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THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1929 Important Notice THE WORKMAN PRINTERY Is Now Located in more spacious quarters at No. 72 Carlos Mendoza Street In a more Serious Vein Alien Employment on the Panama Canal (Continued from Page 1)
Smell, let shows his family, for all the time of his bewoner (Continued from Page 1)
frugal he may have been. As it was our greatest exponents of patriotic with him, so with mery other sentiment, to permit the money gtysilver employee, and that is the neen and appropriated by United son why the Panama Canal West States citizens for military and naIndian Employees Association has wl defense purposes to be paid out been so persistently making repre to English, German, Panamanian or sentations to the Government of the cther Idreign nations subjects in Canal Zone on the question of preference to United States citizens. Uigher Valuation sick and disabAt this present moment this condiSlity consideration old age pention of aliens in the skilled crafts slon and general atas.
field in the employ of the army and ravy is going on. The Panama Canal As it has always stood, and stands Metal Trades Counell is fighting now, the status of the silver em Fard for their rights as American ployees (although prefer to say citizens and in few minor cases he has do status at all) is the same after 20 years of service It was have ben successful. What has been on the first day of his employment.
se complished is a mere drop in the If there are exceptions, do not bucket compared to what is to follow that needs correction.
Inow of them, and information would be welcome. The silver emResolutions covering this situation were introduced in the recent conployee was an alien when he had vention of the American Federation bours service, and he is an alien af of Labor by the local Central Labor ter he has served for ten, fifteen, Union and Metal Trades Council, petwenty years titioning that all positions in conNow, the point is, that this condinection with the Panama Canal tion standsin need of correction The chove the grade of messenger and silver employee is deserving of and aborer be filled with United States entitled to such consideration AS citizens only. Resolutions mean will ensure to him protection from nothing if they are not folwant and mlaery after he has given kwed by Intense action, and the workable days of his life to the action is what brings results. Any service of the United States to the contrac let for Army or Navy work Canal Zone, and let it be bome in on the Panama Canal should have a mind that both government and emclause attached stipulating that only ployees have a specific duty to perAmerican citizens must be used form. The government has an obligaabove the grade of messanger or lation to the employees which they borer. The local patriotic societies have neither admitted or repudiated of war veterans have been requested. and the employees are obligated to to participate, through their nationthemselves and their families, an at headquarters, in the efforts of the bligation which they have not Panama Canal Metal Trades Counhitherto sought to discharge a: cil to have the citizenship clause inwholeheratedly as is necessary. All corporated in all these contracts.
the Governors of the Canal Zone The American Legion is especially with whom we are acquainted have, from time to time, used very respectexpected to foreibly express itself in our behall because of its conable language in declaring their interestedness in the silver employee tinual propounding of patriotic sentiment and their preamble pledge and the present Governor bas told 05 that he is extremely interestel.
Mto foster and perpetrate a one hunThe silver employee appreciates dred per cent Americanism. The exDression expected is not one of upall this; but respectable language holding union labor, but of the inhas not in all these years established for him an equitable status, and If you have a Prescription to PROMINENT YOUNG FOLKS. tence that only American citizens Se used by the United States Army it is obvious that something else be be made up take it to the WED and the United States Navy in all sides this is necessary, ta praction National Pharmacy, Santa Ana its works and undertakings on and eclution of what appears to be Plaza, where you will get cour connection with the American problem is to be found.
teous and obliging service, The little Catholic Church of th Let us hope while we work to the wned Panama Canal. The employS. cred Heart of Gatun was th end that this Government will find Why throw away your old, but no ment of aliens on military and naval cene of a pretty wedding on Saturservations on the Panama Canal it possible to give practical cons ments with some leading play. Lay evening last when Mr. is poor policy, and all the British duration to the status of the silver houses in this city, as well as in Beckford was joined in holy matri West Indian Negroes are not dumb.
employee, and let the silver emColon. for staging her plays. mony to Miss Perry, both pro Brothers, this is not communism, sloyees ask themselves, how woul Young Garvey is not con minent residents of Gatun.
indicalism, or red propaganda. fear in my department if had nected in any way with the fam fallen into the condition of Edward vus leader nor the theatrica The ceremony took place at 31 Velther is it the intention nor the Alfred Mayers? How will lear if producer. He is only the local. the Rev. Joseph Sammor desire of union labor on the Panafali into that condition bereaftar playwright and producer, Miltor sficiating. The bride was accomma Canal to deprive any individual Support your organizations and Garvey, author of Helen the panied to the church by her father of the right to work and live. It is these questions are answered. Fail ARD CORNER JAVILLO FILL Showgirl and The Prince of Mrs. Charles Perry. Mr. simply an appeal that the United longer to rapport it, and you are PRIRODD RRRRRRRRRRRRRIKKKKKK BOEK Wall Street, who, with several Blake acted as best man and the States Army and the United States to face to face with Corosal.
other local stage artists, has ride cousin, Miss Shirley wa Navy be compelled to live up been busy assisting Mrs. Garvey her chief maid. The bride was neatly their own teachings of patriotism, Seen busy assisting Mr. Garvey and attractively adorned in a gowr and that all money appropriated to to perfect plans for the presenta white crepe, black satin trimmer them by the citizens of the United Fleet sion of her plays.
tastefully with chantilly lace, silver States be expended through and to The St. Peter By The Boo, La Boca beads and satin ribbon. Her chiet United States etizens, only.
