
FARMER COLUMN To Overcome or Undergo Racial Prejudices ON THE PIG TRACK.
For the New Year AT THE LA MASCOTA of races. fine selection of Black Blue Serges, Black Cheviots Vicunas, and Cream Flannels Also ENGLISH TWEEDS the very latest designs LA MASCOTA MULLER Prop.
Not Forgetting Help For The Aged Swedish Poem. let at weights from 175 ibs to 330 By KELLY MILLER (Contributed)
AMALGAMATION. cannot tnke place on a considerable Hogs or Pigs are in similarity scale white race prejudice persists irrespective to origin with one comUnder the above captions the Chi, and while society remains conscious mon habit to species.
go Defender publishes the follow of it. Instances, of course, will occur, We have principally, the Amerbut not suffciently numerous to be ioan, Chinese, Norwegian, Russian, notice that a number of papers of social importance.
Portuguese and English breed.
have become interested in my recent Among the Teutonic and Anglo The all important British breeds cerse, To Overcome or Undergo Saxou contingent of the American of swine are the Tromworth and the Tacial Prejudice Which? Amalga prople there is a universal sentiment large and middle white or Yorshire tration spontaneously springs to my painst the intermixture and the large black Berkshire to mind as a possible solvent Solution Other reial elements of the white gether with the various crosses de by absorption could only happen in are guided and controlled by rived from the foregoing.
of world wide amalgamation. The dominant Anlo Saxon mind, The Berkshire. This variety of pig the 000. 000 whites in California ich emphasizes and strengthens is black, and has, as a rule, white rould consent to absorb the 100, 000 Choir own normal inclination. Twen feet and a white patch on the foreMongolians now within their gatesty nine out of 45 states have already head the face is short, the back this would only lead to local and passed anti intermarriage laws. One broad the ribs long and well roundtemporary easement. But so long aor two striking instances, such as the ed. They are of medium size, but of the great reservoir of yellownesses of Frederick Doug ass, Jack fine quality still remains in its untouched integ Johnson and Kip Rhinelander, serve The Large Black. This breed has rity in Asia, the great white and to stir the remaining states to folto a large extent displaced the yellow races would remain as far or low the lead of the majority. Such Berkshire, because they are much further apart than ever. By parity proposals were defeated in several heavier and very easy to rear.
of reasoning, if the handful of Afri legislatures, not because the states Topical specimens must be free cans, whether of direct or diluted opposed the principle, but merely befrom white. They have long backs, blood, now sojourning in the United cause it was urged that the infrewell sprung ribs, broad heavy hams States should be swallowed up and quency of the instances did not jus.
and big forequarters.
hidden completely from sight, the tify such drastie action.
The sows breed well as a rule, and race problem in America would inci Amalgamation outside of wedlock make good sucklers.
dentally seem to dissappear with the is a decadent, all but a dead, insti.
provoking cause. But beyond the tution. Bastardy in all lands and all Sprung from the old Berkshire, cean is Africa. The steamship, the times has been taboo. Bastardy airship, the cable and radio are has across the race lines is They are bright sandy red or chestdeemed nut in colou and the sows are protening the age of prophecy when double in its baseness. On the part lifie, only they usually producerathere shall be no more sea.
of the white female it constitutes a ther lean bacon. They mature early solid white continent facing a social stigma worse than death. On a very important matter to the solid black one would but stand out the part of the Negro female it is pig feeder.
in sharper distinctness without any becoming equally opprobious. The inThe Yorkshire. These are and always mitigating intermediary, evitable dissemination of the know37 Central Avenue.
have been a very favourite breed of It is a matter of disquieting ob ledge of birth control will speedily pigs and are extensively used for servation that most of our AfroAliminate bastardy as an element of crossing with others, such as the merican social thinkers so called, focundity on the part of both white 3erks large black etc.
lack world mindedness. They are for and black, and most especially biThey mature early, are good feedthe most part deficient in the power racial bastardy.
