
FOR Making Good Clothes and GAS STOVE Cleaning Clothes Good CLUB New York, Jan. Suit for Ho, 000 damages was begun yooterday in the Federal Courts by George Yamonke, administrator of the tate of Major Yoshio Inouye, late military attache of the Japanese Embassy at Buenos Aires, who lost his life in the Vestri disaster.
Inouye is survived by widow, Madame Teruko Inouye, who lives at Tokio. In the complaint it is set forth that the Vestris was owned und operated by Lamport and Holt, Ltd. and the Liverpool, Brasil and River Plate Steam Navigation Company, both named defendents; and that the sinking of the Vestris wie due to the inefficiency of its of teen The equipment of the Vestris was also characterized me ineffective as shown, the complaint alleges, by several lifebonta not being launched and to the loss of others which were launched.
Surrogate Dingate, of Kings, yesterday issued letters of administraon to Mrs. Marion Batten, of No. 08 East Eighty second Street, Manhottan, on the estate of Norman Batten, race driver, who was drown2 in the Vestris disaster.
Her petition shows Batten estate onsists of 1, 200 personality. She smes herself and his brother, Lieut.
Sugene Batten, as the only heine. See REID For RHE NEW ROPER BURNER White Porcelain Finished Stove With Oven Broiler Only 150 per Week No. 6, 19th Street and Central Ave.
PANAMA, The Gas Electric Showrooms (FUERZA LUY)
COLON At Your Sorvloo PANAMA Cift to Cambridge University NEURALGINA STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 AND Should be in every office to immediately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work, NEURALGINA Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children.
of Summary of Contents: History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua Players Valuable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
NEURALGINA 250, 000 for Scientific Research London Jan. Mr. John Humphrey Plummer, of Southport, who died last week at the age of 78 years has left estate valued at over. 250, 000, almost all of which has been bequeathed to Cambridge Union versity in the form of a trust, to be known as the John Humphrey Plummer Poundation. The bequest to Cambridge is to ro to the endow.
ment of two chairs for the promotion of modern scientific research.
He left legacy of 200 a year to his only surviving son, Mr.
Ishermodd Plummer, organist at St.
Andrew Church, Derby, Mr. Plummer was sative Manchester, who went to Southport in the early seventies, and, starting business man estate agent, acquirod considerable amount of property in the centre of the town bofore Southport was developed. His principal holdings were premises in Lord street, the chief shopping contre, and he had much to do with the progress of Southport. holiday resort He was a widower, and had ahidren by onch of his two marrin ges.
One son we willed in the war. The other spent a pumber of years in Canada and returned to take up the profession of music in Derby.
It is understood that Mr. Plummer believed his son in Derby to be well provided for and had intimated that he would leave him oply few hundreds Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, For sale both Wholesale and Retail Secure yours now there will be great rush for them, Copies may be bad from the office of the WORKMAN Panama AT THE AMERICAN PHARMACY JAVIER MORAN, Propeltor Pem FRANK WILLIAMS BUILDER DESIGNER 22 Stroot, Guaohapall, House No. 18 Furniture of Varied Qualty and Up to date Designs PRICES DEFY COMPETITION Conference and Progress. Wm. MCKINNON WHOLESALE BISTRIBUTOR POR MC. DONALD ALMANACS St. 71 Stroot and comer 22nd CHORRLLOI (Continued from Page 2)
Large Sum Donated mainine few hundred pounds before midnight.
Hospital Just as they were despatring of collecting the necessary balance Mr.
Australian Timely Gift and Mr. MeNoss, of Perth, West ern Australia, walced into the hosLondon, Jan. cheque for pital and promised to make good any 1888 given yesterday by an Austra defickt required up to 4, 000.
lian visitor to London enabled the Mr. MeNess, is complete Royal Northern Hospital Holloway, stranger to us. vald hospital ofto claim a gift of 285, 000 for the fieial yesterday. nderstand that erection of special block of private he emigrated to Australia thirty tivo beda.
years ago, and became vecessful.
The hospital was faced with the task of collecting 35, 000 before the dawn of 1920 in order to claim a gift If you have Prescription to for a similar amount promised by be made tale to the an anonymous donor.
They had raised more than National Pharmacy, Santa Ana 000 by Monday last and made, Plara, where you will ret courstrenuouh efforts to obtain the re teous and oblicing serio WI. STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR Contra Crespo No hot irons or special combs required unlearned community where even those who might have been bright boys once have now perverted minds and souls benighted for the manifest lack of that exchange of thoughts which surely can be of profit if not of the vulgar type which so many of us must have inculcated with travel and a change of environment ete. To be continued)
Rent Receipt Boolo to Spanish and English for sale of the Worken Matery. WORRELL THE TAILOR Corner 16th. Street West Panama, SOLD IN DRUG STORES


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