
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1929 PAGE FIVE Canal Zone Notes The Open Forum IDOZAN BEST CURE FOR ANEMIA PLEASANT TO TAKE IDOZAN contains iron Does not constipate Does not damage the teeth FOR SALE AT LEADING DRUGGISTS Ask your Doctor to give his opinion on IDOZAN. We are sure he will recommend it. ESCOFFERY AGENT know BARNES CASINO 南京軍事專家, 為官廉律有准库 Panama The Editor LA BOCA The Workman Printery anama of Clubhouses again take charge, Sir. Please allow space for the recording to a recommendation of following: the Management Committee of the Self control is at the root of ali Athennium, approved at Tuesday virtue, let man give way to all ching meeting, The Athenaeu aanpuists and passions and at that charge of the distribution of moment he yields up his moral freeolcs, under the direction of Secret com and is carried along the tide of airy Neely, and succeeded in ile, he becomes the slave of his useitating to a very appreciabl GENER DEBILITY strongest pasion. Bat to be fre degree the reading habit among th Irum such influences, to be mor voung folk of the community. Th LACK OF APPETITE than mere animal one must put on work was done by volunteer mem the reins of self control, must hav.
is of the hen neum hot vn NEURASTHENIA Surethought, must be able to see von and eight o clock, in the eve head, and must safeguard his vir che five nys of each week.
INSOMNIA tues, which constitutes between th hysical and moral life, and forms the primary basis of individual COMING MOCK COURT character. Spiritual strength is also necessary to guide one along. This Papers in the Beach of Promise stronger man is he, who by discise to be tried in the Clubhouse pline exercises a constant control under the auspices of the Isthmian ever his thoughts, speech and acis.
Library and Musical League ar By the exercise of these virtues now in the hands of League official purity of heart and mind becoms here, it was learned early this week.
habitual and the character is built While full detnils of the action cou up on chastity, virtue and temper not be obtained, it was learnt th ance. Man may be its willing subStr. Conner, President of the Unit ject on the one hand, or its servile Negro Improvement Association of slave on the other. Character exColón, will be counsel for the plai hibits in self control, for the wise MISS LOUISE BUTLER tiff, while Mr. William Jump. pr and forbearant will restrain his deWho is still in the lead for Queen minent member of the Athenaeum sire of saying something which may of the Carnival festivities of the La will be defendant counsel. William hurt anothers feeling and will sacriBoca Mutual Benefit Society, and De Souza, LL. Panama City fiee his words rather than hurt his from appearances it seems that she will preside as Judge.
friend. Solomon wisely said The is destined to wear the crown and mouth of the wise man is in his rule at the grand pageant to be held EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION heart, the heart of the fool is in his on Monday night next.
mouth. There are words that sever At the last count of votes the canhearts more than sharp swords, didates stood as follow: Corresponding Secretary, words which stings and blunts the Miss Louise Butler. 2205 King, of the Panama Canal West Inheart through its whole life: let us Miss Doris Nudse. 1693 dian Employees Association has is.
then beware of our conversations.
Miss Elga Gooding 1356, sued a new flysheet appealing to all Moral principle joins hand in hand Miss Ciara Brown 1195West Indian employees of the Can with character, wre many Miss Keith. 104 and Railroad to support the Asso young men who lack moral prinMiss Maudrey Clarke.
561 ciation. The flysheet which is apciple, they cannot look upon a beauproved by President Whyte, is nie ses SEXSXS SEX tiful young girl with pure hearts CLUBHOUSE LIBRARY creating much favorable discussion and thoughts because they have not on account of the glaring facts practiced Self Control which deThe La Boca Clubhouse library brought out as reasons why the West velops true manhood. Many have will be conducted by free voluntary Indian employees should hold tono conscience, othen do not exter help from the Athenaeum up until gether and work for their improvecine same, bat indulge in evil March 81st of this year, when thatment in the same manner as the thoughts passions and practices.
society will request that the Bureau gold employees.
Men who have no control, no spiritual reasoning, will find life a failure, both in a social and business sense. The world despises the man who lacks the back bone of CharacBERNARD ANDERSON ter. The habit of strong drink is anGramaphono Repairer other dangerous practice in the life of our young men, there are also HOUSE 980 LA BOCA, The regular consecration meeting habits contracted by bad examples, CANAL ZONE of the above named Society was held bad friendship, and before one can on Wednesday night last 6th inst. in If it is rest and comfort you want come on. But if you Efficient Workmanship Cuaranteed discern they approaches regrets Geddes Hall, and was presided over want style there are other places.
and remorse sets in only because the by the Vice President Mr.
eye of reason is laid asleep, or has Grant.
not compass of view sufficient to INTERESTING JOTTINGS In addition to the regular prolook around in every quarter. The gram, two members were added to innocent youth by solitary practice the roll. The address on Purity and (Continued from page 4)
Gives inside and outside comfort, is near to nature of self abuse will fashion upon himConquest which was very approself a habit which may wreck his heart and the rates are low, very low. You are welcome physical constitution and am not inclined, tall the truth, priate for the occasion was given by to disagree with this youngster. It Nr. Harris who dealt with the atbring sorrow and ruin.
subject in a masterly manner, makIn the opposite sex false pride my friend Edgar was really doinging a good impression on the memhave ruined many of them. Beauty this, am rather inclined to say bers.
like wealth has its atending danAmen, and too wish him a speedy 46 Calidonia Road Panama City Arrangements are being made for gers, no gift is so rarely abused by women, as beauty, this gift make recovery, and hope he will profit by the guests evening which is to take Two minutes ride from R, Station on Street car his experience.
place on Wednesday of next week Rome silly, senseless, thoughtless, vain, frivolous, and selfish. Beauty when the president of the Society, Most popular site on the run. would like to see the silver em the Rev. Wade is expected and style are not the surest passployee flock to his organization and to be back from the Synod and wil Sisexcess Sie es porta to true woman bood for a woman worth is estimated by the real support it this is very necessary, probably be one of the guests.
and can help quoting old folk, The evening goodness of heart and the purity of programme was her character, be her face ever so their philosophy being so appealing closed with the Mizpah.
plain, her figure ever so homely, Here a nice one. When man got they make the best wives and fondfren in Court, him have a chance; If you have a Prescription to cst mothers. Girls should seek to but when him don got any, de dog be made up take it to the control this false pride of their dead. What do you think of this?
National Pharmacy, Santa Ana beauty, and try to cultivate their Buy the Workman every Saturday. Plaza, where you will get cour.
manners, morals, conduct, and phy.
teous and obliging service.
sique, thus safe guarding thi character. Then cultivate this great virtue by inward grace, be an ornament to your sex and a blessing to your race, for your essence of beau ty will permiate and vitalize the affuctions, adorn the countenance, make mellifilous the voice and impart a more hallowed beauty, conAT THE trol yourself and by so doing you MULLER BUILDING will be more admired, more honoured, more loved. Watch ye therefore, Room No. Caledonia and wait, be patient and abide in the truth. SMITH 46 EE Calidonia Road PHONE 925 Panama Wesley Activities THE ATLAS BEER HAS COME TO STAY THE BARNES CASINO BARNES CASINO JOB. PRINTING Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Sydney McClean Attorney at Law WORKMAN PRINTERY


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