miss Myrtle lona Barnes to b) Souvenir.(Franz Drdla)
a new system. They never gave me the Atlantic Side lovers of classical(e) Pizzicato.(Ballet. De.
my time to try and pronounce any PANAMA music, who with brilliant Miss Lydia AT YOUR SERVICE COLON such word as that they simply Holder, so well known in musical VALSE.
seated me on a chain adjusted my. Oh, how delightful cireles on the Isthmus, will given head to a sort of clamp on the back (J. Molly). Mrs. Mulcare Violin Recital in the famous silver Piano Solo. Sweet echoes of the bed me in a white gown, and said unto me, Elijah open thou thy mouth Cubhouse at Cristobal.
Nightengale. Miss Holder Mrs. Mulcare, the mother of the Eternamente.(Angelo Mashchoroni)
and Elijah opened his mouth. Then Ho70. Prim the nurse said, sit still Elijah, and young violinist, will contribute sev.
Mrs Mulcare eral solos to the program, and, aside OVERTURE.(The Bartered Bride shall paint thy aged throat, 60 the Physician will see his way clearfrom the part she is booked for as (Smetana)
acompanist, Miss Holder will render lovely Flowers, pray.(Faust. ly to extract those tonsils accord BEAUTY PARLOUR She has a lovely face. but what ing to the rules and regulations of two piano selections. Miss Leonora Mrs Mulcare a puritan!
Jump, the niece of Mrs Muleare, will Piano Solo. Sonata Pathetic. this Clinie.
Madame C, Walker Method aleo contribute one or two piano soHANG HER!
This done, the Physician, also in (Beethoven) Miss Holder.
white robes seated himself on a chair INTERMISSION She a Wall Clock graceful and true very close to me, and took into his On the 13th of last month Miss OVERTURE. Zampa.(F. Harold)
Barnes made her debut at the ClubHANG HER! hard something that looked like a The Moonbeams. Elrige Holder. house in La Boca, and scored the She keeps close track of the passing and as beheld that needle, my heart syringe, with a needle at the end Mrs. Mulcare encomium of the large audience, Mrs Piano Solo. Selected). Miss Leonotime.
Mulcare was again and again vocifra Jump Every tick tock is an honest record leaped for the first time Then the Consultation Free erously encouraged also Miss HolHouse 164 Ancon Ave.
Physician spake saying, Eliach. a) Traumeri.(Schumann)
HANG HER! breathe! r e a the! r e a b e!
der, Miss Jump, and Mr. Agard. As (b) Humoriski. Dvorak)
this is the first time in the history (e) Hungarian Dance. Johannes Her pendulum will always swing through your mouth, br e et he!
of the silver Clubhouse in Cristobal And while Elijah so breathed, the Brahms)
that a recital of this kind will be Il Bacio.(Lugi Arditti). Mrs There a tiny guage to center it swiftness of the Surgeon fingers deceived my eyes, and the more staged, it is hoped that the friends Mulcare in Colon and Cristobal will turn out HANG HER! looked the less saw? until he said, in large numbers to enjoy it, and Piano Solo (Orpheus in the UnderFull toned and mellow she strikes Elijah, spit! And spat into the world (Offenbach) Miss Holder rivers of blood.
at the same time show their apprethe hour and mentions the half in place shown me elation of the rising artist, who is a Cosing Remarks. Mr Hector ConAnd my heart was exceedingly nor troubled and would not be comfort graduate of Westwood High School, Jamaica, and who holds six Certifi Hawaiian Farewell Song. Mrs MulHANG HER! ed. Meantime, the same thing was cates from the Academy of Music in care, aceompanied by violin and You can get her from Puller at 122 going on next door with some other London, England.
Central Ave.
fellow, but he got up from his chair and left me in mine, and when MULLER BUILDING HANG HERI, saw this, sang with all my heart, PANAMA CANAL WEST INDIAN but without opening my mouth: EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION Room No. Calodonia Nearer my God to Theo. Concert YEARS OLD.
