
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1929 Hamburg American ompany To Strengthen Passenger Service By Faster Ships for the New Year go LA MASCOTA AT THE fine selection of Black Blue Serges, Black Cheviots Vicunas, and Cream Flannels. Also ENGLISH TWEEDS the very latest designs LA MASCOTA MULLER, Prop.
37 Central Avenue.
The Open Forum The Editor, The Workman.
Sir. Please allow space for the following: It is gratifying to see the many girls and a few boys who avail themThe pleasing information contain been demonstrated by the swiftness selves of the opportunity given by ad in the subjoined article, that the with which the company has, in the the Department of Education in old and reliable Hamburg Americanast few years, climbed back, to its this Republic. Yet there are a good steamers may be soon on the high pre war status. It has been the commany more who can be of service seas, taking its place as formerly, in puny policy to go warily and not to themselves in this direction, rathe transportation of passengers and to indulge in record breaking vesther than hanging around the street freight, will doubtless be read with sels until it has first built a modern corners, parks and billiard rooms, no little amount of relief to our and profitable park of vessels that making themselves public nuisances.
West Indian readers, who in the shall, first and foremost, serve the casual stroll along the avenues yaars prior to the world war were practical needs of everyday traffic.
of this city will furnish sufficient great patrons of this line to and The Hapag methods of finance are evidence of the want of parental from the various West Indian islands strictly in keeping with this cauticontrol and a deeper thought in the and other ports. The article follows:ous business policy.
New York, January An intichildren welfare. These same chil In the confident hope that the Idren that are a lowed to roam from niation that the Hamburg American sense of justice of the American street to street playing marbles Line has plans in mind for the Court of Arbitration will, at least could be placed in the school of the construction of vessels of greater in the course of the coming year decity, this would be of more adspeed for its transatlantic service clare itself in favour of the payment vantage to both parents and chil.
was conveyed by Dr. Wilhelm Cuno, of a just sum in compensation for cren, some parents seem to love chairman of the line, in an address the ships the United States confiscat their children in the wrong way, delivered on the occasion of the trial led during the war, the directors of they fail to teach them things of trip of the new passenger and the Hapag company have decided to advantage during their early years, freight motorship Magdalena. refrain for the present from any atWith the Magdalena, Dr. Cunotempt to float a new loan, especially they seem to think that the things evil which the child readily pick said the Hamburg American Line in view of the American loan raised up around the street corners will was once more putting into commis in 1925 which the company can sion a thoroughly up to date ves led away into building ships merely never become part of their lives, and that the only source of care dese. both as regards construction and for purposes of prestige.
pends upon feeding and clothing.
equipment. True to the principle laid Competition with Lloyd Some also believe that after the down by Albert Ballin, and mindfull Referring to the hreakdown of the child is born it is the best and fit of the fact that it represented a portHapag honest attempts to come to time to train theme failing to underwhich was a long way ahead of any working agreement with its great stand that they give to the child a cther German port in respect both rival, the North German Lloyd, Dr.
of freight and passenger business, Cuno, said that it would be his concertain germ which will follow along in life. There are many things that the Hamburg American had, in the stant endeavour to remain in friendcase of this new ship, tried to take is competition with that company advanced people ought to know tointo consideration the importance of and not allow competition to degenday, and which our forefathers the passenger trade and of the rate into forms that would be never knew, the most important of freight trade alike.
harmful for the economic interests these are heredity and environment, The line, added, had only attained of the two companies concerned, and their influence upon the child, and, an excellent position on the North of Germany in general.
which of the two has the greater inluence. It would not be amis if the Atlantic passenger route but also Inability of the two companies to held a leaing position among the reach a basis for closer co operation Lodges and Churches take some inGerman shipping companies in the is ascribed in great measure to the erest in the well being of the compassenger trade with the West In intense rivalry between the ports of nunity, and devote some time to the Things The Workman Would like to See dies, the West Coast of North and IIamburg and Bremen, which shows The Blackman proper instruction of their memSouth America, and with centralno sign of abatement with the pas1. The spirit of practical UN ACQUIRE USEFUL TRADES.
bers, along lines, that will help them Burden America. In the SCHOOL for HIGHER and theirs. Ritualistie rites passenger trade sage of time. Failure to reach an ITY amongst West Indians.
and with Africa it is second only to the agreement however, does not imply Dogma, are all good in their place The West Indian worker and TECHNICAL EDUCATION special African companies. that the companies will engage in converted to the DOCTRINE for West Indian CHILDREN by Under the above caption the fol but these things can be of no maWatching the Atlantie cut throat competition. On the con OF UNIONISM and COLLECWEST INDIAN EFFORT. lowing appears in a recent issue ofterial help in the pursuits of life. Contrary to a general impres trary, it is understood that officials TIVE BARGAINING. Nation. when Health Education, Liberty, CORPORATION to take rion, Dr. Cuno continued, the of both companies are well disposed Sir: Capital has never presented take a greater hold upon the mind of wealth, and other peculiar influences Hapag has not the slightest inten toward one another and inclined to Wages in the CANAL care of West Indian FINAN.
is sinister and malevolent a front to the present generation. do hope tion of allowing its passenger ser avoid any conflict of interest just as! ZONE and PANAMA paid the CIAL INTERESTS.
vices to drop behind its freight ser though a working agreement had worker without regard to his The Workman OWNED the Nogro laborer as have the white that something will be done very vices, fact that is clear from its been reached.
race, color, or citizenship a job by a company of WEST IN labor unions. It is far less criminal soon to relieve the present generation present policy on nthe North Atlan for a man and not a man for a DIANS.
to work labor twelve hours a day in and those who are able to help. will It has been pointed out recently tic route. To this route it intends to that efforts by Albert Ballin and job. Every West Indian drink sweatshops at a minimum wage make some sacrifice in this direcdevote special attention, while at the Herr Wiegand to bring about an ticn. West Indian PARENTS ing BALBOA and SILVER without safety appliances than it is enme time taking care that the cap agreement between the two lines be helping their CHILDREN to SPRAY.
to rob the Negro laborer out of his SMITH ital invested shall be employed refore the war were balked by the in.
job by a self righteous attack muneratively, tense feeling of jealousy between the against the open shop. know a Th two great Hanseatic ports.
