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Com Nothing Checial Sign Of Improvement THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN WEEK LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME BY WEEK AND PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL 17 No. 30 THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1929 PRICE CENTS West Indies Conference Ends Prince of Wales Fifteen New His Majesty King George Fiftin its Deliberations Convalescence Slow Visits Miners reas in his sity Struck by Apalling Con To Cost Seventoon Milditions He saw in Threelion Dollars Approved Hon. Wint Jamaica Delegate Days Tour by Senate Condition Still Very Weak Although If some international understand Lulogises Chairman of Conference LONDON, Saturday. cable Gaining Strength Steadily wespatch from London states that ang regarding armaments is not (From the Gleaner)
the Prince of Wales, it is learned, reached within the next three years direct West India cable)
BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, hearty vote of thanks to Sir Edditions he saw in his three day tou America, that nation seapower will despatch from London was to moved by the appaling con satisfactory to the United States of states FATHER CARROL TO Friday. The deliberations of ward Davson, whose portrait of the Northumberland and Durhamstronger by fifteen cruisers to that no bulletin was issued, but SPEAK AT ATHENAEUM the West Indian Conference being presented to the House of coalfields that he has expressed a ust 17, 000, 000. 00 each and an aeru it was stated that His Majesty SONG SERVICE were resumed and concluded to Assembly of Barbados on behalf strong sh to visit the stricken coa ane carrier costing nineteen continues to improve, steadily.
day, of the West Indian Conference own municipality of con dollars. The bill authorizing this Plans for His Majesty removal The Reverend Carroll, Subjects of a West Indian cur by Bermuda addition to Uncle Sam navy was to Craigweil are still going of St. Vincent de Paul church, PaWalzs.
rency and of West Indian avia.
Hon. Wint Praises it is stated that accordingly pro approved by the United States Sen ahead and it was stated this eve nama City, will deliver an address tion were dealt with and at the Chairman sional arrangements are being ate last Tuesday by a vote of 58 for ning that if the weather conti at the La Boca Athenaeum 30 instance of Bermuda represennued to be favorable the Kingwervice to be held in the La Boa tatives a resolution was passei BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, ade for a three day tour of the and 12 against the measure.
The Bill was before the United will start some time next week. Clubhouse on Sunday afternoon the ileys of South Wales to be underIndies protesting against a private bill Saturday. The West for some time, which is understood to have Conference closed yesterday sken probably the week after next states legislature LONDON, Saturday (Rugby seventeenth of this month. Reverend been introduced or about to be The Chairman was presented is further understood that the sume opponents making dramatic doWireless. The following of Carroll has relected for the subject introduced into Parlament, con with a souvenir on behalf of the Tince will make an earnest appeaciarations that the adoption of the cial statement was issued from of his address, Heroes of the Uniferring power on the Rhodes conference Colonies. Jamaica od States.
to the nation for more financial as neasure would constitute an insin There is a tendency among cerThe program for the service is in trustees to alter the allocation had the honour of making the istance to relieve distress but that cerity on the part of the United Buckingham Palace last night. of the Rhodes Scho arships with presentation, through Mr. Wint, his will not be done until he has States in view of her wish for peace tain sections of the public and the hands of Mr. George Richards. certain specified exceptions who in the course of a happy completed his tour in South Wales. snd gesture for reduction of armasin some organs of the press to Chaplain of the Athenaeum, and it When the Prince makes his second monts. Others declare that approval which is expected that an interesting and included the United speech, punctuated with ap assume that the King transfer.
States of America, but do not in plause, said Sir Edward Davson appeal to the nation he is likely to world inspire competition in arms ence to Bognor will usher in his entertaining one will be prepared.
clude and Great Bermuda and Jama ca, represented the new school of sive a detailed statement of the de by the United States convalescence. This view is in. This will be the first of the kind for both of which enjoy Rhodes Empire builders, who florable conditions of poverty he has Britain.
were The Bill carries time clause both bulletins and medical re this society promoted, once a month, correct. It will be recalled that many years held under the auspices seen. He will probably address mor.
