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he Tenn ZIYALI SHT Supporting The Motion TA THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN WEEK es LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME BY WEEK AND PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL No. THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1929 PRICE CENTS Tragic end of Salva All Panama Canal Barbados Governor Opens First Conference Secretary of State for Colonies Sends During the month of January Encouraging Cablegram maneuvers.
samana 10 AMBABEGONTESTAMPAIOR y origet that Government to make Heatone Bermuda. Hon. Douglas Jones (British Cuiana. lion stone.
Panama Canal Governor tion Army Officer Reconds Broken To Give Attention TO Vice President Lieutenant com la Tolls, Tonnage and Transits missioner Haines Dies of During Month of Heart Seizure January superannuated Alien Employees In Circular issued so all foremen London, Jan tragic inciient occurred when the High 1929 the Panama Canal collected According to a circu. ar issued recently by the Executive Council of the Salvation Army more than two and one half mil. BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, January The first iesi ditu Secretary of the anama Canal, the Governor has appointed alat Sunbury last night was on the lion dollars in tolls, thereby dies Conterende was opened this morning in barvados in the commitice to make a survey to determine the number of super point of adjourning. The Vice breaking all previous monthly toase of Assembly by His Excellency Sir Wahnam Roberson, annuated alien employees now carried on the role of the ana resident, Lieutenant Commis records in toll collection. The ma Canal and the anama Rai. road Company and to submit re ioner Haines had a heart seizure total number of vessels which whio was received on his arriva vy a guard oi honour.
Among those present were: The Governor of the Colony, the commencations with a view of providing some plan whe. eus ind though he received imme used the great waterway during President of the Legisiative Council, the Speaker of the House o.
wita due regard to economy, the Government may discharge in iate attention he died soon af the month was 725, one hundred Assembly, members of both Houses of the Legislature, memer responsibility towards is mina and superannuated alen em erwards. He was the managing and seventeen being United of the Associated Chambers of Commerce, members of the rest ployees.
lirector of the Salvation Army States naval vessels which are conference, and the Captain and officers of Durban, with a view to determine the number, present status and ife Assurance Society and was rived here to take part in the which is visiting Barbados on the occasion of the Conferencere other pertincat information pertaining to such employees, cop. te of the deputation which con Fleet Commercia030 Opening Speed by the Governor of Barbados of the circular, together with a questionaire, have been placed eyed to General Booth a week ships using the Canal during this His Excellency, in his opening address, said that whether the the hands of foremen and other subordinates in direct coarge go the Council resolution ask month totaled 610, including two West Indies would be able to improve or even maintain their Clien employees with instructions that they should make a care ng him to resign.
which passed through free of position in the intense competition of the modern world, would fui canvas of their silver force and submit reports on a who ar Earlier in the day Commis charge for the purpose of en argely depend on the success of the movement towards cono longer capable of rendering reasonable satisfactory serv. ce ioner Higgins, Chief of Staff, tering the Canal Drydock at operacion matters commercial, industrial, and scientific, one of their esent pos. tions. The circular specifically states that it ho has been appointed to con Balboa.
The hopeful signs of which was the existence of the West Indian nur desired that em loyees be included in the survey mere y be rol the Army during the tran The previous Panama Canal Conference itself. He instanced the Empire Marketing Board in cause they are getting along in years, but rather on. y when du ition period narrowly escaped record for daily transit was also england and the new Canadian Steamship Service, so greatly ex to physical or mental impaiment they no longer are capable of jury in a motor accident, his broken, there having been an ceeding all expectations.
periorm. ng a sair day work, and that for such employees ir coming into collision with a average of 19. 61 against 19 fo: Telegram From the Secretary of State are included, assurance is extended that the administration doe eavily laden lorry.
December of last year.
Sir Edward Davson read a telegram from the Secretary of 110. intend to take any steps towards separating them from th. Continued on Page Continued on Page 8) State for the Colonies emphasizing the great significance, both payroll und such time as an infirmary or some other plan imperial and Local, of the occasion, which Mr. Amer) berieved placed in operation whereby the employees, male and femalu would constitute an important landmark in the history of the with their dependents, may Le provided for with a fair degree SPARKLETS West Indies and inaugurate a new era in the handling of their comfort.
