
Special January Offer EL ECTRI INSTALLATIONS For LIGHTING IRONING 200 JOB PRINTING PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1929 Panama Symphony THE WORKMAN Thrills Large Audience Music lovers of this city who Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 availed themselve the opportun.
CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, RP, ity of attending the concert given Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon by the Panama Symphony Orches tra and Concert Party on Sunday RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION last 20th Inat. at the Excelsior Thee.
ONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
tre enjoyed. real musical treat; SIX MONTHS 20 and it is the consensus of opinion THREE. 00 that this coombination of artists ONE MONTH. 50 find little or no difficulty in keepRates for Advertisement on application, correspondence on all mating up to the musical tandard ters of public interest invited.
which they are determined to keep We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
The entertainment was opened The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS with march entitled Three Links by Mr. Garfield Murray, the introTHE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1929 ductory remarks having been made by Mr. Headley, the program You Pay the Balance in Four Small Monthly Installments vas continued by Grand Selection WHEREFORE SUCH AN ATTITUDE?
from Feast which won the plaudits of the audience and was followed by Recently there has been another outburst in the If you use Electricity for Ironing or Cooking of Soprano Solo Break dawn Light by Mrs. Olga King.
local native press against the presence of West Indians ASK EOR Among the many outstanding in the Republic. Such a demonstration of unfriendliness Items of the program were Trio, has been going on, at irregular intervals, for somewhere about the past eight years. The attacks have The Combination Rate and you Will Save Money Violin, Cello, and Piano by Moons Rodney, Harper and Murray this been more or less harsh, ill conceived and misrepresenting, and consequently distinctly prejudiced to the inTHE COMBINATION RAIE IS item having been arranged by Mr.
Martin Rodney: Mr. Benjamin Jayes terests of West Indians as a class, as well as to the flute solo was another whole Isthmian community in general for reasons The Most Economical Rate for terplece, the Xylophone Solos by that are obvious. This latest attack, it must be frankly Mr. Murray elicted thunderous admitted, is not as severe as most of its predecessors; ELECTRIC SERVICE EVER OFFERED applauses.
but It nevertheless carries a strong odor of unfriendHness. Taking into account the length of time that West The other numbers which came in Indians have been domiciled here (from about the year after the intermission were no less 1850. it must be regarded that this hostile attitude to The Gas Electric Showrooms appreciative than the previous ones; ward them is of very recent origin.
among them were the Sextette Now, what may be the cause or causes of this ad FUERZA LUZ from Lucia de Lamermoor sung by verse change? It is well known that the alien West InPANAMA Miss Lena Moulton. plano selecAT YOUR SERVICE COLON dians here came in legally at the invitation of interests Lion by Miss Doris Rodney who forengaged in development work, which the native populatunately filled a gap occurring in tion, from one cause or another, was unable to underthe absence of Mr. Carvajal, a take; and that they (the West Indians) have justified Vocal Duet by Mrs. Olga King and their coming by contributing toward the materializaMr. Davis, Mr. David Clarks tion of these projected developments, as are to be seen Clarinet Selection which was well on every hand. This claim is supported by the testimony interpreted and that famous Negro of that class of persons best qualified in this community Spiritual Swing low Sweet Chato judge: best qualified because of their superior edn.
riot (by the Concert Party) which cation, general training experience, and so forth.
they were forced to repeat.
Again, it is known that the general relations between All having been satisfied with the West Indians and natives were always smooth and tolOf every description masterpieces they enjoyed, the or erable, with clear evidence on the part of the natives chestrs sent the audience home of much appreciation for the West Indians. It is also DONE WITH NEATNESS AND (with an overture from Bellini)
known that the Constitution of the Republic recognizes whence they will return for another as citizens the children born here to these people. We DESPATCH musical Itreat on April 14, 1929 wish to repeat, what may be the cause or causes of this adverse change, in the face of these known facts. We would venture the opinion that there is no sinAT THE DIVISION NO. 17 gle cause. There may be one or two major or basic LA.
causes, but we believe there are scores of contributory ones. The subject is sociological, and as such and by its The program glven on Sunday very nature, it must be very difficult of solution. There last 20th Inst. under the suspices of must necessarily be a multiplicity of facts and circumthe above named Chapter was augstance, and wide range of them, to be dealt with if an mented by Juvenile Quartetto intelligent and a reasonable conclusion is to he arrived at. Here we are not dealing with physical objects and dians. And here again it might be convenient to quote Colored United rendered by youngsters who has been under training by Professor cansations, but with phenomena that result from the Spencer: actions and reactions of thousands of individuals. In States Artists Rock, will known choirmaster of the this connection we would quote Herbert Spencer, a cunning arrangement of parts, to get from one end of Just as the perpetual motion scheme hopes, by a Silver Lilies choir which has sing leading authority on Sociology: to many audiences in this city with From the intrinsic natures of its facts, from our so the ordinary political schemer is convinced that out his machine more energy than he puts in at the other; TO VISIT THE ISTHMUS complete satisfaction.
