
CUMPAPPA ANXHAXX IN THE REPUBLIC Always fresh Quality Unsurpassable West Indian News TRINIDAD JAMAICA Lawyers Fight in Law Library The British Pharmacy COLON 11. 1154 11th STREET Where our customers will receive the usual BRITISH PHARMACY BARBADOS Postcard Takes 41 Years Continued from Page 6)
vood referred to the large donations Legal practitioners and clerks who From Montego Bay To given to Hospitals in England by were in the Law Library on Monday Reach Kingston pivate persons and hoped that morning 19th inst. witnessed, says wealthy people in Barbados would the Port of Spain Gazette, what can The Gleaner of the 29th ulto says: be found to follow their example. be described as a short but lively Probably the longest journey, in He stressed the fact that there were fistie combat between two members IS NOW LOCATED AT point of time, that has ever beer still many things wanted at the of the legal profession, the parties made from Montego Bay to King.
Hospital and mentioned Quarters being Messrs. K, Cook, Barrister ston, was that made by a postcard; for Nurses, Clinic, an improved st Law and Mr. Prizgar, Solifor it took forty one years to reach Opthalmic Ward and Surgery, ancitor, writes the Trinidad Guardian.
the Kingston General Post Office Obstetric Ward, another Resident The incident was remarkable for the Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK from the office on the northside of Surgeon and a grain or two of Ra suddenness with which it occurred.
the island.
dium Mr. Prizgar was in the Law Library On August 4, 1887, this card was He welcomed the Governor at that chatting with friends and Mr. Cook written by a gentleman who reside function, not only because the Gov. entering the Library addressed some courtesies The exjust outside Montego Bay and posternor was Chairman, but because he remarks to Mr. Prizgar.
led there. He was thanking a friend took such a deep interest in all our change of words became heated and in Kingston for some service which institutions. He would now ask him a scuffle took place, Mr. Cook, who had been rendered. On the following to open the Building which he was was the aggressor, was no match for any the Post Master or Post Mistress confident was second to in the the powerful solicitor, and it was LOOK FOR THE SIGN who was then at Montego Bay West Indies or anywhere else. His fortunate for him that the unequal stamped the card with the post of Lordship the Bishop then offerred a contest was stopped by the intervenfice stamp and that is dated August short prayer after which His Excel tion of a number of fellow practi5, 1887.
leney said he was afraid he would tioners who hurried to the scene.
After a lapse of forty one years have to disappoint the audience as that posteard turned up at the Genhe was not going to criticise any.
eral Post Office in Kingston for de If you have a Prescription to thing. In Barbados everybody knew!
livery. On November 19 this year a how to run an institute of that kind, be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Mob Orators nail arrived here from England and Inspector Power said that was real ofence, it simply meant that they in one of the bags was this eard.
and he was perhaps the only man in ly just what he desired. He would would be severely punished, He rethe Colony who did not profess that Plaza, where you will get cour.
The gentleman to whom it was adlike it to be known that the Squaresmanned and discharged them.
knowledge. He expressed the keen teous and oLliging service.
dressed has passed away.
interest the Government had in the (Continued from Page 2)
were not to be used for that purWhere the card has been since it Hospital as evidenced by the comContinuing, Mr. Van Buren said pose and it would not be tolerated.
left Montego Bay, no one will ever position of the Board, four members that the sole object of the meeting He was asking for nothing more.
be able to tell. Written on the card, of the Legislative Council, eight of Mattresses Furnished Reat Receipt Books in Spanish beside the address which was origiwas to advance the claims and bene His Worship told the men that the House of Assembly, the Attorney and Repaired fits of the insurance and the utility they must understand that if they and English for sale at the nellly there, are the words, JamaiGeneral, the Solicitor General, the o the Workingmen Association in wanted to ventilate their views on Workman Printery.
ka. sie) Antilles but who could Lord Bishop and the Governor. He Good Service Guaranteed the community. There were very few any question whatever there were have written these will probably also paid a tribute to Mr. Yearwood places where meetings were held here numerous halls in Port of Spain never be known.
tenacity of purpose and congratulatand as a matter of fact while as in that could be hired at a very small 21st Street Guachåpali It is presumed that the card got ed the Colony general on fine instiHyde Park it was an obstruction to consideration for the purpose, and into an English mail despatched House No 10.
tutions they had.
occupy any portion of the Park. His they could give their views with about that time and since then has Finally he thought it very approVership knew that Hyde Park was out anyone having any objection to Small been lying somewhere, and that it priate that at a function of that always occupied by people for all their oratorial efforts. They were to DENTIST was not until recently that it was sort he should be able to announce scrts of meetings. His Worship had understand that the Squares were found again.
MASONIC TEMPLE that His Majesty the King had been airy and thoroughly comfortably not heard all the facts; he was pleading not to be used for that purpose; it Office Hours: 8, am to 12 pronounced out of danger. to say luxurious. The surgery is the guilty, and in the circumstances he was an offence to do so and would. 30 to 30 pm INDUSTRIOUS COW The Governor then opened the door last word in equipment, and some of was asking His Worship to treat the not be tolerated. He agreed with of the building and the visitors flock the most modern devices are employ matter purely as a technical offence what Mr. Van Buren had said and Sundays, by Special Appointment Masonic Temple ilth St, By yielding 33. 922 quarts of milk ed in. The building is of Barbados ed, throughout to minister to the 11. really, the Government desired in view of the Inspector remarks, and 865 pounds of butter in two O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL lime stone, two story, and has twelve comforts of the patients. lift is that the Square should not be used he would reprimand and discharge years, a cow belonging to a Seattle ward rooms, seven in the ground also provided. The building was plan for the purpose of meetings they them, but would repeat that the PHONE: OFFICE 1664 furm has won for herself the disfloor and five on the second. It is sed by Messrs Law Connell and should say so and some intimation Squares of the City were not to be RESIDENCE 588 tinction of having a statue of herthat used in that way. If they beautifully arranged and splendidly built by Mr. Douglas, Contractor from the Bench would make self erected. Her output was equal equipped, the rooms are large and and reflects credit on all concerned. plain.
brought back again, accused of this te that of ten ordinary cows.
Joseph Mason were


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