As indicated by the circular, the committee report shoul (By In his reply, Sir Edward Davson dealt with the origin, conreach the Executive Oftice not later than February first yesterstitution and aims of the Conference.
the United States and After speeches by Dr. Johnson We have not yet referred the mat adequate provisions for them dur. Nash (Jamaica. Hon. Mr. Eliot (Leeward Islands. Hon.
HERE AND THERE officially, nor have we caused iting the winter of their days.
Mr. Jackson (Trinidad. Hon. Mr. Marryshow (Windward Is leak out through unofficial Concentrated forces are busy lands. the meeting was concluded by a resolution of loyalty and revics, to the Pr. sident or Manag. around us erecting little The opinion is gaining ground the spirit of those who frequent ing Board of the Panama Cana. palaces and pretty litle citadels into respectful sympathy to His Majesty in his illness and of hope for that there are certain activities tha chat place say that it will take much West Indian Toi. ers (Employees. which their members intend to the speedy and complete re establishment of his health.
West Indian Negroes here shou:d more than muro advice to keep Association, that we have worked move and therefrom look out into Hon. Barton on Subject of Customs Uniformity licep out of, because it is well known hem away. That sounds like fight out a little membership campaign the world on us still beating Salva statement bythe Hon. Barton (Collector General of TheConference re assembled in the afternoon and heard that their presence is not welcome contest; not to run concurrently tion Army drums, running errands, by others. It is not difficult to make it is said that the Governor on with the Popularity Contest which cr scavenging while they are mo Jamaica. on the subject of cumstoms uniformity. The discussion was adjourned.
some people understand that in souhe Panama Canal has been in the big newspaper fellows are con toring or reposing in sweetest cial affairs, there should be a spirit pressing the Congress with the need ducting, but to run conjointly with slumber. The West Indian toiler is of real friendship existing betweer or providing senoois for all in the iden to strengthen one of the not likely to attain to such height: Judge Martin Gets Don Carlos Lopez the parties. In fact, it is general hundren thu suver alien em main common lines of defence of overnight, but it he wakes up now that persons associate socially on loyees. bota in the Canal Zone and the West Indian toiler in Panama and fub tha paratin of indifference New Appointment of Panama at with those that consider to ne cities of Colon and Panama the Panama Canal West Indian from over his eyes he, too, will Jamaicaan e dog, that the Governor is credited with say. Empbyees Association, hereinaf some day find himself enjoying Judge Guy Martin of the Onfamed for tug that school conditions for these ter referred to as the Toilers As Bomo of the better things of life.
friends, is never The Jamaica Mail of the 23rd is approa:hts attachment of ory. Parents interested in the wel tention to this prime necessity, if ciation will not guarantee him any for the United States as soon as Julto, says: TS any clear indication of a change of are of their children will be very you happen to be thinking of win. of these things overnight, but his successoris appointed, to accept After a unind by a former friend. There are sad to hear this especially those ning a Frankln Sedan or classy dollar a year plus his attendance at sa appointment special nasistant able day here, Dr. Carlos LoGeneral of the sa few persons, however, who find who have bsen forced to live in Co. villa site along the Sabanas Road, meetings will most likely benefit to the Attorney Vory difficult to keep from person on and Panama, and to pay schoal first prizes to be given in the news his views of the purpose for which United States, according to tn pez, second, Vice President of formation released to the preos Panama, left yesterday afteror places, to whom or where the sees in addition to high rentals and paper contests, we are not discour. his God has put him here.
dow their presence is not enjoyed ther charges. Their thanks will be aging you. We may be in line for a Here are With West Indians hore such pecy ue to the Governor when this re ride with ycu, or to drop in on you. Here are all particulars, includ. carly this week by Mr. Martin Hoon on the Coy steamer description of the valuable From brilliant District Attorney oloa for Panama.
Yesterday the distinguished Nr. Martin was appointed by the Far perors are unfortunately to ef is had.
