
IN THE REPUBLIC Always fresh Quality Unsurpassable Open Talk The British Pharmacy COLON 11. 1154 11th STREET WAS BRITISH PHARMACY the sort of polish which is though to lift a certain type of men a bi First Newspaper Made above the man or woman in the lowof Cornstalks Issued To Our Friends And Co workers er walks of life is not evident?
The writer regrets he has not got Do men rush to the colleges and time this week to pursue his subject scramble for an honorable profes DANVILLE, Dec. 16. Pressin the determined trend along the sion like the retail fish vendor who es were running tonight in the lines of reminding our Friends how scrambles in the fish market to get plant of The Danville Commercial heinious it is in the sight of God for fish to sell with the one foremost ob News, printing the world first one race of people of a boasted suject in view of making a dollar? Is rewspaper on paper made from periority of race and culture to be it success or a miserable lack of procornstalke guilty of a sin so clearly emphasizfessional success born no doubt out The edition, issued as the regular ed in the teachings of Him from of low envy and malice that creates IS NOW LOCA1ED AT Sunday morning issue, contains 116 whom they (the superior class and conditions among professional men pages, forty eight of which are type) get the name and teachings of which indicate a veritable murderous rotogravure. The pulp from which Christianity.
Spirit toward each other?
this paper was made was manufacNext week we will have the facts There are a type of men in our tured in the pulp mill of the Corn.
presented regarding the teachings of community who boast the profesCorrer Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK stalk Products Company in holy writ and good men and womensional regree and who regard with Danville and converted into newsprint regarding our duty toward one an scorn mixing themselves with the Where our customers will receive the usual in the mills of the Kalamazoo Ve.
other as co workers for an honest laboring classes in the so called lowgetable Parchment Paper Compalivelihood.
e. walks of life out of whom they Again, are any of us acquainted make a living, or doing or saying a courtesies ny, at Kalamazoo, Mich. It made on regular paper mill with facts of history and yet so for. word in directions where it might magetful as to the recollection tha appear that they are degenerating chinery and printed on regular newspaper presses.
white people have been as great by their associations with the combond saves to capitalism and condi mon people, but who at the same LOOK FOR THE SIGN The first newspaper on cornstalk tions in countries where the white time will condescend to words and pape follows the publication today color predominates as to try to join deds which only a cultured brain is of the first magazine on paper made the ranks of injustice and oppression capable of inventing to do one of his from stalks. This was the Prairie because of a bit of changed condior her professional status harm.
Farmer, published at Chicago, which printed its weekly edition on the Lions at the present time and that But there is another angle of the too where the dark color people are evil, that is, if you happen to be new product.
mcre numerous. friendly toward one or both of th of noticeably stronger texture, Let us hope that it will not be long conflicting parties at arms against the newsprint paper made from the before we shall not have to complain each other, you must at once take to public scorn and disrespect to cornstalks looks exactly like wood of the cond tions which are obtain sides and join in an issue in which DENTIST HOWELL deny said facts. Small pulp paper. It is very white and ing now racially prejudicially, sell the only interest a right minded takes ink clearly.
House No. 912 La Boca When a man claims to be educat.
DENTIST ishly which was responsible for the person should have is where a state While the process was being de(anal Zone ed, and that in a recognized univerMASONIC TEMPLE first indictable offence or record ir of affairs not elevating to any elesity, and for some reason or other, he veloped, over two harvest periods, human history.
ment of society but rather dis O: POSITE RESTAURANT shows such poor memory in a case Office Hours: 8, am to 12 more than 300, 000 was paid to Let rather work for and toward grace it is sought to discountenane. 30 to 30 pm.
in which he feels he has interests o farmers in this section for stalks.
FHONE 1941. BALBOA the restoration of the Biblical and and if there is any chance of interparamount importance to the ordi Sundays, by special Appointmen mercial News declares that demonThe special edition of The Comtypical restoration of the paradisie ference at all if it should be in the rary every day happenings in society Masonic Temple ilth St, conditions to come over or on this interest of peace and goodwill etc.
etrations of the practicability of the out of ours of which the good pro inther than throwing fuel to the fire. Specialises in all Branches of which are aired in the press at stake Box 787. CRISTOBAL Dentistry new product herald a new era in paand, as to so testify as to validate phet Isaiah gives us a beautiful lit.
They are those who complain per making, mean the ultimate soPHONE: OFFICE 1664 ALL tle picture in a short chapter of the about the treatment which their afWORK CUARENTEED the much clearer testimony of one of lution of much of the farm problem nest of prosaic if not really poetic fairs get in the columns of the his witnesses, especially in courts RESIDENCE 538 by rendering marketable a vast lore.
where one witness is not admissable news papers without doubtless ever crop which has hitherto been waste, Professional Rancor asking themselves how much they in a case which the complaining witand hold the answer to the probness himself says is of paramount It is manifestly that. And the ever contribute toward the fearless, called big men and big minds?
lem of the country dwindling for writer against a determined effort impartial, regular and possibly ne And when our big professionals importance to the welbeing of the ests.
becomes absolutely manifest such bad manners among for a few years duration is now drivcessary upkeep of news production get in a mix up will they take the community, it Cornstalk paper, according to the en to make the statement. and contribution to the press even in time to put thuir cause and case a absurd to blame the alleged lack of themselves that have been known to pulp manufacturers, can be producAfter all, what is gained so much the interest of common justice. clearly that a court judge, don justice on the indifference of any lead to the most heinious of crimes ed at a great reduction in cost as by a university training when boast Have our professionals in Colon care how much favoritism it might section of the press, despite a press perpetrated and committed in the compared with paper from wood ed and boastful graduates are as bad ever stopped to inquire how many ve rightly or wrongly concluded he report might have been made where ranks of the very profession where pulp.
cr worse in their treatment of their raid colored press reporters they are has for one side, the other points fnets of the case were not known. there has been too much rancor and fellow graduates as the less fortu in Colon, who and where they are or evidence of the case is not so The lower elements of society need even ever so much more perpetrated, Rent Receipt Books in Spanish nate among men and women where and what papers are properly sup. Incking in conflict and contradiction lenders and examples to their suc. tis time for some body to call a halt and English for sale at the educational chances offer to acquireported by the elk and ilk of our so that a court would be exposing itsell cess in life, but when the educated to save a disaster. Workman Printery. O


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