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PRICE CENTS Central Board of Local Reckless Chauffeur Good and solid intercolonial Cricket Match Societies at Trinidad Investment 183 6 13 37 20 Extras Total. 380 HERE The Dignity of Labor continernent at Hard Labor in Small investors, especialiy, we. e Gamboa renitentiary surved early on Thursday mo. ning ut this wek with what is considere.
To Hold Meeting in connection ith Barbados Administered Crushing Dewen Horace Foote, black Jamai very good news for them, by an an nouncement from the Panama Conference on 28th ul, 20 years old, was sentenced in Brewing and Refrigerating compafeat by Homesters.
de Ancon District Court yesterday wy, manufacturers of the famous u serve a term of years at haaibon and Suver Spray beers, that (FROM THE GLEANER)
We are among those who have abor in the Canal Zone Penitenbeen requesied to announce, and we LUCKY STRIKE ARE MAK. ry at Gamboa, on account of hi. ort of Spain, Trinidad, rebuig wat makes. rude he Company has increased its capare gladly doing so, that the Central ING CIGARETTES HISTORYing personal injuries to six al stock from 600, 000 to 2, 000, arvados sutered defeat at Queen. Lorezu bielous bus was mainga anu luo esore ne bad scored.
Board of the Local Colonial Sois, especially one Gladys Jos. pl. and that as a consequence, thu. Uval by an par value the stock will be changes, the Cupholders were twice cieties have decided to hold a me.
u toe sup fleiding bad been but uimassed lor a total of 217 runswer, Constautine mg, for the purpose of making Beginning with the month of Feb. Il year old black diartiniquid from 100 to 20.
average Wuuu pians for the formation of a Pan ruary, the advertising of the Am. I, who were passengers in a caiva This decision, according to a state made in 280 minus and their Lauave been sensational. He was Co. will carry the bus being operated by Fooue, at West Indian League in this city erican Tobacco piy resist. bie, St. Hili bowied We.
aout 10 a. September 16, 192. meat issued by the General Manung went completely to pieces.
Constantine shock attack proveu warbados second innings y. elued ivu be meeting is to be held in the statement that during 1928, Lucky un the morning in question too Jagur of the Company, was reacha hall of the Panama Capital Society Strike cigarretes showed a greate as proceeding from Coco Gruve to at a stockholders meeting held last to good for the visitors and his runs. Gritsch made 18 in good tasu on Thursday evening, the 28th increase than all other cigarettes wird Chorrillo with his pa senger. month, and is in accordance with the sensational opening had much to low as ago Dr. Skeete and Ward.
stant. It is the intention of this combined. This means that sales of presentation match Barbados traffic policeman on motorcycie policy of other large progressive with their subsequent failure. Trin.
Central Board to sponsor the for Lacky Strike cigarettes increased by States of dad carried the first innings score and the remainder of Demerara wl in behind him and ordered him ccticerns in the United mation of this league, although the 9, 000, 000, 000 or more. In 1928, tota record wums against Trinidad for Constan.
stop. Instead of doing this he put America to reduce the par value of crom 340 for to 380. league will have an independent domestic cigarette production is esthrough Chorrillo, their stock so it can readily be tak ugainst Barbados and equalling that time will be played on Saturday.
ruombership that will elect their imated at more than 106, 000, 000. speed, ran Demerara in 1920.
Scores and analysesTrinidad Ist. Innings pwn officers and directorate. It is 500, compared with more than 97, rued into 4th of July Avenue, into en care of by a large number ou made against. ivoli Avenue, past the Hotel Tivoli, people. Manager McGinnis further constantine finished up with also theintention 80 of the Central 100, 000, 000 in 1927.
and down to San Miguel Crossing, announced that his company wil und Sealy 37. Barbados lost the tirst Rouche Skeete Birkett.
Board to name an Advisory Commit 46 where in trying to turn into San now offer to investors 10, 000 shares wicket in their first innings before Wiles Ibw Walcott.
tee of about 11 persons, who wil beLITERARY SOCIETIES HOLD Aiguel, he struck the curbstone and of its stock, in lots of not over fifty a run was scored. Constantine clean St. Hill bw. Rogers selected by reason of their experHANDS IN PROGRESS street lamp post, and landed in a shares each; this stock not to be bowled. Walcott, Birkett batted ag Liddlelowe Walcott Griffith 28 ence in such matters a banking and ditch, up side down. Several of the sold to any present holder of Bal gressively after being twice missel Constantine e Clarke Walcott 133 finance, publicity, law, accountancy, boa shares.