own natures as observers of its facts, and from the pe of a legislative apparatus, properly devised and workOF PANAMA The we! known four will make culiar relation in which we stand towards the facts to ed with due dexterity, may be had beneficial State actheir appearance tomorrow night at be observed, there arise impediments in the way of So tion without any detrimental reaction. He expects to The Isthmus of Panama wil in Division 14 when a full membership ciology greater than those in the way of any other get out of a stupid people the effects of intelligence the near future have the distinction is invited to hear them.
Spencer has classified and listed what he regards and to evolve from inferior citizens superior conduct. of being visited by a troupe of col.
artists (from the United It is very desirable that this hostile attitude should as the difficulties of the Social Science, and he has con be abandoned, for it has nothing to recommend its con States) who will feature plays in POPULAR JEWELLER fined them to the observer. He has given Intellectual tinuance. That the West Indian is here as a fixed part the popular playhouses of both the AGAIN ON THE JOB and Emotional influences as Subjective Difficnlties of this community, is unquestionable. There are many then there are the biases of Class Feeling, Religion, other things connected with him that should not be lost Miss Amy Ashwood Garvey noted and so on.
The many friends of Mr. Randolph anthoress and play wright will be If we take the Emotion Difficnlty, for instance, we ity; he is a persistent and robust variety of the species; in which Mr. Samuel Manning (a alter six weeks of confinement to sight of: He forms the largest section of the commun responsible for these entertainments McFarlane will be glad to learn that get a glimpse of a little of what this great thinker has he speaks some brand of the dominant language of the member of the troupe) will play the als residence. a resut of mental to sav about it: world (English. and for That passion pervert judgment, is an observatior conscious affinity between him and the people of the leading role with 17 other reputed and physical, silments, ho do now sufficiently trite, but the more general observation of dominant races who also speak this dominant language; gained able to resume at No. which it shonld form part, that emotion of every kind he possesses in addition to his superior physical equipopularity for their stage per Calidonia Road where he will give and degree disturbs the intellectual balance is not trite ment, intellectual powers of a high degree. His chief formances.
the customary business attention to and even where recognized, is not duly taken into ac drawbacks at present are lack of unity and organizahis many patrons.
The Hey, Hey Co. which is at precount. There are two modes in which our conclu tion; and these must come to him in due time. The best rent controlled by Mr. Manning and sions are thus falsified. Excited feeling make us wrong should therefore be done for him, in every conceivable Miss Amy Ashwood Garvey will deHappiness Jy estimate probability; and they also make us wrongly way, that he may further serve this republic and him monstrate to the Isthmian audience Happiness is something to hope for estimate importance. Political passion, class hatred, self, as he is serving in the West Indies. It is equally the their ability in stago acting, and a like wisdom. You can acquire it, and ferlings of great intensity, are alone admitted to be duty of the West Indian himself and the native (includ cording to reports, they will un but it may be bestowed on you. St.
large factors in determining opinions. That feelings ing the Government) to work together for the general anubtedly give a good account of Louis Globe Democrat.
of love and hate make rational judgments impossible ir weal. There are undoubtedly repugnant practices that themselves.
public affairs, as in private affairs, we can clearly see are being indulged in by West Indians (as there are Cats Will Catch Birds in others, though not so clearly in ourselves. Especially equally with the natives, but which it would not be pol this elty with which Miss Ashwood seem to understand that they re civi.
The defunct democratic Club of Cats will catch birds; they don can we see it when these others belong to an alien so many things that both might equally encourage, to Garvey was ciety.
itie nor convenient to mention here. and there are pleasant reminiscences for her, and crat.
associated still has lized now. St. Louis Globe DemoEvidently, the persons who have been carrying on bring about good results. As a fitting start we plead she also regrets the dissolution of this agitation against the presence of West Indians for a better interest in the higher training of West In rad Club with which (among other pin and others.
here, have not been concerning themselves about the dians, both under the National Government and in the persons in the United States) the study of the Social Science. They have only thought of Canal Zone. Time was when there were more of the following were associated; Messrs tie Co. is being looked forward to The visit of this foreign Drama applying political remedy to a social trouble, hence, op better educated and less of the ignorant West Indians C. Moulton, Headley, Top with much internet.
pressive and repressive legislation against West In than now. This is surely not improvement.


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