p. 8


DAGE DIGAT THB WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY. pe Tomorrow Races CHURCH SERVICE CHURCH NOTICES FOR THE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY Important Notice Following is the Programme for Tomorro Races First Bace Farlonge 100 Don Simon.
125 Dempsey.
110 Grafico.
122 Pan Dulee. 98 Zapo. 126 Second Race Furlongs 125 Meelah. 125 la Chiquilla.
108 Marcela. 123 Lucero. 101 Hit Or Miss. 126 Third Race Furlongs 100 Tunney. 126 Honey Dow. 98 lagrimita.
103 Cococha. 126 Dardanela. 112 Fourth Race Furlongs 100 Infimo. Pistol. 125 Grafico.
112 Zapo. 116 Dempsey. 100 THE WORKMAN PRINTERY St. Peter By The Sea, La Boca Matins and address, 11, a. Lay Reader Church School Choral Evensong and sermon, 30 The Rector.
At 6, Mrs Neeley, President of the Young People Service League at Cristobal, will deliver an address on service to the of St. Peter Church. MULCARE, Rector.
St. Bartholomew Church, Las Cascadas Matins, Holy Eucharist and sermon 10. 45, a. The Rev. Mulcare Church School and Confirmation Class, 30, The Lay Reader. MULCARE Priest in Charge St. Simon Mission, Gambos.
Matins and Address, 11, a. The Lay Reader Church School and Confirmation Class, 30 MULCARE Priest in Charge. 126 Fifth Race Is Now Located in more spacious quarters at No. 72 Carlos Mendoza Steet Book Binding!
a doubt interesting books, when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN Furlongs 125 WESLEYAN METHODIST La Chiquilla. 108 CHURCH Lucero. 101 Hit Or Miss.
126 La Nena. British Conference)
Sixth Race Match Race PANAMA. 11. Mr Harria. Furlongs 7:30. ANNUAL MEMORIAL Personal stake of 200 SERVICE Billy Dennis. 113 COLON. 11. Supplied.
Chombo Gordo. 113 7:30 Rev. Cousins.
Seventh Race LA BOCA. p. ANNUAL CO6 Furlongs 100 VENANT SERVICE Don Simon. 97 7:30. Mr. Perey Hinde. Mayara. 117 PARAISO 11 ANNUAL COVE. Pistol. 107 NANT SERVICE Honey Dew. 126 7:30. Supplied. Infimo. 108 NEW PROVIDENCE 11 COVE NANT SERVICE.
An Englishman at a cocktail bar (Continued from page 5)
ST. PAUL CHURCH, PANAMA Father Says You re a self made in Paris ordered from list of CITY man!
drinks a cocktail called the Stars could be expected they tell me have to stay here and Stripes. When served he saw for the whole (Rev. Nightengale, Well why stare!
Rector) m wondering why you made Why throw away your old, but no that it was composed of liquors of month of January too bad that 5:30 a.
Holy Communionwourselves like that.
different densities, the whole pro have to wait all this time before ducing a striped effect.
taste a little rice peas; but there The Rector.
Matins Mr AND THE ACHE WARNED HIM That all right for the stripes, are other things that desire and 10:15 a.
Atwell, Lay Reader he observed, but what about the cannot get, for instance, desire to stars?
get rid of this Rheumatism so 10:30 a. Holy Eucharist George had been warned that the Sermon The Rector Drink the cocktail, replied the think should be patient and when green apples that were growing in barman, and you ll soon see them. the Rheumatism goes there will be Voluntary before Servicehie grand mother yard, would be Allianos News.
plenty of time for the Rice Peas, Meditation Wm Clarke.
bad for his stomach, but one day Nó, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET and every other thing.
Hymns (A M) 78, 177, the temptation became too great ELIJAH HUNTER 488.
and he was seen with one of the AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL THE POLICE AND THE big green beauties meditating deepCAR.
Communion Service Simper in ly, then was heard to exclaim! On CHURCH SERVICES 12:00 Holy Baptism.
your mark! Get ready! Look out He was looking for a quiet place Christian Mission of Panama 3:00 Church School.
stomach its e coming.
