
Special January Offer ELECTRIC INSTALLATIONS For LIGHTING IRONING. 60 2Ñ 200 Q032 If you use Electricity for Ironing or Cooking JOB. PRINTING THE WORKMAN The Open Forum The Editor, The Workman Published on Maturday ay WALROND, at the office No 79 Sir Allow me space for the folI wing: CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, Within a few days Delegates from Box 74, Perama Box 1102, Aneon the various West Indian Colonien RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION will assemble in the Island of Barba.
ONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
dos to discuss among the subjectsіх моNтня 20 Confederation of the olonies, the THREE West Indian College, Immigration to ONE MONTH. 50 British Guiana and a closer and bet Patre for Advertisement on application, correspondence on all matter understanding among the colo ten of public interest invited.
ties A11 copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, These are very important and and must be accompanied by the name of the writer, not necessarily for weighty subjets the handling of publication but as a mark of good faith.
which must be discussed by unbiased W We do not tindertake to return rejected correspondence.
minds vold of colonial pride, protperity extent of territory, or any other reparate colonial whim of The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS You pay the Balance in Four Small Monthly Installmente fancy. The colonies as a whole mot first be considered, and the benefits THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 19 1929.
to be derived from Unttication. The College should be placed on woch.
standard as not to be a hindrance as CONDUCT OTHERS prenent existing Colleges are to su ASK BOR bitious youths and maidens, giving MIGHT FOLLOW advantages to the bigger Bonnes sons The Combination Rate and you Will Save Money and daughters. The amount of Red tape surrounding the existing one There was a funeral of unusual interest in this THE COMBINATION RAIE IS in the various colonies should be dty on the 2nd of this month. It was that of Edward lessons in guiding these representa Alfred Mayers, colored West Indian and a member tives. The Immigration scheme to of the Zone Police. There was much discussion about The Most Economical Rate for British is a laudable move it among those who witnessed it at the St. Vincent Roand discussed in the same way man Catholic Church and at the city cemetery. It was a ELECTRIC SERVICE EVER OFFERED win do much to relieve the burden lodge funeral, and the lodge members in attendance of the colonies and prevent emmigra were in their regalia: and there was no music. All this, tion to such countries whose etehowever, did not make this funeral unusual to the The Gas Electric Showrooms toms and legislations are somewhat spectators, for they had seen many such funerals of embarrassing. The Confederation West Indians in the city, without music, and becoming FUERZA LU2 scheme though being the most ty orderly, solemn and impressive.
weighty subject, can become the AT YOUR SERVICE IPANAMA COLON What was unusual was the part played by the most simple the Balkans States will Zene Police. They were represented by a party of 30 give an idea of the course to take men, including the Chief of Police. Excepting the latin this matter.
ter, all were in uniform. There were inspector, capIt is hoped that Harmony, Reason, tain, sergeants, 1st class policemen (white) and 16 Experience, and Good intentions for colored policemen. Six of the policemen were the pallthe success of the Colonies bearers. Wreaths were contributed by the force, and whole will characterize the entire as the last act of comradeship, were laid on the grave session, and that success will crown by the inspector. The public was impressed by such their endeavors. That Jealousy, bimanifestation of interest by the white section of the gotedness, conceit, and all such hin.
force toward a colored brother, and many were the ances to good will for ever be abcomplimentary remarks made about it.
Of every description sent. Those of us who are distant will follow with deep concern such This paper has come to learn from the colored officers themselves that this is not the only case in which DONE WITH NEATNESS AND details as may be given from time to time in the Panama Tribune, and the white officers have so acted; that for many years.
The Workman.
or rather from the earliest years of the force, there DESPATCH SMITE has been that genuine personal interest shown in them, although it has been intenser with the present Chief of Police and his assistant officers; that in a case about AT THE four years ago, for instance, they subscribed the full Reat Receipt Books in Spania burial expenses, and over, although they had known and English for sale at the that the deceased was a member of a lodge and was in Workman Printery.
good standing at the time of his death.
But the cynic or the critical thinker might say it is the way of the world to keep back all the charity unGrand Selection, Faust Gounod til one is dead, then strew the grave with roses, say the Orchestra finest things and do a host of other things that avail Recitation.
Miss May Malcolm.
nothing to the dead. Hapnily, in the case of Edward Panama Symphony Soprano Solo Break, dawn of the Mayers this was not so. The story is told that he was light Maundrell, Mr. 01seized by a wasting disease and was on the sick list Orchestra ra King from the month of May, 1925, until the day of his death Trio, Violin, Cello and Piano (Art No. 20 Street East, Calidonia (1st instant. that he was not dropped from the Rodney) Messrs Rodney.
