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OW WHEREFORE SUCH AN ATTITUDE THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN WEEK LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME BY WEEK AND PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL No. 28 PRICE CENTS THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1929 Alien Employment on the Manoeuvres of Garveys Figure Young American Lawyer Denied Fleet Prominently Panama Canal Zone Admission To Panama Again Taken Up and Denounced By At about 35 Sunday the GARVEY DETAINED HERE Determined to Seek Redress for AlWriter in Journal of Electrical 20th instant. tive officers and men leged Maltreatment at Balboa Workers Immigration Station, watery and untimely grave. The MRS. GARVEY ARRANGING Marred By Tragic Drowning on the Isthmus During Accident Resulting in Deaths the Early Part of Wool o: AN Zone crew: cities BS part adress OVERNIGHT of the Fleet in Balbos Harbor and Panama Bay went down to a Mr. Editor: cular point vitally concerning or FOR PLAYS Captain gig, a speed motor boat, of Will you please publish the followsnized labor on the Canal and espe Adolph Joseph, young colored the Destroyer Tender ing letter taken from The Journal (cally the building trades crafts, is YOUNG GARVEY BUSY American lawyer who arrived on he Isthmus from New York on the of Electrical Workers and Operators that in the bill providing the Whitney, was going from Dock La Boen, to the anchorage of the WITH HER 20th of December 1928 on the Pafor this month. The writer is still in propriation of this 22, 000, 000 Fleet in the bay. There were on The Garveys figured very sisting that all the workers on the more no instructions were made tha nama Pacific liner Mongolia. but board as passengers: Captain Ralph prominently in high places and Zone shall be citizens of the United only United States citizens be em was denied admission into the Reboth in the Canal Criswold and William Giles affairs ublic of Panama for reasons which States. He seems to be very new on bloyed. The understood procedure o Chief und Pay Clerk and in the terminal the Canal, and has not yet digested expenditure will be through the methur he stated were not explained to him Wrenn; and of Panama and Coully, may the story of the building of the wadium of a blanket contract to take legal action for William Schweinberg, Cotswain, Ion during the early terway. This time he does not only United States firm. This contractor for alleged mistreatment James Powers, Machinist Mate, lof this week. Garvey was de neted out to him at the Balbos imobject to the British Negroes, but will in turn sublet the various Enrl Tibbetts, Fireman, Herberttained by the Panama Canal imGermans, Panamanians, and all oth classes of work to lesser contrac Gatewood, Seaman, and Walter migration authorities at Balboa nigration station, presumably by ers. His letter follows: In the September issue of the tors in Panama and Colon cities Tug, Mariner, under Engineer Ed day on the steamship Salvador company with members of the tors, many of whom will be contracRowell Seaman. The Panama Canal on his arrival there last Tues gents of the Panama Pacific Line Journal we had an article dealing These local firms are not all real Pa a with the alien employee on the Panamanians by birth or race, mos ward Neville and Tugmaster Ed. from Corinto, Nicaragua, destin Canal Zone Police, according to nama Canal. Comments from indil of them are not even citizens buard Olsen, having in tow aled for San Francisco via Pana etter published in daily paper or viduals and locals were expected, are American, English, Germanenudscow, was proceeding from thema and Colon. Of course he wa Wednesday of this week from Mr.
