
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1929 PAGE THREE Open the the Way British West Indians at Havana To Form Welfare Association to Havana Jany. (Havana Post)
e The British West Indians in proFREEDOM FOR Making Good Clothes and posing the establishment of a wel.
fare Association, have issued the following statement, which is self explanatory: An outstanding necessity for those who have made this country their temporary or permanent home.
Every foreign faction in Cuba is represented by some association, club or society to protect their mutual interests, and to insure constitutional security, British West Indian Welfare Association can do these things, and more, the same as others are coing and have done.
Many propositions can be planned and put into effect when we are united. Only by creating positions of trust, and maintaining them to our mutual adavantage and credit can we hope to claim the respect of others, and especially those among whom we live.
Cleaning Clothes Good Open a savings account today and you will take your first step toward independence. No man is really free unless he is in a position to act unhampered by financial needs. savings account cuts the ropes that bind a man and permits him to walk freely and act freely when his opportunity arrives. Open your way to independence, to freedom, to happiness start an account today with us at per annum.
See REID No. 6, 19th Street and Central Ave.
PANAMA, The National City Bank of New York NEURALGINA English Cricket Team 12th.
Should be in every office to immediately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
NEURALGINA Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children.
To exist and be dependent means subservieney always.
To live and be independent is real prosperity.
Every British West Indian should bi united under one banner to help Panamá Colón ourselves along the lines of proSress.
No one will take the initiative to Our Savings Department is open for deposits Inu! us, we must do it ourselves.
Tuesday evenings from to o clock and Every group is striving hard to from to o clock.
rach the top, and to maintain what has been already attained.
Every Thursday we talk on these things at Fuentes No. Mariano at p.
arriving at Southampton on April Our programme for establishing British West Indinn Wellfare As.
For Jamaica The team will be composed as fol. sociation is as follows: Jows. Mr. Julien Cahn (Captain. Co operation and unity.
Lord Tennyson (Hants. Mr. Social and Industrial uplift.
As announced in the West India Dawson (Leicestershire. Captain Constitutional security.
Committee Circular, Mr. Julien Nicholas (Essex. Mr. Education.
Cahn, who has been elected a Life Hilder (Kent. Mr. New Benefits in sickness.
Member of the West India Commit.
man (Surrey. Astill (Leicester6. Funeral benefits.
tee this month, is taking out a crick shire. Durstori (Middlesex. Iddon Succour in distress.
et team to Jamaica, leaving South (Lancashire. Lilley (Notts. Mercer Creating and maintaining an ampton on the Mauretania for (Glamorgan. Nichols (Essez. employment bureau.
New York on February 6th. They Connor (Essex. Peach (Surrey. Creating and maintaining a are due to arrive at Kingston, where Sandham (Surrey. and Whysal weekly paper for information purthey will stay at the Myrtle Bank (Notts. 3x ses.
Hotel, on February 18th.
The following is the provisional Mr. Cahn has accepted the invitation of the West Indian Club to be programme of matches:February 19th 20th, Colts or the guest of honour at a dinner to THE ISTHMIAN LITERNext xv. at Kingston.
be held upon his return to England.
ARY AND MUSICAL LEAGUE February 2st1 25th, All Jamalca, at Kingston young lawyer, pleading his February 27th March 2nd, Au first case, had ben retained by a It is a great pleasure to mention Jamaica, at Kingston, farmer to prosecute a railway com here that the Isthmian Literary and March 5th 6th, Match at Montego pony for killing twenty four hogs. Musical League which has been siHe wanted to impress the jury. lent for a few months will resume March 8th 9th, Match at Port Ma with a magnitude of the injury. sctivities sometime during next ria. Twenty four hogs, gentlemen. month when a mock trial will be March 12 16th, All Jamaica, at Twenty four; twice the number staged at the La Boca Clubhouse Kingston.
there in the jury box.
for the purpose of assisting in raisFour days later the team will sail ing funds for the production of their for Cuba, where they will visit Sanproposed Magazine which is to be tiago and Havana, remaining in the Rent Receipt Books in Spanish ublished sometime during the earisland until March 80th, when they and English for sale at the ly part of this year.
will sail for home via New York, Workman Printery.
It is hoped that much progress will be made with the advent of this periodical.
If the name and purpose of the organization would be taken a litFRANK WILLIAMS the more seriously, many persons might perhaps cast in their lot, for BUILDER DESIGNER inusic and Literature take a great stand in this world advancement.
22 Street, Guachapali, House No. 18 Not very far hence, the public will Furniture of Varied Quality and Up to date be invited to hear a debate on the two subjects in Geddes Hall to be Designs conducted under the auspices of the PRICES DEFY COMPETITION Society.
0000000 00ccc0656 cccccccccesoal We wish this organization abuncant success during the present year.
NEURALGINA Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, Bay.
For sale both Wholesale and Retail AT THE AMERICAN PHARMACY JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Panama.
WHAT THE PEOPLE ARE WORRELL THE TAILOR Corner 16th. Street West Wm. MCKINNON WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTUR MC. DONALD ALMANACS St. 71 Street and cerner 22mnd CHORRLLOI That the Mathematical Problem sent out in our last issue by the Editor of Sparklets is very interesting and amusing.
FOR Panama, RP here meet. RYCE WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR Contra Crespo No hot irons or special combs required Otto Kemmerich, the German BOWEN That West Indians on the Isthmus swimmer, has crossed the Danzing Bight, a distance of fifty miles, in TAILOR in of journalists at Barbados.
43h. 15m. says Reuter. All trace of No. M Street San Miguel RENOVATOR kim had been lost during the last DYEING PRESSING twenty four hours, and he had al Panama City LADIES SKIRTS ready been given up as drowned, That the Society of Panamanians when he suddenly landed yesterday of West Indian Parentage is likely SPECIALLY ATTENDED TY on the beach at Zoppot completely Advertise in the Workman to become a really good organiza HOUSE 19 21st STREET exhausted.
it will bring good results.


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