
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1929 Conference and Progress Intercolonial Cricket Tournament THE TRIANGULÅR CONTEST AT THE The Barbadian Progressive Society For Example LA MASCOTA fine selection of Black Blue Serges, Black Cheviots Vicunas, and Cream Flannels. Also un are ENGLISH TWEEDS the very latest designs TAILOR TRIMMING in ܕܐ LA MASCOTA MULLER, Prop.
37 Central Avenue.
Mrs. GERTRUDE FORDE RICHARDS (By Best. By Far be it from the wish of the The Trinidad Weekly Guardian onandes, e. Wright, Browne writer to be heard only at any time the 7th ultmo. Says: and Ihillips, she has struck ou.
that he will at present say a few With the nineteenth series of the buid poney and has brougas things anent the above headlines.
Latercoloniai Cricket There is so much time and space Tournament no fewer than six players who less than three weeks off every ar ure absolutesy new to Intercolonial wasted by long winded effusions that can do no body (except it dent cricketer is trying to forecast cricket. The majority of these new the possible result of the game players will assist in providing the might be the writers of the said effusions) any good, that no sane per. turally this is a question entir attack and it would pay Trinidad con who has an honest interest in ly dependent on the teams which batsmen to be cautious. have been his fellows and their welfare, care the respective colonies are able to uzormed that Pooran is a slow leat to figure in the same category assemble and it is particularly in ander of the type of Veerasawmy where men who have a long time Leresting to investigate it in this and Shankand is a fast bowie.
ligat because there will be an ap with a reputation of being able to ago been characterized by the great preciable infusion of new blood buke the ball get up, and he and learned apostie as slow be most of the teams, and even cercomes back from the off side. It lies who must seifishly glory Lam players who have already had either of these bowlers can comwhat they fancy they have produc ed for the edification of an overtheir baptism of fire in intercolonias and a length be will take some Cricket have not yet Jones Hunce and credulous public experienced watching.
that thrill on the matting wicke. length bowlers, the later in my To the simplest and most hones thinker, being quite these over barbados stands in a predominant Opinion superior too modern brood and breed are only regarded position today in intercolonial eblett as he makes more pace out the pitch. do not know much of Cricket. Her superiority thoughout with the suspicion deserving of the challenged by Trinidad has never McKenzie or Wishart but said monkey type of men.
The writer at the present time been wrested and her latest exhib. de Caires who played for Stonyhowever, that time considered by tion was a remarkable recovery on ſuurst College in 1927, was third in verages with 28. 72 runs per hensington grounds against Trinid. dhe the best minds as one in which lunians should begin to think wisey, when this colony led on the first in anings and third also in bowling, coberly and nings by the wide margin of 304 nis wickets costing 16. 25 runs cach.
profitably, as reguru runs. Cruel fate in the shape of an He is thus an all rounder of some our responsibility to an ALL WISE unfortunate umpire decision fol merit and it was stated that INTELLIGENCE that has declared lowed. by wretched wicket condition Ayres Cricket Companion he that all intelligent or rational be ungs shall be cailed to account at on the completion of the Barbados described as a steady batsman. The second innings of 726 for wickets team also includes McLean, and it the time appointed for deed done in lost Trinidad the game. Nevertheless us evident that it has a wealth o the present life being convinced in as an instance of grit, determination bowling although cannot Sy mind through a careful scrutiny of and steady play it was a marvell us whether it is of real Test Match things as they exist around us that exhibition as the attack was never quality, with the possible exception it is the work of demons that divert easy. These are incidents connected of Jones the attention of suffering humanity with the glorious uncertainty of the Green who will lead the itom giving proper attention to the St. Hill and Yeates. It may very things that make for his wel game and Barbados deserves con side and Dare, de be surprising that have selected being, to that of wasting time on gratulation for their win by 12. Caires, and Saddick are the best none of the left handers, St. Hill, uaprofitable genealogies, batsmen. Nasimento runs. The venue of the forthcoming, known myths, tuurnament will be on the hom will be the stumper, Achong or Pascall. do not think and doctrines of demons.
there is any inherent virtue in selWicket but this in itself should not Barbados Possibles have taken specific notice confidence because inspire undue It is publicly stated that Messrs.
vetinga BEAUTY, PARLOUR left hand slow bowler reierences made again recently on the sensational finish of that me Challenor and Tarilton are unless he is able to bewilder the op une question of the need of a coming morable game in 1906 is still fresa unable to make the trip and Mr.
Madame C, Walker Method position or at least keep the bat. together by men who can think sen.
in the mind of every cricketer. The. Ince, the classy left hander men from scoring rapidly. None of way and to profit and are capas Barbados team inspired on that oc is also placed in that category. The these left handers is in his best of imparting their honest conviccasion by the fine trundling of Per captaincy of the side will devolve form at present. Pascall does not tions in an honest to goodness conthe cy Goodman turned impending de upon Mr. Kidney, and Lowl with the variety of old, but he vocation toward making for the betare funt into a thrilling victory by 15 players certain of selection keeps the best length of the tro terment of the conditions of the rest runs. In a previous article com Walcott, Bartlett, and can yet turn the ball. St. Hill of us, who, because of good reasons, mented on the deplorable catching Lioad, de Innis, Reece, gets more pace and break than Pas see and feel that many things are of the Trinidad side on th: home Rogers, Browne and Consultation Free House 164 Ave Ancon call from the onside. If Yeates is seriously lacking to make for the wicket in 1925 and as the great Griffith of the above named Reece unsuccessful against Demerara type of citizen which every civilizstruggle is now impending feel it and Rogers are unacquainted with will fall back on St. Hill as the ed country should delight to have incumbent to remind them how vic the matting wicket, but they will Tourth bowler, but on present form and to hold, and help to become tory was nearly snatched from their easily find their lengths. Reece can Yeates is entitled to inclusion bemore useful and profitable, rath. grasp by the undying pluek of Bar have several day practice and fore this trio. Following the prin uributing to the void which exists than forever permitting and conbados players. Trinidad can hardly should spin the ball and should be a ciple recently demonstrated with compliment itself on a narrow win dangerous proposition, while success in Australia in every right minded soul will select of thirteen runs the lowest on re Griffith who bowled at the top of his through sheer instinct must feel out Agard as the wicketkeeper before of place or unhomely in a country cord in the history of the matches. form during the last English tour. Constantine or Hunte. Mr. where he is not a welcome are reminiscences which has two experiences of matting No 29 Street East, Calidonia gues, As to batsmanship, Chapman played Duckworth should steel the selected Trinidad siegames. every Test while Ames, and admit facts of the case.
