
try as a whole, and not in the interests of any particular area or community. These words, we take it, convey both hopeful confidence and BRI CISH GUIANA several public services and he, but no reasonable person will dis warning warning that the selfish promised a complete re organisation sent from His Excellency remark interest of any one section of the of all the public services. Retrench that it cannot be expected that the community will not be allowed to Daily Argosy Com ment of this nature cannot be pop. flooded swamp of financial distress inspede or obstruct the interest of ular in a colony such as this. Alin which we are wallowing to day the whole. It is easy enuogh for one WEST INDIAN NEWS CALL IN AT The Workman BOOK STORE ments on Governors ready we have had public prints, can be drained in a brief space of particular area, community or indus No. 72 CARLOS JA. MENDOZA STREET Speech even retrench time.
try to hold the perfectly genuine be.
ment and economy and are wont tu Apparently a loan is shortly to belief that only by watchful care of its AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL emphasize the high cost of adminis issued under the Colonial Securities own special interest can the general Commenting on an important tration, making bitter atttacks up. Act which means that the bonds good of the whole community be GOOD SELECTION OF speech by the Governor at the open on the head of one department in will rank as trustee securities and served but that is not to say that ing of the Legislative Council, the which the process of retrenchment will to all intents and purposes be such a belief is justified of that NEW BIBLES Daily Argosy says:nas already become visible.
guaranteed by the Imperial Gover the members of a particular area, Books The eagerly awaited speech deHymn Prayer There will be a great deal more ment, and therefore be issued at a community or industry are the best livered by His Excellency the Gov. of this sort of thing especially from lower rate of interest than would or should be the only judges of ernor at the opening of the Legis professional politicians striving to have been possible under the old what will be the ultimate advantage lutive Council yesterday serves to foster the petty interest of their own regime chiefly for the purpose of even to their own special interest.
confirm the excellent impression friends and supporters. But obvious repaying the large advances made by We are now entering upon a new era Colonisation Scheme BARBADOS made by his earlier speeches, evenly it is impossible to bring down the the Crown Agents. The Secretary of in which the deciding factor must though some of his remarks may cost of administration with out re State expresses his willingness that be the greatest good of the greatest cause apprehension, even consterna trenehing somebody of other and no the loan should also provide the number, and sectional interest can By the end of the present year the Tercentenary Ward tron, in certain quarters. It showed time is too soon to make it clear cessary, capital for an Agricultural not be allowed to decide how the British Government may be able to that His Excellency is labouring un. that the Government service is no Bank and for the carrying out of greatest good should be achieved. Ob present to Lord Lovat, Under Secre. Opened at Hospital der neither illusions nor delusions, lenger going to be the last refuge Mr. Leggate road construction pro viously the deciding voice must be tary for Dominion Affairs in the but that he is rapidly acquiring an or relatives and friends of politicians gramme. But desirable as would be that of the Governor, upon whom is British Government, a plan which accurate grasp of the difficulties who are unable to earn a living in the availability of capital for such laid the greatest responsibility and might form the nucleus of a scheme (From the Weekly Herald)
confronting him and is determined any other walk of life. It needs to be purposes, such projects can scarcely, the Governor has made it quite clear for settlement of provincial lands Yesterday evening at half past to overcome them. The old problems definitely established that. merit be regarded as practical polities that he recognises his power, his with people from the Old Country. Tour His Excellency the Governor still remain to be solved. They did and efficiency are the qualifications at the moment, for the interest pay duty and his privileges in this resso Premier Tolmie told the an Sir William Roberston in the prenot disappear automatically with the fou entry and advancement in the able would have to be promptly pro pect.
nual meeting at Vancouver of the sence of a large gathering opened coming of Reform. The change of Government service, and that the vided each year, thereby increasing ELECTIVES DIGNITY British Columbia Conservative Asso the Tercentenary Ward of the Genthe Constitution does not provide dr ys of nepotism and political in the financial commitments and makciation.
eral Hospital, Mr. Yearwood iramediate cure for all our ills, it riuence are past.
The speech concluded with some ing it more difficult than ever to wise and cordial words addressed to We don propose to fill up the deputy Chairman opened paves the way for the solving of the As His excellency indicated, there balance the Budget.
problems, and it also casts upon the are obvious difficulties in bringing the Elective members. It must be re country with people who will simply the function by tracing the history Government the chief responsibility down the cost of the departments. If FACING FACTS. cognised by all reasonable people arift into the cities, said the Pre of the Paywards of the Hospital.
It was in 1904, he said, that it was of satifactory solution. But nei junior clerks in receipt of small pay What we like best about His Ex. that the prestige and dignity of the mier.
first decided to open a ward for the We must improve our marketing wives of soldiers at a fee of hall, ther the Governor nor the Secretary are retrenched there is likely to be celleney various speeches is the in. Electives are increased rather than decreased under the new regime conditions, he continued, and prove crown per day. In 1906 paying of State is a miracle worker. The dication they afford that he is not progressof the colony, as of any coun disposed to close his eyes to obvious They have, it is true, lost the deci to these people that they can make teds were reserved for the publie try in the world, no matter what its HOWL OF INDIGNATION facts, no matter how unpalatable. sive power in the matter of finance, a good living on the land. We pro and they had been continuously fillform of Government, depend primar. because injury is inflicted for only one of the most futile and most pre but their power to serve the people pose to place conditions before Lord ed from the day they had been ty and chiefly upon the industrial a small saving, so that the saying is valent traits of leading personages is in no way diminished, even though Lovat in an honest and above board opened, Mr. Johua Baeza who had and enterprise of its inhabitants and not worth while, while if tired ol in the colony is their persistent re their ability to serve themselves at manner. We must treat our newcom.
