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PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1929 The Workers Corner Here and There School Teachers Appreciations Biro Hunter Service Cristobal District is again favor.
with the presence of energets (Continued from Page 1)
ganisation, education. It is to be hoped that this is the last time that he has given cause for such a protest as this مملة ما مه گه للمسافة من در همه بالمفاعیعليا cice u Su WUN LALU pila. He was Vy supru.
Ob his arrival bume by the peau tation of a butter and purse Erum la stail of teachers of tue buver City School, which they stated WAS mark of their appreciation of Hunter service sincere anu whole bearted community worke, and of their sympathy with him the financial strata in which bu must have found himself as a result of his detention for so many weeks in the hospital. In Bridge parlane, one would say the Silver City teach ers have made a grand slam. congratulations to them, and their community for having such as they are.
This is one way in which we can destroy our weakness.
Important Notice THE WORKMAN PRINTERY see there is some agitation on behalf of the cricketers at this end for the erection by the Bureau of Clubs and Playgrounds of a good grand stand or pavilion on the grounds at Ancon, and for the upkeep of the grounds. It is argued that the stand would pay for itself, and would eventually bring large profits to the bureau. am also of that opinion that it should make good profits, bearing in mind what srowds used to be seen at the Isth nian Park a few years ago. But it is for this very reason that do not agree that the improvements should Le undertaken by the bureau. It sems to me that the cricketers, if they are worth the name, should im prove the place and make themselv entitled to the profits. It is this spirit of desiring to get everything iree, that is hampering the West Indians in the many endeavors.
Is Now Located in more Meetings will be held in the fol lowing week as follows: Monday night, 1lth: Red Tank Clubhouse.
Wednesday night, 13th: Paraiso Clubhouse.
Friday night, 16th: Guachapali Baptist Church School room.
The new circular of February 1st is stirring considerable interest, and Large crowds are being looked for a each of these meetings.
This is the last month fixed for the colletion of the two death levics running since the end of last year.
There are few matters of much importance to be brought before the membership, and it is urged th. members turn out in full force to take part in the discussions.
Del spacious quarters at No. 72 Can anyone tell me why the litt. e boys are allowed to congregate a the Silver Clubhous, day and night, playing billiards. It is a great pity that they should be so encouraged to misspend their time, and very often money that is not theirs. Something should be done to put a stop to this practice. These boys go from the movies, to the billiard tables, to the dance halls, to the b:ekt ball and Lase ball gam They ere kept on the jump all the time, getting built only in one direction. The brain is left unnoticed. There is no character building Wheras they get fre: transportation over the railroad, at the expense of the Buroau of Cluba and Playgrounds, to play game, the workers cannot git it for business or even a little recreation. It should be the other way.
Doping Incident Carlos Mendoza Street Fifteen Cruisers But for the timely intervention o1 the pouce, says the Jamaica Mail o.
the 31st u. to. lad who is ailega to be the groom of Buccaneer 11, wbo passed the post first in te opening event at the Drax Hall races yesterday, would have been very rough. y handled by an angry whoaccused of administering a dope to his horse.
It was stated on the course thai the groom while leading the animai to the starting gate was seen to administer a dope to the horse. He was forwith held by a man who was interested in an other horse in the race and the attention of Dr. Grey, th.
starter and Veterinary Surgeon of the meeting, called to the matter. The dope, whitish powder is allegad to have been placed in a ripe banana and administered to the horse; and traces of it were found on the groom fingers and in the horse mouth. The article found in the horse mouth was seized by Dr.
Grey and will today be forwarded to the Island Chemist for analysis.
Following the announcement of the result of Dr. Greys examination of the stuff found in the mouth of the animal, the Stewards of the meeting determined to deprive Bucaneer owner of the purse an awardded it to the owner of Water Way, who finish:d secnd. They al o disqualified the horse from runnin in his other engagement.
In due course a port will be rent by the Stowards of the meeting to the Stewards of the Jockey Club of Jamaica.
Buccaneer II is owned and trained by Mr. Chung, a Chinese.
Book Binding!