Proof Readers Please Note to park his car, and, seeing a side Panama 11 Moseley 7:30 Choral Evensong street, turned into it, drew up, put the brake on, and was walking off Charrillo 11 a. Taylor. 80 Springer Sermon The Rector.
SMILE AWAY YOUR CARES We ll begin with box; the plural, If the singular this and the plural when a policeman appeared.
Voluntary before Service is boxes, Prelude Hadyn.
is these, 30 Pastor Burke Cop Say, there, young fellow, pull You can leave your car there?
La Boca 11 a. Pastor Burke Hymns (A M) 80, 219, 178, up to the arch. What the grand But the plural of ox should be oxen, Should the plural of kiss ever be Why not? It a quiet spot.
not oxes.
written keese. tell you, you can leave it Paraiso 11 a. Brewster 30 Taylor idea of going 76 miles an hour in One fowl is a goose, but two are Then one may be that, and the two 486.
Psalms 66, 67.
that new flivver?
called geese, would be those. But my good man, it a cul de. Gatun 11 am. Williams 30 Padmore Speedmore Honest injun, officer Magnificat Robinson.
But the plural of mouse should Yet hat in the plural would never Nuns Dimittis Boyce.
Was really making 75? Lead me sae.
never be meese, be hose don care if it a Rolls Royce Colon 11 a. Boyce 30 Williams Volntary to the judge. want to be put on You may find a lone mouse, or a And the plural of cat is cats, and bring it out!
after ServiceMarch Flambeaux.
whole nest of mice, not cose.
But the plural of house is houses, We speak of a brother, and also of ST. ALBAN CHURCH, PARAISO not hice.
THAT NOTHING Sibyl Herbert said when he pro If the plural of man is always call. But though we say mother, we never PRICE OF ICE SOARS posed that he could give me only the (The Rector of St. Paul in charge)
ed men, say methren.
pecessities of lite. travelling salesman from Glas7:45 a. Holy Communion Why shouldn the plural of pan be Then the masculine pronouns are he, pow was standing in a Belfast street For a consideration of 2, 200. 00 Ethel And what did you say?
called pen?
his and him, watching the sights, when a band monthly from three of the biggest Siby! told him that one of the The cow in the plural may be called But imagine the femenine she, shis came round the corner, playing for ice manufacturers in this city, the 5:00p. Church School.
necessities of my life was a huscows or kine; and shim!
dear life. The day was hot, and the Compania Panamena de Fuerza y 7:30 Choral Evensong band who could supply me with the But a bow, if repeated, is never call. So the English, think you all will bandsmen had their coats off.
Lue is to cease the manufacture of Address Mr. Osod bine; borne, Catech.
agree, Having no one to talk to, the man ice for at least five years, according And the plural of vow is vows, never is the funniest language you ever from Glasgow stepped up to an Irishto an agreement reached this week ST. MATTHIAS MISSION, LAS SABANAS vine.
did see.
man who was passing and said with between the four companies. This If speak of a foot and you show TYPOSIUM, from the a smile, see they have to take new arrangement automatically ends (The Rector of St. Paul in charge)
me two feet.
Inland Printer.
their coats off to play the band the ice competition which has been 3:00 Church School.
going on for some time causing the 7:30 Evensong Address WROLESALE DISTRIBUTOR And gave you a boot; would a pair here.
be called beet. Begorra, an that nothin re price of ice to have been reduced Mrs Richards, LAY Reader.
MC. DONALD ALMANACS If one is a tooth and the whole set If you have a Prescription to be plied the Irishman. When was in from 80 cents to as low as 20 cents are teeth, made up take it to the National Scotland noticed they had to take per hundred pounds. The price has St. 71 Stroot and corner 22mnd Why shouldn the plural of booth Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where their pants off to play the bag now jumped to 60 cents per hundred Rent Receipt Boolo in Spanish CHORRLLOI be beeth?
you will get courteous and obliging pipes. Musical Mirror, pounds and English for sale at the Work service.


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