
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1923 The Prince of Wales Sixteen Year Old Girl Taken Out of Bondage is Illiterate Held as Slave to White Family From Age of Two Years AT THE NO LONGER CARE FREE TACKLES STATE TASKS LA MASCOTA lately, fin selection of Black Blue Serges, Black Cheviots Vicunas, and Cream Flannels. Also ENGLISH TWEEDS the very latest designs TAILOR TRIMMINGS LA MASCOTA MULLER, Prop.
no no (By Constantine in the Chicago Daly News)
London, England, Dec. 15. To be Paterson, Jan 18 For one, lice that the girl never had been sent king of Eng and and ruler of the to have the shack. es of slavery brok to school, but for a time she had British empire is no sinecure. This en in 1929, almost 67 years after the rught Alse harself. Mrs. Aden says the Prince of Wales has discovered issuance of the Emancipation Prohe former. y was a teacher. The husclamation, is almost unbelievable, and is alleged to have attended Gone are the easy days when the but Alsie Martin, 16 year old girl, kimson college in South Carolina.
prince question to his faithful wh ohas been a slave since her sec he child was called into the room friend and secretary, Sir Godfrey ond birthday, last Thursday was crom her work of preparing dinner Thomas, was: What luncheon and liberated from servitude. or the family and a test of her dances have you booked for me toThe girl was discovered at Little ability to read and write was started day? and when the question was Fails, seven miles from here, afterpy the officers. newspaper was put answered the prince would reply, an investigation held at the instiga before her and the first word of a Well, we ve just got time for tion of the and the Maragraph was pointed out to her round of golf this afternoon. r saic County Society for the Pr. with a pencil.
In those golden days of complete vention of Cruelty of Children. AlThe word was this, and when freedom the prince woud jump into sie birthplace was Lowendesville, he was asked what it was she ven his two seater and stop at TurnAbbeville County, She wasured that it might be the. Her bull or Sulka and buy himself brought to Little Falls last October master then said: Try her on the lew neckties or gloves, then drive by Mrs. Theron Saville Allen type. Words such as you and on to a golf course outside London. white. who said the young girl was Lbe and others of one syliabic return to town in the evening and ven to her at the age of years. cre tried and Alsie knew some os either attend some official dinner or than onc The child master is assistant su. hem, but words of more go to a show. The evenings generalperintendent of a rock quarry. Theyable were unknown to her.
ly ended at one of four fashionable family lives in an old house on a hill arithmetic she was at a total loss night clubs, where he could dance within a stone throw of the quar che uid not know that seven an until 30 a. with some of the ty.
he was eight.
prettiest of London social stars Have Four Children Attend Protest Meeting of tedious conversations with worThe southerners have four chilFollowmg the storm of protest ried statesmen about naval bills and chroughout the state and New York uru and Asie bad filed the roles o.
the crisis in the coal districts he used to hear, but his interest in wurde, cook and general bouse serv ty waen the plight of the slave uri became known at a meeting helu ant lur years without being paid any acre Saturday in the office of John those matters was transient. Things Tauties. She never has been to school are changed now and the Prince of Huges, justice of the peace ali Wales has become all of a sudden Luder lungibie asseis consist of und some od cioces. The young Usganizations of New Jersey.
present of the Federation of Coimuch older man.
ove skept in a little roula ou th William Anurews, attorney, repreSince Thursday numberless old Luy hoor of the house. The building aung the dira.
37 Central Avenue.
morocco dispatch cases bearing the shackio al air, clings the king initials interlaced in gold have Annie Randolph, Paterson wel1. de of a hii and is about hail a mile are worker, and når aid, airs. Violet tecn removed from Buckingham to rua ila nearest neighbc. Becaus St. James Palace. The hours the derson Auams, attenued tue meet Ob isolation, the details of the Stowaway Uncrated soung prince used to spend in play. Justice Lugga oil. ce.
to exis. co remained unknown ing are now devoted to hard work.
