
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1929 NEWS FROM FROM THE THE WEST INDIAN ISLANDS in Th bewere ba his The JAMAICA istrator now has the power to emBARBADOS Royal Bank of Promotion for BRITISH GUIANA bark upon those ventures which will Canada make British Guiana eventually Barbadian Meetings of Prod.
The Constitutional wealthy and powerful unit of the Georgetown Fire Empire and a boon to other West Association CREATES HIGH RECORD We learn, writes the St. Lucian Question Indian Colonies.
Tragedy FOR CANADIAN BANKING Voice of Dec. 15th that Mr. de. Archer, 2nd Master of St. Mary HELD IN ST. THOMAS Under the above caption the fol The representative institutions of College, who has accepted the posiOLD WOMAN BURNED TO The Jamaica Gleaner of the towing appears in the Weekly Barbados are so greatly treasured Lion of Mathematical Master at the DEATH Members Given Impetus By News oinst. says: Herald by Clennel Wiekman. und jealously guarded that any Grenada Boys School, will be sailProgress Made By the Association new high record in Canadian At the St. Michael Vestry Nomi threat of undermining them is sure ing from St. Lucia by the KIGAT FAMILIES HOMELESS Lanking, with the largest assets nation last Monday the constitution to arouse strong opposition. It might Lady Hawkins on January 6th. From the Gleaner of the 28th ever reported by. Canadian bank, al question again raised its head. not be wasted effort, therefore, to For nine and a half years Mr.
Desiructive Second Outbreak Ultimo. one of the outstanding features of Mr. Ramsay saw in the proposal to examine the situation in some de Archer has been connected with Detailed accounts of the two outBATH, Wednesday. The eneous the annual statement of The Roya. transfer the Sanitary administra tail. First, it must be determined Mary College as Third, and later breaks of fire, which occurred aging news of the pogress of th atunk of Canada, which is published tion of the Colony from the Paro whether these institutions ares Second Master. During his tenur Georgetown, Demerara, in the mornJamaica Banana Producers Associa today in our advertising columns. chial Boards to the Central Govern threatened at all, then, what the re of Office he has not only given ing of Sunday, January 6, and were Lion has given an impetus to the With its large branch system, cover ment the insertion of the thin edge sult of the assault upon them will satisfaction to the College author briefly reported by the Pacific Cab. e members of the association, and thing every section of the country, or the wedge of the Crown Colony he. The cry of Wolf, Wolf hasities but has also been popular with Bourd in a message published in th: part of the parish in patieular the bank has evidently been called Government. Mr. Braithwaite far been raised in the House of As the pupils and their parents Re rinidad Guardian on January 9, are Quite a stir to its activities upon to finance a very large pro ther pointed to the awful condition sembly. Among a certain section placing Mr. George Gilkes, he took given by the Daily Argosy.
members 30 resolute and determåned, portion of the increased trade and of British Guiana whore Constitution there is observable a disposition to charge of the Cadet Corps and still woman named Margaret Birkett that this co operative movement industry of the Dominion. The large was changed last year as a warning regard the Secretary of State for is the Commanding Officer was burned to death when two should receive their every support resources of the bank have enabled. Barbados and said that the pre the Colonies as embarked upon some all the com undeterred by weather condi it to readily do so and at the same sent condition of British Guiana as nefarious design against our ancient of one of the College troops and longings of eight He is a Scout Master in charge buildings containing families und and during this week most suc: time maintain its usual strong cash a Crown Colony was the worst in Constitution, and aided and abetted since Mr. Easter departure has kutted. The damage was estimated solul mectiigs were held at Font resition.
its whole history. Mr. Braithwa te my his henchmen in Barbados, the been District Scout Master at St. at about 15, 000. The property was Hul, Spring Garden, Middleton and of perhaps equal interest to the was, of course, talking through his Governor and the Colonial Secretary. Lucia. Mr. Archer has always iden owned by Mrs. Noord, wife of Mr.
