
Roper Gas Stove CLUB 60 Only 150 Per Week For 41 Weeks FOR ONLY 50 FOR SALE CHEAP (By Cyril Thomas)
Among the Necessary Evils that Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 are thrown in the path of us mortals, there is none that disgustus CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, so much as the Repugnant Meddler. Box 74, Panana Bax 1102, Ancon CZ This specie of animal is found in RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION all countries, amnog all races, in ONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
every walk of life. Very often they SIX MONTHS 20 can be seen strutting around the THREE street pitiable spectacles despite ONE MONTH. 50 the fact, that, not infrequently they Rates for Advertisement on application, correspondence on all matmight be seca well attired.
ters of public interest invited At other times, however, they We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
can be seen groping in the gatter of degredation, vice, and superstiThe Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS linn. henever these poor, misfits of life are seen, they are invariably THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1929 active with the pick axe of inquis.
tiveness, and the offensive brush of calumny.
SUPPORTING THE MOTION These poor people demons incarnate aru distinguishablo at sight.
We rise in support of the motion for a local West They wear th characteristic broad Indian Conference. There can be no denying the exsmile of the hypocritie, quite gliby o: speech, with the air of the sym.
istence of a real serious need for a heart to heart talk pathetic hoodlum means used to amongst West Indians here about their general wel.
Someone Will Buy a Beautiful White Porcelain fare, by the best minds with the broadest sympathies throw off the unsuspecting victim.
How often are nt we stopped by There is not a phase of our life in which there is not a Finished ROPER Stove, With Three Top Burners, pressing need for improvement. It seems that our minds these Repugnant Meddlers, to listen are not well ordered: not systematized; and that seems to some tiable tale of hard times, Oven Broiler to account for much of our difficulties. From time to of the numerous cnemies and what time we express desires to do some worthwhile things, they are doing through the agencies and less often we attempt to give effect to our expresof the Voodooman?. hat a vivid ibsoins; but the measure of our success, if any, in any pression is made on our minds, as direction, has been negligible. Whatever we may be dothe sage words of Sheldon Leavitt ing is being done without due regard to utility and eco. Man salvation from the agonies nomy. We fail by commission as well as omission. We The Gas Electric Showrooms of fear lies in the control of his either do the right thing in the wrong way, or indifown reasoning powers. drifts ferently, or do not attempt it at all. We overdo some FUERZA LU2 across our memories? To, think of things to the extent of wasting energy, and pay no at the reformation that would mani.
PANAMA AT YOUR SERVICE COLON tention to some other matters of probably much greatfest itself in human society, if these er importance.
misfits of life would learn the lesson of controling their reasoning This is a condition with which we are wholly dispowers, may be speculative; but satisfied, and it is our understanding that the purpose what a glorious state of affairs of the proposed conference is to change it. Perhaps the XSCWCCC 55 DOXOS suggestion for this conference is a resultant from the would be among us?
several announcements bearing on the conference now From the house wife, who leaves in session in Barbados. Whether it is so or not, it would hur domest. e duties undone to visit the home of a sster meddler across be excellent if we could get our conference going whilst the influence of that in the West Indies is still fresh.
the street; to the professional man who keeps his client There is much that we can take from the plan of the waiting for West Indies Conference to guide us in ours; and if we hours at times, while he is actively engaged in cutt ng to pieces his are so guided, we shall be rendering valuable services in the furtherance of the interests of all. The West InA Good Assortment of professional brother through the dies Conference aifs at the betterment of intercolonial Lalephone, or contriving covertly relations, as well as increasing the influence of the col for his down fall with the profesuional loafer who has just dropped onies in the councils of the Empire. They are dealing with the standardization of certain colonial services, it to ask for a loan, and is willing such as customs tariffs, news cabling, civil aviation, to sell his soul for the proverbial commerce, currency, migration, and the founding of a mess of pottage, are the people who West Indian University, and so forth; but the great have made, and are making, all the trouble in goal at which they are aiming is Unity West Indian our society veritable Federation.
wolves in sheep clothing.
The thrones of Kings have been Like them, we can profitably discuss migration.
over thrown, loving homes have Emigration from Panama to West Indies is of great been smashed to pieces, promising moment and transcendent importance to us. Any plan children have become orphans, great that may be worked out by the West Indies Conference business enterprises have that should make it inviting, should be supplemented been known to crumble to atoms, all on and amplified by us here. If they are aiming at the account of the machinations of these founding of a West Indian University, we should aim at the immediate establishment of a West Indian High Repugnant Meddlers.
School and Technical School. To lus who may remain Love, Charity This great Di.
here it must be of great service. Then like them, we zine attribute is the great lacking have the great goal of Unity solidarity, volume, powessential in human mechanism, er. This is the heart of the whole matter. We too need man dealing with his fellow for to improve our intercolonial relations, and to have an the general good of the human fam.
effective voice here.
ily As a result, we have among The little dribbling efforts, however numerous 18, the agencies and conditions they might be (and the more numerous the worse they which lead to the courts, the primust be. make us appear stupid to persons with well cons, the stockades, and even the ordered minds. Imagine a thousand men put to work allows and electric chairs, each with a cobbler hammer to demolish one of the Where are God professed reprolocks of the Panama Canal. Of course, that will appear sentatives mean the Christians. silly to any ordinary mind. Well, that is just about the 72 Carlos Mendoza Street Where are those who believe in picture that we present to the intelligent by our conprayers, and the salvation of man duct in friendly society work for instance, with the and corner Javillo soul? Is there truly Balm in large number of little lodges of the old line Friendly zilead? Is there a physician there?
Societies, and in addition the local benevolent societies Should the great confraternity of of colonial or intercolonial distinctions and the churchOPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMBER YARD hese diabolical agents. REPUGes. The instruments we employ are too frail and the efNANT MEDDLERS remain at forts too feeble to accomplish anything of respectable PANAMA CNY arge, allways and for ever to disproportions. With centralization, individual efforts will curb the peace of the world, and be be considerably less, and individual benefits considerallowed to remain a menace to soably increased.
The suggestion for this conference is therefore well taken, on the ground, that it is seriously contemplated Here and There Very often one wishes to hear 1122 is not meant: they are having to begin the job and stick to it. We would suggest to the If you have a Prescription to little good music coming from the too much of that, and it is making principals of the motion that they lose no more time in (Continued from Page 1)
be made up take it to the throats of the children in some of them increasnigly immodest. The getting to work; that they get together a committee to National Pharmacy, Santa Ana prepare the programme and make all the necessary ar cities. In the interest of the chil our colored schools. It is said that superintendent of Schools might be Plaza, where you will get cour rangements for bringing this conference about. And in dren, the qualified teachers should they have no assembly room, and willing to consider the children in teous and oLliging service.
this, this paper pledges its wholehearted support. We do everything in their power to 2:0 piano. Can each school get this respect, he approached upper o Sir, there do font too much fight have been talking unity for a long while; it has been in discourage the practice of unquali piano, and start with the the air, but apparently not clearly understood. Let us fied persona entering the teaching grades? Children should be taught and coursemeso be the balldren will Rent Receipt Books in Spanish go further with it now, and make it a reality. We be Beld, merely for the sake om to sing regular y, for there la cul. you plomee help them with me and English for sale at the Heve the house is ready for the question.
ing. Hvelihood tural influence in musie. Of course, fining met Workman Printery.
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