
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1929 WEST INDIAN NEWS CALL IN AT The Workman BOOK STORE No. 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET First Eleven Cricket could only add three and then De: Harbour Inprovements recently acquired whart premises at 168 Double Decked Pier For United Fruit Co.
BARBADOS and added 115 runs for the third JAMAICA wicket before Skeete was dismissed It was stated in this journal a short time ago that the United Fruit Co.
fer 57. Hutson, the next batsman, a the foot of King Street, the ideambethe required number of runs with The Barbados Advocate of the 27th ten minutes to spare. Ince made 80 Suggestion That Largo Floating to extend the whart fully one Ultimo gives the following report of not out and although the improve ing. Dock Should be Provided thousand feet into the sea, thus AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL ar interesting game of cricket playment of the wicket was considered at Kingston making it the longest pler in Kinged on the Bay Grounds on the 15th extraordinary, this must not be alston The Jamaica Mail states that pro Yesterday a representative of this GOOD SELECTION OF of said Month.
lowed as above stated to detract posals are to be submitted to the journal learnt that the United Fruit from his magnificent performance, Government for the improvement of Company have decided to abandon NEW BIBLES nor from that of Skeete. Ince Kingston harbour. Certain aspects the building of a pler of the length Wanderers vs. Harrison College had taken the risk of declaration on of the suggested improvement are mentioned, but would construct in its Hymn Prayer Books VICTORY FOR HOME TEAM the first innings and in masterly being worked out by Commander In a game of cricket, a decision manner he set about and succeeded Dix, Harbour Mas ing 600 feet long by 100 feet wiđe.
stead, a doubel decked pier, measur.
of a captain, which spectators at the in proving the wisdom of his action. ter.
moment considered rash, has often Wanderers thus won a really inter!
The ground floor, we understand.
ST. LUCIA It has also been stated that the will be used exclusively for the Panama Wesleyan produced happy results; and such esting and hard fought match. Folwas the case in the Wanderers. lowing are the scores and bowling proposals include the appointment storage of cargo, and the upper Activities Harrison College match concluded analysts:of a Board of Commissioners, the floor for the accommodation of pasat the Bay grounds on Saturday College First innings. 155 port. In the general scheme to be company boats.
latter to exercise control over the sengers leaving and arriving by the More Than a Mere last. On the 16th instant, the sec Wanderer First innings. 110 submitted to the Government there ond day of play in this match, Ince, College Second innings These contemplated arrangements Joy Ride 117) will be recommendation that The program rendered on Wedthe home skipper, at 15 dea will doubtless be a great improveWanderer Second Innings; nesday night last under the auspices clared his team first innings closlarge floating dock should be pro ment over the present system in Total (for wickets)
Under of the vi. led at Kingston with a workshop Cperation at the caption the various piersin above named organization Coming ed for a total for 110 for the loss of nine wickets. The visitors had in as an adjunct to the establishment. Kingston where passengers have Events, the Voice of St. Lucia writ consisted of an impromptu address among their first innings collected 155 and BRITISH GUIANA Whether the enterprise should be perforce to move persons ing editorially in connection with Hygiene by Mr. Harris who when stumps were drawn, they had a Government venture or whether it handling cargo and among the car the visit of the Lady Nelson, the ed a gap which occurred by the in their second venture scored 90 should be undertaken by a company. Eo itself.
first of the Canadian steamers to inability of Mr. Vaz a sanitary exfor the loss of four wickets. The LEGISLATURE AND with the assistance of the State, It is probable that other concerns carry out the Agreement entered part who was scheduled to deliver opinion of those spectators, who ESTIMATES Harbour Commissioners who cannot be definitely stated. The owning wharf premises in Kingston into recently between the Canadian the address on the subject.
thought that Ince had erred when will will, at an early date, embark on Government and the West Indies, Much information has been gahe made the declaration, appeared be appointed will consider ways and programme of extending their piers. observes thus:thered from the lecture which was to receive confirmation when on means for the general improvement If these improvements are carFrom conversations with some supplemented with a song by Mrs.
Saturday the wicket played tricky. By Cable Co. of the port of Kingston. The idea of ried out to the waterfront and we ndividual members of the Official Doris Reece, a piano selection by There was great probability that Georgetown, Jan. 1The a dock for the overhauling of ocean have no doubt that they will be, it is Party that visited St. Lucia on the Miss Doris Rodney. The evening the lead of 135 runs to the credit of Legislative Council concluded consi going vessels has occupied the aten probable that local Shipping Compa. Lady Nelson, listening isson was read by Miss Alice King, College would have brought them deration of the 1929 draft estimate Son of Government and individuals nies will again take up the question the different speeches made and und appropriato Hymns completed the victory on the damaged wicket; of expenditure yeterday.
The who are in favour of the progress with the Government of running a reading between the lines, we are an interesting program. Mrs.
and Wanderers in an attempt to amount voted for Pensions and gra for decades. Jamaica is contiguous foreshore railway.
inclined to the belief that there is Wade acted in the capacity of force a win outright, would have ufications was 96, 186. Replying to to the shipping lane which passes very much more behind it all than Secretary and returned a vote of lost what was at least the smaller the Electives criticisms of this item through the Caribben; and among mere joy ride or a pleasure or thanks to the lecturer and announcnumber of points in a drawn game. the Governor stated he was very those who favour the placing of PAPER MAKING PLANT business trip down these islands. od the topic for the next meeting.