inany shareholders is this year Churchwarden hat, his knowledge The cry has been taken up in other tified himself with every activity of Noord, who together with their The rep. es. ntatives here of th profit and loss account. As a resuit of British Guianx, and the conditions quarters and its constant repetition St. Mary College and we feel sure three children and a friend, Mas Association are Messrs. Holinsed of the more active trade conditions, there being altogether negligible. has gained for it some measure of he will be an acquisition to Mary Gray and a servant occupid the and Beckford, and if the sucearning for the year also constitute Those Barbadians who have been acceptance even though the grounds Grenada Boys Secondary School. the southern building under which of the business is to record for Canadian banks, following the developments in Brit. for the belief are not very clear. His Mr. Archer has ben successful in was conducted tne People Bakery judged by the energy displayed Growth in Assets ish Guiana during the past few Excellency, Sir William Robertson at passing His Intermediate Lon by Mrs. Noord, The northern buidfrom time to time by these gentle The marked progress reported years, know that the present bad the opening of the last Legislative don University, for which he sat in ng was occupied by Mrs. Birkett inen, then it stands to reason that trom year to year has resulted in condition is due to a lack of capital Session referred in strong terms to July last. killed) an aunt by marriage of Mr.
every man in the association need be total assets of the bank having to develop the colony and a series representatives who had so little. e wish him all succes sin Noord, her daughter, Miss Mabel proud of being a member, grined to 909, 896, 884, compared of disgraceful quarrels carried on faith in the institutions of the Col.
Burkett and three new field of service.
grand children.
Despite adverse weather condiwith 894, 663, 903 at the end of the from year to year betwen two facony as to believe them to be in dantions a most enthusiastic crowd at previous year. This substantial gain tions into which the political, legal ger because the Central Government Mr. Clarence Archer and Mrs. Ar three of which were tenanted.
Mr. Archer is a son of the late Under this building were four rooms tended the meeting at Middleto has taken conflagration place notwithstanding and economic sections of the com administers some department instead cher of Brittons Hill and brother second and Spring Garden but the meeting that at the time last year report munity were divided.
destroyed The hybrid of a parish Board, and Sir William at Font Hill on Wednesday evening was submitted, it was intimated that constitution of British Guiana be surprise is shared by many people. Clerk to the Attorney General.
to Mr. Olive Archer acting cottage.
The exact time of the first out.
surpassed all expectation. The lee there were some large temporarying neither wholly representative break is in doubt, states the Argony, turers being detained at the places deposits of a special nature, while nor Crown Colony resulted in divid am one of them. must confess but from all accounts the fire seems visited earlier in the evening reach it is understood that no such special ed responsibility between the Gov. though, that have so often been to have started about 80 a. Mr.
ed this latter place around 30 deposits are included this year. This ernor and the elected Members in wrong in refusing to attribute ulNoord and his family, after closing o clock to find a crowded house with will be taken as a further indication consequence the efforts of both terior motives to people when other their business, expectant contractors. They were of the strides the bank has made, were paralysed. The new retired about midConstitu observers saw more clearly than my.
Dr. JOHN THOMPSON night and were aroused by shouts loud in the praises of their leader through its very complete organization, much as the necessity for itself, that admit the possibility that Mechano. Therapist of fire from persons on the road and readily gave in the required es.
must be deplored by all lovers of Mr. Graham Yearwood in the House No. 36. ANCON AVE.
and observed flames issuing from timates for their fruits.
Larger Business Handled froe and independent political insti of Assembly, and Mr. Ramsay outSome of the non members present UPSTAIRS the eastern portion of the northern asked pertinent questions on the The very prominent part which the tution was perminently necessary, side, may be right. But it is not Panama City building. Previous to this a few resubject, and on their having receiv. bank has played in financing the and the new Governor, a thoroughly enough to tell me briefly that the sidents in the immediate vicinity larger business of the country is progressive and enlightened admin constitution is threatened by the dishad been awakened by a noise suh ed satisfactory answers enrolled an reflected by commercial loans in solution of local Boards. want to as would be caused by a fight and became shareholders at once.
know how. Up to now have not reobserved shortly afterwards fire on most lively meeting was brought Canada of 292, 315, 472 up from increase for the ceived good reason to raise by fears.
to a close around 30 o clock with 225, 536, 860, an How Prim the eastern side of the property. It the singing of the National Anthem year of over 68, 000, 000. At the 651, 908, up from 814, 562, 219 The fat boys have not made my was raining and a strong wind blew same time current loans elsewhere year ago.
flesh creep.
and the flames enveloped the two than in Canada are down to 145, Record Earnings buildings in a very short time.
