
Panama Canal West Indian Employees Association CANAL ZONE.
true. can VIDA PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1929 WEST INDIAN NEWS How Prim and Handsome TR NIDAD BARBADOS BRITISH GUIANA She has a lovely face. but what a puritan!
Hang Her!
Criminal Cases for Opening of Fifth Change in ColonisaCollisions Congress tion Scheme February 1st, 1929.
3he a Wall Clock graceful and true FELLOW WEST INDIAN EMPLOYEES: BLOULD NOT BE LIGHTLY LAID ASSOCIATED WEST INDIAN FINANCIAL CRISIS ITS CAUSE Hang Her! What shall we say to you about your interest and CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE Says Just. ce Thumas of Trinidad She keeps close track of the pas our interest as workers on the Panama Canal, this new Georgetown, January 9th.
year? This Association is now in its sixth year. It has 2he Weck. y Guardian of the 12tFifth Congress of the Associated itself into a Committee yesterday to BARBADOS, Monday. The The Legialative Council desolved Every tick tock is an honest rebeen preaching all this time UNITY and OnGANIZED sing time.
ulto, says: West Indian EFFORTS. But you have not yet shown an intelligent cord.
Chambers of Com consider the drait estimate of the His Honour Mr. Justice Thomas Merce was opened by His Excel expenditure for 1929 when member.
grasp of what thcse mean to you. You are still outside Hang Her. remarked th some emphasis at th.
in the thousands. Please bear in mind that the comoney Sir Robertson at the San Fermando Sessions on Wednes: Ineens Park Hall, Bridgetown, at Governor annual message Elect. Her pendulum will always swing al inapility on our part to unite for our protection and to discuss munity is sizing us up on the basis of this constitutionduy that cases charging motorists with manslaughter in connection.
advancement His Excellency in addressing the There a tiny gauge to center it with accidents should not be slightacetig took the opportunity of Sir Francis Watta 2. Is there any one amongst us who is satisfied ly laid. The remark was made imxpressing his pleasure at being Wall, Hon. Elliott, Hon. hang Her!
with his wages and the general conditions surrounding mediately after the jury had acquitisked to do so Scott Johnston, Hon. Year aum? If there is, we are not appealing to him; we are td with but little hesitation a chau: Sir Edward Davson, who preaid wood, Mr. Huxley of the Empir. Pull toned and mellow she glad that he is so fortunate, althouga sorry that the icer who was on trial for man Baughter.
d, suitably replied.
Marketing Board and Mr. Geoffrestrikes the hour and mentionneasure of his wants is so small. We are appealing to the half in passing.
His Excellency une large class of dissatisfied ones; those who are alImperia then withdrew Evans, principal of the His Honour said that to view of and prosedings were commenced. College of Tropical Agriculture.
Hang Her! ways seeing the grim spectre of poverty staring them the issue of that case and the one Before prpooeding with the resolu After several amendments the An the face as soon as tuey are vut of work; those who which had been similarly decide ion on the agenda the Chairman Collowing resolution was unani You can get her from Fuller always remember that the time will come for old age the afternoon before, he though ur sickness.
Doved the following resolution mously adopted: Whereas a desira 122 Central Ave.
what in future a little more which was unanimously carried. has been expressed and attempts is ght be exercised before bringing Hang Her! Again, have you no pride of race? Have you no This Association desires to place made for the establishment of a iesire to be respected by otner persons with whom you vush charg. On the afternoon been record its deep sense of regret West Indian and British Guiana ure working shoulder to shoulder? You cannot deny jure he said, a case was stopped by at the inability of its President, ruit and Vegetable Industry for. nat you have respect for those persons. Do you know the jury and now the jury after only ar. George Huggings, to be pro the markets of the United Kingdom why. It is because they have done things that command a moment reflection had acquitted sent at the fifth Congress, through and Canada and whereas it has been Jour respect. One of these things is the great American the accused. He did not think such a health, and destres to convey to admitted that the soils of the West ederation of Labor. This institution will not have us eborges shou be brought lightly, hin its sympathy and good wishes Indian Islands and British Guiana but that following what he believed for a speedy recovery.
is members although we are employed by the Ameriare capable of producing various an Government and being governed by them. Can we was the practice in England they Resolution Withdrawn citrus and other fruits or vegetables snow that we, too, have brains, by buiding up a West should be brought in cases where markets, and. ndian Federation of Labor and making it serve as there was more clear and more ab The resolution in respect to Em Pultable for those whereas the necessary cold storage ther federations of labor are serving! The carefree, solutely glaring evidence of negli pire rum proposed by the GeorgeJoubting, taitnless and intellectually bind Negro will Bence than there had been in eithetown Chamber of Commerce, was for shipments to Canada is now say it can be done. Why, certainly, it will not be done of the two caes that had been taken tormally withdrawn by the dele available, be it resolved that this Congress strongly recommends to the thing is left to him, but we have the seed already before him at the present Sessions. sates representing the Georgetown Chamber.
the members, Chambers of the AssoHo appreciated the difficulty of such sown in tne Panama Canal West Indian Employees cases, but he thought that from what The rest of the afternoon session ciation, and the Governments of the Association, and it is only left to ail to do their best in had dust happened people should be was occupied in a lengthy discussion respective Colonies the formation of Prices 10. 00, 12. 50, 15. 00, ieveloping it suitable organizations for the ef 23. 00 and 30. 00.
