
Colon High Officials THE WORKMAN PAY VISIT TO DIVISION 877 CARNIVAL QUEEN Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 CARLOS MENDOZA Sireet No. 72, Panama, Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
The Liverty of the iress is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS Here a Good Recipe Book THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEB, 16, 1929.
THE VALUE OF OPPOSITION Delicious Dishes Using Evaporated Milk Now that the carnival is over, all those interested in the National festivities will muse over their gain or lost, pleasure or sorrow, while the people of Liberty Hall are wearing a broad smile. Their indoor carnival was a success.
It was two Thursday nights ago, that Liberty Hall was crammed with people who wended their way there to boost for their respective candidate and to see the last count of votes.
With the Jazzy strains of music from the instruments of the soldier orchestra, the restless crowd who had squeezed themselves around the tell tale blackboard and the polling table, sent up a vociferous shout that almost tore, the ear drum from one cars, when the announcer announced Miss Rose Canate the winner of the contest, and Misses Alfreda Graham and Violet Williams second and third respectively.
CORONATION Sunday night found all arrangements completed, the Liberty Hall a virtual palace, with the throne classically dearested and standing in th centre of the metrum and surround ed by the court officials of Her Ma jesty Queen Rose the first of LiberVOU LL need less butter if you use St. Charles same time delight your family and friends with dishes having a new smooth, cooked with butter, creamy flavor.
NESTLÉ S, Box 803 Panama City or Box 300 Colon will gladly send you this booklet on request. Write now for it.
EVAPORATED MILK There Cream in every Drop ty Hall.
IDOZAN be is a suruggle wat avounds Wall uncer dans ou du cuius 110 udy Loudy. 10mg lave a way vuu someues Just we Tertise we IDUALS Coacus udu vecu purpuseu pruuuce. Numewatoe level seu repulus prove Wwe DUCK Lidia. vidu uau weer menutu, au ouer les calcy provo UNC wurst. in any case, wese accidents are concaust ua mdu umveuness, mau nis most purposes. plass un calculacions can not be controued u danuy, and wat wey may be doomed uisappointment.
Upposition is very truul meu cor nese everseu and unexpected results. Fuscory anu experience cuila um this. Opposition Aay be mud, as in the Iurm known as rivaury, wnicn two parues or persuas set out to do their best to get the better of one another, ou ja supremacy many pursuit. These parues are beur duy eyual or nearly so, but it is seluomu Lilay wity watua even in some unknown way there is generasy uisuppointment to one of them. It is this grand uncer cainly that calls forth the best from each contender: it is the great stimulus. Opposition may also be grave, as may be found in the form of prejudice, hatred, or opOson. In wese forms there is always inequality beWuch we coniewuer bui uncertainty is neverthuless piccatu. Lusicau of being crushed and subdued, as was wewed, those against whom it is directed often fina a way to uereat the intent. Their intellects become Stan pened, and they develop resourcefulness, inVencveness, and courage.
It was the sting in a scornful article in the EDINBURUN REVIEW by one Lord Brougham, on one of we carry verses of byron entitled Hours of Idieness, ual spurred Byron as a youngster to retort in his Daurical poem unglish Bards and Scotch Reviewers, and to continue in the field oi poetry until he paced minseit in the rank of the great poets. Brougham hau not intended this. it was contrary to his intention.
u uie swory of William Tell is true, we are satisfied lät it cook a humbie peasant to call the bluit of a poweriui ruler and tyrant. Gessier had not expected wat ieu and his boy would have risen so nobly against oppression, and thus left a great source of inspiration lu people of Lueir kind ior ai time. Oppression brougat us the wagna cnarta, the Bill of Rights, the French bepublic, the great Umied States, a disarmed and disluchwered German Empire.
opposition is a test of character. If a contender ali steel himself to stubborn resistence, and is thus uvu come, he shows that he is of inferior stuif; for it is my the fittest that survives. But if he rise and concusu the ground inch by inch, with full appreciation of that the struggle involves, he not only confers benerit upon himself, but also upon his opponent.