Dredging Division dumping grounds not the Honorable Marcus Garback in New York with his wife and Joseph who, it is expected, is now but no reference to this article or Italians, Spaniards and other na in the Bay and going north in the vey, President of the Universal 500 Esbert both of whom accompa754 GEORGE ABBOTTthe subject was made. Of course ittionalities. They will not use Amer le not to be expected that the laboricans and pay the rate in effect or Canal. The mudscow was on the Negro Improvement Association nied him to the Lothmua affairs of the Panama Canal are or the Canal, but will use principallo tarboard side of the tug, and was and African Communities LeaMr. Joseph complained in his letcan be fullly international understood by the English negroes from the West In eeping close to the buoy lights on gue and famous Noted Flutist and Linotyplat Balls ter that after being denied admismembers of the Brotherhood, nor dies (Jamaica, Barbadoes, Trinidad the east ode of the channel. The character. He was but a modes: vion into Panama and therefore had for Home for Benefit of his that any thing that can be handlec etc. and other aliens, paying them oxswain on the rig mistook the old timer of the Isthmus, Cecil to be held at the Balbon station, he Health locally should be aired in the Jour far below the rate established on th ight on the starboard side of the Garvey by name, British West became so in that he was unfit to One of the most efficient linonal, but when a situation arises that Canal by United States organize (Continued on Page Continued on Page 8)
travel on the ship on which agents typists of the Star and Herald, as affects the craftsman in the States lobor for United States citizens. Th of the Panama Pacific Line wanted well as one of the most prominent as well as those on the Canal, then using of these aliens will be a ma SPARKLETS him to take passage back, and that characters in musical circles on the we expect the members to acquain of little concern to the contrar be to informed the agents here the Paelfie side of the Isthmus, up to themselves with this situation and or, in that the demand for decer (By to exert every effort in our behalf living conditions will be far les day before the ship sailed. Never iew weeks ago, was George Abbott, theless, early in the morning of the who sailed from Cristobal yesterday The situation at present is tha han if American citizzens were em Up to three o clock post meri. President Cyrus, and with him tay of siling, he claimed that on the French steamship Flandre the sum of 22, 000, 000 or more is loyed.
lian day before yesterday, gentle Brother Geo. Westerman et gents of the company in company of his native home, Trinidad, Britbe spent during the coming four o ender, we had absolutely no subject against a repetition of that Cool with two Canal Very true that the project will five years for building constructio. hand nor prospect of any Zone policemen ish West Indian Island. Mr. Abbott est less if performed by the Enr on gesture with which they tried to forced open the doors of his quar goes home for a well earned rest and by the Navy and the Army in con vhich to elaborate to fill this classic embarass the Athenaeum, and espelers and, notwithstanding his pro for the benefit of his health.
nection with war defenses. This ish negroes and other aliens whor olumn. The co umn as you perhaps cially to point out to them that that stations, dragged him oft his bed ale of wages and style of living Arriving on the Isthmus some itself is merely an ordinary new ar below that of United Statr znow must, under any or all cir. was but a weak show of strength ifted him into patrol wagon and years ago from Jamaica where the item to the Brothers in the State umstances, be filled. We thought but we restrained our pen at this ransported him to the teamship ww valued mber of the sta. itizens. But, is it good polley ar To us on the Panama Canal, 2, 000 cod ethics for the United Statt expressing an opinion in connec time but held it in abeyance for an Virginie at the dock at Balboa. Su expert linotypists of the Dallmiles from the homeland and in Army and the United States Nav ion with Mrs. Amy Ashwood Gar. such bold attempt in the future.
foreign country, it constitutes much rey Hey Hey Company which we He said in his letter that one of the Gleaner, Mr. Abbott at once took Our drifting thought at last found ollcemen, recognizing the state in vp similar position with the da! ly more than a news Item. The parti (Continued on Page carn is expecting here from New relief. It encountered the subject of which he was after the illtreatment, Star and Herad, remaining with fork in the near future, but kept the coming mock trial to be held toemarked that had he realized that that company until a few weeks ur hands off the matter because of the La Boca Clubhouse on or about he (Joseph) was 30 siek be would LEO.
aack of adequate knowledge in the the 21st of next month under the not have treated him that way.
In a More Serious Vein As flutist who is master o remise. Our thonghts drifted down auspices of the Isthmian Literary Mr. Joseph also claimed that afte Instrument, Mr. Abbott was he line to semi isolated section, Pa and Musical League. If you are not he had been taken aboard the Vir valuable set to the Panama SymBy ELIJAH HUNTER niso, and we imagined we were hav among those of us who, due to confinie he was admitted to the ship kony Orchestra. one of the twn ng a little fun with Brother tinued residence on the Isthmus ex undir austel or hnetras on the Friends and Countrymen: 19 years of his life. It was told hov Vatkis on the question of West In tending into or going over scorsospital and given medical atten cif side of the Isthus. An For several weeks, have beer y voluntary subscription, the per ian members of the Salvation Ar of years, are suffering from menta on; that about two thirty o clock on neer of this aggregation o inst speaking to you through these col ionnel of the department came ny drumming through the thorough deterioration, you are likely to rehat day when he requested the a: mentalists he was instrumental in jealously. tok is rescue in his days of physie sistance of nurse one answered and said funnreeline and saved him from tl nres of this en ightened metropolis, member that memorable Breach of omusing stories crganizing its Concert Party and ituated as it is at the cross roads Promise case which was tried sev. he call but on opening his door and credited to a great extent with the things by way of entertainment, ani llish tortures of want and miser of the world. but we were a bit eral years ago at the La Boca Club found that it was colored family achievement of its present pop daresay some have gotten ud how, after he had breathed isinclined to start a religious con house under the auspices of the Lashe slammed the door and walked ty.