of objectification. They cry only be How then is this amalgamation to rs and of strong constitution. Some them can be placed on the marcause the shoe pinches and seem to take place since it is forbidden lefeel that personal relief is the only sally and banned illegally, unless or Columbus lbs objective worth while. Marcus Gar util prejudice abates its stubbornIn a recent social congress held in It matters little where was born, The sows breed freely, and are vey and the school of thought whichness? The white blood now injected Munich, Germany, the point was If my parents were rich or poor very fair mothers though vice oche typifies portray the only genuine into the Race in days gone by will By HERBERT KAUFMAN suresséd that care for the young had Whether they shrank at the cold urs in this as in every other variephilosophy based upon world vision. divide itself into two streams of tenworld scorn, y animal The vision of so earnest a mind as doney. Those near the racial divide, pessimist is abob cat who doesn absorbed all public attention at the that of Frederick Douglass did not especially the males, will feel dis believe in tails. His opinions are the expense of due consideration for the Or walked in the pride of wealth SWINE FEVER secure.
range beyond the hither rim of the posed to pass to the side where sourings of a mind which views all aged.
This is a specific disease and unDr. Schlossman, noted health au But whether live an honest man, Altantie ocean. He over and over personal advantage and opportunity truth through doubt smoked glasIke enteric fever in human. It is thority, read a paper entitled, The And hold my integrity firm in my again expressed his disdain or dis lie. The residue, especially the fe ses.
very infectious, and causes enormclutch, Confidence wears clearer, stronger Aged; Chapter from the History interest in the mother continent by males, will breed backward on the us animal losses. It is scheduled the maxim: have none of the bachromatic scale. Casual observation specteles and therefore sees oppor of Ingratitude. He showed what at. tell you, my brother, as plain as y the board of Agriculture and any nana in me.
will convince the observer that in tunities never apparent to a short tention was given to the training of (am, usicion of its existence upon prethe great majority of marriages the righted bigot.
youth and charged that little thought It matters much! regard Marcus Garvey program mises it should be at once notified Cynicism is the cloack under which was given to the welfare and con it matter little how long stay 26 grotesque and bizarre, but not female of the species is much higher to the nearest Local Authority.
failure hides his philosophy. Where the revealing than male. There will indeed be self confessed its fort of persons in the decline of life. In a world of sorrow and care; Automatically Compulsory.
medium falls short of the revealed amalgamation within the Race itself, threadbare and scoreless career. He pointed out that the age of phy. Whether in youth m called away, Slaughter will be enforced on all sical weakness and diminished earnThe chronie seoffer a dyspeptic Or live till my bones and pate artvigs that have been in contact with idea the effect is ridiculous. But al but not of a biracial character. Inof this aside, you cannot solve the cidentally, the 14th census showed a suffering from his own tindigeste with mental anxieties arising from tut whether do the best can ing capacity was often accompanied bare.
hose affected with swine fever.
decline of 400, 000 mulattoes. We race problem in America yellow or ambitions.
It is a very difficult complaint to fear of becoming dependent on relablack until it must await the results of the 15th solved for To soften the weight of advertell during life, usually requiring the Success is impossible without entives or the public sity touch world. But amalgamation will not, in consus to tell what has become of thusiasm. Progress would be a thouine or more post mortems to diagnos them.
any time which we can now foresee.
The problem of how to help the the faded cheek of my fellow and practically settle the epidemie.
solve the local problem as The ultimate destiny of humanity and yenrs nearer its goals if croaktime it pre(man, COUGH DIARRHOEA.
vaile in the United States. To start may indeed be universal amalgama ers weren perpetually throwing the aged and at the same switch and derailing express trains their self respect is a big problem It matters much!
Paralysis and general debility are vrith, we have to deal with the Teu tion, but that destiny is too remote of thought.
and one that has received very lit it matters little where it my grave tk attention. There is too often the present, together with fever, the On the land or in the sea, tonic race and the Anglo Saxon va and far off for our limited wisdom to Majority vote is against every inconsideration feeling that if they Es purling brook or neath stormy Lormal temperature of the pig is viety, which is the most bigoted and Cursee, nor need we in our day and 103 Fahrenheit, so that there is no intolerant of all the breeds of men generation concern ourselves with it. original notion, because the average failed to provide for their own old mind is too lazy or envious to weigh age it is their own fault that they wave. ever unless beyond this point. Take Brazil, if, let alone by Anglo Saxon It matters little or naught to me.
evidence before delivering convictemperature in the rectum with the nade their bed and should be ready Det whether the angel Death come.
interfernce, mght settle its racia linical Thermometer. Isolate all susto lie in it. But many a man has down, No important discovery, invention been the victim of misfortunes, of nected cases immediately, and make And marks my brow with his lov Anglo Samson America. Nor can Bra. Activities community improvement free use of disinfectants.
was circumstances, and has found himzil settle its problem while we retain ing touch launched amid hurrahs.
