
NEWS FROM THE WEST INDIAN ISLANDS صادقیه قمقة به ut manence JAMAICA TRINIDAD BRITISH GUIANA in the colony, arrived Christma Day and is at present actively en NOTICE improvements Sought Francis to Coach in suged on the different areas affect. Bid for Share of Tourist ed. Dr. Stahel who is reputed to be Iur by Councillors, Jamaica great authority on this disease Traffic Proposal for Cricket Board which in the early stages has been DO YOU WANT NEW STUDEBAKER OR FORD?
At last Friday meeting of the causing great alarm and uneus nos GEORGETOWN, Saturday The Weekly Guardian of the 26. to agriculturists, is making a very. At a meeting of the Chamber of of the Kingston and St.
SMOKE LUCKY STRIKE Corporation, says the Glean Ultimo says:careful survey of conditions locally Commerce held a fortnight ago, a SEE MR. NASH JAVILLO FILL NO. PABLO AROSEMENA of the 4th inak, a resolution was It is expected that Francis, th. ad the results of his investigations question was raised regarding state wasdieu trumu Councilior Harrison Barbados ericketer, will put in about will doubtless be of great imporments made in the Islands which AVENUE FOR FULL PARTICULARS. wuesting the Central Government aree weeks coaching in Jamaica bu tance in view of his vast exp rience were harmful to tourists traffic in Banu uver the care anu keeping sure going, on tu Engrand, af er in connection with with broom British Guiana.
e Victoria Park to the Kingstonas taken part in the last maten Surinam At yesterday meeting, the chair Ust. Aburew Corporation, au tu against Mr. Cahin team or which The Agricultural Society hav man anounced the nomination of the une from toe te purpose of it no has been invited to come to Ja called a meeting to take place at the following committee to make relub and mantenance. muica with Constantine and Small Royal Victoria Institute on Thurs commendations Mrs. GERTRUDE FORDE RICHARDS for counteracting. Acided that the matter lui Trinidad, says the Gleaner.
day the 3rd January, at 30 the injurious statements: Mae we referred to the Roads and The paper continues: Whea the when Dr. Stahel will give a repor Kay was president, Martin BEAUTY PARLOUR Committee Jamaica Cricket Board of Control of his views and the results of the Sperry Vice President, Cowell Harrison motion re wrote to Francis asking him to come investigations made.
honorary secretary, and WalMadame C, Walker Method ut saying of water mains on the to Jamaica to take part in the All persons interested in agriculott ex officio member.
Wauwiield lands was also refer red to the Roads and Works Com. and to pay out of pocket expenses tend the meeting.
match, they offered to put him upture should make an effort to at Mr. Martin Sperry suggested the Shampooing, Dyeing. Pressing, formation of a tourist attraction mille and then send him on to England, Loard consisting of say two or three Facial Massaging, etc.
another resolution was brought where he is to fulfil an engagement members of the Chamber, two Govup by Councillor Harrison with 1e with the Seaham Harbour Club, im TRINIDAD ADOPTS PENNY ernment offitials and a represengard to the hours for the sweeping mediately afterwards.
POSTAGE tative of Sprostons Ltd. the organof the market isers Francis in his reply stated that of excursions to Kaieteur Consultation Free House 164 Ave Ancon There was discussion on the sub he would like come to Jamaica, Falls. It was also suggested that ject and the resolution was eventual but if he left for England imme lar of January 10 says: The West India Committee Circu the town Council should be invited KKKKKKKKKKKK ly withdrawn, the matter being left aiately after the match here he to sit on the board. Further discusto the Town Clerk and the clerk of would reach England about three de ates of postage from Trinidad commodation and it From the beginning of this year sions ensued regarding hotel acthe markets, to arrange.
weeks before he was due to take up and Tobago on letter cards to the to leave the matter for the time beAlderman Vas resolution with his engagement, and he did not see regard to water supply from the how he could do that. He suggested United Kingdom, other parts of thing in the hands of the committee (By Long Shot. Never say die, though joy goes by Cane River for residents in the Bull that the Jamaica Cricket Board of British Empire, the United States appointed.
Nowaday, very little is heard of And sorrow comes to stay; Bay district was deferred.
Porto (including Virgin Islands, Control might consider the question the excellent game of baske: bail. Though rough and stony is the track, since cricket, tennis and golf have You tread from day to day; The Mayor stated that Council. or of allowing him to stay on in King ico, Alaska, Hawaii and the Canal taken such a strong hold path The darkest hour precedes the dawn, Dillon had intimated to him that ston on the same terms on which h: Cone. Egypt and the British he would not be present in the afwas visiting the colony, or that they at Tangier, will be ld for each New Photography members of all races, enthusiasm Cold winter days are brief, seems to be waning in this once And shine and shower each its hour, ternoon but had asked him to br. 1:8 should pay his passage back to Baronnce or fraction of an ounce.
up the matter of the appointment bados.
that Like happiness and grief.
