
PAGE THREE Panama Wesleyan Christian Endeav.
VICE PRESIDENT Mr. GRANT ROLL SECRETARY 1940 FOR Making Good Clothes and Cleaning Clothes Good. See Open a savings account today and you will take your first step toward independence. No man is really free unless he is in a position to act unhampered by financial needs. savings account cuts the ropes that bind a man and permits him to walk freely and act freely when his opportunity arrives. Open your way to independence, to freedom, to happiness start an account today with us at per annum.
YU No. 6, 19th Street and Central Ave.
The National City Bank of New York Panamá Colón Our Savings Department is open for doposits Tuesday ovenings from to o clock and from to o clock. Should do Its Duty to Colonies Held Not as a Profit But as a Duty NEURALGINA Should be in every office to immediately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work, NEURALGINA Should be in every school to soothe bad a headaches and reduce the fever of children. YA NEURALGINA Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes ORGANIST Mr. Lewin Dottin.
Mrs. Wade.
Mr. Claude Guy COMMITTEE Mr. Harris, Mrs. Chandler, Mrs. Swaby, Miss McMillan, Mrs REID Shaw, Miss Ivy Myers, Miss Alice King, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. Margt.
TO GO Jones, Mrs. Jones.
SYLLABUS FOR THE MARCH QUARTER OF 1929 Jan. 23rd Talk on Hygiene by an Expert Jan. 80th. Trinidad its History by Trinidadian.
PANAMA, Feb. CONSECRATION MEETING. Address by the Vice President.
13. musical Guest Evening (with light refreshments. 20. LANTERN LECTURE by Mr. Alleman of the Army Navy TO CONTINUE IN PRISON 27. Three Papers: SUBJECTS FOR DEATH OF HUSBAND. David by Mr. Samuel ClonAfter serving ten out of a twentymell. Moses by Mr Redvers Marham year sentence in the penitentiary for having taken part with her brother Samuel by Mr Cyril CumberThe following illuminating article damage to the extent of 86, 000, 000 in law, Isabel Ortega, Gregoria Ar batch.
under the caption, Bothersome Col. besides the heavy toll of human life. rocha, Panamanian, who requested Mar. CONSECRATION MEET onies, appeared in last week issue The Red Cross has assisted in supply and was granted a new trial, was ING. SUBJECT: Old Metho of The Nation.
ing food and in rebuilding 60, 000 again found guilty dist Hymns their History.
There was a paragraph in Presihenses, but has no funds for the re The murder was committeed someby the Rev. Cousins.
dent Coolidge Armistice Day speech habilitation of agriculture. The cof time in 1928 when Eustequio Her 18. DEBATE: Resolved. that which passed almost unnoticed in the fee industry is in the worst plight, ara arrived home one day and found Music exercises a greater in United States but has raised tu and it is to be hoped that Congress his wife in the arms of Ortega, his fluence upon the Community mult of discussion in our overseas will accede to the plea to make a half brother. After remonstrating than Literature, mpire. Our outlying possession ban for its revival. This industry is with them both his wife and her lov.
Affirmative: Miss Doris Rodney with the exception of the Panama se only considerable one in the isSer attacked him and stabbed him to Negative: Miss Ivy Myers. Canal Zone, are not a help to us but land still controlled largely by small death. Arrocha and Ortega wero 20. BASKET SOCIAL OUT hindrance, said Mr. Coolidge. We individual owners, and although the found guilty and sentenced to serve ING. small charge will be told them not as a profit but as a living conditions of the workers are twenty years each in the penitentia made to cover the cost of luty.
pitiable, it would be too bad if this ry. Death intervened and shortened transportation)
remnant of independent agriculture Ortega term. It is said that the Naturally these words have caus were allowed to perish. As it will new verdiet of guilty of complicity. 27. History of the Paname sd much talk and some resentment take years to bring new coffee in the crime may effect a reduction Wesleyan Church by Mr. in the regions alluded to, especially trees into bearing, and as most of of the original sentence meted out Harris.
As some of them have been chastised the growers are without capital, it to Arrocha.
by nature recently as well as by the is obvious that they will have to President, typhoon has lately caus have more or less assistance until ad large loss of life in the Phillip they can sell their first crop.