In company with Mr. Garvey (Continued from Page Continued from Page 1)
Matins and address, 11 a. lay the playwright, Mrs. Garvey and the other little maids who car Panama Canal Metal Trades CounIndian by bith, who, after resid paid a visit to the office and Tied her gown were also attractivels is first, last, and always for the attired.
employ of civilian American citizens scow for a boy light, and directed Reader.
Church Scbool, pm.
ing on the Isthmus for many piant of the WORKMAN and his course between that light and on the American owned and AmeriHarmonious many years with his family left other places of interest. She was and the tug. When within a few feet of appropriatran operated Panama Canal.
Choral Evensong and vermon, 80 in 1920 for foreign fields in quest pleasantly surprised to observe strains of music from the violis ELECTRICAL WORKER.
the soow, the coxswain discovered his The Rector.
cf more lucrative employment the great progress made both in and organ played by Messrs mistake and tried to swerve his boat MULCARE, This is a selfishnes that seems to and now passing through as a Panama and in the Canal Zone Scope and Rupert Perry added sub away, but it was too late. The speed Rector successful dealer in rare birds. since her last visit several years limity to the ceremony, after whicl contain the germ of its own destrucboat crashed into the mudscow, and tien ago.
Neither is she Mrs. Amy Jac the bridal party motored to th capsized, throwing all its occupants Bartholomew Church, tastefully decorated home of M1 Yours truly, into the water, five of whom meLas Cascadas çues Garvey, present wife of the President General of the Rent Receipt Books in Spanish ception was held. Refreshments cumbed to this submersion, namely: AN ALIEN EMPLOYEE.
Matine and address, 11. Mr. who is at present residing and English for sale at the dancing and the giving of toast Capt. Griswold, Chief Pay Clerk Brathwaite, Lay Reader.
were the features of this occasion Wreno, Cotswain Church School and Confirmation The lady is Mrs. Amy Ashwoodwith her husband in Jamaica Workman Printery.
ScheinAmong the many guests whor borg. Seaman McDowell. and Plaas, 30 pm.
Fireman Tibbetts. The bodies of the Garvey, former wife of the ack of space prevents mentionin: At a dinner party a man was If you have a Prescription to Evening Prayer and address, President General, who arrived making himself objectionable to the erdman, Jennmarie, 0, Shirley, ere: Messrs. Moore, Perre made up take it to the first two were recovered immediate. Mr. Bentley Swaby, Las from New York a week ago to rest of the company by his silly re Slivera, Ayers, Reld, McE 1s, but the others were not recover Reader.
National Pharmacy, Santa Ana ed until the 22nd. The bodies have arrange for bringing down here marks.
laza, where you will get cour MULCARE, the skeleton of a stage troupe of sott, Brown, Bennett, Cave, been embalmed on board the Priest in Charge.
her famous Hey Hey Company Reid, Perry, Shirley; Mr. ani eous and obliging service.
Mercy, to be shipped to the States about eighteen leading artists Oldest People fur disposition Mrs. Laurle, Mr. and 31:3. St. Simon Mission, Gamboe which she intends to augment The following are some of the oldC. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Reid The whole community is in deep Matins and address, 11. Mr. with local talent and stage a se est people Hving in the world today: Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Mr. and iams, Brathwaite; Misses Cave, sympathy with the Navy over this McCarthy, Lay Reader.
ries of modern plays, some of Neh Wee Num NahShuk, an Ameri Mrs. Graham, Me. and Mrs. Coul. Graham, Scope, Cave, mishap.
Church School and Confirmation which are said to be regular can Indian, 118 years old; Mme, son, Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, Graham, Graham, Hyatt, Class, 30 pm New York stage hits. It is Cosrys, of Greece; Zara Aga, Mr. and Mrs. Scope; Mes Cox, Hyatt, Reid, WilliamAdvertise in the Workman MULCARE, learned that Mrs. Garvey has al. Turk, 146 years old, and Mr Charles Mesdames Daisley, Butcher, Jenkins, 52, Reid, Webster, Brown, it will bring good results.
Priest in Charge ready made tentative arrange. Quick, of Canada, 108 years old. Williamson, Davis, Thompson, Wil Stewart and Louise Reid.
Book Binding!
doubt interesting books, when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN No. 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET Manoeuvres of CHURCH SERVICES Corveys Figure


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