Irocess Which Ensures Real Per popular game; it is because of chaplain to attend burials Messrs Aubrey Spalding, Fred Clunis The question will be cors dered at PANAMA SENDS RELIEF FOR the Corporation Home, and he was a meeting of the Cricket Board of and Robertson are taking a rest. Never say die but make reply suggesting that the sum of 21 EARTHQUAKE SUFFERERS Having once lived at La Boca, life knock out blows; Control, and it is expected that Fran Sporting Life placed on the estimates for the comAT VENEZUELA is will be kept in Jamaica so tha Canadian of Scottish birch, Mr. and was always interested in that the coward heart that takes the ng financial year for the purpose. he will be able to do some coaching Robert Carter, count The resolution of Councillor Di and bowling to local cricketers.
who has recently particular kind of pastime, always look forward to hearing good re hus doubles all its woes lon relative to the appointment of a The sum of one thousand dollar come to England, is the inventor of But if you fight life battle well, was cabled on Thursday last to th a process which, it is anticipated, ports in this connection.
committee to visit Swallowfield with It is hoped that in the future un with courage, faith and grit, regard to an improvement water THE WITCH BROOM DISEASE IN sufferers of the recent earthquake will completely revolutionise photoder the heading of La Boca Notes You ll win the fight for truth and TRINIDAD apply for the district was brought graphy, at Cumana, Venezuela.
something will said in the interest right, This grant was made on a motion Absolute permanence in photoup of this particular subject.
And score the winning hit.
TRINIDAD, January Dr. Sta of Minister Arosemena at the graphic reproductions has been The Mayor emphasized the fact That the needs of the district wer lel of Surinam who has been in Inst cabinet meeting and was un striven for since the invention of Never say die but, rather, try vited by the Trinidad Government animously carried.
the first dagnerrotype, without sucring carefully considered by the To smile when others frown rporation, but of course nothing to investigate witch broom disease Relief was also dispatched from the cess, but a new process which has How Prim To tramplo along life road with uld be done he said, unt the Canal Zone on the Nitro on been successfully worked in Canada song water mains deflecting a por Saturday last when physicians, food, on a commercial basis during the in of the water supply from Con plaint. The matter was one that medicines and several hundred tents past twelve months, absolute, imper. and Handsome whether it up or down, ishability has been achieved.
For its better far to laugh than cry, tant Spring to Matilda Corner hnd was being gone into carefully. and cots were sent. but Better to stand than fall, bren laid down. This would increase On the Mayors assurance it was This shipments was sent in charge copper aluminium is rustless The base used, being an alloy of She has a lovely face.
what a puritan!
and Better to fail than weak and frail, pressure and when this work was decided to request Councillor Dillon of Lieutenant Gregg and three non non corrosive, and yet from samples Hang Her! Never to fight at all!
mpleted, it would be found that when he attended the next meeting commissioned officers and was esof the work shown to a Sporting COOPER.
here would be no cause for com to withdraw his resolution.
timated approximately at 100. 000 Life representative a day or two She a Wall Clock graceful and ago, the appearance of the phototrue graph is as attractive as any of the Hang Her! 30, 000 NEW MILpresent day productions.
LIONAIRES The photograph is, in fact, made She keeps close track of the pas in a manner similar to other proBanker Warning to His cesses, as the result of the sensitive Every tick tock is an honest reCountrymen emulsion which is spread upon cord.
New York, Dec. 28 Mr. Carl the base.
Hang Her. Snyder, one of the chief executives When finished the picture is subof the New York Federal Reserve jected to great heat with a silicate Her pendulum will always swing Bank, addressing the convention of flax, and as all the chemicals and The Season is now on, so get your the American Statistical Association gelatine are burned away, only the image remains, completely fused There a tiny gauge to center it at Chicago, declared that more than 50 per cent of the 30, 000 new Aminto the metal, of which it becomes hang Her!
erican millionaires created since the an integral part.
outbreak the war owe their The great advantage of the new Full toned and mellow she wealth to Stock Exchange gambling, system is that neither bending the strikes the hour and mentions and debasement of the currency.
metal, nor any variation of temthe half in passing. Possibly half or more were creatperature will crack the picture or Hang Her!
ed by the violent debasement of the cause scaling, since the expansion value of the currency which has co efficients of the metal, and the You can get her from Fuller at the war, he said. But a considertaken place since the beginning of silicate used are identical. CARDOZE Jr. 122 Central Ave.
Searching tests made by experts able part of the present number prove that these pictures are Hang Her! must be due also to the enormous CATHEDRAL PLAZA pletely fadeless, being impervious to rise in the value of securities since prolonged exposure both ultraviolet the war, and the colossal manipularays and to rays of 45. 000 volts.
tion in security values, which FULL ASSORTMENT OF The satin finished surface of the incomparably the greatest gamble metal imparts a depth and lustre of the world has ever known.
kreat charm to portraits and art re Years of unusual expansion are productions made by this process paid for by lean years, depression, Etc. Etc. Etc.
while, in addition, every tone known and unemployment, often involving ALL BEING OFFERED AT SACRIFICE PRICES.
to photography, from red browns, widespread suffering. High hopes through the sepias to blue bulack are brought low. Fortunes are can be produced with equal beauty.
wrecked, and, worst of all, the busiCome in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere ness and economie morale of the nation are seriously impaired. The apBRANCH STORE If you have a Prescription to be parent gains of prosperity, or, at made up take it to the National least, of booms, are largely illusory, 125 Central Avenue Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where and in so far as they have any realyou will get courteous and obliging Prices 10. 00, 12. 50, 15. 00, ity, have been in the past too dearly service. 25. 00 and 30. 00. paid for.
sing time.
of CRICKET GOODS At the PANAMA HARDWARE comis Bats, Balls, Wickets, Gloves Leg Guards be


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