of the Athenaeum. Some years ago, scholarship cementing the various parts oi five of the The resolution further re the Empire in bonds that can than three million people through which specifies that ports stated that His Majesty some very successful song services the instrumentality of the British quested that a telegram convey not be broken. They gripped the (Continued on Page 8) progress was happily reaching at which several prominent and dising the sense of the Conference hearts of peoples of every race, Broadcasting Corporation.
la stage when it would be ad tinguished men and women spoke should be sent forthwith to colour stage of civilization vantageous to remove him to the and many competent vocalists and Secretary of State.
in the Empire. So long as Brit SPARKLETS sca with a view of accelerating inetrumentalists gave free, unselfish Discussion was initiated by ain produced such sons, the the establishment of his con service for the good of the commuthe Windward Islands on the foundations of the Empire can. By valescense in the not too distant selection of representatives and never be shaken. The conference future. Though His Majesty a resolution was passed 19 to was a gathering of happy fam Gentle reader, we ll start this, quately fortify everything he pop condition continues to improve reaffirming the principle laid ilies, of which Sir Edward wa week deliberation in a humorous sesses, protect everything he con the process of recovery after so SPECIAL EDITION OF down in the report of 1926 that the ideal father, and would grow vein. Let Us Pray. clergyman crols and defend his merchant ships severe an illness must of neces PANAMA CONSTITU.
representatives should be as far until the conference Colonies one day announced from the pulpit: along national and international sty be slow.
TION as possible members of the Le grew to Dominion status and Next Sunday shall preach on routes. Now, gentle reader, let be This statement indicates the gislatures or governments.
took their place in the Imperial Liars and Lying. but meantime frank about it. Were you in posue King medical advisers are still The proceedings of the Con Conference. West Indies Press wish you would all study the 17thuion of a quarter of million sterling not prepared to be more optim. atitution of the Republic of Pana The facsimile edition of the Conterence then terminated after a Association. chapter of St. Mark. The following or half a million dollars, would you istic than circumstances warSunday when he arose to give the not seek the best possible protection rant. The King is still in an ex ma, ordered printed in the United sermon he enquired: How many of for that little fortune. to tremely weakestate and although States by the Panamanian govern you have studied the 17th chapter of minimize chances of loss? certain confidence prevails at the Palacement through Dr. Ricardo Allaro, St. Mark? Half of the congregaty would, regardless of the max. any undue feeling that the King Minister in Washington, has arrived must have ban very much riminal obstruction on the part of the ones want to preach to, de pretty larceny and the strictest vigi wards convalescence is being uted on the up ar. imum court penalty for grand or is now making rapid strides to in Panama City and will be distrib.
25th of the present out of sorts when he was writing this preacher, don know what clared the clergyman, there is month in th lance of a perfectly organized police discouraged.
commemoration of his editorial cf Sunday the 3rd in else could be. He knows that ther. tant, entitled G impse into the is an organization of the Silver em 17th chapter of St. Mark. Borrow force. Would you?
It is understood the next med silver anniversary of the signing of ed from the Pathfinder. the historic document.
future. And right here have be ployees, and that this organization ical bulletin will not be issued The edition consists of 2, 450 copia gun to see that it was really a has been making representations to Comes now Miss Amy Ashwood, before Monday.
with paper covers and 50 with spe elimpse and nothing more, for it the authorities on this matter, and With due deference to the opinion once wife of the Honorable Marcus cial covers for distribution among is well known that one can sehe disregards all sense of decency of those who would have eliminated Garvey, with another of those little CHEPO ESCAPES DEhigh officials here.
few much by a glimpse. He was not in and friendliness to make auch the time clause from the United flares. Woman Rights which she STRUCTION BY FIRE copies of the latter were distributed position to deal with so impor statement in an editorial. How does States fifteen cruiser (five cruisers labelled Sexual Disillusionment by Minister Alfaro among the State tant a subject as Superannuation at he know? Why wil the meddle? He per year) building program, last Sunday morning and hung up The little town of Chepo. one of Department, the Library of Conall. He had no facts. For instance, he ought to know that this is not the frankly concur in the stand taken in the center of Nick reservation Pan American Union, says for years th Gold employers way to help. How would be like it if by those who stood firm for carry over in the daily Star and Hera the mportant settlements West otgress, the have been fighting for retirement an outsider were to tell his meming out the program as is. Rather According to a few sensible, and Tanama) had a narrow escape of Chief Justice Taft and William NelPanama financial measures, and although they have bers that some scheme that he had then taking any chance of keeping consequently successful, married being wiped out by fire on Tuesday son Cromwell, representative in the United State.
not yet succedcd, it is believed tha. before them was unworkable and you in the dark as to what in the Land single women on the question ist 6th Instant.
