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PRICE CENTS British Subjects Abroad Young Panamanian So besician Complete Official Agenda Should Register Of Conference Hurled Objects in WAS By PASSING PASTO NEGRO ARTIST AND SENGER TRAIN STIR FRENCH PROTEST So That Cousular Officers Can Offer within less than five minutes to Which Opens at Barbados on the PARIS, Dec. 24. Jack Hylton, Protection Should Occasion Arise complete its Panama Colon schedul American jazz conductor, has got 24th of This Month ed run, the engine of the early pas himself into trouble with the French The following article culled from tervene on their behalf should occa senger train of the Panama Railroad Association for Protection of the London, Dec. 22. Sir Edward Dav. lands. Proposed by Windward Isson, Bart, President of the West In lands.
the Jamaica Gleaner of the 11th cion arise, British West Indian sub company snuffed out the life of Jose Black Race.
instant is intended for British Subjects who may go to reside in foreign employee of Grebien and Martinez, was appearing the other evening, he semble in Barbados on Jan. 29, exRodriguez, 26 year old Panamanian In a Brussels theatre, where he dies Conference, which is to as. d) Establishment of a Veterinary Service for the Windward jects going abroad, and should find countries should register themselves interest among West Indians on the at the British Consulate as British local contractors, in front of the met a Negro artist, Nabid Benglia, pects to land in Trinidad on or about and Leeward Islands. Proposed Cristobal Silver Clubhouse at 57 back stage and learning that the January 14.
subjects and that for by Windward Islands.
Isthmus:this purpose After the Conference he will visit CUSTOMS SHIPPING.
It has been brought to the Gov they should provide themselves, with last Tuesday morning. The buffer of intter was to appear on the same the engine hit the pedestrian who program with himself, informed the British Guiana.
The steps which should be tak.
et nor notice that British West In evidence of British nationality such failed to heed several blasts of the manager: Then will not be in the Travelling with Sir Edward from en to implement and, if necessadian Subjects residing in foreign passpot, a ertificate of British naLondon to Trinidad will be Mr. ry supplement the recommendacountries frequently omit to register tionality or a birth certificate show engine whistle. According to eye show.
tions of the Inter Colonial Cus.
themselves as British Subjects at the ing birth within His Majesty do witnesses the body was hurled about the manager invented some pre Sedgwick of the Colonial Office who twenty feet from where it was hit: text for requesting Benglia to post. will act as secretary to the Conferminions.
toms Conference of 1919 with British Consulates, and that in conConsular Officers are empowered the skull was badly crushed and the pone his appearance, but the incidentence; and Mr. Huxley, of the per special reference to the following sequence cases have occurred arms broken, resulting in instanta. created considerable notice.
manent staff of the Empire Market questions: which Consular Officers, having no to require such further evidence of neous death.
As a result, the Association for iny Board, who, during the Confer. a) The advantage or otherwise evidence of the British nationality of identity as they may think necessary Engineer Farrel who in the Protection of the Black Race hasence will give information about the registration of a greater uniformity in Cusapplicants for their assistance, have and application for toms Tariffs. Barbados.
bren unable to give them the protec. should be made upon a form of dec. charge of the train told the Cristo decided to take the matter up in co work of the Board. Mr. Huxley, ae(b) Free Trade between the tion which would otherwise have aration, copies of which are obtain. 18 By Joy ppus. lºd operation with the Union of French companied Mr. Amery, Secretary of Artists. Continued on page 8)
able at Consulates, and it should be State for the Dominions on his Em Conference Colonies. Windward been accorded to them.
learly understood that the absence pire tour.
