
Canal Zone Notes FOR SALE CHEAP LA BOCA GATUN Leading Candidate MOORE PRESIDES LEAGUE FOR CURRENT YEAR IN THE LA BOCA CONTEST POR CARNIVAL QUEEN Moore, Secretary of the Gatun Silver Clubhouse, has been elected president of the Silver Clubhouse Baseball League for the current year Other officers are, Waller, Secretary and Bradley, Tressurer. In addition to the latter duties, he will also act as official secrer.
The Clubs comprising the League Rre: La Boca, Red Tank, Paraiso and Cristobal. determined effort will be made from now on to properly organize baseball in the Clubhouse League. One of the steps taken in this direction is to secure competent un pires and to allow them some remuneration for their work. maxl.
mum of good conduct from all players will be demanded at all times. Good Assortment of Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY POPULAR COUPLE WED TONIGHT 72 Carlos Mendoza Street and corner Javillo fashinoable little wedding will take place this Saturday evening in the Catholic church here, the contracting parties of which are to be Mr. Leonard Earnest Beckford and The above photograph is Miss Louise Buttler daughter of Mt. But Miss Leanna Louise Perry, both iler clerk at the at Balboa, tun. The bride will be given by her members the younger set of GAshe is leading in the Carnival Queen Father, Charles Perry, and the contest promoted by the La Boca chief maid of honor will be Miss Mutual Benefit Friendly Society, Ditta Shirley to come off in the month of February, among the other candidates she The marriage will bring together has the lead by a wide margin and two popular members of the comis predicted the favourite candidate munity. Mr. Beckford is one of the for the crown.
teachers of the United States Goverrment school at Gatun for colored children. Miss Perry is a dressmakNEW LEADERS FOR er. The couple expects to take up ATHENAEUM residence in Colon.
Interesting Jottings Friends and Countrymen: Country Aonther week finds me where was last to those interested, and cven to those curious, wish to say believe am regaining my health if absence of pain means that. Al ur the end of Janaury, if nothing unforeseen developes, hope to be my old sell, and hope to be again doing my little to help others bring about better conditions, if that to possible.
Perhaps, some one might say; but why should this man be scribbling every week only about himself! My answer is that am obligated to contribute to this column understand what an obligation is am shut oft an it were from the outer world, and cannot therefore be expected to discurs intelligently current tople under the circumstances, considerat it safer to discuse the subject with which am most familiar, vis, my.
But in order not to bore (for this word has become extremely common in popular vernacular) will vary the subject somewhat. will not, in this case, do unto others as they do unto me. That is to say altough others bore me continually. will try to abstain from boring them in return. Since took op residence here, have been bored at morning, noon, and night, and am afraid that my wife will not have cause to buy a grater from the Commissary er elsewhere in the future. In my agony, have become poetic, for ep.
ery time the Physician make his OPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMBER YARD round, greet his hand with a fer vent gaze and utter a suppliant murmur: Oh! what grievous pain PANAMA CITY bear, As my flesh the needles tear!
And the end is not yet. have been driven many a time to a condition of desperate solicitude, what ever that means; but it is the same condition to whteh Alex. was driven AM ON THE GARMENT LINE OF BUSINESS, when he disobeyed mother and COLLECT YOUR WORK AND RETURN IT SPEEDILY TO YOUR TIME She has a lovely face.
buty he was suffering from a ter rible gripe he being alone at home OUR QUALIFICATION AND WORKMANSHIP what a puritan!
there was no one in sight on whom ARE GUARANTEED TRY US Hang Her!
he could call, so he uttered what CLEAN Press some people would call a prayer, REPAIR She a Wall Clock graceful and follows:DARN MAKE Your Sultoute true Oh Lord, don you know me? It THE STAR PRESSER DYERS Hang Her! is me Alex. Miss Lizzy son from 101 ANCON AVE PANAMA up big tree beg you a chance ALCIDE Proprietor this time; if you doubt me just She keeps close track of the pasptop the pain, and will show you sing time Every tick tock is an honest reI can keep my word.
cord Yes, Ladies and Gentlmen. have felt like Alexander many a timeHang Her!
but those who know what prayer is vould not call that praying It is Her pendulum will always swing rerely what it is said to be, conBEAUTY PARLOUR true.
