
Campaign of Wesleyans Against Drink King George Condition AT THE AT BRIG BARRELL SPEAKS ON TOTAL ABSTINENCE MEETING IN COKE CHURCH LA MASCOTA Slowly But Definitely Gains Strength fine selection of Black Blue Serges, Black Cheviots Vicunas, and Cream Flannels. Also ENGLISH TWEEDS the very latest designs TAILOR TRIMMING At the Temperance Meeting of tal abstainer we should win at once.
the Wesleyan Methodist Synod, The Church is still a great power in huid at Coke Church on Wednes the world. She has led in (a) True ay night last, Brigadier Barrell of Civilisations (b) Education. c)
Salvation Army was one of the Moal teaching. Now let her lead in kers. In addressing the gather this attack against an insidious for. Br gadier Barrell said: The highest uplift in this world is There is an advantage in being he Power of Religion. Christianity. third speaker, as most of the nas led in most of the beneficiezt which have to be said are agencies at work now throughou.
dy sen. You have heard splen he world. Break down the spiritua. audesses Lught from th. spiration and the vital inspiratio.
Som ch the taler specker. the world has departed.
We hely fecing aen are now 80 under the powe this character. alcohol that only a change of arans. We are aim heart can effect the change neces back the power 01 ary in the life. The Grace of God. wk and securing more alone can save mankind.
ople on the side of total abstinSave the Children e. This may not be the greatest In early years not only teach them evil in Jamnica but is an ene that total abstinence is best be we should destroy. We are not that strong drink is a horror. Les youngster, the curse of sons received in youth are never ug drink has been upon the rased. We are to see the exceeding world for thousands of years. Even sinfulness of sin and we must see the Buddha exhorted his follo the terrorism of alcohol. The chilLo be total abstainers and we all aren saved to total abstinence and have vivid recollections of Noah. It in a few years we shall save the is good to know what Mr. Hicks country, tells us of the trite saying from Those who manufacture strong Scotland.
drink would have us believe they Cup of Kindness work for Philantrophy. Take away Some weeks ago in a daily paper their profits and they would give a rentleman wrote of a Scotch din. up their trade at once. The trade ner which he meant to attend but takes too much room like the fat had not transpired when the article od lady in the tram who bought written. The effect of the one ticket. small boy squeezed in thoughts of the dinner was wonder beside her and then three young la ful When songs were sung one line dies came in and had to stand. The was repeated about ten times or old lady told the little boy if he men declaring their willingness to stood one of the ladies could sit ak coop of kindness etc. Sup down, the boy answered Mam, if po the gentleman standing next to you stand they can all sit down.
me shuuld sing over and over again Strong drink is crowding out thrift. Yield not to temptation (and yet honesty, industry and mutual conagain) one would conelude that such fidence.
Xe380X 20364S SEASONS singer had already yielded to Making Rends temptation. The article in question All in Kingston have watehed finished with the writer taking the with interest the steam rollers.
high road and someone else taking Strong drink professes to make a the low road and both being in Scot rond for progress. They make trad and before each other, then reach and revenue, but at what a cost.
ing home after midnight, slightly Watch what they put into it. They exhilarated and wondering how the crush down hard earned wages, world would get on without the peo boots, clothing and food the abildren ple who invented whisky. We know should have, then they take furniPHONE 925 we should get on much better with ture, and the home and ultimately out the whisky. We must light the they grind down the husband, wife fiend. Sometimes we have met and family. We shout for the roller like those who go to the prize man to stop for by the time he has 18 with a handshake and when we made his road no one will be left to have given a punch, we have apolog march thereon. Total abstinence is sed for hurting our enemy. This will a road to progress. What is it built If it is rest and comfort you want come on. But if you not do, let us secure a knock out. It upon? Thrift, sobriety, good health, we cannot drive strong drink from spiritual uplift lending to righteouswant style there are other places.
Jamaica, we can drive it out of ourness and truth. Build that road, roll own lives. You take the pledge and it well, it has good foundations and THE BARNES CASINO be yourself a total abstainer.
materials and will lead Jamaica to The Church Should Lead greater progress than she has ever It every church member was to seen. Gleaner. Gives inside and outside comfort, is near to nature heart and the rates are low, very low. You are welcome atLONDON, Yesterday. Rugby Wireess. statement on the King progress in the Lancet, while emphasising that it is still premature to speak of convalescence, states, There has been throughout the past week a slow but definite.
increase in strength and sight improvement has er been observed in weight. On two occasions the King has been allowed to sit up for a brief period when relief to the monotony was beneficial and was appreciat by the patient.