Lusatisfied that there must be a clear brought forward by the George4. Do you feel that the responsibility of educating fleient growth and preparing for. nagiig nee, before convictior town Chamber in connection with your children should always rest upon the white peomarket of such fruits and vegetthe Fruit Industry. The following ple? Perhaps you are not thinking so, but it is so; beThAiting Solicitor General, spoke the subject, Mr. Del ubles as can be grown, and be it Dr. JUHN THOMPSON cause we are not doing anything for ourselves in this Greenidg: said that with re sleish, who moved the resolution, further resolved that the Empire urection. Thus the children here are just getting Marketing Board. whose work in gard to the case that had just ended this direction is fully appreciated)
Mechano. Therapist nough education to enable them to carry mess Government No. 36. ANCON AVE.
around for other people. Education is civilization first he would make the observation tha to be treated as in days gone by, and the Canadian the evidence given by Dr. Rostan where almost every case was sent to be invited to continue to take such UPSTAIRS. ever. This Association claims it as our greatest need.
2010 Mr. Shrewsbury was not avail the fury. With greater experience sympathetic and practical interest Panama City Let us pool our fifty cents a month for just one year, uble to the prosecution when the pri and greater knowledge it was found in such organization as may ensure and there will be a decent amount with which to start soner was indicted. That informa ifting the mass.
tion only reached him on Tuesday that was now no longer so. Only the establishment of a West Indian Our Association wants the West Indian worker ofternoon and he could assure when there was a clear case of cri and British Guiana Fruit and Vegotatlo Industry.
minal negligence did such a case Honour that if that information had reach a jury. He had pointed that ivos, and Nominated Members octo grow to industrial manhood, when he will be able to Welcome Help bern available to the Attorney Gen cupied the whole day in debate. ook every other worker squarely in the face with the The President welcomed the as. Hon. Crane referred to the satisfaction that they are all men. The Panama Raileral the indictment would not have put so that in future those remarks might be considered by people who alatance rendered in the discussion Government Colonisation Scheme road, the Panama Canal, the cities of Colon and Panahad the handling of those cases and by Mr. Huxley, of the Empire to settle 200 families of East In ma bear testimony to our ability to work. But we are His Honour said he was not saying o prevent inquiries, the result of Marketing Board, and Mr. Geoffrey dians before settling first 100 agri paid so little that, even when the enemy is closing in on Solicitor General was in which were known long before the Evans of the Imperial College of culturalists of African descent. The us and we desire to leave, we find it impossible. We have fault, but that such matters were not occasions arose.
Governor said that after further the torture of hearing ourselves called CHEAP by the consideration, and on the recom very people who are keeping us cheap. They don want mendation of the Director of Agri us to go altogether, they want us to be the serfs and ulir culture, the plan to settle 200 Eas bondsmen, to do the scavenging work that they feel Indian families before recruiting chey are above doing here. Isn that a criminal design 16 negreos had already been changed on a class of people, especially a people with our re wat Hon. Cannon expressed the opin cord of service and with our intellectuality?
ion that the financial crisis Membership in this Association, as is well. due largely to the expense of main known, is one dollar per year, or less than nine cents a Art ta ning British preferential tarift month. Is there a mind so small as to grudge this for its ittih but this view was criticized by Hon service? We say its service, because it has served every.
The Season is now on, so get your Austin and Hon. pne. We have also a provision for helping in case of Evan Wong. Mr. Wong said the death by the collection of 25 cents from each financial fault lay not in Empire preferenc member. We are endeavoring to establish a Death and Canadian reciprocity but in th: Benefit Fund, from which a fixed sum can be guarvery high Customs Ta ift in forer anteed in every case. We are also planning to establish at present. The President will sum a fund to aid in sickness and distress. These are some At the up the debate this morning. of the things that the workers must do for themselves. We want every worker to enroll at once and chen keep in constant touch with the movement. The If you have a Prescription to practice of paying for one year and then forgetting be made up take it to the that there is an association of workers must be done is wel (M. CARDOZ: Jr. National Pharmacy, Santa Ann away with. Set one night apart each month for attendCATHEDRAL PLAZA Plaza, where you will get cour. ing a workers meeting, and get the latest information obtainable about labor conditions in general, as well as teous and obliging service.
in particular about yourselves. Don leave it to the sit to officers and a few interested ones to be always runsalt FULL ASSORTMENT OF ning around to collect from you. You don do that with the lodges, why should you with the organization that Bats, Balls, Wickets, Gloves Leg Guards SAMSON helps you to better support the lodges? We have two deaths collecting for now, a dollar and a half will put Etc. Etc. Etc.
General Repairer of you square. Pay up. We are ready to receive you.
Household Utensils Yours for cooperation, THE PANAMA CANAL WEST INDIAN too 31 Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere Gramaphones, etc.
EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION Also Aluminum Work and BRANCH STORE Per: KING, sona Enamelling Nally o Corresponding Secretary.
ad 701 125 Central Avenue TERMS MODERATE Approved: 21st St. Ave. WHYTE President been laid.
that the CRICKETERS!


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