enap of pleasure out of the few mo fast this head of department and roversy with the liklihood of being Boca Literary Society, with Brother away.
Mr. Abbott leaves for his home mients you spent reading the column oodly complement of subordina nisunderstood. Then we thought of Samuel Horation White acting the Mr. Josepha concluded his letter by taking the very best wishes of a This week, want to address you fficials and comrades turned or sking the Panama Symphony Or. typical High Court Judge. You saying: Knowing that have been lange circle of friends and admirers, in more serious vein. want ind followed him to his last rentin hestra to task for having flopped in should also call to memory the mistreated, shall take legal steps particularly that of the music loving call your attention to what, in place. wo items of the splendid program verbose lexicographer George Ro against some one. In referring to community. Having been so ablea conception, is a very serious mat It is well known that conduct hey rendered at the Excelsior Thea berts, George Pierre the dupli the Panamanian law which excludes worker on the hard pressed force ter. This matter is not serious re on Sunday evening last, but re cating orator and other luminaries him, he said: It an iniquitous that supplies news and helps to en cause think so; but because it is his kind is not general, and for the 2eason, too much cannot be said inembered that discretion is the of the Bar who took part in that piece of sumptory legislation.
80 in fact. Every West Indian work lighten the world, the WORKMAN Setter part of valor. Sid Young, trial. But it nothing else you cannot The young lawyer is a naturalized wishes the noted linotyplat improved er on the Panama Canal is affected commendation of the head of depnr Editor of Sorts and now Editor fail to remember the wronged American, originally native of the health and the best of luck for the irrespective of how he feels about ment concerned because it is ob and moving light of the Panama plaintite. Mrs. Florence Smith, and island of Antigun. He is a graduate futuro.
vicus that had he not assumed th it. His wife, children and other de Tribune moved up in line before our the three scores and ten outbursts of the University of Pennsylvania, jendents are not any less so, ani porrect attitude towards this mar mental gaze for a reprimand and a indicating the large audience apolinols, and of the University of upon this matter depends the miser; the facts in connection with the little lecture on How to operate an proval of a scintilating affair. If you Applied Science, also of that place.
or bliss of the present and future. case would be very different indeed Automobile over the roads of Le are able to thus step backward into Two college students were arraignIn the editorial of this paper to let us imagine how Mayers and al Boca, Canal Zone. but we passed Time and recall those little inci He carried diplomas from both uni ed before the magistrate, charged the 19th instant the case of the late hose connected to him would havim up it not only unfair but dents, then we have already sue versities. It nothing else, he thought with hurdling the low spots in the Edward Alfred Mayers, West Indiar uffered humiliation and want it th angerous to unnerve an embryceeded in painting before your that his American citizenship. his road in their motorcar Have you a employee of the Panama Canal wa nings stated had not been don hauffeur. Having been duly in wind eyes what you may expect at professional states and independent lawyer? asked the magistrate.
cited. Much praise and very deservrayers had never been paid su acted into office and gone through he proposed mock trial indicated means would have guaranteed his We re not going to have ing praise, must say, was shower fcient wages to enable him to sav heir initial experience at running herein.
any As Judgo Mr. Barrister entry and roaldence in the Republle lawyer, answered the elder of the cd upon the head of the departme nough to take adequate care o he venerable La Boca Athenaeum. William De Souza will probably. Panama, he said before leaving stadente. Wave decided to tell the in which (Mayera) has served fo (Continued on Page 8)
Iwe thought of warning our friend. Continued on Page 5)
truth. umns somewhat here.


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