
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1929 PAGE THREE Deplorable Future for Cuban Sugar 192 blo 15093 istilla brod lo tuo Open the Way to FREEDOM HAVANA JOURNAL SAYS NORTH AMERICAN GRIP IS IMPLACABLE FOR Making Good Clothes and Cleaning Clothes Good See Open a savings account today and you will take your first step toward independence. No man is really free unless he is in a position to act unhampered by financial needs. savings account cuts the ropes that bind a man and permits him to walk freely and act freely when his opportunity arrives. Open your way to independence, to freedom, to happiness start an account today with us at per annum. REI No. 6, 19th Street and Central Ave.
PANAMA, The National City Bank of New York Panamá Colón Our Savings Department is open for deposits Tuesday evenings from to o clock and from to o clock.
NEURALGINA Case is STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Should be in every office to immediately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
AND Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 NEURALGINA Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Antillans Away!
Under the caption Something About Our Economie Crisis tha Cuban Newspaper La Semana writes thus:Everything for the mill and nothing for the planter; such is the tragic status of the sugar world.
The estimate of the coming crop about five million tons, at the ridiculous prices of two cents pound ob. New York. The results of the situation is quite clear and is by no means necessary to be a tronderful seer to grasp them. The planter is agonizing progressively under the punishment of such hard conditions. And the under paid worker is not even a Caban. Even the pesetas that could remain here to go to Haiti and Jamnion. Everyone that collects pay from the stgar industry is a foreigner, from the cane cutter to the shareholder.
The native is the slave of the batey, the miserable employee of the ma.
hinery room of the administra.
tive offices. And still there are peoole who claim that our future lays in the sugar industry.
Two Slogans The North American grip is im.
placable. The cry of no curtail.
ment has been substituted by the old slogan of restriction at all costs. But nothing is decided by this; all is a matter of words so far. Let us suppose that we are already in the period of superproduetion and that our chenp sugar is inundating other countrios menac.
ing our neighbour market. What would happen in such a nuite cleer; the American beet sugar and domestic cane sugar proAncers perhap3 supported by the Federation of Labour the docile wheel of American capitalism, would petition the president to apply the scientifie tariff to us, that Is so that domestic and foreign production costs will be levelled. To counteract this imminent danger of Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and tariff protection it is childish to claim that the reciprocity treaty ofreduce the fever of children.
fers us a preferential rebate, because we should never forget that cur competitors in the American market are not to be in Europe or In Java, but in their own territory, in Hawaii, in the Philippines and Porto Rico, that those sugars are duty free.
The future cannot be sadder more deplorable for our sugar. To insist in trying to find worthless formulae that are precisely worthless because we lack control of the world sugar market is to lose our valuable time.
AT THE Economic Anaemia Our chronic financial difficulties AMERICAN PHARMACY convert us into a weak nation without purchasing power. We lack the Vigorizing circulation of money, and JAVIER MORAN, Froprietor we run the risk of total economie anaemia. It is necessary Panama.
to cure curselves, but with a new plan of treatment. An we present the following plan worthy of being carefully studied Absolute prohibition of Antil there, that is about three million lian labour so that we will really If our suggestions are taken into tons.
harvest our crop with out workers.
some account we will feel gratified Modification of the reciprocity of having been able to have conNaturally, wages will have to be obtain fairer tributed in some, manner to alleviate higher, but they will reain in Cuba treaty in order to WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTUR advantageously greasing up our trade relation between the two the difficulties our country is facPOR rusty economic machinery.
MG. DONALD ALM ANACS Establishment of an agricul Lowering of railroad freight St. 71 Street and cerner 22nd tural bank to loan money at a low rates and the establishment of free CHORRLLOI interest rate to farmers very prin markets in all cities.
cipally to those cultivating tpbac, Eight Hour Day E WORRELL co, coffee, fruits and other export Open and loyal protection to able products the worker, establishment of the THE TAILOR Organized and official aid to eight hour working day without ex Corner 16th. Street RYCE Onban industries with exemption of ception of any knd as well as a West import duty for all their machinery, minimum rate of wage insurance.
RENOVATOR Panama, Study of an agreement with Something of all this is already DYEING PRESSING 60000000000 the American beet sugar producers started and underway, but weakly, LADIES SKIRTS by which we would oblige ourselves literally and rhetoretically. What is to only export to the United States needed to take full action once it Rent Receipt Books fa Spanish SPECIALLY ATTENDED TY the difference of sugar existing bo bas been conscientiously and care and English for sale at the WorkHOUSE 19 21st STREET tween consumption and production fully studied.
man Printery.
GUACHAPALI PANAMA CITO Sahab chose lo NEURALGINA Summary of Contents: History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, Photographs of the Teams end 16 Individua Players Váluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate. Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, ol For sale both Wholesale and Retail Secure yours now there will be a great rush for them.
Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama FRANK WIILLIAMS BUILDER DESIGNER 22 Street, Guachapali, House No. 18 Furniture of Varied Qualty and Up to date Designs PRICES DEFY COMPETITION cocccccccccccco Wm. MCKINNON countries.
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