
WEST INDIAN NEWS The Workman BOOK STORE Was United States Fleet Concentration PanCALL IN AT BARBADOS hundred and twenty tive Barbadians BRITISH GUIANA ama Bay 1929 to work in the cape fields of Cuba. Prom the Weekly Herk. The number that did sail was the The United States Fleet (176 veo merest fraction of those who had THE GOSPEL OF INDUSTRY. sels) will concentrate in Isthmian Chief Justice Ad the intention. The whart was throngwaters during the period January ed with dense crowds, additional poGeorgetown Dec. 117 to March 10, 1929. The first see vice to Jurors No. 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET Icemen being requisitioned by the Rev. Churchstone Lord, grad tion, due to arrive at Cristobal or special squad sent out to preserve usted of Tuskegee Institute, lectured January 17, will be composed of the AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL GRAVE RESPONSIBILITY UPON order. There was great clamour and on the the gospel of industry to a Scouting Fleet, Control Force, ane THEN some turmoil and extra precautions packed house in the Town Hall las Train Squadron No. 1, consisting of GOOD SELECTION OF had to be taken to prevent willing night. Governor Sir Gordon Guggis the following units: Five battleshipe During the sitting of the Assize but unauthorised emigrants getting berg presided and many distinguish cruisers, 32 destroyers, 24 sub NEW BIBLES Court on Wednesday Ile Honor Mr. aboard the ship. There seemed to be led citizens were present. Mr. Lord marines, mine layers, mine Justice Furness said he desire to one thought in the minds of the former Secretary Hymn Prayer Books to Booker sweepers, eagle. boats, aircraf: address few remarks to the Jurors. throng to get to Cube or at least Washington, began by saying: sender, auxiliaries.
They had just undertaken to won to leave Barbados as quickly as poo can be readily observed by anyone These vessels will transit the Ca and truly try, the prisoner. In a sible. One of two enterprising fel: visiting the West Indian colonies nal between the 17th and 22nd o: case beard the previous day the sew seized the occasion to indulge that white or black men or women January and then engage in a stra MACHINE MAKES HOT ICE, Vim, Vigor, Victory, Foreman appeared to him in some petty speculation. They sold whose hands are not soiled by trade tegic problem in the Pacific with the BOILS EGGS IN COLD went to certain furors and took what their places on the ship at a profit seem to have stronger claim to Battle Fleet (consisting of battle WATER By HERBERT KAUFMAN he might call their opinions. It ap. The ship sailed and many person: respectabililty and favour than other ships, cruiser, aircraft carriers peared to him that some of the shook their heads. Why should Barinen. The educators of my people 10 destroyers, 12 submarines, mine Your re not alone; we ve all been BOSTON, Dec. 18. Perey a foreigt jurors in that case had said guilty Sadians be hastening to (toole sre to be blamed for this state of layers, and 22 auxiliaries) south Bridgman, professor of physics atWhat man has ever kept the rules and others not guiky. and then tand, a republic, speaking a strange itfairs. They taught by precept bound from San Pedro, Cal. unt Larvard, has perfected machine From first to last? We know you appeared to him that the Foreman ongue, and addicted to strange and stone and not by precept and ex January 30, at which time the com apable of producing a pressure of in English habits?
tried again, and in a moment they re(erred imple. Therefore the richlandsbined fleet will base at Panama Ba; 200, 000 pounds to the square inch and understand how it occurred; turned a verdict of not guilty. It which naturally reverted to the na til early March. Various units of he greatest ever attained by human was clear that unless the jury hap Why indeed? Is it not proclaimed tives came into the hands of mans the fleet will be under way in Pan artifice but outside its scientific Her voice is not strange to our care; Temptation whispered and you heard.
pened to be unanimous in their find that there is work to be done in the hat were without equipped brawn. ama Bay for tactical exercises be alue he cannot think of any comWe ve harkened too, and paldin ing which might often be the case cane fields of this country, and few tle concluded. work the great tween February and 8, and Fe nercial uses to which it can be put. tean it appeared to him to be necessary labourers to do it? Why is it that work of successfully operating voer bruary 11 and 15; and the combine Placing water heated to 150 de But when the little fling that they should retire and discuss men who will not work at home wilonal schools in the West Indies has fleet will engage in tactical man trees in the machine and exerting the evidence between themselves and venture forth again and again to just begun. The reformatory is ouvers between February 25 ani (through pressure of 300, 000 pounds, Profes and settled, we began anewen! eavour to arrive at a unanimous Cuba, enduring tremendous risks and place to emphasize industrial teach March The Scouting Fleet, Trair or Bridgman found he had a solid Tust what we look to see you do conclusion. In criminal cases a ma experiencing great suffering? There ng as is done in British Guiana and Squadron No. 1, and Batttleship Di lock of water ice, in other words You lieyou can regain your place.
jority verdict could not be accepted must be some reason for it, but we elsewhere. The effort there should vizion No. (Battle Fleet) will tran espite the fact that the block of one setback carries no disgrace.
und a verdict is more or less a. ma must guard against the temptation Se secondary to that which is indesit the Canal between March ani vater retained its original heat as you le no will but yours can say jority verdiet it without any dis o settle the matter off hand. The rendent of compulsory or punitive and on March sail for Guanta ong as the pressure was maintain What you shall be and do today.
eussion at all three or four of the question is not whether Cuba is bad. Influence. When such vocationa mamo, Cuba, while the vessels of the He has placed an egs in juror who happened to be in the but whether we can make Barbadoschools can secure consecrated and Battle Fleet will remain in Panam vater in the container, exerted 100. Then seek anew and conquer all ice to climb and slip, to reach and fall, inority were made to agree with better? The man who goes to Cubsponstructive native principals, Bay until March 11, on which da: 100 pounds pressure, and the the majority. That, to his mind, was e88 The handicaps, is commonplace season after season to work in the namely, men of the race, and when, they are scheduled to depart for Sai as come out hard boiled.
not well and truly trying a case. cnnefields is at least as good a judge they are supported by public senti Pedro, Calif.
