
PAGE FIVE FOR SALE To Non Stockholders of the Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
We are offering Ten Thounsand 10. 000 shares of the New Issue of our Stock to any on wanting a good solid investment.
See our Solicitors, or apply to our offices in Panama City or Colon for particulars, or Banco Nacional, Chase National Bank, National City Bank Canal Zone Notes TROTT The Cleaner Wezuje To Live year. The sea and tae are Interesting Jottings COLON DRY CLEANING PANAMA (ELIJAH HUNTER)
めっ PHONE 453 STEAM PRESSING Friends and Countrymen: LA BOCA PHONE 260 Ole time sumting come back DYEING agen. Yes, am here again with 16 STREET PANAMA JUMP FONTENELLE HONEY therefore reigned over the pageant my litle jokes. want to keep you which was held in the La Boca Play happy if what write can make Indications are that the Jump Shed on Tuesday night last. The af anyone happy, and better still, Fontenelle honey industry will ex tair was successful from all angles want to keep you looking forward to those who had won them. One of phy it is good philosophy, and in it we took more notice of these old attracted a perience a banner large crowd of Saturday to buy a Workman News these handed a woman her dues. this way, old folks succeeded ad rayings.
son crop promises an unusually young people from Panama City to paper and read it page by page she stretched her hand and took it mirably to impress upon their stubig yield and the quality of the pro agment the local ones who turned then read these jottings and iaugh. saying. thank the lord. This was dents the things they wanted them Now, before we part, permit duce seems to be of the usual ex out in large numbers. After Some folks pretend that they do too much for Mr. chance man. Heto observe and to learn. Whatever to remind you that the siiver emcellent standard of previous years. Queens proclamation and the ap not enjoy a laugh they condemn became enraged and grabbed the they so taught was well taught.
ployees of the Canal have an orpointment of various heads of de those who possess a genial disposi money (bills) from the woman ganization which needs the support partments of her domain, the large tion they decry any indulgence in a hand saying. give it back to me, THE RICHARDS ARE BACK During the Carnival festivities of every Canal worker. suggest audience was given freedom to oniittle joviality, and call them frivol you ungrateful brute, the lord don stood one evening on the side walk to all the girls that they would do joy themselves in dancing Mr. and Mrs.
George Richards midnight from musie furnished by folks are, and you know what to cal. to thank, you come for your money. for many things. wanted to see until ous persons; but you know who such sell chance. When you find out who having a curious look. was looking themselves great good if they influence their swethearts who who reside here for some time but the Isthmian Syncopators.
then even if you don know who If you don mind, friends, will there was any change in the attitude working for the Canal to join up bad left on a transfer to the Balboa they are anyhow, as for you and say that don blame this man. of some people on Quarantine Annex, are rosiding here MOCK TRIAL NEXT THURSDAY me, we will make our little jokes, don see myself what the lord has these and so occasions like now. suggest to the married woonce more. They occupy apartments forth. Presently, men also that they have their husand have our little laughter. to do with chance. Do you?
at number 976, Jamaica Prado, gang, dressed up in hideous cos bands join because it this organizaThe 000. 00 breach of Promise cumes wth black bottoms, red bottion is supported as it ought to be, suit which is to be tried at the Club The other evening, was taking The story is told of an old lady toms, blue bottoms, and bottoms o these husbands will be better able SONG SERVICE TOMORROW house on Thursday night next is a walk on the Coco Sololl road. When and her grandson who accompanied many other colors. They were sing to support them, their lodges ani crenting no little attention here. The reached a diversion on the road, each other to the field. The old ing songs evidently of their ow ther fraternal organisations. It is The La Boca Athenaeum will re officers of the Isthmian Literary observed a little boy about 12 lady was very entertaining and composition, accompanied by wha ommon sense that the source of ininstitute one of its activities which League are leaving no stone unturn years old sitting all alone by the made observations on everything they conceived to be fitting move be protected, for otherwise, has ben very much appreciated. The, ed to make it a huge success. The road side with both hands on his she thought fit for the edification ments of the body, and a more gleethere will be no stability to the is its Sunday afternoon Song Ser participants in the trial are beingjaws. He was in a rather pensive of this grandson. They had come ful gang it would be hard to find. discharge of obligations which are vice. Tomorrow afternoon the pub drawn from both sides of the Isthmood he was silent and motionless. upon the carcass of a rabbit by the They demonstrated to the fullest contingent upon such income. The lie is invited up to the auditorium mus. reached up to him unobserved. road side, and Mr. dog was having extent how joyful they were for women can have anything done that of the Clubhouse to listen to a good stopped and gazed at him fearing a good time with it. They stood and license to show how vulgar and pro they wish to. Why not help this program prepared by George Rich MISS LINDA SMART CHUBB that he was ill. Suddenly, the little watched this dog eat and observed fane they could be. One of the by cause, if you please, by your powerards, the Athenaeum Chaplain. VISITS PANAMA boy jumped up, stretched himself that he had left aside certain bones, standers, evidently a respectable ful influence, as you ought to do?
Rev. Carroll, will adwith both hands extended above his and had swallowed others, She turn young man made the observation, Wowen! you influence the men in dress the audience on Heroes of the Among the many prominent per head. He uttered a long sigh and ed to her grandson and said, You surely, after all, these people could other directions. Surely, you can in United States.
sons who came over from the Atlan said. Oh well, what is life with see buoy, dawg can hole pencil, do better than that. Old Phillips, this also. Please do so and protect tie side to take in the annual Car out a wife. mut him can work sum. The grand a by stander himself heard this ob yourself by contributing to the supnival at the Capital, was Mrs. Linda THE CARNIVAL Perhaps, friends, this little fellow son did not understand so he acked, servation and replied. Son, don port of the medium of your rerrSmart Chubb, wife of Doctor An was having a glimpse into the fu Grannie, what do you mean. you hear the old people say. sum sentation.
derson Chubb prominent physician ttre.
Grannie answered, buoy, you too ting don good in de mornin can ELIJAH HUNTER.
Miss Louise Butler, who held the of Colon. Mrs. Chubb is clerk for the On Sunday morning, about 10. 30, foolish, ef dawg couldn work sum, cum good in the evenin. For the lead in the contest for Queen of the British Consulate in Colon and sec it was noised around that 75 had how him fin out whe size bone cud most part, this saying is as true a La Boca Mutual and Benefit So retary of the Local Cambridge Ex turned up as the two ending num a pass him troat? don you see him the rest of them. have had the ad be made up take it to the If you have a Prescription to ciety Carnival at nearly every amination Board. She called on ser bers of the lottery. Presently, the left some and swaller some? wel, vantage of observing in many in National Pharmacy, Santa Ana count of votes, succeeded in winning eral friends before returning by chance men, and chance women too, is de same way you mus do tings. stances, ocular demonstrations of Plaza, where you will get courover tive other contestants and train on Wednesday.
were briskly moving around to pay This, friends, is old school philoso this. Perhaps, we would profit some teous and obliging service.


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