Tim your prize home for an im awards to be given the winners of President of the United States visitor visited many places in many. The writer is subject to con promptu swallow.
the Membership Campaign Contest District Judge of the Canal Zone. Kingston and St. Andrew, includ rection, but it is his firm opinia As nothing has as fot been de. We have plcked up enough of the or the Toilers Association: Judge Martin is noted for the ing Hope Gardens and Bournethat the Panama Carnival procesinitely heard about the prov. sion rsychology of man to know that, The Contest closes February 23, dispensing of heavy fines and sen nouth and was the guest of Seision is one of the places in whid. higher education in the Zone, it to be a judge of a court of equity 1929 at p. Any West Indian tences to those proven fullty in his nor Maleck, Consul General for West Indians are not welcome seems that it wou. be excelent to or a pauper on the sidewalks of employee of the Panama Canal or court. Several disagreements with Panama at a private luncheon at 2, whether or not it is because the sake the standard of teaching in Haiti, he is not likely to pass up a Panama Railroad Company is elir some of his subordinates and col the South Camp Road Hotel.
made a mess of their end of it. these primary schools of the best fubstantial monetary gift handed gible to compete; it non member leagues were some of the features Sr. Lopez said he was very the usual bickerings amongst then rade. This can be only by using him free, grat and for no:hing of the Toilers Association happens ot his tenure of office here.
His pleased with his stay in Jamaica. 89 ves) some years ago, when thy cachers with more than the or llence, while it is not represented to be a prize winner, in addition to term of office expired in December and regretted that it was so were propery invited, it is known jinary Eight Grade qual fication in hard, cold cash, if tho. President his award. he will be enrolled, he at last year. He had been seeking short as he had, enjoyed th. but it is quite some time now the the old line of teachers, with spe or Managing Board of the Toilers s» chooses, as a member, free they have not been invited. In spite Hial training in colleges or higa Aesocation reject this scheme, you charge, but subject to the annual after receiving intelligence of his oft ro appointment bet withdrawn same scenery and the hospitality hown him everywhere. pa of this, quite a few of them put hools, is graduaily passing oui, may credit them with being pos dues of and the payment of new appointment Among those who went to the themselves in Perhaps, if they woul nd, it does not seem that many of sessed of extraordinary virtues im death levies.
pier to wish him bon voyag: ofte ves in. Perhaps, if they woul he new ones, are up tº their mark, peculiar to the common species.
AU Ithe competitor is requested to LEARNING were: Mr. Martin, Haiti gnified y keep out, they might This is not intended to knock any The Toilers Association is issu do is to put forward his best ef.
Consul General; Mr. Marcourse of time be invited agah ne, but moreso to put everyone on ing circular letter reiterating its forts in securing new members for Continuing the example of his pro tin Carazo, Consul General for They might try keeping out and se mētete tril himsell or herself appeal for members, stressing the the Toilers Association at the re docessor, Mr. Consul Hugh Ford, Costa Rica and Nicaragua; Mr.
how it will work. For one thing, sve the proper training of the chil immediate necessity of paying up duced, entrance, fee of, 81, per mem. Hin Britannie Majesty Consul Armando de Leon Valdes, Cuban must benefit th:m in some way. tel: Por te printang edication is an overdue debe which the toilers ober. Each collector will be credited Fell of Colon, has offered a Consul; Dr. Solomon; sa that they matt fet; should be the Canal and Railroad owe them with paid applications turned in prize of for the boy who shall Messrs. Miller. Vice Consul Hair Sometimes it is thought that they are very bestut Thishes in the selves, and their families, debt of either by himself, or to his credit by pass the highest in the local Cam for Panama. Raul Lopez, Seod might also be advised to keep from privite dig boob mod the siterminal unified concentrated efforts to imsither entployees 197 applicants, to bridge, preliminary examination in cretary of the Consulate Generat the dog track; but those who lindw ΑΣΗ (Continued on pugt wat proses their status 42 employees, of (Cort ued boxpravilu December 1929. Continued on Page 8)
Haup do 30 9791 ther friends. Ev sithfulness ist mentionem ing STIMULUS TO 501to


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