Hition in which one becomes des There a tiny gauge to center it berately solicituos.
Madame C, Walker Method hang Her! The other night, had a laughgood laugh it was more refresh11g than the supper they served me Full toned and mellow she didn eat it so it may not be strikes the hour and mention: Suite fair for me to my 80 Howthe half in passing. ver, it is this: certain follow Hang Her! was hurrying past my bed asked him to get for me a little hot water Consultation Free House 164 Ancon Ave. this was according to prescription.
You can get her from Fuller al 11e turned around very quickly and 122 Central Ave.
politely said, Dad, please excuse me Hang Her!
for a few minutes, do you hear all hat noise? said I, yes. Well, said he. that an unconscious man they have just brought in after ve helped with him, u be right back to you.
You will agree, friends that this is a peach unconscions man aking a noise. think have given you enougt smiles for this time mean those MULLER BUILDING of you who can smile there are some folks who couldn smile if they Room No. Caledonia were to get a fortune thereby to hese say adios! and to those who will smile with me in my affliction.
Prices 10. 00, 12. 50, 15. 00, 11 say, we ll meet again. suggest to 25. 00 and 30. 00.
all employees that they become members of the Employees AssociaIf you have a Prescription to be tion. suggest further that all those made up take it to the National who are members pay promptly the Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where death levy for the two departed you will get courteous and obliging brothers. Lets get some vim thies ht. Cortingen Page 89 How Prim land Handsome managed this stomach with green seun WE With the installation of officers of the La Boca Athenaeum on Tues OVERHAUL OF PACIFIC day night last a sweeping change LOCKS.
has been effected. There has been no re election for the present term as was almost traditional with the old Work on the quadrennial overhaul society. In fact all the old officers of the locks at Pedro Miguel and who had been serving and re servMiraflores commenced January 3, ing, thereby bearing the biggest 1920, to be completed in about four burden of this department of the months. The work involved will be clubhouse activities, are glad for the essentially the same as in previous the additional release and as well pleased with overhauls except their substitutes who are all young item of complete installation of 60 men with great promise and with onw cylindrical valves, and the regood service to the society to their moval, inspection, and repair of a credit.
pair of miter gates on the east side of Pedro Miguel.
The reigns of government is now in the hands of Mr. Cyrus, and At each of the Pacific locks, the ardent supporter of the Athenaeum side which is in service will be man.
for many years; serving for two red by one crew of 10 operators terms as secretary and as a member from a. to 11 and one crew of the Management Board and other of operators from 11 to a.
The overhaul calls for an addispecial committees. Mr. Cyrus was one of the five volunteer members tional force of 68 gold and 400 silof the society who helped to re in ver men.
still the reading habit in the younger members of the community which in turn was responsible for the resuscitation of interest in the club WOODRUFFE MAKES DONAhouse library Mrs. GERTRUDE FORDE RICHARDS Shampooing, Dyeing. Pressing, Facial Massaging, etc.
The terest in the elabTION TO LEAGUE.
Sydney McClean Attorney at Law Elton Woodruffe of New York PANAMA CANAL TOLLS City has forwarded a donation to the EXCEED 26, 000, 000 IN Isthmian Literary and Musical 1928.
Lengue to be used in helping the prodaction of the League magazine.
The magazine was to have made its 6, 384 Ships Used Great Waterway appearance in December of last year, Paying Average Daily Tolls of but owing to insufficient financial 72, 065. 46 guarantees the Management decided During the calendar year ended to hold the publication in abeyance December 31, 1928, a total of 6, 834 and in the meantime augment precommercial vessels, paying tolls agent plans so as to be able to start gregating 26, 375, 962. 41, transited publication as early this year as possible.
the Canal. The daily average numMr. Woodruffe was an old timer ber of transits for the year was 17. 81 and the daily average tolls collection Printer for the Panama Canal in the of Panama. He was employed as 72, 065. 46. In the number of com Administration Building at Balboa mercial transits and the tolls collect Heights and was one of the most ed, the year was second only to the popular residents of La Boca. He fiscal year ended June 30, 1928, later left with his family for New whan 6, 458 vesseis transited, paying York where he is at present doing tods of 2, 044, 409. 77.


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