According to reports, the blaz: their persistent agitation will gt impossible? Perhaps he does not Sam Hill we re talking about, we ll CE woman rights. it is quite time them good results in this particular. know that most of the large indus explain briefly, in camera. John for those female loud speakers on originated from a lighted candle in PERMISSION GIVEN COL. LINTNow, if anyone else had told me trial interests nowadays carry a life ful and most effective navy in the and dignifiedly refuse to ask of the ing the complete building and also Bull owns the biggest, most power their rights to come to the front the home of Matia Nuñez, destroy BERGH TO LAND OFF COLOMthat hnd not known that insurance policy on each of their world. It is affectionately referred men alimony and heart balm. the neighbouring homes of Eliseo BIAN COAST the Gold employees have had Retir employees, kept up partly by to as the mistress of the seas. a it fifty fifty, the sensible fema e Fuentes and Manuel Villalobos; the ment protection for the past four employee and partly by the employ little recognition which it inherits members of the species point out, disaster was responsible for cas The Colombian Government has tive years, and that the presenter. He might ask the Panama Elec since a comparatively small English then put in a word now and then ulties Viss Ricardo Lasso, granted permission to the Pan As.
fight is only for improving the rates, trie Company, or the Star and He.
sea force went forth, a century or for the men, as many men are doing school teacher, who, was overcome erican Airways Incorporated so th.
and conditions, would not have be ald. Perhaps he does not know that two ago, and whipped a foreign ar for the women, and say that when by smoke while fighting the flames, Col Chas. Lindbergh (the fariju lieved it. But of this he was really the Panama Canal is a profit mak mada. This great navy is necessary the flapper breaks away uncer and Gabriel Ceballos who received a aviator) can land on both the Atlan.
ignorant. And in this ignorance hing concern; that it had an incom to protect Britain vast overseas moniously from, or proves unfaith fractured arm and met his destiny tie and Pacific coast of Colombia, ventures to tell what is impossible of over 26 million dollars last year: dominions, dependencies and trade ful or inefficient to, her husband, while carrying water to extinguish accordance with the request made of acquirement by the Silver em which represented a respectable perroutes, as well as to help uphold her she should be divorced and sued for the fire.
ployees, and to suggest that should centage of interest; and that money dignity at home and abroad. Uncle stimony; and, too, when the semithrough the American legation here.
bert be done for them. He says, No voted by Congress for Canal opera Sam, who is second world power with nude shebas are responsible for the such outlook (retirement) can be tion is not the taxpayers money, fewer but valuable overseas property breaking of engagements to MURDERER GETS FIF Cunningham. The murder was but contribution from the world Auld also TEEN YEARS culmination of a quarrel. Tucker hopefully perceived by the Silv:r many important trade ry the men, let the latter be given was tried and convicted last Friday employcos) therefore, the thought shipping. can best serve routes, hasn t, he shows forth, a the equal right to sue them for in what was said to be a record that the Congress would ever the Silver employees by writing fleet big and strong enough to pro heart balm to the tune of tens of Clifford Tucker, West Indian, was trial with regard to the speed wich pass favourable legislation in the timely articles on Economics, such teet his property and uphold his thousands of money.
sentenced on Saturday last to serve which the proceedings were carried behalf would not only be a vaccuous a thrift, distribution of labor, rela dignity at home and abroad. Most fifteen years in the Coiba peniten out. The jury deliberated but ten imagination, but a lamentable dio tion between labor and capital, or fortunately for him, however, he has In conclusion, if you are a residenttiary for the murder in Colon last minutes before rendering a verdiet stpation of time. Now, if this is not (Continued on Page 8) plenty of money with which to ad. Continued on Page 8) September of his lady friend, Aliqe of guilty against him.
HERE AND THERE the ti mar


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