from a general consideration of the into realisation that victory is not Browne in form is equal to any tedly fine batsman, remained in the achieved until the last ball has been matting wicket batsman have seen.
Whether we argue along the lines Pavilion. Agard catching is su the great need of a coming tobowled against any doughty oppon Hoad demonstrated that ent, and further that it should not though slower in method he is not DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES perior to that of the others, algether as a whole and honest heartthough Constantine has shewn mo. eedly exchanging opinions as to what bo taken as an accepted fact that a whit behind. de Innis showAnd TOILET ARTICLES playing on home wickets, must of ed his merit as a batsman while on ability to take the ball on the on might be done for our betterment necessity give them a decided ad. a visit here representing Harrison side. The position of an all rounder along clearly outlined essentials to vantage. On reflection, it must be College and Bartlett is a brilliant sshould in my opinion go to Fraser our civie, economic, social and inapparent that the later considera batsman anywhere. To what extent Prescriptions Carefully Compounded who has regained his batting form dustrial life, pro and con or that of tion is one on which the human ele the newcomers may adapt themselves and he should be bowled as often as isolated undertakings which ment, and particularly the will to to matting conditions is a matter for Ву possible before match day to get syght grant the right of designs win, plays an important parts conjecture, but fancy the Barbados him into the best possible form. Totion of Independent undertakings important that it might courter team will also include a fair propor.
gether with Sealy he will be and characterized as being progresbalance the advantage which familar tion of young blood.
THE IDEAL PHARMACY Wm. de Sousa, Prop. available to rest the bowling.
sive when we have dissolved thing ity with a particular pitch gives to Trinidad Team Liddelow is my twelfth selection to their proper elements or quana batsman or a bowler. But all this The question naturally arises.
and will offer him the opportunit, tities we will find how much might is elative to general principles, with what material will Trinidad of playing in the second match formity or concert of action by the have been gained by greater Qunithe reai speculation is with refer meet her opponents. had anticipat rase fails on opening. as he could co operation only to be got by mlie ence to the strength of the opposed that two or three young batsmen Betancourt has already been elected no promoted to a pick for batting tual undesrtanding or counsel ing teams.
Trinidad will have to who had shewn prominence in the Captain and as propose to select with Sealy doing honours as the thered out of united conference.
Bicommence the Tournament against 1928 cricket season would have him as one of the batsmen, it is only Joseph Mason adi rounder of the team. Liddelow British Guiana.
made good in the trial matches. ecessary to pick four more. Fo: Mattresses Furnished las not reproduced his form of last The Psalmist Expressions Demerara Strength Their display has been disappoint stediness Wiles has shown and Repaired year.
If when some of us who take up It is customary for the ill informing and some have not even exhibit himself an invaluable member of th My selection is therefore as fol would immitate the to write for publie scrutiny disheartening Trinidad side and with him will ed to discount British Guiana asaed keenness. This is Good Service Guaranteed cors: Betancourt (Capt. Af Israel who feared lofty looks and good Psalmist ericketing opponent but their mag. because it compels the Selectors to choose Roach, St. Hin, and Viles, St. Hill, Roach, cobbling in things beyond his mental nificent show against Barbados at rely on the old stock who are known Sealy. Roach and St. Hin are im21st Street Guachapali Sealy, Constantine, Smal, ken and as good as prayed: home in September, 1926, and again to the opponents and therefore less proved batsmen and should be a. St. Hill, Yeates, Fraser, in February, 1927, at Barbados capable of producing the elements of tower of strength to the side.
House No 10.
All Agard and Liddelow (12th man. high for me, like what some of our Lord let me not mind things too shows that there is a revival of surprise so vital to success in crick five have experience of intercolonial cricket ability in the Magnificent, et. In endeavouring to select a Trin cricket. It may be noted that do or the eighteen games played wise uns ventured to say about the Province. So far, Demerara has dis idad side will proceed on the basis not include Small or ConBarbados has won 10, Trinidad well thought out conferences now closed her hand to a greater extent that five båtsmen should be picked stantine in this section. have re. BOWEN Demerara and one game was aban being held in Barbados, we would than any of her rivals in the trian absolutely as such with the single frained from doing so not because doned.
surely be possessed with thoughts gular contest. Ten of the players reservation that field ability entitles doubt their ability to get runs in TAILOR think Trinidad possesses the best less conceit and egotism than selected to represent her are known them to a place on the team. Next, the best company byt because No. M Street San Miguel contest if they play safely and no valent type of balanced team and should win the that of the cheap and over too preand it must be admitted that failing will select four bowlers, and a wick think they hould form the main an unthinking and the assistance of Messrs. Fer etkeeper, and an all rounder. Mr. portion of the attack, together with Panama City not underrate the cpposition. Continued on Page 3)
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