Islands His Excellency directs it to be noof adequate evidence of identity may The following will comprise the (c) The mode to be adopted for tified, for general information, that make it impossible for Consular OfSPARKLETS Agenda of the Conference.
meeting cases of false declaration in order that Mis Majesty Consular ficers to accord protection to British AGENDA by exporters to Colonies, either (By sbjects.
with a view to wilfully and fraudOfficers may be in a position to in AGRICULTURE VETERIN. ulently deceiving the Custom or If you have been a constant read THOSE SPIRITUALS er of the column which Nick reARY: as a result of negligence. British Look back for a moment with us (a) Co operation between the Guiana serves for his friends and ecuntry into the comfields of the southern THE WORKER CORNER men on the daily Star Herald you United States of America about a Agricultural Departments of the (d) Declaration, making claims probably have come acros: Mr. Mc century ago, gentle reader; look back several colonies with a view to e for admission to preference under Donald twist of ability to apportion there with us and you will see some more complete, effeient and inci a 25 per cent, enabling provision We take much pleasure in publish thrown into the ocean from a pas values. Brother McDonald declared of our great grand parents plodding dentally economical agricultural British Guiana.
ing the following few excerpts from sing vessel, and drifting along at that the honorable Theo. Wint, under the weight of chattel slavery; organisation than is possible so (c) The absence of any penal the report of the last annual con the mercy of wind and tide, ever be et al who transhipped at listen carefully to their groanings long as each colony attempts to clause in regulations governing the ference of the Public Servant s, As came more than a bottle, though Cristobal a few days ago as reyr under pressure of forced labor and provide itself with a complete and entry of goods entered at prefer sociation of South Africa may eventually be wafted to shore self contained agricultural staft.
covered with useless seaweed and Rentatives of Jamaica to the Con their supplications in ence rate. British Guiana.
ference at Barbados on the federn among other means of relief there song that, Proposed by Barbados. f) Introduction of model merThere is nothing in the world so barnacle.
tion of the British West Indian from, a chariot of angels from (b) The establishment of a co chant shipping ordinance for Bridifficult or disappointing as propa Moreover, the philosophy which Islands, are nothing but shrewd pol over Jordan would swing low and onial Agricultural Service as retish Guiana and West Indies.
ganda work, and all honor is due tells us that a contented mind is a iticians who succeeded in carrying carry them home relieve them of commended in the Report of a British Guiana.
very those who have the courage to take purse well lined may serve thote wand. The propagandist is al well when applicable to children her; maica tax payers money to detray had not been studying the true suthrough an appropriation from Ja the torture of cruel oppressors. We Committee appointed by the Sec TRADE REPRESENTAretary of State (Cmd. 8049) ser TION IN UNITED KINGDOM Ways himself imbued with faith in ing indulgent parents, but wcommon their expenses while on a wild vablimity of the Negro Spirituals the the Secretary of State despatch AND CANADA his cause and has the vision, but so it beyond the bounds of common cften feels that while he is instilling sense when we apply it to life Recation. Which reminds us of a story heart pleadings of human sufferers of the 16th May, 1928.
The possibility of the adoption the spark of enthusiasm, that spark nerally. We state deliberately that relating another twist, but that of of might over right. the originaliProposed by Barbados.
by the several Governments of (e) Development of a fruit trade some degree of co operation in may never be fanned into the flamene single person who has ever achiey. the imagination, of a New Yorkerty of these songs had not made that which will spread the light around. ed greatness cold have succeeded One evening Phil Thomas got drunk, great appeal to our inner self, had in the Windward and Leeward the organised disposal of the had he adpoted this easygoing doe climbed up into the fifth floor of a left no indelible impress upon our skyscraper and there fell asleep, soul, until recently when they were COLORED COMMISSARY previously dispensing with his pan introduced on classical entertainment GOVERNMENT LIQUOR Modern conditions demand collecrating the stern necessity for inPATRONS MUST WAIT REVENUE FOR 1928 EXcreasing the power of the Publictive movement for the good of thr taloon as if he were in his private programs by Mrs Olga King, local dormitory. Next morning between prano. Every time, since then, that ON WHITES Servant Association, and though individual, and we state emphatical the dark and the daylight the sky we happen across a caption descripCEEDS 17 MILLIONS.