Tc winners of the human race.
The machine is in reality a hy. Until you try and try and try If there was any doubt, any differ the stay at home. The best way ment and financed by puelib subscrip (nce of opinion, as to what the ver raulic press with as by Government a plunger to In vain to win again, you lle!
to decide the case is to examine the tion as well ifet should be, then the jury ought conditions we know. What are the crants in aid remarkable beneficial nake the pressure and a container in You failed if your job was not all to withdraw, carefully discuss the conditions of labour in Barbados?
which the pressure is maintained.
results may be expected from the Judge Sentences (done, pros and cons of the case and try varied industries of the West Indian he upper section of a steel cross. You quailed if your fight was just to arrive honestly at a conclusion Colonies. His Excelleney then ad Couple vember holds the container, and the (half won, cach man making up his mind for Humourist tressed the meeting in an inspiring wwer movable section, containing You quit if an anning was left unhimself. That was how a case should speech about the progress made by TO THREE YEARS OF BIRTH he plunger, is operated by a hand (played.
be well and truly tried. Each juror ump. Explained by its inventor for No matter how much you scored or CONTROL One of the prisoners at this week American Negroes and the great was, 80 to speak a judge. He had to layman, the principle on which it (made.
orks follows: take upon himself the responsibility Criminal Sessions was humourist, work done by Booker Washington If you did your best, what man did He was being charged with escap for the good of the Negro race. Inhuman, unprecedented an of a judge a very grave responsibi All you have to do is take a (more silly are some of the terms use ifty. Some of them before this Sesling from prison while serving a arge thick block of steel, bore a hole Perhaps it wasn the bigrest chore, would have to try sentence. It was stated he had escapIf you have a Prescription to by clergy and laity in referring 7 it and place a liquid in the hole. But, if, nevertheless, the load cases in which a man life woulded in order to attend the weddins be made up take it to the this odd sentence meted out by Judg hen put into the top of the hole (bore Harrison Ewing in Cleveland Com depend upon their verdiet and that a friend. That is carrying friend National Pharmacy, Santa Ana lug that won leak and push on Was as much as your strength and mon Pleas court: would be a very grave responsibility hip to the farthest point, and its a he plug. The only limit to the pres (will could stand, nity the law does not provide for Plaza, where you will get cour.
tipon them.
Three children in three year ure that may be applied comes You re the equal of any in this broad nave of absence for prisioners wherteous and obliging service.
should not be allowed. shall nc hrough leaking around the plug or (land. hey want to attend functions of allow you to impose any more child The yielding of the steel container. hat nature. There is a story told of he coolly told them to go home and ren on yourselves or upon society, LABOURERS FOR CUBA member of the late British West come back in the morning, slung his therefore refuse you a divorce an Professor Bridgman says he has olved the problem of the leaking ndies Regiment who given blanket in a tree and prepared to apose on you three years of birti week ago Thursday, a steam harge of some native prisoners in sleep. The subsequent happenings control. Go home!
lug, but although he uses the finest ship sailed from Barbados with sixl East Africa. When nightfall arrived ware more interesting than pleasant. eel for his container, the steel BERNARD ANDERSON The case was that of Mr. and Moves way under pressure of more Otto Kouris who, having to live on han 600, 000 pounds.
Gramaphono Ropairer salary of 24 a week, were plung MOUSE 980 LA BOGA into economie difficulties by the ad CAIAL LITE vent of three additional mouths to Rent Recept Books to Spanish nd English for sale at the WorkEfficient Workmanship Eurestood man Printery.
But the question naturally arises What would, or could, the court de if its verdiet were violated by na ture?
The Season is now on, so get your Some time ago Mrs. Edward Cron well of Bridgeport, Conn. had he: husband arrested because he want ed too many children. We cannot feed or cloth them, 80 why have more, the 41 year old woman said Her husband, teamster, make AND 26 a week. Judge William Buck ley held the husband on a technica charge of disturbing the prece, but Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages this was dismissed when the couple became reconciled to await the ar(M. CARDOZE Jr. rival of their 14th child 13 in 10 Summary of Contents: CATHEDRAL PLAZA years.
History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, FULL ASSORTMENT OF Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua SAMSON ayers Etc. Etc. Etc.
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Household Utensils Interesting Price 50cts.
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Also Aluminun Work and Secure yours now there will be great rush BRANCH STORE Enamelling Keafly Do for them, 125 Central Avenue TERMS MODERATE Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN 21st St. Ave.
Panama. you sion was over was teed.
STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History CRICKET GOODS At the PANAMA HARDWARE Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Bats, Balls, Wickets, Gloves Leg Guards


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