FIRST QUARTERLY CONCERT strength of the Force, as is done by other Departments Harper and Murray.
and Divisions of the Canal in similar cases, but was Flute Solo, Il Pastore Svizzero, Always on hand a fine selection of kept in close touch with from time to time. But more Morlacchi, Mr Benjamin Jayes than that: soon after he was taken ill, and during the DRUGS, PATENT NEDICINES The Excelsior Theatre will be the Tenor Solo, Oh Promise Me de entire period following the Division suhecribed on scene of another of those Classica.
Toven, Mr. Davis.
And TOILET ARTICLES various occasions sums of money totalling nearly Concerts for which the Panama Xylophone Solo. Coming through 800. 00 toward his support. Many of the white officers the Rye Variations Symphony Orchestra has recently Wm.
who subscribed were absolute strangers to him, and Strobbe.
become famous, and in keeping with evidently did so from the splendid example set them by Prescriptions Carefully Compounded a forecasted program for this year, Drip Drap Orchestra Acthe older ones who had known Maverg well, and posthe Orchestra will stage its first comp J. Ringleben, Mr.
sibly did it also from a feeling of esprit de corps.
By Experienced Druggist Quarterly Concert tomorfow after Murray,. INTERMISSION TEN MINUTES.
The police officials knew that Mavers was cut roon at p. in the popular Pleryhcuse.
down at a time when he was strong and givino promise Programme Part 11 int many more vearg of efficient service: thev knew THE IDEAL PHARMACY Ballet, Cleopatra suit No. 1, Leo Wm. de Sousa, Prop.
An elaborate program has been Oehmler,. Orchestra that despite the highest degree of frugality that he tastefully selected, and practised up Mezza Soprano Solo, Sextette from might have excercised during his then 19 years of serto the minute to meet the fancies of Lucia Rosinni, Miss Lena vire, his small wacag ennld have enahled him to save inusic lovers, and according to re Moulton.
little or npthing with which to dare himgelf now: thev ports turned in of advanced sale of Violin Solo, Ballet Scene Beriot knew alan that there was no nrovision hv The Panama little piece of loaf out of an old workers mouth, and to tickets, it looks as tho there won be Canal Government, whereby he would he agerred the crowd him out for some youngster; when the prevail. standing space in the Excelsion Vocal Duet, know ia bank Mr. Virjilio Cavajal.
continuance of living recently (though humhtul and ing attitude of antagonism by the white workers of Theatre tomorrow afternoon long they took pon themselves the burden of haining him the Zone toward their colored alien co workers is taken ere the curtain goes up at o clock.
Horn, Mrs. Olga King, Mr.
in his ead nlight, and Davis.
resmino his declining davg into account, the conduct of the white section of the from other want and misery. Tf there is a similar treat Zone Police must be regarded as beyond all praise. The Professor Garfield Murray, the Clarinet Concertina (Orchestra Ao mert of a colored alion on the Canal hy any nther colored men are appreciative. But it is a matter for abe Director of this popular or comp t) von Weber, Mr.
David Clarke.
Denartment or Diviginn, this paper should be glad to more than this handful of men: it is a matter for the chestra has made it clear that noknow it and to make it known.
whole West Indian community, of which they are mem thing has been left undone to make Soprano Solo, No Tongue can Teli White, Miss Alma Bu.
Accoming to these colored policemen, the relation beis. For as much as ye did it unto one of the least this their first quarterly concert chanan.
shin evisting between themselves and their white com of these, my brethren, ye did it unto Me. and it is a srenter attraction than any staged by the Orchestra heretofore.
Chorus, Swing low sweet chariot rares has. in peneral. been always reasonably friendly matter for the other Departments and Divisions of The Program follows:(Negro Spiritual. Concert and the attitude of grinerinrs toward them ynnreiudic the Canal, in the widest sense. The West Indian comST Party.
ed. Jndoing from the dislav at the funeral and the re tion. May not the rest of the white people follow the lead March Three Linka Garfield Nur munity join the colored policemen in their apprecia Programme Part Overture, Norma Bellini,. Or.
counted treatment of the officers during his illness, chestra ome cannot hesitate to gerent this latter statement of of those of the Zone Police? It is a good example, for ray, Orchestra STER WE THANK YOU the general state of affairs. The men are not hullied: Kindness is a language the deaf can hear, and the Introductory remarks. Mr. are not called names. There is no anxiety to match the dumb can understand. Headley BRITISH GUIANA WORKMAN PRINTERY The Ideal Pharmacy


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