West Indians in this republic have been facing opposition in various forms for some time social ostracism, industrial exploitation, political and economic oppression. Some speak and act as though they were the isrst and only ones to be opposed in the world. Instead of lying down in the dust and crying with childish fears, with upraised hands pleading for sympathy they should steel themselves to action. They should realize that this is to a great extent a necessary evil. It is a struggle for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Opposition to these is somewhat what darkness is to light. It serves as a background to set off the contrast to better advantage. If there were not darkness, there would be nothing particularly appreciable in light. If West Indians find themselves, and grow to power, influence, and equality, in Panama, they will have to thank their opponents. It will be a blessing in disguise good coming out of evil; for surely, they (the West Indians) have not been doing their full part in the fight. But if they can not successfully resis, they will prove themselves to be really of inferior stuff. Can they rise to the occasion and disappoint their op ponents. Yes, they can; but will they?
At the appointed hour, his Lordship, the Honorable Bartholomew, prime Minister of Carnival Kingdom arose amidst much cheering and announced the reason for the occasion and exhort Her Majesty subjects to be loyal to her and the Kingdom. Immediately after the announcement the coronation ceremony began. It was brief with an elaborate display of vanity.
QUEEN ROSA OF COLON VISITS The faithful clock, hanging coratively on the wall of Her Majesty Palace struck eleven muffled notes, but before the sound of the last noted had died away, a procession of about thirty constituerts headed by Senor Bazan and her injesty Queen Rosa of Colon was already on top of the sairase.
Queen Rose of Liberty Hall re ting on the arm of Mr. Bartholomew met the official sitors, and Icad them to the Rostra where Queen Rosa of Colon was seated on the throne of Queen Rose of Liberty Hall. All this while, the spirited march played by the orchestra, was so provoking, that the entire procession burst out in singing to the tune of the march, as though they were passing Trafalgar square in 1916.
BEST CURE FOR ANEMIA GENERAL DEBILITY LACK OF APPETITE NEURASTHENJA INSOMNIA PLEASANT TO TAKE IDOZAN contains iron Does not constipate Does not damage the teeth FOR SALE AT LEADING DRUGGISTS psk your Loctor to give his opinion on IDOZAN. We are sure he will recommend it. ESCOFFERY AGENT Mr. Cyril Thomas, sopke man for Queen Rose, gave a short address of welcome, he thanked the very pretty Queen Rosa for her visit, an expressed haughty appreciation to His excellency Governor Galindo of Colon and the other officials. At the conclusion the Jolly soldiers broke away with a jazzy fox trot, Senor Bazan took Queen Rose of Liberty Hall while Senor Galindo took Qucen Rosa of Colon began stepping to th rhyme of the music, at this junctur.
wil Liberty Hall was dancing dane.
ing, dancing. After every one danced to their heart content, the procesion again lined up, and Quren Rose of Liberty Hall and Mr. Bartholomew lead the way to the waiting cars. The dancing cont nued unti three o clock in the morning. Thus nded a carnival that will long be remembered.
and Mrs. Goulet; Dr. an! Ms. Jaramillo and daughter; Mr. Batan; Misses Flor Emilia Rivas; Ana Corroa; Luisa Aguilera; Armonia GonBERNARD ANDERSON salez; Mary Walker; Teresita EhrGramaphone Repairer man; Elba Ocaña; Jose Arboix; Ar cadio Aguilera Luis SayaveHOUSE 980 LA BOCA, dira: Morris Sasso; Isaac Sasso; AnCANAL ZONE elmo Sesso; Hammar: Senora de Femiquez e hija; Victor Fisher, and Efficient Workmanship Euaranteed several others.
CYRIL THOMAS. LABORER AND THE CONFERENCE We repeat that we are ready and willing to sup port any serious and intelligent effort to bring about a better understanding among our group here. We also known, either in the press or by private communica ion repeat our regret that such a strong and cogent writer to these persons whom he has named. We are satisfied as Laborer should refuse to disclose his identity to that he possesses unusual ability, and should be of conthe public, when he is espousing so important a cause siderable service in this foundation work. The work is as West Indian Unity. We go further and say it is un of considerable volume and magnitude, and must nefortunate that he has even failed to take into his con cessarily require the best talent the commuity can fidence the persons whom he regarde. fit to under supply. Newspaper controversy will not help it: by no take the pionering, and to privately make himself amount of argument. Laborer should make u his known to them.
mind to serve from the beginning, to a greater extent We suggest that he do so at once make himself than he now seems inclined.


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