
IN THE REPUBLIC Always fresh Quality Unsurpassable The British Pharmacy COLON on 11. 1154 11th STREET Where BRITISH PHARMACY Georgetown Fire Loan Bill Passes DOMINICA Tragedy Legislative Council Lures of a Scientific Continued from Page 6)
The Bill introduced by the Gov.
urnment of British Guiana in the Expedition Street and scorched the front por Legislative Council of that colony tion of a provision shop. to make provision for raising a scientific expedition will leave Besides the occupants of the two loan of 3, 108, 500 for certain publie New York for the Island of Domilarge buildings, the tenants of the purposes, was passed at a meeting nica in the Lesser Antilles in Janrooms below lost all theor properts. the Council on January 11.
uary. The party, led by Paul Mrs. Noord property and furniture Details of the purposes for which Howes of the Bruce Museum at were insured.
the loan is required were set out in IS NOW LOCATED AT Greenwich, Conn. and Dickenson a Pacific Cable Board message pubCummings of Stamford, Conn. will THE SECOND BLAZE lished in the Trinidad Guardian collect specimens for the Bruce MuJanuary 11, taken from the Official seum, for the Smithsonian InstituGazette of British Guiana.
tion and for the American Museum Carpenter House Gutted The Colonial Secretary said that Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK of Natural History.
The second fire occurred shortly the purposes for which the loan was Headquarters will be established before o clock the same morning being raised were set out in the our customers will receive the usual at Corona, and from there side trips in a small cottage owned and oc schedule. The sum of 2, 067, 000 set for special studies will be made into cupied by James Eversley, a car out in detail in part of the schecourtesies the mountains and jungles of the penter, and his wife, at lot 77, Robb densely forested island. Conditions Street, Bourda near the Bourda Post in Dominica are of peculiar interest Office. The cottage was completely in that species have been so comgutted and a large cottage on its The fire brigade who had hardly pletely isolated as to have developwestern side occupied by Mrs. recovered from their exertions at LOOK FOR THE SIGN od strange characteristics and adapRead and her family also took fire, the earlier fire, responded prompt.
tatiuns. Although the island is only the eastern wall being partially and realising that it was imposthirty miles long and sixteen miles burnt.
Usible to save the small cottage, wide, there are birds and other forms Mr. and Mrs. Eversley had gone concentrated their efforts on Mrs.
of life found there that occur in no to church, leaving three children of Read cottage on the eastern wall other place in the world.
Sergt. Major Europe in the house, of which the flames had already The expedition will do considerable Mrs. Read and some of the female recured a firm grip. The brigade did photographic work, and many of the members of the family were also at well to check the spread of the fire. Case of Desperation church when the fire occurred. It is and having extinguished the blazedule was to enable them to refund pictures will be produced in natural onial Treasurer right hand (Mr. colours. Studies will be made of the presumed that the three children, in Mrs. Read house, they were able to the Crown Agents advances made With regard to the sum of 157. Gall) would have to visit neighbour great imperial parrot at home, the eldest of whom is years old, use that building as a base from to the colony in respect of the im. Voo set down for coastal pure watering colonies to get final details be bird which is found only in the were playing with lighted paper in which they fought the flames in the provement schemes and artisian supply, the Godernor said that the fore it could be started. They hoped dense interior of Dominica and is the bed room of the Eversley cott small cottage.
wells. The sum of 1, 046, 600 in part transaction with respect to the however, to get those details and much sought after by museums.
tage and the bedsheet took tire. The fire was soon suppressed and the Government did not propose to raising of the loan of desperatin have a fairly early start. None of The main objective of the expeRealising their danger, the children Sie framework of the Eversley raise at the present moment. It was and there was no other way of get the works would be started unti dition will be to ascend the mounscreamed and run out on the front cottage was all that remained of proposed that if and when the time ting the money except by loan. He there were proper plans and care tain Diablotin and study the relasteps.
the frail building. The building was came to spend the money advances would therefore like members of the fully drawn up estimates with re tion between its various zones and Clara Fraser, a servant of Mr. not insured and very little of its fur would be obtained from the Crown Council to bear in mind that it was card to each of them.
the livethings encountered.
and Mrs. Peter Rohoman who oe niture was saved.
No Further Loans Agents to meet the case and later a great concession on the part of the Special equipment has been preThe cottage occupied by Mrs. on a further loan woud be raised to make an appeal before he left Eng. time and passed.
Colonial Office. He ventared to cupy a cottage on the eastern side The Bill was read for the third pared for the work, as the island of of the Eversleys house, heard the read, which is owned by the estate cover those advances.
Dominica is one of the rainiest children screaming and raising an of the late Mr. Nurse, is covland that, the constitution The Colonial Secretary next mov The second part of the schedule should be given as fair a chance as ad the second reading of a Bill to places in the world.
alarm of fire. and ran to their ered by insurance, but Mrs. Read The trip, which is being privately rescue. Residents in the immediate furniture which was damaged by provides for reconditioning bridges, possible financially and as a result provide that no further loans shal financed, is the second of a series of neighbourhood were soon on the water was not insured. She also suf reconditioning public buildings, pri the concession was granted. He had be raised under the Public Loane progressive expditions planned by son (Georgetown. housing for Po hoped however that the Home Gov Ordnance, 1916.
scene and Mr. Tyrell, a member fered a good deal of loss as the rthe leaders. These trips are known of Mrs. Read family, telephoned sult of the reckless aetion of some lice Force and Government Officials, ernment would have given thema The Colonial Trasurer seconded as the Natural Science Expeditions for the fire brigade from their of the early crowd who rushed into Secondary School and Training Col couple of millions. Laughter. AT and the motion was carried.
for Progressive Exploration, and are house. In the meantime a number the house and threw pieces of fu lege, Technical School and Primary The Agricultural Bank The Council considered the BT to cover various parts of the world, of civilians worked hard to sup: ture and clothing through the win Schools, agricultural research build With respecto to the Agriculturel clause by clause and it was read for taking place every other year. press the fire, but the Eversley dows into the street. Drawers con ings and headquarters, hospital and Bank for the establishment of which the third time and passed without New York Times.
cottage being an old and slenderly taining clothing and jewellery wer dispensaries, surveys, agricultural it was proposed to raise a loan, he smendment.
built one, the flames gained com elso thrown into the street in the bank, steamers, Colonial Transport was afraid that there were not quite Rent Receipt Books in Spanplete control in a very short time. same way and number of things Department and redemption of per ready to go ahead immediately, as Advertise in the Workman and English for sale at the Furniture Thrown From Windows have been lost.
cent Colony Bonds.
the officer who would be the Cold will bring good results. Workman Printery.


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