
Always fresh Quality Unsurpassable University The British Pharmacy COLON 11. 1154 11th STREET LOOK FOR THE SIGN BRITISH PHARMACY and say our word regarding the proTHE PEN 100. 000 Gift Of Ne.
fitlessness of the poor fighting the wars of the rich when they chose to gro To Aid Fisk Is It True Is It Mightier Than the make them.
Free Speech It is superfluous to state that in (By Veritas. noted communities the question of Nashville, Tenn. Jan. James The above is an old, and fancy free speech is a pure absurdity. Dallas Burns, first Negro to take a now a day a perplexing question. rank misnomer known by nationals Bachelor of Arts degree in a college In the humble undertaking guess and even confessed to be so by legis.
south of the Mason Dixon line, and feel something like the great and lators themselves.
who died of heart attack in a street wise man who once said something We have been in contact with jurcar on December 5, left approx.
about in the abundance of multi ists who have as the people apIS NOW LOCATED AT imately 100, 000 to Fisk University, plicity of books there is no end. pointed legislators boasted about the He was eighty two years old.
It is not so very long since our rights of the people before to the law The estate which includes eighty.
Mittle city was thought a veritable and in their several communities, five houses in Nashville and stocks literary desert where news organs are when the tables have turned and it Correr Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK and Bonds will be used for an enconcerned. Now we find these ingre comes to the question of their individowment of teaching and for the dients in our cosmopolitan commun dual interests as jurists, the lowest erection of a faculty apartment ity coming into being two at a time. stunts seem no deterrant toward Where our customers will receive the usual house on the Fisk campus.
Hence the querry in my mind as to achieving such ends, disregarding Burns was graduated from Fisk whether it has been resolved that the infringements they thus make courtesies College, a Negro institution here; these new comers into the literary on the rights, feelings and even the taught school for a while and was field are going to do real or genuine reputations of others. It is quite one given work in surveying in the battle in the cause of right as thing when the country tax payers White Mountains of New Hampagainst wrong where justice de are paying their bills and when it add 100. 000 GIFT OF NEGRO TO.
mands in the cause of those who comes the tricks of trade prevalent shire, but gave up this work to start and about roully lack assistance and wrongs to in the practice of a Negro drug store in Nashville.
be resisted. Then only will my quer the courts. Here it means a hustle ater he began investing in Negro Ty be vindicated as of yore where it and bustle for life who ever the property.
has been proven that the Pen is prey. Then the question of a free mightier than the sword.
country and the rights and privileges If you have a Prescription to be It All Depends of the various grades, shades, creeds made up take it to the National Experence with travel has how end so forth of the citizens conpatriotism or nonpatriotism in times Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where ever proven that if at any time theretributing to the revenue and indusyou will get courteous and obliging have been doubts as to the veracity tries of the country are lost sight DENTIST HOWELL of peace.
Schismatia of the conclusion regarding the of where so glibly we find a great House No. 912 La Boca Rent Receipt Books in Spanish pen power and influence there were and good legistar of yesterday acanel Zone When appointees of the people in The oldest newspaper in the roasons at issue making for doubts asing one whom a certain section of their social, fraternal or like relaworld.
Words beginning with Cs might rennid society is pleased to appoint pr POSITE RESTAURANT tions are stood pigeon by certain and English for sale at the site, which has been published con sonably be taken into consideration social representative and from HONE 1941. BALBOA cults in the community in which tinuously for over one thousand country, circumstances, conditions ime to time exacts opinions from they operate, to catch and make Workman Printery.
years. During the period of its. Counts (the big fellows) councillors aid leaders along the lines of thei note of their expressions in relation cxistence more than 1, 500 of the courts, claimants, conquests etc. an nights, whether those rights. har specialises in all Brooches of to wrongs done us or our fellows paper editors have been executed.
cf these and more.
seen found in the balances of cour Leitistry because we happen to bear the It al depends it in time of peaer, urocedure or otherwise, and an ex ALL VICEK GUARANTEED tigma of an alien people, rather in our comunity the pen is not lured by the gods of pression is demanded where it har than contributing to the support of very praisefortune into a state of indifferener Seen or is being concluded (with?
such professionals who came beworthy Jurists, men not easily movJ. Small ed in directions when attempts are and lethargy, till daily gossip, sportpecific sum of reasonablenes) that een us and the chances of undermade to arouse national sentiment frolic, and everything but the rightfustice has been misapplied, and be tanding and settling our differences DENTIST thing, such as the proper educatior ause the leader has the courage of outside of the law courts, we should and prejudice in the administratorn MASONIC TEMPLE of justice there would be those of us of the minds of the people to make his convictions as the right of a bear and forebear in the case of for the economic civic and general itizen of free country to so exMattresses Furnished what we might even consider grave Office Hours: 8, am to 12 whose plight in the community 30 pm to 30 PM would be so critical as to make life welfare of the majority in our compress himself acts of this sort are and Repaired wrongs so done us by our own rather more burdensome than that in which munal life. And as it has become presented against him or her it cirhan permitting others who have Sundays, ty Special Appointmen the order of the day for the strong rumstances and conditions which Good Service Guaranteed many find themselves encompassed only self interests at heart when Masonic Temple 11th St, right now.
to preach a preparation for war and have no bearing on the point haphey work in ways and by means Box 787. CRISTOBAL Yes, there is still room in our dec aration of universal peace in the pen to bring him or her in contact 21st Street Guachapali to widen the breach amongst us.
PHONE: OFFICE 1664 community for literary education of same breath we too in the use of within the pails of courts of justice House No 10.
Praise Worthy Court Decisions the pon should take time and the rather than courts of martial in ihe sort to warrant the claim that Were it not a fact that we have RESIDENCE 588 present opportunity by the forelockquiry along the lines of the citizen the pen is mightier than the sword. Joseph Mason


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