An agreement was reached wher Things The Workman Would like to see on Pier e time, Until late in the night the prince oy Dirs. Kangospa would assumu we coule told the police tha fol marge of the chud pending sposirry amongst West Indians. The spirit of practical UN ACQUIRE USEFUL TRADES sits at a writing table studying long slo. y concerning the life o. on of her case. As Aisie is 16, she SCHOOL for HIGHER Equipped with his passport and a reports and documents written in the Aise was born Jan. 31, 1912. woes not come under the compulsory The West Indian worker and TECHNICAL EDUCATION visa as a quota immigrant, and nail florid language of many centuries IT Lother was Jennie Martin anuuucation law of New Jersey, wh. cn converted to the DOCTRINE for West Indian CHILDREN by ed into a packing case consigned ago and putting his signature on ine ident. ty of her father is WEST INDIAN EFFORT. equ. res a child to complete the xth OF UNIONISM and COLLEC. to himse. at a fictitious ad parchments conta ning hundreds of wowa. The mother had several chil rade before working papers ca TIVE BARGAINING.
dren and wanted to get rid of Alcrant. d, and as she has not been CORPORATION to take dress on West Eighty fourth Street, whereases and to wits.
His early callers after he returns Wages in the CANAL care of West Indian FINAN New York, John Phoenig, 19 years sie, so she gave her to Mrs. All the state long enough to be considZONE and PANAMA paid the CIAL INTERESTS.
from Buckingham Palace are old, of Dusseldorf, Germany, who len. There was no formal adoption cred a resident, she is not eligible worker without regard to his lor. ger young friends who, frequent7. The Workman OWNED took this method of stowing away only forgetting the stringent court eti.
because the child is Negro but tr admission to any of its institu race, color, or citizenship a job by a company of WEST IN. the Hamburg American liner Cleve quette, bur:t out with the human 97 papers of indenture binding out Licns.
Asie until she was 18 were signed for a man and not a man for a DIANS.
land which arrived recently was feel can trim you at golf this af.
The child was removed from the by Mrs. Winnie Martin, Alsie home of the Allens and carried to job. Every West Indian drink discovered only after he had been ternoon, but dull ponderous and grandmother. This was because the the home of Mrs. Randolph. This West Indian the PARENTS ing BALBOA and SIIVER unloaded on to the pier.
worried looking servants of mother at that time was not 21 was the first pleasure automobile helping their CHILDREN to SPRAY. checker, noticing a loose board crown who talk about the distress in years old.
aide the child had ever had. Alsie on the case thrust his hand in to in the Welsh coal fields, educational Papers Never Recorded next naval building laughed for joy when the motoring vestigate, and Phoenig, without bills and the conversations may The papers were drawn by. party stopped at a store and she was thinking, shook it. The checker ran program. Their Mosley, a white Lowendesville law. give na pocketbook to hold her doldown the pier shouting that he had be interesting, but not entertaining, The prime minister, the first lord been bitten by an animal. The box yer, and witnessed by his brother, lsr. Mosley. They never were record Sunday she attended Sunday was opened and Phoenig stepped out of the admiralty, the president of the board of education, the secretary ed and the orginal document ha school in the Calvary Baptist church He was taken to Ellis Island for a been lost. The southerners do not be and Monday started on the road to special hearing. The board ruled that for air, the labor minister they all No 29 Street East, Calidonia licve there is a true copy in exist her deferred education when she en he must be excluded on the ground come one after another with yellow ence and they do not remember th rolled in public school No. at that he entered the country illegally. portfolios bulging with state docuexact cotents of the original. 22d St. and 15th Ave. just a few He returned to Germany on the ments and parliamentary bills endeaAlways on hund a fine selection of vouring to educate the heir to the Asked what schools Alsie attend blocks from the home of her guarsame vessel when it sailed.
throne in the heavy rosponsibilities ed, Mrs. Allen explained to the po dian and benefactress.
DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES Phoenig was somewhat emaciat of ruling a vast and complex emed when he was found, and his first piro Chicago Daily News.