PEARL ISLAND PANAMA cruisers should be star. ed during the SUFFERERS Panama 11. Lloyd. present fiscal year, five during the 30 Springer. fiscal year ending June 1930 and the During the present week Governor Chorrillo 11 a. Burke.
other five during tha fiscal year Archibald Boyd of Panama has 30 Taylor.
1931. President Coolidge and a few taken a very active and sympathe. ie La Boca 11 a. Taylor, Senators had opposed this tim step on behalf of the fire victims of 30 Elder Burke.
clause and recommended its eliminthe disastrous fire at Pearl Island, Paraiso 11 a. Moseley.
tic nfrom the Bill giving, thereby, by collecting in a short space of 30 Jarvis.
time for a common international un time, from the various Banks and Gatun 11 Bro. Griffith. derstanding with regard to the limi.
other business men a handsome sum 30 Sister Babb.
tion fro the Bill giving, thereby, for the relief of the unfortunates.
Colon 11 a. Miller. has reservations which authorizes The appeal met with such a the President of the United State 30 Williams.
hearty response, that in six hours to withhold building should a proper the sum of 425 was reached. Mr.
international understanding be ATKito Chen, prominent merchant of rived at within the next three years this city, has been appointed to so Sparklets satisfactory to the United States.
licit subscriptions for this most de. Continued from Page 1)
serving cause, among his country of La Boca in the Canal Zone, o men.
Panama City, or cont guous parts, DENTIST HOWELL we advise you to get ady for th.
House Vo. 912 La Boca PASSENGERS AND CHAUFFEURS mock trial which is to take place MUST OBSERVE LAWS. the La Boca Clubhcuse on th (anal Zone 21st of this month under the au JDI POSITE RESTAURANT Automobile passengers and Chauf spices of the Isthmian Literary a.
feurs would do well to keep withir. Musical League. It will be a breaci. THIONE 1:41 BALBOA the law by payiyng attention to th of promise case in which the plain circular recently sent out by the ciff, her attorney and witnesses wil President of the United States. be coming from Cristobal, while th specia ises in an er. Dches of This circular is an Act of Con Jefendant, his attorney and witne.
Centistry gress which was approved on Augus: ses reside on this side. Both plain. ALL WORK GUAR NTEED 21, 1916 in conjunction with another cift and defendant are popular order of February 26, 1921 esta their respective commun. ties, henx lishing maximum rates of fares gov when the case is called the cour Small urning transportation of passenger room may be packed to standi:g for hire in the Canal Zone DENTIST and room.
which reads thus: MASONIC TEMPLE Section XIV.
SERVED HIM RIGHT Office Hours: 8, am to 12 willful neglect or refusal by. 30 to 30 pm any passenger in any vehicle for An Irishman got a job on some hire to pay the driver or operator of raconstruction work. The first day Sundays, by Special Appointmen any such vehicle for hire, the fa:e the foreman, wishing to play a joke Masonic Temple ifth St, established by this order shall be on Mike sent him out for a tool Box 787. CRISTOBAL deemed a violation of said order and facetiously called a round square.
be punished accordingly.
Mike returned in a short tim PHONE: OFFICE 1664 Section XIV with a dozen botles of beer. Hallo!
Any charge by the driver or op said the foreman.
RESIDENCE 588 erator of any vehicle of a rate in What this?
30. des Su8, qo pue snow excess of the rates established by This is the round, said the. anos pa8 tm nos ədəym uzyd this order shall be deemed a viola Irishman with a grin an oi toid ay pues suureyd puuopen tion of sald order and be punishabe the lan lord ye would square him on Yoop do spec 24 aceerdingly.
og uopdųeandau no SPECIAL INDICATION CALL IN AT The Workman BOOK STORE and in progresaing through this No. 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET From Planet Reading. The first New Moon of the year occurs in the earthy sign Capricorn, AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL much of the people to advance socially and financially, prove to change and probably to have much dealings with elderly persons.
Changes may be expected in the home and in other affairs bringing about conditions not previously thought of GOOD SELECTION OF NEW BIBLES Hymn Prayer Books


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