
IN THE REPUBLIC Always fresh Quality Unsurpassable The British Pharmacy COLON.
11. 1154 11th STREET BRITISH PHARMACY no other reason than it has struck TEACH ME HOW TO LIVE Open Talk the white saint that it is forbidden below the Mason and Dixon line, as Oh, for a sweeter joy in life, To Our Friends And Co Workers. now taught by the more modern faThat might be more often blithe thers, the holy Ku Klux Klan. Continued)
And full of fun.
An Empty And Ignorant Conclusion Oh, that my clouds would drift away, By Negro Subject of Great Britain An empty and very ignorant conThat in my life inight shine each day So we last said in closing our past clusion is often drawn by white Some golden sun week instalment of this treatise north Americans of whom better is that Uncle Sam gives nothing away expected, viz: that the wages paid for nothing to his West Indian em West Indians are so much higher in For, as it is, sometimes fear That shall never dry the tear ployees of the Panama Canal, and proportion to what it is possible for Which dims mine eye, far from sufficient for their labor these people to earn in their native value, therefore, we feel that it colonies. Time and space do not afIS NOW LOCATED AT And that my fate black as night. Tis then wish, with all my might, is worse than unchristian to envy ford to again advance facts to show That could die.
then the mite obtained by the work the fallacy of such a conclusion this performed for a country of the people kicking up a deuse of a noise be week, but next week it ought Yet, when in looking, behold Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK cause these ALIENS are here and to prove a bit interesting to show My comrade who with courage bold on the job, when it is an undeniable how from hand to mouth many of Has dared to smile, the poor negro workers on Uncle fact that their contributions to the Sam pay roll are from month to Where our customers will receive the usual Although he has his sorrows too, former country industries in this m forced to think as others do: another after deductions for a couple country not only adds to the general courtesies Life is worth whilo.
of Panama Rail Road Commissary wellbeing of both countries, but were it not for said contribution there coupons, the month rent for quarters and possible a sick relief bill Why. then, with ench unhappy would be little and in many cases to the health department has (breath no job for the crakers.
also been deducted.
LOOK FOR THE SIGN righ and make a prayer for death Diabolical Spirit of Hate.
To end it all?
In spite of these facts, as we reWhat a pity that during all the vert back to the point where we In that vast realm where souls abide.
years English speaking West Indians thought it very necessary to inquire There is no room for me to hide have been in contact (working side into the causes of the billious on.
From life rainfall.
by side) with white citizens of the slaught of these erstwhile co workUnited States in the latter country ers of the unfortunates who hapThis cruel life is full of bliss activities in Panama, the said white pen to be the subjects of King And fate my bitter lips will kias citizens have never tried to cultivate George of England, pro tem the When shall glean such feelings or understanding that laboring wards of Uncle Sam in the HOMELY PHILOSOPHY The proper way for me to we might prove profitable in some fu Republic of Panama, the gist of our The lite which blindly abuse, CHOOSING ture contingency in which the review would be lost were not to ASSOCIATES AND Then call it mean.
Mattresses Purnished can yet find itself, probably along remind myself and my readers that!
FRIENDS the lines of the need of labor or sim we have found it absolutely necesand Repaired Rent Receipt Books in Spanish Oh, friend, who has when clouds are ilar lines. But instead, we find that sary to take cognizance of the atand English for sale at the (grey day by day the relations because of tack made against us: to have us Good Service Guaranteed By Georgia Douglas Johnson. Workman Printery, As well as on the sunny day To realize how great your success the increased hue and cry along the kicked out from the job except so smile to give, in life depends upon the choice of lines of the white superiority com far as a few of the veriest of the Bist Street Guachapelli Tis thou whom humbly beseech, associates and friends is expedient.
plex, where one may at times feel under dogs of us might be kept for Hou. No 10.
And eager beg thee to teach The tendency of a friend is to that at least there are a few really to make it possible for the other Me how to live.
draw you to his level, be it up or good Christian hearts and souls fellow to get along doing something THEODORE HARRISON down, and each friend has some efamong these white people, it in nas he finds he too would have no job other connection, when and where Small Choose a friend for the intrinsic the hour comes for professed Christ either wern a nigger around in the na Land settlement scheme and the feet, small or great, upon you.
muck and mire.
good old soldier of Governor and DENTIST ian communion fight here, the feelPORM STANDS ings along these lines no sooner en But say Mr. Editor, dont you be engineer that the Dear Old HOME qualities that lie below the surface: MASONIC TEMPLE fine shadings of the soul; not beter the breast of a true hearted liebe in the old motto about the Government has seen fit to send to the quiet qualities of the heart; the British Guiana to do things as it office Hours: 8, am to 12 What we want to do he cried is christian than we find thrown across longest day having an end? Well so seems in the good providence of God cause he is rich, not because he is. 30 to 30 pm to get rid of socialism, radicalism, the pages of the public press some do I, and as sure as one and one are the time has now come to have more poor, but because he is fine!
Sundays, by Special Appointmen, anarchism, bolshivism, communism thing diametrically opposite to said two, the day is far from distant now necessarilly and properly done.
Mosonic Temple ilth St, ard sovietism.
belief, but instead the news that the when the voice from Guiana is goRace Hatred And Race Prejudice.
dear white worshippers of St. Mary Jing to come to us from across the Box 787. CRISTOBAL My stand is to clear off the entire GOD Dishonoring If you have a Prescription to be bunch.
or Sts all the holy Apostles and Pa dear old Caribbean to Come over To be continued.
made up take it to the National PHONE: Office 1664 triarchs have forbidden their dark and help us. Amen, 1000 times Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where skin brethren who have hitherto paramen. Get on the job then Mr Editor RESIDENCE 538 Rent Receipt Books in Spanish Advertise in the Workman you will get courteous and obliging and English for sale at the taken of the holy. rites of the and let us have all the news you service Workman Printery.
church to enter same, all because of put hands on about the British Guia. it will bring yood results.
Joseph Mason


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