been a benefactor to the Hospital, of capitalists interests which may ders who have worked their way up fusal to look facts in the face. The the expense of the people has disapers fairly. We don propose to bring had taken great be attracted to invest money in the by length of service are retired the sugar planters are frequent sinnerspeared. The tendency of this removal them here with any fancy advertise establishment of paying beds, and interest in the explotation of its natural resources. saving will be comparatively small in this respect, and so too are the of temptation will undoubtedly be ments. There is no short cut to suein 1918 the small building now in PAINFUL PROCESS because of the necessity to add to rice growers, the diamond seekers to improve the standard of gentle cess in agriculture. 11. man is not Both Mr. Amery and the Governor an already swollen pensions list. But and the East Indian and Negro com men seeking election to the Legis willing to work he is better off in use the old pay ward was opened accentuate the fact that an essential a start must me made somewhere or munities, and it is customary for all lative Council. It is perfectly legiti Germany or somewhere else where That also had been continuously full ail the time. The need was great preliminary to progress and develop other.
instrusion of inconvenient truths mate, even laudable, to desire the he can live cheaply.
and the Government recognising it Emphatic denial has been given at had made a grant of 5, 000 for the ment is that the colony shall set its The only possible alternative to caused by publicists who do not ad honour of being a member of a dig.
financial house in order. It will be retrenchment, in view of the im mire such ostrich like behaviour. His nified legislature, and a better type Ottawa by the Hon. Robert Forke, erection of the present ward. That a painful process and one not easyperative necessity of balancing the Excellency is displaying a welcome of men should be forthcoming now Minister of Immigration, to publish grant the Government had suppleof accomplishment. It is the univer Budget of 1929, is an increase of predilection for the whole truth that there can be no reproach that reports that the Canadian Governmented with a further addition of sal belief of everybody outside the taxation. Judging from his speech which some of the leaders in the they seek membership solely with ment had rejected what has become 1450. But these accounts Government service and most re. His Execelleney recognises that the community will probably find some the object of furthering their own known as the Lord Lovat immigra were not enough, and it was due to flective people within it that many people are already over taxed, and what embarrassing.
private interests of feathering their tion scheme.
the splendid generosity of three of the departments are grossly over that over taxation may act as a deWhen the Minister attention was benefactors that the ward had been The very interesting and import own nests. Yesterday the Governor staffed and that the cost of adminis. torrent to development, The Gov. ant message from Mr. Amery closed assigned to the Electives an entirely drawn to the report he remarked completed. The first was Mr. James tration of this sparsely populated ernor financial policy, however, has on a note of optimism. So, too the new and strange duty, which he des that there was absolutely no warrant Inniss of Trents St James, who had colony is excessive in the extreme. not yet been unveiled. Apparently he Governor showed that he is cribed as an obvious moral obliga for the statement. The Lovat pro been induced by Mr. Yearwood to Apparently the Governor has already himself intends to deliver what may daunted by the difficulties to be tion. It is that of keeping the peoposals have not been fully consider leave 500 in his will for the Hoscome to recognise the truth of this be described as the Budget Speech surmounted. He declared, None of ple informed of the true aims of the ed by the Dominion Government and pital. Then Mrs Pilgrim the widow general belief and is on the eve of at a later date, and there is no need our problems are unsolvable, given Government of which, of course, no decision of any kind has yet been of the late Dr. Pilgrim of enforcing drastic retrenchment. He just now to attept to anticipate it. goodwill, co operation, hard work the Legislature forms a part. This reached, he added.
Porter S. James had made a gift told the Legislative Council: You The financial position of the colony and above all a sincere desire to must be a novel idea to the profesof 1, 000, and the late Mr. Joshua will have to budget to the detrimentis admittedly seriously embarrassed, solve them for the good of the coun sional politician, who in the Baeza had also left 000 at his has invariably sought to gain popudeath. Mrs Pilgrim had gone furlarity by continual, unrestrained, If you have a Prescription to fully equipped a though frequently not justified, de be made up take it to the which would be known as the Dr.
nunciations, of the Government and National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Pilgrim room, another room is namall its works. The popular politi Plaza, where you will get coured after Mr Joshua Baeza, Mr. Yearcians may experience some difficulty teous and obliging service. Continued on Page 7)
in abandoning the theory that the Government is always wrong and that they themselves are redoubtable champions who protect the people The Season is now on, so get your from oppression. Thus we may have wait until the new Legislative Council is elected next year before we have a body of Electives willing to assume the duty His Excellency assigned to them. AND Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 If you have a Prescription to Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana (M. CARDOZE Jr. Plaza, where you will get courSummary of Contents: CATHEDRAL PLAZA teous and obliging service.
History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, FULL ASSORTMENT OF Magnificent Records of the 1923 Toui, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua Bats, Balls, Wickets, Gloves Leg Guards SAMSON Players Etc. Etc. Etc.
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