and scored 30. Beyond a good imins Small e Griffith Rogers.
real estate, commerce, and labor Vocal and instrumental music, in pussengers were thrown on top of Present plans of the Company by Dr. Skeete and lucky 22 Hunte lbw Rogers.
not necessarily members of any of tallation of officers and a mock tria: the little girl, and she had to be adthe colonial societies to act in that will be some of the high spots of the mitted to hospital. Foote did not recull for the erection of a new brew by Innis the batsmen failed. Sealy, Betancourt lbw Griffith Session of the Silver main to see how many he had killed, house which will double the present the baby of the team, showed great Sealy (run out. capacity only with the officers and Quarterly ma defence. Then Sealy mowed down St. Hill not out.
driectorate of the league for a peClubhouse Literary and Musical any, and the most careful scarch capacity; a new refrigerating riod of two years.
League to be held in the La Boca and inquiry by the Zone Police and chine for 100 tons refrigeration, and the latter batsman finishing up with St. Hill e Griffith Walcott Our best wishes are with the Clubhouse, commencing at o clockhe National Police could not bring an addition of tow new boilers to wickets for 14 runs and Constan (Continued on Page 8)
aim to justice. But thanks to the the present four now in use. Withiine for 41. The innings closed at LAN movement.
presence of the gobs of the an addition of two new boilers to 108. Barbados made 109 in their secFleets in Panama, on January 30th, ery will be capable of producing ond innings, Birkett was again the (Continued un Page 8)
he could hold out no more; he was 5000 barrels of beer monthly. The AND THERE lured from his cache by brick busiraanagement contemplates the comness with the sailors, and he was pletion of these improvements durA. made a dandy stroke paid to the matter of their respon nabbed. Happily, the little girl in ing the present year.
The above announcement of the Box 1664, Cristobal, the thousand millions of the family when he suggested in an editoriallibility to the public. Many of them juries have not proved fatal or very a few days ago the teaching of don seem to know that they should serious.
Company should prove of great inFebruary 16th, 1929. of man.
To the Editor, Spanish in the colored schools in th consider the safety of their pasThe Workman Newspaper, Labor moulds the brick, and splits Canal Zone. That was an idea which sengers, as well as other vehicles SPARKLETS we recently hnd had in mind, and and pedestrians. Take the case of a Panama City, the slate, and quarries the stone, and Sir: shapes the column, and rears, not which we readily support. It can chauffeur running away and hiuis only the humble cottage, but the hardly be supposed that direct reafter he had had an accident. It is (By send you herewith the following gorgeous palace, the tapering spire, presentation made to the govern clear that he had not been suffici Elijah, Prophet of the Gold, being able to transcribe cold notes rhetorical masterpiece on the Digni and the stately dome.
ment on the matter, would not be ently impressed with the important Coast, who, while being physically to a beautiful finish at the rate o ty of Labor by Newman Hall for Labor, diving deep into the solid favorably considered.
of the work in which he was engag rejuvenated recently in Gorgas Hos more than a hundred words per reproduction in your columns. No earth, brings up its long hidden vu, and the seriousness of that phas ital, mantained a reasonably good minute, possesses a working Eng. Joubt, this has been read by many stores of coal, to feed ten thousand It appears that the time has ar of it.
column in the WORKMAN, gives lish vocabulary well up to the loca. mut think it will do no harm if read furnaces, and in millions of habitarived when something more shoud e credit for only TWO good install average, a spattering of the Spany others.
Lions to defy the winter cold. Lebe done by the governments of the Well, the carnival At nents of Sparklets, last week ish language, and is a good conver The achievements and possible bor explores the rich veins of deeply Republic and the Zone, than the releast, we believe so. This has been eing one. Mrs. Linda Smart Chubb, sationalist. But, nevertheless, we achievements of labor are vidly buried rocks, extracting the gold, quiring of a chauffeur license and a great week of merriment. The rominent member of the Atlanti veginning to harbor some doubts a Jepicted in this passage. The lan the silver, the copper, and the tin.
a vehicle license, in the operation of West Indians did not mind do. ngide clerisy and now Secretary oft whether he will ultimately suc cuage used is majestic, and posses Labor smelts the iron, and moulds it a chiva or bus. We have in mind the their bit. For instance, there we.