And TOILET ARTILES demand was for food. He explained that after he had received his visa Air Mail Route to Touch West Indies he found that he did not have enough money to come to America Large Sum for Water MONTREAL TO ARGENTINE SERVICE TAKES IN TRINIDAD so with the help of a friend who 10 CONNECT WICH C01.)X By Experienced Druggist later nailed him into it, he had Scheme constructed the box.
Chicago, Dec. Promotion on two points.
It was six feet long by four feet What locks like a fight to obtrade relations between the United Two of the routes, those connect THE IDEAL PHARMACY Wn. de Sousa, Prop. wide and contained blankets, a cord tain an adequate water supply for States and countries of Central and ing Miami, Fla. with Colon in the south America is soon to be aided Panama Canal Zone and with Trin00000000000000000000000 hammock, a five gallon jar of wate Paris is in prospect. The city reof and supply of sausage pumper uires 000. 000 cubic metres the establishment of air mail ser dad will be in operation within sixnickel and chocolate. While the ship water daily. and at present it has ta Buenos Aires in Argentina. y days. The third route from Colon was at the sea he loosened a boar: barely half th quantity. To make binding th: Latin American to Santiago, Chile, will be advertis The third route, the contract for und was able to get out and wall up the deficit it was decided to o el or through the aired soon.
which will be advertised soon, will nround but could not find any ad ring, water from the valley of the Joseph Mason it is hoped to develop the comCountries to be Served the Coliseum.
litional supplies. His own gave out Loire between Gien and Nevers to a relationship desired by The cities to be served by the new Maitresses Furnished Paris. But the three days previously.
municipal council Completion of the airlines will and Repaired has to reckon with the Chamber of lent e ect Hoover. One of th: route are: enable mail posted at Montreal on Phoenig said that he had a friend, Commerse of fres ll fot ow the course taken Orleans and Fred Hebst, in Detroit, and that he the Route No. Miami; Havana, Yu begin at Colon. From there it will by Mr. Hoover on his good will jour atan, Mexico; Belize, British Hon go to Colombia, Guayaquil, Ecuador, Good Service Guaranteed had intended to work his way west Loiret, which locks upon the Paris project as an act of spoliation.
duras; Managua, Nicaragua; San Lima, Peru, Valparaiso and Santiato join him.
Announcement of the new service Jose, Costa Rica; David, Panama, to go, Chile, and an extension to ConIt is a mighty project that the 21st Street Guachapali Officials of the Hamburg Ameri Paris Municipality propose tocarwas made today by Irving Glov. Colon.
cepcion, Chile, will be made later. House No 10.
can Line were more amused than ry out. It is not proposed to take er, second assistant Postmaster Gen Route No. will touch at Miami, branch line will be installed across annoyed at his attempt to enter the the water directly from the Loire, eral in charge of the air mail. Havana, Camaguey and Santiago, the Andes from Santiago to Buenos country without paying them pas but from a subterranean lake nearGover is in Chicago with the for Cuba; Port au Prince, Haiti; Santo Aires. Connection will be made there snge money. They said that they ly two miles broad, which filters eign delegation attending the Inter Domingo, Dominican Republic; San with the French air mail service H, BOWEN would be glad to help him to find through the sand. As much water is nntional Aeronautical Exposition at Tuan, Porto Rico, and around the which now extends from Rio de JaIlcbat, and it the latter would to be restored to the stream as is Merday at noon to reach Santiago Virgin Islands, through Trinidad, nairo to Buenos Aires.
TAILOR guarantee Phoenig rallrond fare taken from it by building a dam Chile, the next Saturday, Mr. Glover where it will connect with an extensaid. It now takes three weeks forsion from Colon. The Caribbean Sea No. M Street San Miguel and undertake to find work for him 250 feet high above Roanne, thus Advertise in the Workman they would not oppose his entering creating a the delivery of mail betwen those circumscribes the two routes.
reservoir capable of it will bring good results.
Panama City the country. Continued on page 5)
The Ideal Pharmacy Prescriptions Carefully Compounded ney.


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