The British Medical Journal regerding the use of therapy says th there is reason to believe thọ progress made was in part due to the ultra violet ray treatment, and adds. The improvement now attained renders possible treatment by car bon are with its more penetrating luminous rays, whose energy, it may be hoped, will become converted to use of the body, and thus favour action, sea air, sunlight, and change o scene.
LONDON, Yesterday Wireless. An address unanimously congratulating the King upon his partial recovery and praying for ais complete recovery to health and strength was unanimously adopted yesterday when the Canadian House of Commons reassembled at Ottrwa (Rugby LA MASCOTA MULLER, Prop.
37 Central Avenue.
To Build Giant Liner BARNES CASINO 46 Calidonia Road ca THE ATLAS BEER HAS COME TO STAY LONDON, Saturday Sir William Seager, president of the Chamber of Shipping, speaking at the Shipowners dinner at Newcastle, said be had it on good authority that Sir Thomas Royden, head of the Cunard Line, would at no distant date place an order for a new vessel, which would top that for the White Star Line. He hoped the order would go to the Tyne, though he was afraid it was more likely it would go to northern Ireland. The new White Star liner mentioned, which will be the largest vessel in the world, is to be about 60, 000 tons.
Previous reports of the Cunard Company plans have been of a vessel of at least 60, 000 tons and a speed of 27 to 30 knots. The type of propulsion is understood to have been the chief problem.
Hoover to Revise Diplomatic Service in Latin America. SS SS SS SS BRITISH EMPIRE PRODUCERS ORGANIZATION BARNES CASINO 46 Calidonia Road Panama City Two minutes ride from R, Station on Street car WASHINGTON, Jan. 12. Con has been more muddled than with plete revision of the United States any other continent.
diplomatic service in Latin Americ Most popular site on the run.
Secretpry of State Kelloge, in diswill be started by Herbert Hoovercussing the Diplomatie Service, resoon after he usumes office ws Precently pointed out that it was die XSSSS cisco. ee sident ficult to get the men he most wantIhe diplomatic shake up, it Wased to accept appointments at th coarned from those clone to the Pre Latin American posts.
sident elect on his good will trip, hile China and Japan have had for men having the very exaeting RRRRRRRRRAK will go far as the acceptance of their diplomatic specialists who qualifications necessary for suc NOTICE the resignation of Ambassadors and have spent years in studyitg the cersful service in Latin America. He Ministers in Latin America, with language and custome of the poople, was much impressed by the manner probably less than half doen and while Turkey and Greer, Perya in which Ambassador Morg had ceptions. Among the exceptions with and the Near East alvo have their won the sympathy and understand DO YOU WANT NEW STUDEBAKER OR FORD?
be Edwin Morgan, Ambassador, Averican diplomatie specialists, La ing of the Brazilian people. Many SMOKE LUCKY STRIKE to Brazil, and Dwight Morrow, tin America generally has received a changes will be made immediately, Ambassador to Mexico, who continues mucber disgruntled group of dipic while others will not oe ur un SEE MR. NASE JAVILLO FILL NO. PABLO ABOSEMENA to be favorably nientioned for sponats, who remained there with one some months after Mr. Hoover AVENUE FOR FULL PARTICULARS retary of State eye cocked on the first European sumes offie.
Mr. Roover decision to launch vacancy.
this sweeping housecleaning is the Since the Lawrence Dennis oritresult of his conviction, strengthen icism of favoritism in the service, ed by his Latin American tour, that and since recent Congressional in BOWEN relations between the United States vestigation, this situation has begun and its Southern neighbors are more to change. However, Mr. Hoover ro TAILOR important than those with any other tarned convinced that there is room No. M Street San Miguel jart of the world and that hereto for far greater improvement fors to conduct of these relations He already has begun to search Panama City London, Dec. 22. At a meeting in London, of the Council of the British Empire Producer Organization the following resolution was passed. This organization having as its principal object the increase of Empire production by the extension of intra Empire preference, views with deep concern the proposed conclusion of a treaty between the Union of Bouth Africa and Germany which must from the nature of its provisions limit the power of the Union Government to extend and develop its preferential relations with the rest of the Empire, and which may prejudice the development of Empire markets for the products of the Union.
The organization, therefore, respectfully suggests to the Associations of producers in South Africa that they shoud make the fullest representations to the Union Government as to the actual injury to the principles of Empire preference that would be involved in the conclusion of such a treaty.


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