If you have a Prescription to 422, 394, from 168, 411, 885. new high record for earnings What is the nature of the threats She has a lovely face. but It is also stated that about 80 be made up take it to the Of equal importance is the man has been set. Profits for the year to our ancient rights and liberties. what a puritan!
a. a policeman who was on paNational Pharmacy, Santa Ana ner in which savings deposits con amounted to 5, 881, 258, as compar. It is argued that one of the most Hang Her!
trol duty passed along the vicinity Plaza, where you will get cour tinue to expand, deposits bearing in ed with 5, 870, 145 in the previous priceless gems in the Crown of our and smelt varnish, made an inspeeteous and obliging service. terest having now gained to 528. year.
Constitution is the right of local She a Wall Clock graceful and Lion, and proceeded round the block Boards in eleven parishes to raise true in the direction of the rumshop at and spend money on the roads and the corner of Russell and Princess Hang Her!
on sanitation. Most of the members Streets. When he was about 100 of these Boards are elected by the She keeps close track of the pas call of fire and saw flames comyards from the corner be heard the rate payers who have, therefore a control over them. If the functions Every tick tock is an honest re ing from the eastern side of the of these Boards be given over to the property cord.
Government, the Governor will be Escaped in Night Clothes able to appoint whom he wants Hang Her! man who occupied one of the without regard to the wishes of rate front rooms below the northern The Season is now on, so get your payers or the needs of the Colony, Her pendulum will always swing building was awakened by noise and to embark upon expenditure true.
caused by the people in the adjoin which will bring Barbados to finan. There a tiny gauge to conter iting room and saw fire through the cial ruin. Now, all this would be true hang Her!
wall of his room. He hastily gatherif Barbados were already a Crown ed some clothing and ran into the Colony. But the facts and truth are Full toned and mellow she street to a garage where he tried that the Governor if he wanted strikes the hour and mentions to telephone to the central fire staBoard at all would have to appoint the half in passing.
tion. He said he could not get an men from the self same class that from the Exchange and provides the local Boards, Hang Her!
handed the receiver to detective What is more, and what Mr. Braithwho had entered the garage. He waite most unaccountably neglected You can get her from Fuller at then hurried back to the room, but (M. CARDOZE Jr. 122 Central Ave.
to mention to the electors he was when he got there he found that frightening, the Governor can spend Hang Hor!
the fire had gained such control of CATHEDRAL PLAZA no money unless the wholly elected the building that it was impossible House of Assembly vote it. So that ior him to approach the room.
Mr. Braithwaite who is a member of Mr. Noord and his family were FULL ASSORTMENT OF the Assembly, would have quite as barely able to escape with their Bats, Balls, much power to control expenditure lives and ran into the street scantiand safeguard the public purse under ly dressed, the children in their Etc. the Central Government as he now Etc.
Etc. night clothes. All they managed to has a Vestryman under the parorave were one or two odd pieces of ALL BEING OFFERED AT SACRIFICE PRICES.
chial administration.
ciothing which hung within reach.
Brgade Good Work Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere The fire brigade did remarkable If you have a Prescription to be well in preventing the spread of the BRANCH STORE made up take it to the National fire to the building across the road in both Russell and Evans Streets Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plasa, where 125 Central Avenue As the result of the strong wind you will get courteous and obligins Prieos 10. 00, 12. 50, 15. 00, the flames spread scrow Russell arvio 25. 00 and 30. 00 (Continued an Page 1)
and Handsome sing time.
CRICKET GOODS At the PANAMA HARDWARE answer now Wickets, Gloves Lég Guards


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