
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1929 Interesting Jottings THE WORKMAN DO Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon Give We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS MIS your bauen THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1929 (ELIJAH HUNTER)
riends, Countrymen and others: By this time, most of you have learnt of my recovery from illness and of my discharges from hospital. feel it my duty in this connection to lose no time in making an expres sion of my deep gratitude for all th kidnesses extended to me by my 83sociates, friends, well wishers and sympathisers for their kind inquirica. their bunch of roses their ear ut expressions of a desire for my Icovery their words of cheer ad comfort, and their frequent visits to my bed side. For all these things am sincerely grateful, and it is impossible for me to give adequate expression of my appreciation surfice it to say that have been in spired by the kind consideration and practical attention of my people, and if it is that had done any lit tle thing which was considered sufficient to entitle me to all these kindnesses can only promise continue to do such litle things with runewed energy and fresh conLACTOCEN ACTO PO Narut fidence.
Yor Vetter Paties Lacroar appreciate also the kindness of the press in publishing from time to time ny progress which act gave in formation to some persons wh nght not have been otherwise in formed While was in hospital, learnt many things this, that, and the other. Some of them will tell you, others will not. Some of these things were sa pleasant as the good tasting medicines drank, oh were as unpleasant as the pricks received from the big sized needles, of which ultimately became afraid; but it was good that should know all these things, for knowledge to power.
FOR SALE CHEAP For instance, learnt the practical meaning of the old fok expression that, when bull old, dem tek ti ty tie him. Some persona took some of my reading material from my table without consulting me, and deposited them very much out of my reach, and all could do was to look. SIGN OF IMPROVEMENT THERE IS EVERY EVIDENCE to show that many children grow and apparently thrive on date different nourishment. baby can nourished Mother milk gives complete nourishment to a baby because it contains certain As a rule human nature does not take kindly to substances which give warmth weight. muscle energy and growth health plain speaking, whenever it deals with any truth of an and yet fail to nourish particular important systems of the body, or effort to digest such a food my less much of the benefit the food might contain unpleasant nature. There are not many persons who LACTOGEN being composed pure cow milk, which has been altered that the Quantity and vality each part be closely those contained in hun milk, are ready to accept reproof or even serious counsel, grees to the entire system the many yested for the same complete and horough odhmen unother wall. LACTOGENI. superior to ordinary milk even though it may be given in the friendliest manner; powders because IN contains nothing while not found in bunu But will ONLY the form which a natural to babes from day with and there are fewer persons yet possessed with the necessary courage to give such reproof or counse Give your Baby the benefit of Most persons claim the right to be left alone to do as it may seem to them best, and are swift to show the temper of the wasp, bee, or hornet, at any indication of interference by even their closest friends. This attitud.
DAME NATURES DOUBLE of resentment tends to discourage the rendering of what might sometimes have been impartial, sober, ane consequently very valuable suggestions, with the result that those to whom they might have been rendered are left to suffer without them.
In order that such friendly help may not altogether be withheid, many persons have adopted the poucy of Une NESTLÉ MA Food for the weaning time NESTLE indulging in what they call diplomacy, by which they conceal their thoughts by smoothing and glossing uver whatever they may have to say. For the sake of retaining what they regard as friendship (which is real. y questionable. they prerer to keep their criticisms of counses to themselves, or tell them to persons unconcerned, or ofter them in such a confused and uninvesligible way that they fail of any good result, because they can not be seen. Such is the result of their desire to accomplish two things from one act to please or not displease those whom they would like to help, and at the same time to render them such help.
SSES SOME It should not be difficult to perceive that a person or a community existing in such a condition is figuratively treading on thin ice, for there is no life without the truth. Things must be called by their true and correct names. The press has been humanity rescuer from this unfortunate condition. By winning its own freedom, it has also won to the individual his freedom of speech, for where it was difficult and embarrassing to personally reprove or counsel a friend, for fear of jeopardizing the friendship, it can be done impersonally through the press. So where the press is free and is liberallly used the community is correspondingly healthy.
This community shares with other communities, to a greater or lesser degree, the general human infirinity cf proneness to resent plain speaking of the truth, if it is unpleasant. But in addition to its guneral si are, it appeared up to a short time ago say about a year or two that it was peculiarly opposed to any betterment.
To have criticized the conduct of anyone in public life was tantamount to declaring oneself an Ishmael, and a pariah. If anyone was bold enough and public spirited enough to point the community to any danger to which it was traveling, he was ridiculed as foolish or officious.
But today we can with considerable pleasure and satisfaction point to a few recent circumstances which clearly indicate a change for the better in this state of things.
There is no longer the desire only to pat ourselves on the back, and to shake our own hands, that we are a law abiding, industrious and intellectual people. Rather we are daily growing more dissatisfied with our condition; we are becoming less unwilling to be censured or admonished for having allowed such a condition to develop; and we are showing commendable anxiety to put our shoulders to the wheel of progress and push.
So we have observed that editorials of a critical or reproving nature written in this paper within recen months, have been commended and supported, rather than developed any controversy. We have observed 72 Carlos Mendoza Street that persons in the community are growing bolder and bolder to stand up for the truth, and that they are not and corner Javillo being frowned down. In this connection, we would refer to certain letters appearing in a local daily in the cap OPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMBER YARD en ital. We take the letters by one who styles himself Laborer (and we regret that such a forceful and HOTSAM cogent writer should elect the use of a pen name. the PANAMA CITY letter by Mrs. Ashwood Garvey of about two weeks ago, dealing with our achievements (or may be want of achievements. and that of Mr. Cespedes Burke, about the same time, on the kind of wife our women ought to be (and incidentally, this is about the first time we have been permitted to agree in a general way with this writer. This change is surely heartening. It undoubtedly indicates that we are doing some amout of thinking.
COLON The acceptance of the truth, in plain and unmistakable PANAMA DRY CLEANING language, however unpleasant, must eventually make us better. And we can but hope this practice will extend PHONE 453 STEAM PRESSING into the personal individual friendships, where, delicate 2005 PHONE 260 and tender though it may be, friend will find it less dif.
13 We Dye To Llve 15 STREET ficult to offer a word of counsel to friend; for open PANAMA rebuke is better than secret love. learnt what the old folk meant when they said, when trouble ketch man, pickney shirt fit him.
You will remember told you that they gave me a pair of puss which was an inch and a half smaller than my feet; but assure you, they fitted me nicely. Good Assortment of Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY learnt the meaning of this one also. If you want fe lose you fren, tell him you need. One day, a friend came to see me. He patted me on the shoulder, poured out a multitude of wish and came dangerously near kissing me, and a man at that. When he was about to leave, handed him a dime and asked him to be good enough to get me some twoCent stamps. He scorned the idea of taking the dime saying, you ke:p that, and will get you the stamps just the same. He left and never came back, and have nt heard from him since. Too bad to lose a friend for a dime worth of stamps.
So much for the things have learyt. know you are willing to give me a chance to pick up, and that you do not expect too much of me just now.
Since came back to Cristobal, one of the young ladies who came to see me asked me if had seen Mr. Edgar McCarthy in Hospital while was there that she had been it published that he was in for attention to his eyes. After my reply.
she said: Well, am sorry about it; but what did he expect when, with only two eyes at his disposal, he undertook to read bible for 80 many people. Perhaps, the experience will do him good in that when he comes out, which hope will be soon, he will let some of those people use their own eyes to see some of what is written in the bible. Continued on page 5)
TROTT The Cleaner DYEING ton


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