Negro bricklayer, a skilled work METROPOLITAN LITERnan, whose father was a bricklayer ARY CLUB INSTALLS before him. He has no other voca OFFICERS The Black Man Barbados Lion. He has spent his best year: Progressive learning his trade. He has a family Newspaper The installation of officers of the Society and the winter is coming. He would No 29 Street East, Calidonia join a union gladly, but white above named Club took place at their Junions won admit him. Our libera Club House Calidonia Road on WedIn his customary weekly message ELECTS AND INSTALLS white friends urge us not to irri nesday 16th inst.
to his followers, Mr. Marcus Garvey OFFICERS Always on hand a fine selection of tate white unions by being scabs. Mr. Georgo acted in the casays among other things DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES hey tell us to wait until they can city of installing master and in The Black Man Newspaper The nomination and election of ofpersuade the white unions to see th. talled the following persons into have to announce also that owingficers (for the January June term)
And TOILET ARTILES light. But who can wait when winter offices: to the late response of a large num of the above named society took has come and there is no coal, no Thompson President.
ber who have been collecting for the place in the Elks Hall on Monday food? Johnson. Vice President.
publication of the The Black Man night 21st inst. In addition to the Wallace Secretary.
Negro boys looking for a vocnwe are unable to acquire all the other transactions of the evening, Cobham Assistant Secretary.
tion find a blank wall. They are not machinery in time for publication ten new members were added to the By Experienced Druggist allowed to apprentice. They are reF. Murray Treasurer.
this month. We have acquired the roll, thus making an increased memfused admission to Miss Wright Chaplain.
white unions Printing Plant and we are now bership for the new year. Gweith Critic.
And yet, well meaning social workWriting on the shipment of two The Society on this occasion was On Wednesday 23rd inst a Round THE IDEAL PHARMACY Wm. de Sousa, Prop.
ers wonder at the inherent crimina linotype machines and a Goss Print favored with a visit from Mr. Perey disposition of the Negro. In the table Discussion was conducted uning Press. With these equipments Beale, organizer of the Colon Branch soceso CCCCCCC0099999999 face of these facts can you give der the auspiers of said Society Vis: added the Black Man will positive said organization which also comi. ny good reason for being a Social Should women have equal rights. ly appear on Saturday, the 2nd of nands a large membership of sevist or joining with the organized The subject according to the arguMarch. The Daily Black Man wil ra! hundred to their good.
forces of labor to overthrow a despo ment was decided in the negative.
he circulated all over the world car Mr. Rouse Chaplain.
The Club intends to put out some After the preliminary formalities AN IMPOSING tie capitalistic regime. Why rying to every nook and corner the Mr. Benjamin Gilkes, Chairman of were got through, the following the Board of Directors which comSIRUCTURE message of the Negro Afrien for persons were installed into offices: prise 12 members including the ofshouldn Negro labor organize to very interesting program during the defeat every attempt of white labor present year when all connected win the Africans, at Home and Abroad.
be greatly benefitted thereby. White President.
to bargain collectively with capital?
In cooperation with the Negro Evan Worrell Vice President.
The city of Panama is being made Why shouldn we join in this cut.
World, this daily paper shall fight Trustees. Messrs Carrington, more beautiful with the elaborate throat game and help capital thrott! COSMOPOLITAN CLUB TO MEET the battles of the race without any Headley Secretary.
structure (which is being erected on white labor? This it seems to me is King Assistant Secretary.
Boyce and Daniels.
hesitation or compromise. It is, The Society must be congratulat the site facing De Lesseps Park and the only way to make white Inbor All members of the Cosmopolitan therefore, to the interest of all NeMrs. Carmichael. Recording cd for having reached another mile opposite the Gil Colunio Spanish see the light. And so urge all Ne dancing Club are requested to meet Proes all over the world to give Secretary stone in its history, School. a portion of which is to be gro laborers to adopt as their mot tomorrow night at the residence of their moral and financial support.
used for the New Century Club.
The officers of this organizato: Hurrah for the Scab and the Miss Florence Bethune 25th St. GuaIn the next issue of the Negro not yet sent in their collecting lists tion have also pledged themselves The Engneers and Architects of Open Shop and To Hell with the chapali for the purpose of transactWorld the rates for subscription to are requested to do so, so that the to make the future of the Society this elaborate building are Wright, Unions.
ing matters in connection with the the paper will be published and all additional funds needed to pay for worthy of its being, and also help Haw and Guardia and much credit.
forth coming picnic which is to be those who desire to subscribe to it the printing presses may be avail it to take its rightful place among is due to them for this masterpiece Cambridge, Mass. December 23. seld under the auspices of said Club may do so. All collectors who have able other organizations.
of Craftsmanship.
JOHN DAVIS on 22nd February.
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