he Local Cambridge Examination, ceed. We are wondering whether he ses a grand and impressive beauty, into a thousand shapes for use and requiring of decent conduct on the three big dances in La Boca during redited us with about an equa will be able to hold his present com and trust it will be found, as it is, ornament, from the massive pillar part of the chauffeur and passen the week. How in the are yol number a year ago. Gaskin mand of a reasonable depth of se a rare literary exposition of what to the tiniest needle, from the pongers. It is certainly disgusting to going to get these people seriou. Pur erstwhile agnostic friend and riousness to enable him to subor Labor is.
derous anchor to the wire gauze, nave to ride in most of the chivas anyhow? They are ready to make contemporary, informed us dinate at will his poetical ambi Yours truly, from the mighty fly wheel of the operating here, on account of the merry on the holiday of every na hat the column was entirely with tions. We hope, in true sincerity ELIJAH HUNTER.
steam engine to the polished purslooseness in deportment and lanticnal in the Republic. For a long ut sparks. while sd Young that he is just genuinely versatile ring or the grittering bead.
guage on the part of the chauffeur Lime they even taught the Britisher how editor of the Tribune, describ and, as a consequence, is and wil By Newman Hall, one of England Labor hews down the gnarled oak, and some of the passengers. Public Rere that it was proper to observed it as my weekly aberrations. continue to be able to swing from masters of the King English)
and shapes the timber, and builds decency demands it, but more thin umpire Day, until at long last they As to its merits or demerits, genth the sublime to the ridiculous and The dignity of labor! Consider it the ship, and guides it over the deep, that, it is required by law that earned. Well, if they would stick to runder, you, too, are at liberty to vice versa with ease and composure achievements! Dismayed by no dif plunging through the bil. ows and Common Carriers shall not submit their own and not obtrude them express an opinion biased, preficulty, shrinking from no exertion, wrestling with the tempest, to bear their passengers to any unnecessar selves into other people affairs, sadiced or disinterested.
discomfort. The little irresponsible would be commendable. Let hope Inspired by the Conference which exhausted by no struggle, ever eager to our shores the produce of every xirls that sit immediately behind that they will change.
was being held in Litle England, for renewed efforts in its perseverelime. Labor brings us Indian rice Mr. Cespedes Burke, one of our recently, with a view to unify thing promotion of human happiness, and American cotton; African Ivor, these chauffeurs whispering in their known ambitious blood relatives, is British West Indian islands, La clamorous labor knocks with its and Greenland oil; fruits from the ears, and engaging in many other Counder and president of the Colbourer from Colon, after suggest nundred hands at the golden gate of sunny South and furs from the frozforms of caressing, should be re PANAMA WESLEYAN ored Employees Association of thing a local conference here to tall the morning. obtaining each day, en North; tea from the East and suquired to quit the practice. It is cerC. ACTIVITIES Army. Cespedes, of whom we hod centralization of Isthmian sentithrough succeeding centuries, fresh gar from the West. carrying, in tainly dangerous to the safety of aigh hopes that some day he wilments and community efforts, no benefactions for the world!
passengers for the chauffeurs to be exchange, to every land the prodats Guests Evening develop into prominence and be ableminated the Rev. Nightengale so oceupied while operating vehicles.
Labor clears the forest, and drains of British industry and British skill.
to practice a little nepotism by and Messrs Whyte and the morass, and makes the wilder Labor, by the universallysprea!
The chivas on the Gsillard Highway An unusually interesting program handing us a soft but lucrative side JC. Reid to take the initiation and ness rejoice and blossom as the rose. ramifications of trade, distribu es are the greatest offenders. There is musical and otherwise) was carried line, has now and then tried to nega call the conference. Labourer Labor drives the plough, and scat its own treasures from country to certainly pressing need for super out on Wednesday night last under cive our hopes by the publication of would not have Mr. Young, ters the seed, and reaps the harvest, country, from vision of these vehicles.
city to eity, from the direction of the management of his mamma verses by which he Editor of the Panama Tribune, put and grinds the corn, and converts it house to house, conveying to the the above named Society in Geddes more often than not tries to draw his fingers in the pie. He was of into bread, the staff of life. Labor, dcors of all the necessaries and luxOn the general question of the fall and every thing pointed to attention to the flappers silk de the opinion that Young lacked atending the pastures and sweeping uries of life; and, by the pulsations licensing of chauffeurs, it would apward success corated patellas. Possibly, he means sufficiency of sincerity. The the waters, as well as cultivating the of an untramelled commerce, mainpear that some attention should be Mrs. Wade the newly ap well. He is a first line stenographer. Continued on Page 8) soil, provides with daily sustenance (Continued on Page 8)
is over.


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