Really friends, became rather serious, and was almost exhausted.
OF THE PANAMA then the Surgeon called upon the Tomorrow the 18th instant the SYMPHONY ORCHEStelephone saying send a wheeled Panama Canal West Indian EmTRA chair for twenty seven and preployees Association will be years PANAMA WESLEYAN ACThe syllabus for the New Quarter sently there came an attendant with old. What do the employees think TIVITIES.
members of the committee Mr the chair, they placed twentyof it? Has it made a creditable reThe West Indian community are Harris, Mrs Swaby, Mrs seven tenderly therein saying, stake cord of service? Will anyone give a new whetting their appetites for the is to be mimeographed, and a copy him to his bed. And the attendant cord of service? Will anyone give an unique The regular consecration meeting programme of Classical took me to my bed and laid me on impartial view of its work? What music which will be portrayed by Wednesday night last when the Revmember of the Society. When intercf the above Society was held on will soon be in the hands of each my back and upon my chest did they connection or want of connection the Panama Symphony Orchestra esting programs are being talked place a block of ice, and around my Wade presided.
with it? The officers are anxious and Concert Party on Sunday Janto hear what others are thinking of uary 20th at the Excelsior Theatre Among the many phases introduc syllabus.
about, please remember this quarter Prices 10. 00, 18. 60, 15. 00, 25. 00 throat a large collar like those some and 30. 00 of you might see hanging in the the work. At any rate they think of this City. From what can be goed in the society was the change of Quartermaster Corrall when you they are entitled to some congratula thered, this entretainment will out administration for the term which pass that way. And slept whether tion for keeping afloat for five class all previous efforts of this able runs thus: Rev. Wade PANAMA WESLEYAN WOMEN I wished to or not until it was morn years, and it seems that its pro combination of musicians, and if we President Mr. Grant Vice ing. And they said unto me, twenty mise of long life is now infinitely are to judge from the way tickets Mrs Wade. General LEAGUE HOLDS SOCIAL Dr. JOHN THOMPSON seven how do you feel? and nodever before. Sunday are going, nothing short of a pack Secretary Miss Doris Rodney Roll Mechano Therapis The customary basket social of all the ded my head for that was the 18th should be a day of quiet, ud house can be expected.
Secretary Mr. Dottin Organ. the Women League was conducted No. 36. ANCON AVE.
power of speech possessed, and so sincere, thanksgiving and prayer, by Among the artistes taking part ist. The following were appointed ended the epsode of the tonsils.
the whole West Indian community are: Mrs Olga King, the Misses Chandler, the Misses Ivy Myers on Thursday night last in Geddes Panama City All those interested in the little Hall by Mrs Wade when here, on behalf of this Association. Doris Rodney, Alma Buchanan, Lena and and McMillan.
boys will be glad to hear that they Moulton, and Daisy Whyte, Messrs the usual programme consisting of are doing nicely in Ward 12. Davis, Virgilio Carvajal, MarCharles Brathwaite of Panama.
Rent Receipt Books in Spanish games was carried out. you have a Prescription to be ſtin Rodney, Benjamin Jayes, Da and English for sale at the Refreshments were served after Walter Chilcott of Silver City.
to the National vid Clarke, Stanley Harper, Workman Printery.
If you have a Prescription to the programme was terminated; be made up take it to the Cecil Payne of Chorrillo, you will get courteous and obliging Murray, and a Recitation by Ming with the Rev. Wade as National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Adios friends til next time bePharmacy, Santa Ane Plaza, wherMey Melcolm.
Vocal and Instrumental Solos, Duets special guest of the evening a very Plaza, where you will get cour.
lieve am getting along as well as service.
The Programme will consist of Quartettes, ete, ete.
enjoyable time was spent. teous and oluliging service. Continued on Page 8)
Shampooing, Dyeing. Pressing, Facial Massaging, etc.
passing Sydney McClean Attorney at Law First Quarterly greater than UPSTAIRS Riade up take it


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