BARBADOS SOCIETY TO HOLD IMPORTANT pines, while the Virgin Islands and Porto Rico were pitilessly battered Harwood Hull Porto Rico ProgF. BOWEN MEETING 11 by the hurricane of last autumn. ross takes the wise stand that this TAILOR Rothschild Francis Emancipator is the moment to take a broad surA very important meeting of the Bar of St. Thomas admits sadly that the vey of the island problemas as a No. M Street San Miguel bados Society will be held on Mon. President profit and loss statement whole, and act accordingly, instead Panama City day night 21st inst, when in addition is true in regard to the Virgin Is of merely dealing out temporary to other important transactions, sev. lands, but adds that if Denmark doles here and there. It recalls aneral new members will be added to had known the value of money she other part of the Armistice Day norance, and neglect.
the roll. large attendance is also certainly could have got at the time speech in which Mr. Coolidge said: Though he did not know it when requested at this meeting to take of sale 175, 000, 000 or even 260. We intend to preserve our high he made his speech, this is the part in the proceedings of the New 000, 000 for this particular outlying standards of living and declared duty of the United States to Year. possession. We paid 25, 000, 000. It that we should like to see all other Porto Rico to which the President is too late now as this is peace time countries on the same level.
and talk is cheap.
The newspaper then asks: The position is well taken. The sitSMITH APPEALS FOR HELP In this country there may be a If the United States holds Por uation in Porto Rico is critical. But TO CLEAR OFF DEFICIT OF slight shiver at hearing our colonies to Rico as a duty, as the President it is only a little more critical be.
CAMPAIGN discussed from quite such a booksays, what is the duty of the use of the hurricane than it has keeping standpoint as that of Mr.
United States to her fellow Amer been during all the thirty years of The total deficit in the recent demo Coolidge, but his words throw a cold ican citizens here? How badly does our occupation. Porto Rico suffer cratic campaign in the United light on the whole subject of empire the President want to preserve chronically from too many mouths States, when the Democratic Party which may be into the high standards of living in the to feed and too little to put quoted usefully suffered a crushing defeat by the against the policies of his own AdUnited States and how badly does them. The density of population is Republicans, amounted to one and a ministration. If our outlying possesho want those standards attained un times that of the average for half million dollars, according tusions are not a help to us but a and maintained in Porto Rico? our continental United States, and reports from New York reaching the hindrance, we wonder how Mr. Millions of money may be ap. yet agriculture is and seems destinIsthmus during the week. Alfred Coclidge explains the passion of the propriated for Porto Rico with ed long to remain the one great Smith, then Governor of the State State Department for the practical scarcely more effort than that resource of subsistence. The food of of who headed the Demo snnexation of Haiti and Nicaragua quired to make the President the workers is miserably inadequate, erotic Party as their nominee fo: in any event, if we have a duty tospeech. If appropriated, every cent and anemia is widespread, due to President of the United States, is ward our outlying possessions, now will be wasted, and worse than hookworm and malnutrition.
said to be appealing to the voter certainly the time to recognize it.
wasted, unless basic facts and con Porto Rico Chamber of commerce of his party to subscribe to pay oft The Virgin Islands have been conditions are studied and understood estimates that at the present time the big deficit.
sistently neglected since we acquired and broad general plan develop unemployment extends to 60 per Herbert Hoover, the successful hem a decade ago, and are still un ed for the physical, social, and eco cent of the workers, but this is not Republican nominee, now President Ier the temporary (and highly un nomie rehabilitation of the largest greatly beyond the normal, which is eleet of the United States of Ameratisfactory) government then set group of Amerlean etizens any. always appalling. Porto Rico Prowhere outside of continental gress is right. we pretend duty ita, has just completed good willp. But Porto Rico needs our even tour of South America, planning the more immediate attention, as it was United States; rehabilitation re to the island, then there is an imselection of his cabinet and prepar the spot hardest hit in the recent quired not because of chance mediate call for a searching survey hurricane, but because of general and an honest, intelligent effort at ing for his inauguration into office West Indian hurricane. recent sur tous of melnutrition, to the ut mouth wes show that the island stated hatri dont 79 ស ne od os To 98 orch by Mr.
the heart important meeting of er For sale both Wholesale and Rotall AT THE AMERICAN PHARMACY JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Panama.
FRANK WILLIAMS BUILDER DESIGNER 22 Straot, Guachapali, Houso No. 18 Furniture of Varied Quality and Up to date Designs PRICES DEFY COMPETITION sp.
WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR Contra Crespo No hot irons or special combs required voy SOLD IN DRUG STORES ATT TATTIC


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