we do not wish to tire our readers, ly, for the benefit of those of our scraper caught fire and the conse tive of the bewailings of Negro we must again express our astonish. colleagues who preach the placid pod ment commotion aroused the semi slave our heart goes out in sym the hundreds of colored employees second largest source of revenge of The great problem of disputehing The Liquor Revenue Bureau, the ment at the mentality behind the licy of smug contentment, that we zobered Phil who struggled down. vathy, at times we are moved to the of the La Boca commissary has not the Republic, collected 1, 872, 680. 87 neglect to become a member of the long as they put their faith in our stairs landing finally on the green point where brave men shed tears, been altogether solved by the build iu taxes on liquor manufactured and association. The need is so perfectly doubtful princes and while they per grass in front of the ground floor it would appear that the greater ap ling of the present modern commis sold in the Republic for the year obvious.
sist in their lamentable lethargy of the building with his pants hawlthere will be nothing in life for themed on to his lower extremities vice Spirituals the greater appreciation bids fair of becoming more precition cultivate for the sary structure. In fact, the problem 1928. This amount represents an inacute crease of 116, 669. 80 over the year We are perfectly convinced that or for us. If we fail now to show versa. What in the world is the they seem to develop into for than it was originally. The colored Bureau for the year total 1, 810, public service who does not, in his when, in the evening of our days, the building in flames. bellowed able to put forth to free ourselves and other conveniences in the new 1027. The total tax collection of the innermost being, know that the only many of us will look back to the pasping member of the gentler from the shackels of economic and commissary would materially aid in 78. The items from which liquor Bureau year 1, 81, way in which confidence can be res youth which was so filled with am sex. Phil jumped up and began other forms of slavery. Hence, we reducing the almost limitless diftored is through the Public Servants bition, and experience that most ter pull himself together. After fussins have decided to forego remaining in ficulties experienced in the old one, revenues were derived are: alcohol, around to locate the front of his bed and enjoy a needed rest tomor only to find that all these only servo Association, and the influence it will liquor manufacture, brewry and rible feeling that life has been a vants which, of course, was now lowield when it has full membership.
nber heilear dismal failure. The thought will not cated on his reverse uide, he looked the crowd to the Excelsior Theatre American sections, row (Sunday) afternoon to follow to attract customers from the white saloon. Publie and private markets, Yet, notwithstanding all The American government piers and the English writing on the wall. and all our tion that we had the remedy in ouring anxiously to see him out of Sweet Chariot, Coming for To Car of the length of the line of colored Liquor Revenue Bureau as far as tax be any the sweeter for the realiza up to the lady who was still wait particularly to listen to Swing Low, patrons are served first regardless Wharf in Panama come under the ceaseless propaganda work and efforts for the well being of the indi own hands, but neglected to seize danger and exclaimed: I don ry Me Home, which is booked to be employees, and the length of time collection is concerned and represent vidual, the result has been disap the opportunity.
know ma am, but but it seems as if rendered by the Concert Party of they had been in the line. It is un the other sources from which tho received a hell of a twist. The the Panama Symphony Orchestra as derstood that several complaints Bureau received its record breaking pointing.
The West Indian workers on the chances are therefore, gentle reader, an item of the program of the Or. have been lodged with the commis collections for the past year.
These figures (referring to statis Panama Canal can well picture them that had Brother MeDonald been chestra first quarterly concert. Yes, sary manager and salesmen. The tics) are tragic in their significance. selves being spoken to by workers in diagnosed carefully about the time to retire at times in genuine sym former generally gives deaf ear, because they show all too clearly that the cause of unionism in South Afri when he scribbled his little tale of pathy with our forefathers in slave while the latter redress is, better All Roads Wilt Lead to JuanFranco Tomorrow a great number of our colleagues ca. And no less should the workers woe to the Star Herald one would ey creates in us that noble desire to cannot be done. As the colored peoare content to drift through life in the various industries in the cities not likely find psychopathic inferio Dress on more energetically, more ple are not permitted, except hoping for some favorable breeze of of Panama and Colon regard this ap Irity but the twist in his case wou sinonrely to render more remote very special reasons, to purchase letting the gold employees invade chance to waft them to harbor. We peal, for they are not even attempt most likely be traced to alcoholic with each succeeding day the barri from the gold commissaries, it is the silver commissaries is sanctionhave yet to learn that the bottle ing to organize.
ere to our independence.
not believed that the unfairness of led by the Canal and Railrond heads We are ourselves weary of reite trine.
we us for


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