These animals provide in ors. The growing intercourse of self destitute in his old age in spite As one that shall wear the victor!
We would still dwell in wattle of a life of industry and self denial The regular meeting of the aboveases for themselves, even to their the two nations demands soe al as crown, nedicine when in the open, and if named Society took place on Wed huts, travel afoot, wear animal pelts Thousands of old people in Germany well as political and commercial unIt matters much!
vorried by any parasites a mud bath derstanding.
neday night last in Geddes Hall and subsist on raw roots and flesh, who were ruined by the war and.
when three papers on three female of a few intrepid brains in each ge depreciation of the YOUNG MESSENGER vill solve their intent question, all eurrency Sone time ago, timed armble characters viz: Rebekah, Es neration hadn turned deaf ears to examples at hand. Few employers hey want is a plenty to eat and setting forth the wal ther and Mrism were read by the he eternal cry, that it can be are willing to consider them at all. rink, with fresh air. They are simtrattan is mut sortient to the Misses Esina Scarlett, Minna But dore.
If you have a Prescription le to matters you are much con prosent real llation. Bu took terfield and Madeline Morgan res.
to say nothing of giving them a liverned over and secs aga the histy, oberver: pectively, and which also furnished from the builder of the frst hand able to support them, or they may Plaza, where you will get cou The winners of the human race, ang wage. Their children may be un be made up take it to t!
National Pharmacy, Santa An In our next we ll treat on another nz net palgamation aliady light: valuable information for the many loom down to Marconi, were leered ne too ungrateful to do so, or they rack.
end the whole, me through a tran members present, Miss Doris Hamer and sneered at before they were may be no children.
teous and obliging service.
fusion of white blood. Th is un contrbuted a Voenl Solo and Miss cheered at e ubtedy true. But it must alyrays inuise Gill Piano Selection: Mrs.
What should be done about this KEEP ON KEEPIN ON.
be borne in mind that thi translu. Hemer Gibson reading was also an brothers were sure they were all up is not to suggest a solution many yours, an that was a photograph The closest friends of the Wright social problem? The important point sew but one face that looked loik sion took place unconsciously on interesting contribution. the day looks kinder gloomy, Tort of both part cipants. As soon fine Literary and Musical evein the air, until they began to fly plans have been put forward but an Irish king.
as society became conscious of what wing was enjoyed by all present, the there.
In yer chances kinder slim: to awaken a general interest, a huJudge Flatherty Discharged had taken place, end gn steps were Wade presided and the situation puzlin, And half the investors buying man concern, in the subject. Let the call the next case.
In the prospect awful grim: taken to forbid further progress in brought the evening to a close with owned it at ten cents on the dollar, pathetically. Then there will be that poem sent you?
Warner stock above par could have situation be faced honestly and symSpringer, the poet Did you us that rection. Rnce pe judice ishe Mizpah.
Im perplexities keep pressin Cill all hope is nearly gone.
perdurable, certainly in so far as we if they hadn been such cock sure, plenty of plans, and, as a result, proWiseman, the Editor No; have isolated any means Jest bristle up an grit yer teeth.
of oversmart alecks on the future of talk bes and adequate action.
If you have a Prescription to be hardly thought it was worth whe An Keep on Keepin, on.
coming it. Sex passion, in individual ing pictures.
The Pathfinder. you asked for it.
instances, outweights race prejudice, made up take it to the National The school boy who described an Springer But didn put a prie in the individual for the moment, but vou will get courteous and obliging optimist ns a man who fixes your Judge Flatharty. Haven you on it.
ta does not faze its stubbornness Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where eyes, furnished a much better de been before me before. Rent Receipt Books in Spanish Wiseman No, but you asked u and English for sale at the as a racial entity. Amalgamation serviee.
finition than Noah Webster Prisoner No, y honor; Oi niver to give it our careful consideration Workman Printery.
is save tsons problem by amalgamation, but not Panama Wesleyan ur most are


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