By the results of the game, how much in sympathy with what had large floating dock with its auxili.
FOR JAMAICA True we are told that the idea is to cver, the decision of Ince, though been said. He had never seen such ary, a machine shop, in the port, are timulate and develop trade but, to somewhat bold, proved to be cor a case of top heavy Government De individuals who are competent to ex The Mail says it is understood that our minds, though unmentioned and would be of incalculable advantage rect.
The remaining College bats partments or Government expendi pross an opinion on this particulat nvestors abroad are getting inter may be still nebulous to a certo her. Can it be possible that the men could only add 27 to the over ture as this, and it told very much subject. Not so many years ago the sted in a proposal that a paperinin extent there is at the back of week score, and the innings come to on the question of Pensions. They Member for Manchester in the Leaking plant be established in Jahe minds of more than one gentle hins dawned on the minds of some of importance of such a development a close for 117. Inniss played a cap. had to get rid of a lot of officers afslative Council, Hon. Nash maica.
man of that Official Party ideas that the Canadian statesmen and this tain innings for 62 and after his in 1929 and he doubted very much presented a resolution which was If the scheme goes through the of considerably more impor. Joy ride is but a veil to hide the dismissal Skeete and Chal whether the Colonial Treasurer had adopted and referred to the Lord ance and more far reaching than real object? Who knows? It strikes lenor ran through the team, taking provided enough to meet the bonus Commissioners of the Admiralty factory will be established in a west us that the air is full of possibilities wickets for 46 runs and for 26 es. They were between the devil and that one of the floating docks suran parish in which there is amplhe inmediate selling or buying of a few thousand bags of flour or a few that might materialise. It may be respectively.
Wanderers with 163 to make the deep sea. He thought he could rendered to Great Britain by Ger material for the manufacture of pato give a guarantee that the govern many at the World War should be Der for wrapping and other pur rendred tons of sugar. Some time or fetched, but we fancy there are shadows of momentous events lying win the match commenced their sec ment would during 1929 take such tarned over to Jamaica. The Admi popes. Over a large stretch of ground so, there was mention made of the end innings at 15 Ince and steps as were possible in every way rałty had already apportioned docks in that parish alone the raw materia West Indies becoming a Province of Challenor being the opening bats to enquire into the working of the that formed part of the spoils of exists for an entirprise of the kind, the Canadian Dominion. Can it be across the path of West Indian proIt is so thought that banana that which is the vague, something men The wicket had now improv Pensions Ordinance and see what war, and so Jamaica request could stalks could be turned into the fac behind it all? Some United States ed considerably and although both they could do to lessen this stendily not be granted.
tory for paper making. Parties have Senators have openly spoken of acG. and Challenoor were dismissed growing bill.
Kingston as Bunkering Station been going into the scheme for some quiring the British West Indies. Can for small scores, Ince and Kingston as a bunkering station is months past, and it is confidently Canada stand by and not be disturbSkeete had little difficulty in mak Rent Receipt Books in Spanish increasing in importance. The coal.
BERNARD ANDERSON ing certain the way for success. and English for sale at the Working station which has been establish: expected that the project will mined by such talk. As has been pointterialize.
ed out, the United States, apart from They both played excellent innings man Printery. led at the former naval yard, Port extending into the tropics, has tropi Gramephone Repairer cal territory; a position Canada is Royal, by Messrs Jno. Burness and not blessed with. The West Indian Is HOUSE 980 LA BOCA, Co. of London, has brought busilands, British Honduras and British CANAL ZONE ness to the port business that is Guiana would be an asset which, if Efficient Workmanship Guaranteed increasing by leaps and bounds. Se joined to the Dominion of Canada, satisfactory has been the develop ment of the bunkering trade that Messrs Jno. Burness and Sons have us this paper exclusively announced some months ago, concluded arThe Season is now on, so get your rangements for the installation of mechanical devices at the old dockyard wharf for the coaling of steamere. Oil companies have also decided to establish stations at harbour head for the refuelling of oil burning ships. It, therefore, appears AND that the early revival of the idea of docking facilities at Kingston is a move in the right direction. Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages If you have a Prescription to (M. CARDOZE Jr. Summary of Contents: be made up take it to the CATHEDRAL PLAZA National Pharmacy, Santa Ana History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Plaza, where you will get courFull Particulars of 1900 Tour, teous and obliging service.
Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, FULL ASSORTMENT OF Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua Bats, Balls, Wickets, Gloves Leg Guards SAMSON Players Etc. Etc. Etc.
General Repairer of Váluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and Interesting ALL BEING OFFERED AT SACRIFICE PRICES.
Household Utensils Price 50cts.
Gramaphones, etc.
Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere Also Aluminum Work and Secure yours now there will be a great rush BRANCH STORE Enamelling Really for them, 125 Central Avenue TERMS MODERATE Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN 21st St. Ave.
Panama re gress. CRICKETERS!
STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History CRICKET GOODS At the PANAMA HARDWARE Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923

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